Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jan 31, 2023


Hey guys! This is it! The last chapter to "Right and Wrong". Don't cry! Don't cry! There will most likely be a sequel, but nothing's definite yet. I would like to thank Rick(author of "The One") for inspiring me to submit to the archive and Susan(author of A Tale of 2 Boybands) for making me stay in the game. Go check out their stories while you're waiting for the sequel. N-E-Ways, I'll shut up and let you get to the story. BTW, I compiled moments from the last several parts to help you remember everything. OK, Ready... Set... GO!!!

Here it is: PART 12 in the never-ending saga of Right and Wrong

~~~~~In 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... AND NOW, Part 12 of Right and Wrong...

Lance sat in the hotel room, finishing the last sip of a bottle of vodka. "Why him JC? I could have been so much better. I'd let you screw me whichever way you wanted. Hell, I'd even screw that bitch Britney if it meant I could have you." The blonde drunkard continued to babble on and on about his undying love (you say love. I say lust.) for JC, until he was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. He smirked as he opened it up, already knowing who it was.

"Look, you got what you want. He's on his way. Now get Miss..."

"Lance? What are you talking about," a voice on the other line said, leaving Lance with a very uncomfortable look on his face.


"Attention passengers, we are now entering the Orlando area. Please fasten your seatbelts and do..." A distraught and weary Joshua Scott Chasez sat up in his seat and reached for his carryon luggage under the seat in front of him.

'Just a matter of time now Justin, and then nothing will ever separate us again.' Little did he know how much this night would change everything.


"Right this way Justin," the blonde guided her prey towards his room. A lot had happened in the short trip back to the hotel. Justin was becoming more aroused by the second, but for no reason at all. The only thing that had gotten him this far was his love for Josh, but how long can love hold out?

"Where's your room key," "Christina" asked. Justin turned away from her. Even her face was making him horny.

'Justin, you're gay! REMEMBER! And you love Josh very much,' the boy thought to himself. And then, it happened. In what seemed like an attempt to get the room key, "Christina" shoved her hand in Justin's pocket, although it obviously wasn't the room key that she found.

"My Justin! What a big: squeeze: boy you've become," licking her lips for effect. "And what a..." She was interrupted by Justin forcing his lips upon hers and pushing her back against the door.

'I'm sorry JC,' he thought to himself. 'I'm sorry!"


Lance thought to himself for a second. 'Think quick Lance! How are you going to get yourself out of this one?'

"Lance? What were you talking about," the voice inquired once again.

"Oh, nothing Mom. Just thought you were one of the guys," he lied.

Mrs. Bass grimaced on the other side of the line. She knew her son was lying. She always knew, but what could she do. Say something and get into an argument, leaving one or the other upset. She thought better of it and decided to cut this call short as to not allow herself to be tempted.

"Well, OK son. Just as long as you're not doing anything you shouldn't." Lance frowned. He hated lying to his mother, and he definitely hated the guilt trips she could bring without even knowing it.

"Well, I'm not Mom, so...well ... look, I've gotta go. Have to get up bright and early in the morning. You know-business and all."

"OK, but be careful. And remember, if you ever need me or just get confused, there'll always be a place for you here." Two points for Mom! Lance sunk low on the bed. He knew no one could see him, and that his Mom didn't know anything, but right now he felt like the lowest scum on the planet.

"Yes, Mom. I love you," Lance said, almost in tears.

"I love you too Son! Good night." And as quickly as she came she was gone, leaving a guilt-stricken Lance and his thoughts alone in the room.


JC arrived at the hotel, only fifteen minutes after his flight landed. For some reason he had this urgency to get to the hotel. He had no clue as to why, but something told him to get up to that room, and fast! He ran to the elevator and pushed the button several times, watching the floor numbers above.


Justin moaned as he drove into the "Latin diva" again and again. He had no recollection of why or how he ended up in this position, but right now he didn't care. All he knew was that nothing had ever made him feel like this before, and he didn't want it to stop. In fact, he was so engrossed in these new feelings that he failed to hear the door opening. Failed to hear the footsteps towards the bedroom. Failed to hear the luggage drop from his boyfriend's hands.

"Justin...," JC said, at a loss for words and tears streaming down his face.

The curly haired youth stopped his actions in midstream and looked to his side. Looked to his side to see the love of his life crushed and heartbroken. "JC... I...I," he tried to explain but was interrupted.

"Jus...how could you?" And with that, a hurt and defeated JC ran out of the room, out of the hotel, and out of Justin's life.


Well, what did you think? Excellent? Good? Bad? Too melodramatic? Come on folks. Send me some feedback. I'm just dying to hear from you! SHSStageFreak@aol.com BTW, I don't know how long the next chapters are going to take to get out, so go check out some other stories. But I can promise you this. There will be a sequel to Right and Wrong. Thanx you guyz for a great first season! Peace out! Later!

Next: Chapter 14

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