Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on May 31, 2000


Hey Everbody! I'm back. Just wanted to say thanx for all the feedback, although I would like a lot MORE!!! Come on. Let me know what you think. I promise I want bite. Oh well. Thanx again to Jason(author of "Taken For Granted"), Lauren(author of Waking Up With Vengeance), Rick(author of "The One" and "This I Promise You") and Myka Holly@aol.com(author of NSYNC and the Vamps) for being an inspiration and loads of advice that I couldn't do this without. Their stories are great. Check them out if you haven't. Please send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com.

Disclaimer:You all know it by now.

Last Time on Right and Wrong:

Justin paced around his room nervously. He knew he had to tell JC about his feelings, but had never been able to do it. ' But what if he's not gay,' he thought to himself. 'Then I'll just be emberrased and he'll probably never talk to me again.' Just the mere thought of JC disowning him as a best friend brought tears to his eyes. Then Justin's face lit up all of a sudden. 'But what if he is gay and has feelings for me? Then we can be together and be able to express our love for one another.

A knock at the door ended Justin's thoughts. "Who is it," Justin yelled. "It's me, JC. You said you wanted to talk about something." Justin walked slowly towards the door. He knew what he had to do.

Meanwhile in a nearby room the phone started to ring. "Hello," a voice answered. "How could you let them talk alone? Do you know what could have happened? We would have lost everything." The voice on the other end was definitely pissed. "We've got too much riding on this. Don't you want JC? "Yeah, but it's not right what we're doing" "Not right. I'll tell you what's not right. It's not right that you and I should suffer because they're too much of fools to know when they've got something good going in their lives. Once they get together you'll never even get a second of JC's time again. Do you understand?" "Yes" "Good. Now listen up. We've got some things to do." Hmmm. What are they going to do? Lets find out. Shall we? ~~Right and Wrong Part 2~~ "So what did you want to talk about," JC asked as he entered the room. He was very anxious to find out what had been bothering his friend for so long. "You might wanna sit down." JC did. "Well, Josh we've been friends for a while, right," Justin asked, stalling a little. "Yeah, for about six years now," JC replied slowly. He was thrown off again for a second as he tried to remember the last time he had been called Josh(before the club). 'I wonder where he's going with this,' JC thought. 'Surely he doesn't know about my feelings for him.' JC began to worry, and it was very noticeable. The last thing he wanted was for Justin to figure out that he was in love with him Justin would porbably hate him and never want to see him again. He was probably going to end their friendship now. "Josh, are you ok," Justin asked noticing the sudden change of expression on his friend's face. 'Did he figure out why I wanted to talk with him? Is that why he's acting so strange?' Suddenly all the doubts that Justin had pushed to the back of his head were returning. Everything he had told himself wouldn't happen was seeming more and more possible by the second. "Yeah Just. I'm fine," Josh stated trying to sound calm and collected. 'He probably doesn't know anything. You're just worrying over nothing.' "Enough about me though, what did you want to talk about," JC asked a little too eagerly. "Well, um, I don't exactly know how to say this," Justin stuttered while down at the floor. "I can't really explain how it happened... oh I guess what I'm trying to say is... Josh I..." Justin was quickly interrupted as the door opened and the rest of the NSYNC gang walked in. "Everytime! Everytime I try to say anything," Justin yelled in defeat. Before anyone could respond he was out the door and heading towards the elevator. "Did we come at a bad time, " Chris asked, obviously still clueless as to what was going on. JC just gave him a deathstare that could turn Medusa herself into stone and quickly followed after Justin, but to no avail. Justin was gone. Lance stood behind the others trying to contain his smile. He could see everything working out perfectly now, just perfect. He would get JC, and his accomplice would definitely be getting Justin soon- very soon. ~~~~~~~ Justin ran out of the elevator and through the lobby of the hotel. He quickly haled the nearest taxi and got in. 'Where to go? Where to go; someplace where I can think. I've got it!,' he thought. "Driver, take me to Universal Studios," Justin stated surely. Universal Studios was his favorite place. He and JC had went there on numerous occasions- uh oh, the J word. 'Why can't I get you out of my mind,' Justin questioned. If he could change things he would in a heartbeat, but he had come to learn that life wasn't that simple. Still, the one question that kept repeating in his mind was why did he have to fall in love someone who could never love him back. It wasn't fair, but then again, who said life was fair. Justin was so deep in thought that he didn't notice his taxi being followed. "Soon, Justin... Soon..." ~~~~~~~ Right and Wrong Part 3 "How could you guys let him run away like that," JC yelled. "You're suppost to be his friends and you let him run out like that into the streets of Orlando. He's still a child for Christ's sake!" JC went on like this for what seemed like hours. He was steamed. Justin was finally about to tell him everything he had been keeping bottled up for so long and might have actually gotten out of his depression, but no, these guys had to barge in and ruin everything. JC knew it wasn't really the other guys' fault. He just needed to vent and really didn't care at the time. "JC," Joey said trying to calm his friend, but JC kept going on. "JC," Joey repeated getting louder than before, but JC still wouldn't shut up. Finally he had had all he could take and at the top of his lungs yelled the biggest JC anyone could- including AJ from the BSB. JC shut up immediately and was ready to listen to what Joey had to say. "Now first of all, it wasn't our fault. Yes, we could have knocked first, but we didn't think we would need to. Secondly, Justin isn't a kid anymore. He's practically an adult. We can't just tell him what he can or can't do. And thirdly, you are not his father so unless you have a reason to try and run his life I suggest you back off. Now do I make myself clear or do you have some good reason why you're always up his ass." All Joey got was a mumbled reply. "What was that?" JC replied a little bit louder but still not audible. "One more time please?" "I said I love him u asshole. Now get off my case." With that JC stormed out of the room, trying to hold back the tears that kept fighting their way through, and slammed the door behind him, which caused all three remaining members to jump. Chris and Joey looked at each other, shocked at what had just happened, but Lance seemed unphased at all- almost like he knew all along. "Nice going Joe, now we have two upset band members. One is someplace in Orlando, and we have no fucking clue where he is, while the other has locked himself in the bathroom and come out of the closet in what has probably been one of the worst experiences of his life. Now what do you have to say for yourself?" Joey just looked down at the floor. He was too ashamed to say anything All he kept repeating in his mind was, 'I didn't know.' Suddenly he burst into tears. He didn't mean what he said. He was just tired of everything being his fault. "Hey Joe...Joe, look I'm... I'm sorry. I guess... I guess I'm just as shaken up as the rest of us. Now come on... He'll be ok," Chris said trying to calm Joey down. "Yeah Joe, everyone's just a little tense after what happened with Justin. We'll work things out. You'll see," Lance said trying to convince himself at the same time. Yes, he already knew that JC loved Justin, but to hear him admit it just made it worse. 'I'm sorry JC, but you and Justin just can't happen. It can never happen,' Lance thought to himself. "Why don't we all go to bed? It's late. We can talk to JC in the morning," Lance said eager to get some sleep and get the night's events out of his mind. "Yeah, that sounds good," said Chris feeling pretty much the same way. "Come on Joe, you can sleep in my room tonight." Joey just nodded, wiped the tears from his eyes, got up, and headed towards Chris's room. Chris laughed to himself and waved goodnight to Lance. "Night Chris, and keep an eye on him," said Lance seeming somewhat sentimental. "He worries me sometimes." "Will do." That said Chris followed Joe into his room, while Lance cleaned up the place a little. 'Man, for someone JC...ugh...likes a lot ... he seems to have some poor housekeeping skill. As Lance was about to leave he noticed a piece of paper on the floor. He picked up and froze when he saw what was on it. Written in dark red letters and encased in a heart were the words, "I LOVE YOU JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ!" Lance's facial expressions grew dim. He tore the paper up immediately and threw its remains into the nearest waste basket. "Never Justin, " he whispered to himself in an almost psychotic voice. "Never!" To Be Continued... Well, what did you think? Yeah, I know it was short. So sue me, but it will be updated a lot! Will Justin and JC ever get together? What is Lance going to do? Who is his accomplice? Find out all this and more in the future of "Right and Wrong" PLEASE SEND SOME FEEDBACK TO YIMTWBS2000@aol.com. It would be very appreciated. Thanx! Later-Angelface

Next: Chapter 3

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