Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jan 31, 2023


Hey guys! I know! I know! I slacked major on this one. However, I'm going to try and update in the next few days. This time I promise! It's just that these next few chapters, including this one, have scared me to death. It's the big climax of the series. But now that I've finally got my act together and figured out where I want to go with this, the updates should be more frequent. Thanx once again to Susan and Rick, my mentors. You guys are great! Go check out there stories, "A Tale of Two Boybands" and "The One". Please send all feedback to SHSStageFreak@aol.com. I love to here from you guys. A little more feedback might encourage me to update ASAP! Now without any more stalling, I give you chapter 11.

Previously, on Right and Wrong:

(From Part 10)

"JC, some other time, but right now, I do need to call Johnny." Lance picked up the phone and dialed in the number for Britney Spears's cell phone. JC shrugged and went out of the room to see if his limo had pulled up.

"Yes," a voice answered on the phone.

"Britney, JC is coming up your way. I can't get him to stay," Lance panicked.

"Lance, Lance, Lance. Selfish, egotistical Lance. You've got to understand, I want him to come back," Britney answered knowingly.

"You what?" Lance was shocked. "I thought you wanted to keep them apart."

"Lance, don't you get it. I have my Christina working on Justin as we speak. I have given her some roofies-we want go into how I got them. Tonight, her and Justin are going out. She'll drug his drink, and he won't be able to resist her. The rest is obvious. JC walks in while they're doing the bad thing. He'll break up with Justin and obviously need someone to turn to..."

"Thereby coming to me. Then I get JC; you get Justin..."

"And we all live happily ever after!" ~~~~ Later in the hotel room:

JC's limo still hadn't shown up. He went back up to room to call management and noticed Lance was in the shower. Josh quickly made his way to the phone and dialed *69, thinking Lance had called Johnny. Then, his face went stiff and his hand went numb due to the shock of what came next...

"Lance, quit calling me! I don't have time for this! Hurry and get JC up here so he can won't miss tonight's festivities. "Click

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Been long enough, so I won't keep you any longer. Here it is folks:

Right and Wrong: Part 11

"Oh come on Justin! Lighten up! Have some fun," the blonde tried encourage her victim. Justin just frowned and asked the bartender for another drink. He didn't care if she was one of his best friends. She still wasn't him. She wasn't his Josh. Without Josh, it was like a part of him was missing. Like his very existence depended on his boyfriend. "Christina" sighed.

"Well if you aren't going to let yourself have fun, will you at least go fix yourself up in the bathroom. Look at you. You're a mess." Justin nodded and dragged himself towards the rest room. "Christina" made sure the coast was clear and reached into her purse for a pill bottle that read "Rohypnol". 'Like I said Justin, this will be one night that you'll never forget. Now how many did Britney say to give him again?'


JC ran through the airport. He didn't know exactly what Britney and Lance were up to. All the young man knew was that something inside of him didn't feel right. No, something most definitely was not right at all! What had Britney meant by the festivities? And what did Lance have to do with any of this? The questions just kept coming. After running up the escalator going down and hurdling over sever travelers, an out-of-breath JC finally reached the main desk for American Airlines. The flight attendant looked him over once or twice before finally catching herself and getting back to business.

"May I help you sir?"

"Yes...I would... like... one ticket," JC took a deep breath. "I need one ticket to Orlando immediately!" The attendant jumped back, surprised at the sudden response. After composing herself, the lady finally answered, "I'm sorry sir, but we have no flights heading to the Orlando area at this time. However, if you would like to wait till..."

"I CAN'T WAIT," JC yelled, suddenly realizing it was a big mistake as all eyes in the waiting room turned towards him. Remembering where he was, Josh took another deep breath and looked back at the attendant with an exhausted look on his face. "Look," glancing at her name tag, "Susan. If I don't get to Orlando tonight, something terrible will happen! I can feel it!" Seeing that this isn't getting him anywhere, he tries a different approach. "Let me ask you this. Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, once," Susan replied.

"Well, when you were away from that person, did you ever get a gut feeling that something was wrong?"

"Actually, yes. It was a Friday night, and I had to work late. I called Rick to te... oh yeah, Rick, he was my boyfriend. Anyway, I called to tell him I'd be late, and this girl answered. He claimed she was his cousin, but something told me different. Instead of pursuing after the feeling, I passed it off as nothing. I should have known better. That night I walked in the door, only to find my Rick and that no good whore making out on the couch. Of course, the rest is history." Susan started to tear up, but then quickly rushed back to reality. "Oh listen to me. Here I am telling my life story to a boy band singer." JC began to blush. "Oh yes, I knew who you were the minute I saw you."

JC laughed. "Well why didn't you say anything or ask for an autograph.?"

"Because I knew you were worried about something." Susan smiled. "Let me guess, it's Justin, isn't it?"

"Wha... How did you know?" JC was shocked to say the least.

"Oh, we make it our business to know lots of things," she said, puzzling Josh even more. Susan went to work on the computer and finally started printing something. "It looks like we've had a cancellation on our 7:30 to Orlando at Gate 121. You'll have to hurry though. It leaves in 5 minutes!" She smiled at him and handed him the ticket. Josh immediately ran towards the stairs but stopped himself.

'Idiot. Forgetting to pay.' He turned back around, but what he saw next left him speechless. There was no American Airlines desk where he had previously been given the plane ticket. Instead, there was a janitor's closet and an old man sweeping the floors. Josh walked up to the man. "Excuse me, could you tell me where the American Airlines front desk is?"

The janitor looked up and grunted. "Down on the first floor bub. It moved last year after the fire."

'Fire? Then what just happened here?' JC glanced down at his ticked and decided to stop questioning and go for it. He quickly ran up the stairs and towards his home(figuratively speaking).


"I think I'm geady (hiccup) to ro home now," Justin giggled. "Christina" was pleased to see how quickly things had changed. 'Thank you Britney,' she thought to herself.

"Ok Cutie, you just wait right here while I go make a quick phone call." Justin nodded goofily, and "Christina" strutted to the nearby pay phone. She dialed a number and waited for a voice to answer. "Is everything ready? Good, tonight our precious boy becomes a man."

Next: Chapter 13

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