Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jun 30, 2000


Hey to all you peoples in story land! I love you guys! Thanx for being so patient with me on this. My disk had to much saved on it, so it wouldn't let me open this chapter in the story. I ended up having to rewrite what I had of part 8 all over again. I'm hoping this one will be worth the wait! It's going to have a lot happen in it- maybe not too much if I decide to wait until part 9, but this one should be good.

Also, the Boy Band Awards are coming up. If you feel this story deserves one, feel free to nominate or vote for it, but only if you feel it deserves it! I can't wait! This is going to be my first! That's prob why I even said anything. Oh well. Thanks to Rick, Susan, Lauren, Myka Holly, Jason, Stuprivate and anyone else who has been an inspiration to me! I really love you guys.

Onto the story...

Last Time on Right and Wrong...

A confrontation occurred between Ms. Spears and Ms. Aguilerra, both obviously despising the other one. Let's just say things got a little messy when the party turned into an all out food fight! When confronted about why they had such feelings towards each other, neither would answer. Will the source of their hate be revealed? Has Christina figured Britney out already. Find out... NEXT!

And now... Right and Wrong: When It All Comes Out

It was a bright and sunny day in Orlando. The birds were chirping. The bees were buzzing. Everything was perfect... almost too perfect (Author's note: Let's just call this the silence before the storm. ;P) We enter a room in the Hampton where two lovebirds lay sleeping peacefully, each one holding the others in his arms. Not one stirring. They looked like two angels together as the light from the window shown down upon their bodies. It was almost like things were meant to be this way.

Suddenly, the brunette started to stir. His eyes opened slowly, and he gradually took in his surroundings. He smiled to himself, remembering where he was... remembering who he was with.

'How did I ever get so lucky, ' he thought to himself. He laid their, staring at the beautiful adonis lying in his arms, only to be interrupted by the ringing of the phone next to him. The brunette rushed to the phone, not wanting to wake his young lover. He picked it up quickly.

"Hello," he half said and half asked. 'Who could be calling this early?'

"Hey JC; it's Lance. I just called to let you know that we have to be at the studio even earlier than normal today. We're going to be discussing the new tour with Britney and Christina."

"K. Breakfast in your room," JC replied.

"You know the routine too well," Lance smirked. "Be over here in fifteen minutes. With that both hung up the phone- the conversation ending all too soon for Lance.

JC looked over at his companion, still not wanting to wake him but knowing that he had to sometime. He walked over and gave Justin a nudge, only receiving a slight groan from the blonde. JC tried again. Same reply. Then an idea popped into his head.

Justin was awake, but pretending to be asleep. When JC stopped his attempts to wake him up, he knew something was up. Suddenly, the familiar sound of JC's voice filled the room, bringing a smile to Justin's face.

Can this be true?

Tell me can this be real?

How can I put into words what I feel?

My life was complete.

I thought I was whole.

Why do I feel like I'm losing control?

Never thought that love could feel like this.

Then you changed my world with just one kiss.

How can it be, that right here with me.

Is an Angel

It's a miracle!

JC looked down and could tell that Justin was awake by the huge grin on his face. It was now time for some well deserved pay-back.

"Hey Justin," JC said in a husky voice.

"Mm-hmm," Justin murmured back.

"I was thinking that maybe we should take our relationship to a new level," he said as he brushed his hand over Justin's groin. Justin let out a slight moan. "You see, well, I thought maybe we could get to know each other a little better," he said, now stroking Justin through his pajama-pants.

Justin was ecstatic. He had never felt like this before. With each new stroke, he could feel the blood rising in his body. His release was coming soon. He started to scoot along with JC's hand, letting out a moan with each stroke. Suddenly, JC's hand was removed, and when Justin looked up, he saw JC getting dressed.

"Come on. We gotta get to Lance's room," JC smirked.

"You little tease," Justin replied. "Now I'm going to have to go through the day with this!"

"Payback's a bitch, ain't it." JC hurried out the door to avoid the onslaught of pillows that were flying at him. He laughed to himself, thinking of how much fun it was going to be to watch Justin go through the rest of the day with a boner the size of Texas. 'Just wait till tonight Justin. Tonight'

Meanwhile: In the next room:

"How can he sing that to him," Lance said to himself as he listened to the sounds from the next room. Tears were quickly forming in his eyes as the singing stopped and distant moans could be heard. 'Doesn't he know how much I love him?' Lance broke down, sobbing into his pillow. He couldn't help but break down. In his mind, him and JC were meant to be together, and Justin was just keeping them from being happy. Justin, to him, was the evil villain. He was just using JC- in Lance's mind- to get what he wanted. As Lance continued to sob, a memory came to Lance.

The room was dark, filled with sound of muffled sobs. JC opened the door slowly, not wanting to walk in on anything he might not want to see. As soon as he saw his friend sprawled out over the bed, he rushed to his side. "Lance, what's wrong," JC asked, brushing his hand along Lance's cheek. "I...I... It's nothing. Now go away." Lance did not want to be bothered now. He was finally about to end all of his misery and then JC had to show up and ruin everything. "What's this," JC questioned as he bent down and picked something up off of the floor. 'Oh God, please don't let him find those," Lance thought. If JC found the bottle of pills he had thrown on the ground, he would have no way out of all this pain. He looked up, only to find JC standing above him with the bottle in his hand. "La... Lance, what would... what would make you wanna do something like this?" JC was shocked. He knew Lance had been depressed, but didn't think he would do anything close to killing himself." He looked down at Lance, only to find that Lance was shaking, fear surrounding him. JC bent down and scooped him up in his arms. The minute his hands had come in contact with Lance's body, Lance started to break into tears, as he had earlier, only this time they were tears of release. They stayed there like that for what seemed like hours, neither saying a word and Lance using JC as his outlet for all the stress he had built up. It was truly an emotional moment for the two. Finally Lance sat up, not having any more tears to shed. He looked down and laughed as he realized that JC's shirt was soaking wet from the nonstop river of tears that had left his eyes. "Oh, is that a smile I see?" JC grinned. "See, I knew you would feel better after that. Now tell me, why were you trying to kill yourself before I walked in?" JC tried to stay calm has he asked this. The last thing he wanted to do was scare Lance away, but he really wanted to go ballistic. Lance had nearly scared him to death. He couldn't imagine NSYNC without Lance. He couldn't imagine him without Lance. Lance was like a brother to him. True, he didn't love Lance the way Lance wanted him to love him, but he loved him with the strongest brotherly love anyone could have. Lance frowned when JC wanted to know why. He looked down at the floor and swung his feet back and forth. "Well JC, it's like this. I... I... I feel left out of the group. I mean you have Justin as a best friend. Chris and Joey are best friends. Plus, all the stress from this group. It just kind of got to me," Lance lied. The true reason for his attempt at suicide was sitting right in front of him... Joshua Scott Chasez. He had fallen in love with ever since the beginning of NSYNC, but unfortunately, Josh was in love with Justin. He knew from the way JC look at the blonde that it was more than just brotherly love. Lance just couldn't stand it anymore. He truly loved JC, but JC didn't love him back. The only answer seemed to be suicide. JC contemplated the answer Lance had given him before finally accepting it. "Scoop, if that's it, don't worry. I'll talk to the guys and tell them how you feel. We haven't meant to leave you out. It's just that we've been busy too," JC said being very sincere. "Hey, but don't worry. We're getting a break for tomorrow and I'll come over and hang with you. That is... if you want me to." "Yes," Lance answered a little to eagerly. He was ecstatic. He might actually have a chance with JC after all. "Fine, then it's settled. I have to go talk to Justin anyways, so I'll tell him I'm staying with you tomorrow instead of going home." JC started to get up and leave but then stopped. "Hey, you gonna be okay if I leave you alone for a second?" "Sure." Lance was very happy. He had waited for so long. What was another minute, but they never had that minute. Oh no, Justin Timberlake had decided to pull a huge stunt and run out when he didn't get his chance to tell JC what he had been wanting. The next thing you know, Justin and JC are a couple, and JC has completely forgotten about Lance.

"Oh no, Justin... it's not going to be that easy." Lance smirked to himself. "The one chance I had to get him and you stole it. Well, it's not going to stay like this.... Oh definitely not. I will have JC away from you in no time, and you will be exposed for the cheap whore you are."

The door quickly opened and Lance jumped as the lights in the room came on.

"Hey Lance! Where's the food?" It was Chris and Joey. Had they heard Lance? That would end everything. Lance's secret would be out, and JC would shun him. "Lance?"

"Oh...huh." Lance was confused and panicked.

"Where is the food?" Joey looked at Lance and could tell something was up.

"Never-mind the food Chris. Lance what's wrong," Joey asked in a very concerned tone.

"Oh... nothing." Lance smiled to try and get Joey off his case, but no such luck.

"Well, then who were you talking to?"

This made Lance cringe. They had heard him, but then why weren't they upset? "No one... You guys didn't here what I said... did you?" Lance hoped not. If they had, his career with NSYNC would be over.

"No... Why? Should we have?" Joey was getting very intrigued. He knew Lance had been hiding something the past few days but couldn't quite put his finger on it. Maybe some questions would finally be answered and they could help Lance out.

Lance was about to answer but was interrupted by a knock on the door. He sighed and quickly ran to get the door, leaving two very discontent band members behind. He was thankful for the interruption. Joey was very observant and would have probably figured him out in a mere couple of extra seconds. As he opened the door, however, his smile quickly faded.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's nice to see you too Lance." Britney gave Lance a quick peck on the cheek and walked over to where the other guys sat. "Hey Joe, Chris... long time no see!" She gave Chris a hug, but Joey was too lost in thought to do anything. He had to figure out what was bothering Lance before it destroyed the group.

Britney sat down and looked around the room. "Where's Justin," she asked. Chris didn't know if he should tell her about Justin and JC being a couple, so he made up a lie about Justin going to get a coke. Britney frowned. "Well when he gets back, I have to talk to him about something."

Lance shook his head and tried to keep from laughing. 'Can't say she isn't persistent," he thought to himself.

Suddenly the door flew open and in walked Justin and JC, holding hands. At the first sight of Britney, Justin dropped JC's hand, hoping she hadn't noticed. She quickly ran up and through her arms around his neck, giving him a very passion-filled kiss. At the sight of this, JC's eyes began to tear up as he stormed out of the room. Justin immediately threw Britney's arms off of him, looking at her with disgust.

"What were you thinking," he yelled before running after JC. Britney looked at the rest of the guys, acting very confused.

"Something I missed," she asked.

"Later," Joey said as he and Chris filed out of the room to help out their friends. Britney smiled, knowing what she had just done.

"Oops, well it looks like I did it again." She laughed at her own joke. The sound of clapping filled the room, and she quickly turned around to be met by Lance, applauding her.

"Thank you... Thank you," she replied smugly as she took several bows. Lance shut the door and smiled.

"That was honestly the most brilliant thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life. The drama... the passion... oh, and did you see the look on JC's face? It was classic!" For once, Lance was feeling great. "Who would have thought that something so little would do all this? I cannot believe we got so lucky!"

Britney grinned. "Oh, on the contrary, luck had nothing to do with it." This remark confused Lance. She went over to the table and reached into her purse, pulling out what looked like a normal make-up compact, but when she opened it, it was obvious that it wasn't make-up at all, but a speaker with an fold-able antennae. "If you want to contribute this to luck, let's just say you're lucky I decided to bug your room before you guys arrived in Orlando." Lance marveled at the device. "Lance, you almost gave everything away," Britney said in a serious tone. "You have got to be more careful. You understand?" Lance turned his eyes away from hers. She quickly dug her nails into Lance's skin, sending him to his knees from the pain. "I asked do you understand." Still no reply. This made Britney fume. "Listen Lance, if you ever want a chance with JC, you will do what I say when I say, or you won't stand a chance. Now once again, do you understand?"

"Yes," Lance gasped. Britney released his hand and he quickly brought it up to his chest.

"Good, now listen up. If all ends well, you will have JC by the end of the week."

Justin ran after JC, making it to their room just in time before JC could close the door. He followed JC in, only to have him lock himself in the bathroom. From behind the door, Justin could here little sobs. It hurt him to know that JC was grieved so much. He couldn't stand it for JC to be unhappy, especially when he could have been the cause of his hurt. "Josh..." Justin started. "Don't say it Justin. I don't wanna talk to you right now." Justin was thrown back by this answer. Their had never been a time when JC had told him he didn't want to talk to him. He was about to leave when JC told him to stop. "Wait, actually I do want to talk to you. I just have one question though." "OK." "Exactly when were you going to tell me about you and Britney?" Justin couldn't help but laugh at this question. "Josh, that's what I'm trying to tell you. There's nothing going on between us. She's been obsessed with me ever since MMC, and I guess she thinks that me and her are a couple." There was an odd silence for a moment as JC took everything in. Finally a sigh could be heard from the other side of the door. "So, you and Britney aren't going out?" "No Josh! I'm going out with you!" Justin tried not to get upset. He did find this whole situation rather silly himself. JC let out a little chuckle. "I bet you must think I'm stupid. The first time anything comes against us, I run away and blame you." "Josh, you could never be stupid. You are the smartest, most sensible person I know. I could never hate you, and nothing ever will come between us." Justin stated. "Now will you please open the door, so I can kiss those beautiful lips of yours and make everything all better?" JC laughed a little and unlocked the door, wiping the tears from his eyes at the same time. He opened the door and looked up to see the most beautiful face in the world smiling down at him. "How did I ever get so lucky?" "I don't know, I ask myself that too sometimes." JC playfully swatted Justin, and Justin laughed. The blonde haired heartthrob reached down and picked JC up into his arms, dancing slowly. "Now, where were we?" He leaned in and gave JC one of the most passion filled kisses either one of them had ever experienced. Justin's lounged slipped into JC's mouth and explored the new territory, as JC massaged Justin's tongue with his own, receiving a moan for his efforts. "Ooh, do we get to watch you have sex?" They both separated and turned to see Chris and Joey smiling in the doorway. "Only if we get to watch you," JC added with a laugh. "That can be arranged." The four of them laughed together- their laughter filling the hall.

"What is that," Britney asked as she headed to the doorway. Lance followed suit, and the two quickly made their way to the next room, only to find JC and Justin holding each other, talking to Joey and Chris who were in a similar position.

"This is going to be a lot harder than we thought." Britney stormed away unnoticed.

The rest of the day ran smoothly for Justin and JC. At the tour meeting, they announced that they were in a relationship. Britney seemed to take it pretty well, to everyone's surprise. Lance knew something was up and smiled inwardly as he tried to figure out what she was planning. Christina, who was also there, could sense something was up, but she just ignored it and went back to listening to management. After the meeting, everyone branched off into their own little groups. Brittany talked with her dancers to try to find out what they were doing for the evening, while Christina went over and chatted with the NSYNC guys. "So, what's this I hear about Justin getting caught into a little lip-lock earlier," Christina asked, not really knowing all the circumstances. The group went silent. "What? What'd I say?" "Well, Christina," Justin spoke up, "the lip-lock wasn't exactly with JC if that's what you're thinking." "What," Christina yelled, causing all heads to turn to face her. "Sorry." She smiled and waved at everybody, then turned back to the guys. "Now what," she repeated, looking at Justin with accusing eyes. "Well, Britney came up earlier and kissed me. I didn't kiss back. She just did it on the spur of the moment and caught me off guard. I..." "I'll kill her." Christina said while turning to face Britney. "It's time to show the queen of silicone how to play nice." Christina started inching gradually towards Britney. Justin and JC tried to stop her, but Chris stopped them both. "Oh no. I want to see this." "Umm... Britney," Christina tapped Britney on the shoulder. "Yes?" As Britney turned around to face her, Christina realized why Britney had always been able to use her in the past. Because she played right into Britney's hand. If she got into a fight with her now, she would probably be kicked off the tour, and Britney would win. Oh no. Christina decided she would just have to wait on this one. "I was wondering if I could borrow some makeup," Christina covered up. "Why sure! I always knew you would finally decide to come to me for fashion help someday, and to tell you the truth, I'm glad you did," Britney smirked. "You need all the help you can get." Christina decided to just smile and nod. "Well, if you really want it, it's in my purse. In fact, keep it. I always liked giving to charity." Britney and her dancers laughed as Christina reached into Britney's purse and grabbed the small compact, not even bothering to open it. She quickly took her spot back with the NSYNC guys as not to do anything she might regret. "Where was the fight in that," Chris asked, a little disappointed. Christina just shook her head and gritted her teeth. "Yeah, I can't believe you took that from her," Justin stated as he rubbed her back lightly. "I know! It was hard, but at least I proved I'm the better person. Right?" She looked around to see if they agreed with her. "Right," JC said as the others nodded. "But it wouldn't have hurt for you to kick her ass though." Chris sent everyone laughing, everyone except Lance. 'Just wait! We'll see what you all think when she and Justin are together.' Lance finally chuckled a bit, but no one noticed. They were all too busy laughing at Chris's joke. "So where do you guys wanna go tonight," Lance asked. "CLUBBING," everyone yelled unanimously. Lance just shook his head and laughed. "Hey, if you guys don't mind, I've got some stuff to take care of at the hotel, so I'll meet up with you later." Everyone looked at Lance and nodded, knowing that it was probably real important. What they didn't know was that this business involved all of them personally. The group parted their separate ways: Lance going to the hotel ; the others going to the nearest night club around, being that the meeting had lasted all day, and neither of them wanted to lose any time.

"So what do you have planned?" Lance smiled, knowing that whatever it was, it must have been big from the way Britney was smiling.

"Well, Lance," Britney said, almost evilly, "Have you ever heard of a drug called...?" (Author's note: I can't give away too much! LOL. Sorry)

Lance listened closely as Britney unveiled her plan to ruin the perfect couple. Occasionally, he would laugh at how ingenious it was. Everything was finally in control. Before long, if all went according to plan, JC would be his, and Justin wouldn't know what hit him.

"We'll need this," Britney stated as she went through her purse, looking for the compact. She grabbed it and opened it, only to find that it was really a make-up compact. "Oh My God!," she stated quickly, rummaging through her purse rapidly.

"What," Lance asked.

"Oh My God!"

"Britney, what happened?" Lance was getting worried. He walked over and picked up the compact, only to find that it was make-up too. Then, all of a sudden, the memories from earlier that day flew into Lance's head, and he realized where the compact could be. "Oh my God!" He quickly grabbed the purse and dumped it out. Him and Britney both looking through the mess so intently that they didn't hear anyone come in.

"Looking for something," the intruder asked. They both looked up at the same time, knowing who it was and what had happened.

"Christina, now look. It's not like it seems."

"Can it Lance! I always knew you two were up to something, and now I have all the proof I need. Once the guys find out about this, you two will be history, and Justin and JC...yes Justin and JC, not Justin and Britney, not poor pitiful Lance and JC, but Justin and JC will be able to move on with there lives and live as happily as they deserve to be." Christina smirked. She could see Lance shiver whenever she mentioned Justin and JC as a couple.

It was like seeing Satan tremble whenever God or Jesus was mentioned, and she loved it!

"Now wait a second Christina," Britney pleaded. "I know I've done some really rotten things to you in the past, but can't we put that all behind us?"


"What if Lance and I promised to give up on JC and Justin? Would that help?"

"No! I wouldn't believe you. Anyone who would make up such an awful and cruel plan towards two of the kindest human beings I know deserves to be exposed for the rotten piece of shit that he is! Sorry Britney, but it looks like you won't be able to do it again this time." Christina loved the affect this was having on Britney. She was finally in charge, and she liked it. It was time to reveal all the things that Britney had done and was going to do, and she was the one that was going to get to do it.

"Now, I'm going to leave you two to play nice." Christina started to walk away but stopped herself and turned back around, "Oh and Lance, I know JC. He doesn't go for deceiving little bastards like you. I know you were probably sucked into this by "Ms. Implants" herself, but that's still no excuse. You do the crime, you gotta do the time. However, I will tell JC that you were manipulated by her. That's one thing that's obvious here! Don't worry too much! You can probably still be good friends with him. Ta Ta!"

Christina turned around an started for the door, but right as she reached it, she felt something come crashing down over her head. She fell to the ground and looked up just in time to see Lance standing over her with a broken lamp, smiling to himself.

"I'm sorry Christina, but you see, I just can't let you do that." That was all that Christina heard before she passed out.

Ooh, a cliff hanger... What will happen to Christina? What do Lance and Britney have in store for the happy couple? Will they still go through with it? All this and more in the next Right and Wrong. Please send me some feedback... Did you like the story? Did you hate the story? Any predictions? Please. I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! SEND ALL FEEDBACK TO YIMTWBS2000@aol.com!!! Thanx! C-ya Next Time!

Next: Chapter 9

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