Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jun 1, 2000


Hey once again. I know the stories have been short as of late, but I'm updating a lot to try and make up for it. I'm still getting a feel for everything and trying to figure out exactly how I want the characters involved. Thanks again for all the feedback. Once again, thanks to Jason(author of "Taken For Granted"), Lauren(author of Waking Up With Vengeance), Rick(author of "The One" and "This I Promise You") and Myka Holly@aol.com(author of NSYNC and the Vamps) for being an inspiration and loads of advice that I couldn't do this without. Their stories are great. Check them out if you haven't. Another great story is "Intimate Stranger". It's probably the best posted so far. Please send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com.

Last time on "Right and Wrong"

"Yeah Just. I'm fine," Josh stated trying to sound calm and collected. 'He probably doesn't know anything. You're just worrying over nothing.' "Enough about me though, what did you want to talk about," JC asked a little too eagerly.

"Well, um, I don't exactly know how to say this," Justin stuttered while down at the floor. "I can't really explain how it happened... oh I guess what I'm trying to say is... Josh I..." Justin was quickly interrupted as the door opened and the rest of the NSYNC gang walked in. "Everytime! Everytime I try to say anything," Justin yelled in defeat. Before anyone could respond he was out the door and heading towards the elevator.

"Did we come at a bad time, " Chris asked, obviously still clueless as to what was going on. JC just gave him a deathstare that could turn Medusa herself into stone and quickly followed after Justin, but to no avail. Justin was gone.

Lance stood behind the others trying to contain his smile. He could see everything working out perfectly now, just perfect. He would get JC, and his accomplice would definitely be getting Justin soon- very soon.

Justin ran out of the elevator and through the lobby of the hotel. He quickly haled the nearest taxi and got in. 'Where to go? Where to go; someplace where I can think. I've got it!,' he thought. "Driver, take me to Universal Studios," Justin stated surely. Universal Studios was his favorite place. He and JC had went there on numerous occasions- uh oh, the J word. 'Why can't I get you out of my mind,' Justin questioned. If he could change things he would in a heartbeat, but he had come to learn that life wasn't that simple. Still, the one question that kept repeating in his mind was why did he have to fall in love someone who could never love him back. It wasn't fair, but then again, who said life was fair. Justin was so deep in thought that he didn't notice his taxi being followed.

"Soon, Justin... Soon..."

"I said I love him u asshole. Now get off my case." With that JC stormed out of the room, trying to hold back the tears that kept fighting their way through, and slammed the door behind him, which caused all three remaining members to jump. Chris and Joey looked at each other, shocked at what had just happened, but Lance seemed unphased at all- almost like he knew all along.

"Night Chris, and keep an eye on him," said Lance seeming somewhat sentimental. "He worries me sometimes."

"Will do." That said Chris followed Joe into his room, while Lance cleaned up the place a little. 'Man, for someone JC...ugh...likes a lot ... he seems to have some poor housekeeping skill. As Lance was about to leave he noticed a piece of paper on the floor. He picked up and froze when he saw what was on it. Written in dark red letters and encased in a heart were the words, "I LOVE YOU JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ!" Lance's facial expressions grew dim. He tore the paper up immediately and threw its remains into the nearest wastebasket. "Never Justin, " he whispered to himself in an almost psychotic voice. "Never!"

And now:

Right and Wrong Part 4

JC was lying in his room, head face down, releasing sobs of anguish in his pillow. He had been in love with Justin since the MMC, and yet, Justin had no idea, and if he did have any idea he would probably never want to see JC again. Hell, he might even quit the group, and it would all be JC's fault. These were the exact reasons JC had for keeping it inside so long. He loved Justin and the group so much that he didn't want to lose either of them, but now it was too late. He had admitted his feelings to the others, and when Justin got back, it would all be over. "Why do I have to love you so much," JC sobbed into the pillow. 'It isn't fair. It isn't fair to me or Justin. I wish things could be different, back to how they were since we first met.

"Hey my name's JC. You must be the new kid," the brown haired figure said smiling. He had seen this kid around a lot but had never really gotten to talk to him. This kid didn't hang out with the others very much. Well, he had tried but the others had rejected him right away, not wanting to extend their little click, but JC felt different about this kid. There was something very special about him, something JC had caught right away, but hadn't really put his finger on.

"Yeah, I'm Justin," the blond-haired kid said shyly, not really looking up to see JC. He knew who he was. He had watched The Mickey Mouse Club long before he was added to the show and had noticed JC various times. In fact, sometimes the only reason he would watch it was to see JC. He didn't know why. He just told himself that JC seemed to be a lot like him, and it probably gave him hope.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me. You looked kind of lonely sitting over here by yourself, and we have a little time. So..."

"Sure," Justin said a little too anxiously, at the same time looking up to see whom he was talking to. Their eyes met, and immediately both became trapped in a different world, staring at each other for what seemed like a lifetime but in reality was only a few mere seconds.

"So...I...guess I should sit down," JC said slowly, still lost in those heavenly brown eyes. He was almost breathless, as if something wonderful had just happened between the two of them

"Um... yeah... yeah, I guess you should," said Justin snapping out of his trance. Neither of them looked at each other for a couple of minutes, both scared of what might happen, but yet speechless because of what happened moments earlier. "So, you like basketball," Justin asked, trying to start a conversation, but at the same time, trying to figure out what happened.

"Do I like basketball? It's only my favorite sport," JC replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Really, mine too. Who's your favorite team?"

"The Bulls"

"You've got to be kidding me. That's my favorite too!" Justin was happy that he had found a friend he could relate to when it came down to his favorite sport. Things were suddenly starting to look up.

"Cool man! What else do you like," JC asked, eager to find out if they had anymore in common.

"Well, let's see. I like to sing and dance a lot. I'm even thinking about taking lessons. When I grow up. I want to make it big. You know... maybe start group and tour the world," Justin said a little eery about telling all this to a stranger, but yet, he felt as if he had known JC all his life. "Maybe if I'm lucky that will happen, but it's probably just another weird dream of mine."

"My mom always says dreams are the starting points for great things. I think she's right; at least, I'm hoping on it." JC paused for a second. "The weird thing is, you just described everything I wanna do in the future.

I mean, I know I'll have MMC for a while, but it's not gonna last forever.

Who knows, maybe both of our dreams will come true and we might be able to tour together," JC said hopefully.

"That would be great... I mean, I would like that a lot," Justin replied, anxious to get to know JC better. He didn't know why, but he felt safe with JC, life the whole world had been completely shut out. This was definitely the start of a beautiful friendship.

Justin sighed as he sat on a bench in Universal Studios. He was still very depressed. "Why JC," he said to himself. "Why did I have to fall in love with you? If only you would have left me alone and never came by my lunch table that day." A smile came upon Justin's face. He remembered how kind and warm JC had been to him that day, how thankful he was to finally have made a friend. Everything had been different since that day on. He hadn't been lonely anymore. The other kids had finally come to accept him- with a little help from JC. His life had changed for the better... until now. Now he had all these feelings he couldn't get rid of. Now he was in love with the one person he admired most, but could never love him back. Back then it was different. He didn't know what true love was. He remembered back to the night of his first date. He was 14 and JC was there to help him get ready.

"So Just, you think you're gonna kiss her," JC teased while he gave Justin a bottle of cologne from off the dresser.

"I don't know. I mean Brit's pretty hot, but she's a little too..."

"Bouncy," JC answered for Just.

"Exactly. I wish you could go with us. It might be more fun," Justin smiled, still a little nervous about his date.

"No mister. You got yourself into this, and you're gonna go through it all by yourself." JC actually wanted to go but thought it would seem unusual. Over the months, he had grown feelings for Justin, feelings that he couldn't describe, but he couldn't let Justin know that. He didn't want to lose the friendship they had. They were closer than brothers- constantly at the one of their houses or at the mall or park. The two were inseparable. JC straightened Justin's collar and took a step back to look over his friend. Justin looked hot- to say the least! JC had to fight himself to stop checking Justin out. "If you don't kiss tonight, then the girl has to be a lesbo," JC said releasing a couple of silent laughs.

"Thanx. Hey JC, what is it like when you kiss a girl," Justin asked, still a little unsure of what to prepare for.

JC blushed. "To tell you the truth, Justin, I wouldn't know."

"You mean you've never kissed a girl," Justin asked. JC merely shook his head. Justin was shocked to find out that his friend hadn't done what he was probably going to do. This brought up another question. "JC, are you gay?"

"No, I just haven't found the right girl yet," JC lied. He had known for a while now that he didn't like girls- ever since he met Justin, but JC didn't want to ruin their friendship. He liked what they had and wasn't going to even risk losing it.

"Well, how do you know when you've met the right one," Justin asked.

"Oh you'll know. When they're around, the whole world seems to disappear. All time seems to stop, and nothing matters but them," JC replied knowing exactly what he was describing and with whom he had that type of relationship with.

"Do you know anyone like that," Justin asked curiously.

JC sighed. "Yes I do, but that person doesn't return those feelings"

"Oh." Justin knew exactly how JC felt. He had tried to convince himself for a long time that he wasn't gay, but he knew the answer now. He felt exactly the same way JC had just described, only it was when he was with JC.

'You can never know JC. It would ruin our friendship. I don't wanna lose you," Justin thought to himself.

Justin was still sitting on the same bench, trying as hard as he could to keep the tears back that were forming in his eyes. It was starting to sprinkle and getting very late. Justin wanted to get up, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He couldn't go back now, not now or anytime.

"Hey, you look like you could use a friend right now," a familiar voice said.

"I don't..." Justin stopped himself as he looked up. "Chrissy, what are you doing here," Justin asked very happily. Him and Christina were very close friends. They used to talk on the phone and go to see each other all the time before their tours had started. Lately they had both went their separate ways.

"Well, I heard you guys were in town so I decided to drop by your hotel for a visit, when guess who I saw running into a cab and looking like a total mess."

"Me," Justin questioned.

"Exactly," Christina replied cheerfully, "so I followed you and knew it must be really bad when I saw you come here." Justin smiled to himself. Christina had always been a good friend. Whenever anyone would mess with him in MMC, she would have their butts down on the ground in a second and apologizing. "So what's wrong with my little Justin?"

"Well, you know how I've had this thing for JC," Justin questioned.

"Yeah," she replied, thinking she knew where this was going.


"He didn't turn his back on you or anything, cause if he did I'll kick his ass, " Christina replied quickly and angrily. She hated how the other guys treated Justin sometimes. He didn't deserve it. He was the sweetest person she knew, even if he was a guy.

"No Chrissy; it's nothing like that. It's just that every time I try to tell him, someone or something interrupts me. I'm starting to think that this is a sign from God or something. Maybe we aren't meant to be together," Justin replied doubtfully.

"That's bullshit Justin. If there are any two people who are meant to be together, it's definitely you and JC. I know, and believe me; I think he feels the same way too," Christina said. What Justin didn't know was that JC had also come out to Christina years ago. She knew how both of them felt but was not going to betray the other one's trust by telling, but now a plan was forming in her mind, a plan that might help things along. "Come on Justin," Chrissy said. "You're staying the night with me."

"Oh, but what about the guys?"

"Don't worry about them. They can do without their lead singer for one night." Christina knew she was winning the battle, and soon Justin would be coming home with her. Finally Justin gave in and they were about to leave. "Just let me make one phone call first and I'll be right there. OK," Christina asked, knowing Justin didn't really have a choice in the matter. Justin merely nodded his head, and she went to the nearest pay phone. When she came back, Justin was no where to be found. "Justin," she yelled at the top of her lungs. No reply. "Justin," she yelled even louder, spinning around to see if she could see him. The park was closing and she had lost one of her best friends.

"Are you looking for someone," a somewhat familiar voice said from behind her.

"Ye..." She was about to reply when she turned around and saw Justin standing right behind her. "Why you little dipshit? Do you know I was worried sick about you? I was about to call 911." Justin just kept laughing until she hit him across the head. "Never laugh at a beautiful lady," Christina said elegantly.

"Beautiful...oh, that was a good one!" Justin continued his laughing as Christina dragged him off to her car.

"Get in asshole," she said quickly but firmly. Justin complied and they drove around town, laughing and making chokes, just as they did before they parted ways.

'Christina hasn't changed one bit,' Justin thought to himself. 'It's just as if things are exactly as they always have been, which was exactly how Justin wanted it. He wanted to be able to forget about the hassle of being a professional singer and forget about JC for once. Not that he didn't like JC anymore. He just didn't want to be bothered with the stress of telling him how he felt right now. He wanted to forget about everything.

Finally the two singers arrived at Christina's apartment. Justin quickly got out and ran up to her door before she could even get the keys out of the car. He knocked on her door like a child would, knowing that nobody was in there, when to his surprise, the door opened. What he saw next really shocked him. Standing behind the door was...


To Be Continued

Well, there it is! I had a lot of people wanting a longer part, so I hope this will do. Sorry if the end seems rushed. I was getting a headache but wanted to finish it. Send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com , and keep reading! Later!

Next: Chapter 4

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