Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jun 2, 2000


Hey! Part 6 is here! JC and Justin are finally together- but for how long? Will the conspirators be able to tear them apart, or will love conquer? We'll see. Thanks to Jason(author of "Taken For Granted"), Lauren(author of Waking Up With Vengeance), Rick(author of "The One" and "This I Promise You") , Myka Holly@aol.com(author of NSYNC and the Vamps), and Aphrodite(author of Tale of Two Boybands) for being an inspiration and loads of advice that I couldn't do this without. Their stories are great. Check them out if you haven't. Another great story is "Intimate Stranger". It's probably the best posted so far. Please send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com.

Last time on "Right and Wrong":

"Hello," she said, wondering who could be calling at 3 in the morning.

"Hello," a muffled voice said.

"Um, hi... Who is this?"

"I don't know. Who do you want it to be?"

"Justin... JC... if this is one of you two I swear I'll kick your ass," Christina replied getting freaked out and pissed off at the same time.

"This isn't Justin, but I'll be nice and tell you who I could be. I could some fan just wanting to get to hear your voice over telephone, but no... wait... that's not it. I could be an NSYNC guy that just wants to freak you out, but wait... no, that isn't it either." This person was obviously a psycho. "Wait, I've got it! I think I'm person that was responsible for that snake being in your room. Ah yes, that's it!" The person chuckled to herself.

"What... but... why?" Christina was very confused. She couldn't think of why anyone would want to kill her or who this person even was.

"Ah, isn't that cute. The genie wants a motive," the person smirked. "Let's just say you stuck your nose in where it didn't belong. Do it again and something else might happen," the person snickered. "Just stay away from what's rightfully mine and no one gets hurt." With that, the person hung up the phone and left Christina standing as she was, motionless, the phone still in her hand. 'What is going on.' She kept repeating slowly over and over again in her head. Who could that person have been, and what did they mean by telling her to stay away from what was rightfully theirs. Christina didn't understand that at all. Eventually the busy signal got her attention and she hung up the phone. She looked over at the clock '3:30, Damn girl, how long have you been standing here," she said as she laughed to herself, trying to relieve some stress. She went back to bed, convincing herself that it was probably some psycho-fan of hers, and nothing was going to happen-hopefully. She lay in bed for several hours before finally drifting off into a very uncomfortable sleep.

Ooh, Interesting! Let's see what's going to happen. Shall we?

~~Right and Wrong Part 6~~

The bright light of the morning sun shown through the window of the guest room in Christina Aguilera's house, causing its residents to stir lightly from their slumber. JC opened his eyes gradually and looked around the room, finally resting his eyes on the blonde adonis lying in his arms. He smiled as he remembered the previous night's events, knowing that he finally had what his heart had desired for so long. Now he felt complete. The emptiness inside him had vanished. All longing ceased to exist. He could finally be happy now. There was a slight knock on the already open door.

"You know if you stare long enough he might just wake up." Christina smiled. She knew she had done a good thing by helping her two best friends find what they wanted. That's all she really wanted, happiness for her friends, and she would be damned if she was going to let anything happen to what her two friends had now. She could sense their happiness. Everything just felt right.

JC turned to meet his friend. He was very grateful for everything she had done- if only there was some way he could pay her back. "Christina, I just wanted to say thanks for everything. I don't know what me or Justin would do if it wasn't for you."

"Like I said, all in a genie's line of work." She giggles slightly at her own little joke. "Well, I just came up to say that breakfast is ready, and you guys need to get ready for that interview you have at 10:00.

"Thanks! We'll be down in a minute." Christina left the two lovebirds alone and smiled to herself as she went down the stairs. She was really happy with herself for what she had done- so happy that she had almost completely forgotten about last night's phone call- almost.

JC looked down at his sleeping angel only to be met with a pair of beautiful baby blue eyes. He couldn't help but smile. "Hey, " JC said, somewhat speechless.

"Hey," Justin replied back smiling.

'Damn, he's even beautiful when he's just woken up, ' JC thought to himself. "How long have you been awake?"

"Oh, just a second." Justin grinned "I was just thinking how good it felt to be in your arms. I mean, there were so many nights I dreamed about this, wanting this so badly, and now that I've got it, it's just seems too good to be true." JC couldn't have said it any better himself. Everything right now was just absolutely perfect nothing could go wrong.

"Well, as much as I enjoy this," JC said as he bent down and gave Justin a quick peck on the lips, "we've gotta get downstairs before Christina gets up here with a frying pan and beats both our asses down." Justin groaned in response and reluctantly started to get up from his position.

"JC, I was thinking. We need to do something really nice for Christina... You know, since she is kind of the reason we're together right now." JC smiled.

"My thoughts exactly Curly, and I've got just the thing."

'What could be taking those guys so long,' Christina thought to herself. She suddenly laughed to herself as she realized the possibilities. 'You know, I think that's a story better left untold!' The sound of footsteps suddenly interrupted her thoughts as she looked up towards the stairway. She watched as JC followed Justin, his arms around his waist, smiling. "Well it's about time," she said to the two of them.

They both just looked at her and smiled. She had no idea what they had in store for her. If only they knew the effect it would truly have on her and the pain it would bring to them in the near future.

"Hey Chrissy, JC and I were wondering if you would let us have the privilege of taking you out to dinner tonight, you know... as a way of saying think you," Justin asked slyly.

"Um... okay, but what do you two have up your sleeves. I smell a fish nearby," Christina replied while smiling. She was very perceptive and could read her friends like a book.

"Really... I don't smell anything, "Justin said while sniffing around. JC gave him a playful punch to the shoulder. "Oh no! I think I'm in an abusive relationship," Justin shouted out, causing Christina and JC to let out little giggles. "I can just see it now... NSYNC Heartthrob gets beatings from boyfriend."

"The press would love that," Christina said bringing an end to the laughter. "Well you guys better get going. You slept in late so you'll just have to do without any breakfast."

"Yes mom," both JC and Justin replied in little 5- year old voices.

"Yeah, you guys are lucky you aint my children. You'd be out of this house once you were eighteen, and I'd put a restraining order on both your asses to keep you from mooching off me."

"Ah, we love you too," JC said giving Christina a peck on the cheek.

"Uh oh... Should I be worrying now," Justin joked. JC quickly pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, grinding their bodies together at the same time. They released each other and Justin just stared into JC's eyes. "Now... what was it I was saying.

JC laughed. "Come on blondy, we gotta go or the guys are going to kill us." JC grabbed Justin's hand and led him to the door. They both yelled their thank you's and goodbye's and said that they would pick Christina up at eight.

'Now what do those two have planned?" Christina smiled to herself.

The interview went just as usual- all the same questions; all the rumors. Justin answered each question like a pro, which was very unusual. Ever since he had went into his depression, he rarely ever answered question, even when they were meant for him. All of the other guys noticed this, but only one knew the reason why Justin was so happy, not to say that the others didn't have their suspicions though.

"Justin is it true that you and pop queen Brittany Spears are going out?"

Justin laughed to himself. "That is the farthest from the truth. I'm actually very dedicated to a special someone right now, if you know what I mean," Justin replied and quickly threw a glance at JC who was smiling.

'So it is true,' Lance thought. He felt very strange. He wanted JC and Justin to be happy, but at the same time, he wanted JC all to himself. He could feel the anger in him rising up but played it calm. He had hidden his emotions for a year; what's another half- hour.

The interview eventually ended and the guys all piled into the limo. When Justin sat in JC's lap, they knew something was up.

"So. Do you guys have something to tell us," Chris asked with a huge smile on his face. JC and Justin immediately realized that they had just given themselves away.

"So much for telling you guys later," JC said trying lighten the mood. "Well... in case you haven't figured this out yet... Justin and I are...a...a couple." He took Justin's hand in his own. They both looked around to try and see the expressions on their friends' faces. Chris and Joey just smiled and nodded back, while Lance was trying his best to fake a smile. If Christina would have been there, she would have definitely known something was up with Lance, while the other guys were oblivious.

"So... any questions," Justin asked.

"Not really," Chris said. "I've actually known for awhile now, while Joey over here didn't even have a clue." He then turned towards Joey and pulled him into one of the most passionate kisses any of the guys had ever seen. Chris pulled away leaving Joey gasping for more and smile, "but I love him anyways."

"Woah, when did you guys... you know," Justin asked, surprised at how well his friends had kept their relationship hidden.

"What, gone out?" Justin nodded his head. "We've been going out since about our first concert."

"Wow! And to think we never suspected a thing," JC said astonished. He was really shocked. Then a thought came to his mind. "Well, we know that four of the members of our little family are gay, but where does that leave Lance over here," he questioned curiously.

"Sorry man, but I'm straight as an arrow," Lance lied. He didn't want to say anything that would make them suspicious of his feelings for JC. All he had to do was play it cool and JC would be his in no time.

"Justin, hurry up. We have to pick Christina up in fifteen minutes," JC yelled, waiting for Justin to get out of the shower. Soon the bathroom door opened and Justin came out in khakis, a dark blue button-up shirt with a black wifebeater underneath, and a North Carolina hat. JC sighed and shook his head, wishing he could see what underneath those clothes.

"Come on. We gotta go," Justin said taking JC by the hand, "and don't worry, you'll get to see me out of these clothes when we get back." With that said, JC practically dragged Justin out the door. He couldn't wait to get back!

Justin and JC picked Christina up and took her to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. It was very extravagant, and the chances of them getting mobbed there were slim to none.

JC approached the waiter and asked for a table for four. This confused Christina. She looked behind her but only saw Justin.

"Don't you mean three JC," she questioned.

"No, I mean four. I told you we had a surprise for you." He turned around and gave her wink. They followed the waiter and let themselves be seated, awaiting the unknown guest.

"So, come on. Tell me who it is before I figure it out for myself," Christina said, looking for any sign of who it could be.

"Actually, you might not have to wait for us to tell you. Just turn around and look at the person straight behind you.

Christina smiled the biggest smile she could and turned around to see who it could be, but when she looked up her smile faded completely. "Hello... Brittany."

Well, there's part 6. I know. I know. I never let it end on a happy not, but would you guys keep reading if I didn't. Don't worry! I'll have a happy one soon. Until then- Angelface. Please send all feed back to YIMTWBS@aol.com. Thanx!

Next: Chapter 6

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