Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Nov 2, 2023


Hey again! IT'S SHOWTIME!!! =) Well, I'm back with that story... uh, what was it called again? You know, the one with Lance and Britney being two SOB's. j/k. I would like to thank all of you for nominating me for the BBSA. It really means a lot to even get nominated, although don't let that stop you from voting for me. Right and Wrong was nominated for 2 categories: Funniest Moment in a Serial Story & Most Comedic Story- notice a connection anywhere. Also, Susan, I'm back! Write me sometime!!! But really, I just wanna thank EACH and every one of my peeps out there. This one's for you guys!

On another note, my e-mail address has changed to SHSStageFreak@aol.com.

Last Time on Right and Wrong::

The door opened as Justin and JC both exited, still engrossed in their lip lock and oblivious to Lance. Lance turned away until they finally finished a couple of minutes later.

"I should leave more often." JC smiled.

"Oh no you don't. After this trip you are not leaving my side for a long time." Justin chuckled and then turned to Lance. "And don't you try to steal my man while you're gone, you hear?" Justin pulled Lance into a whig and let out a laugh, letting Lance know he was kidding.

'If you only knew Justin. If you only knew,' Lance forced a smile and then pulled back from the hug. "Well, we better get going. Don't want to keep the driver waiting," Lance said as he reached for his bag.

"Actually, you go ahead. I'll be right there." Lance smiled and nodded, as he turned around.

'After this week, JC, you'll be asking everyone to go away but me.'

JC turned to Justin. "I'll call everyday."


JC pulled Justin into a tight hug, wanting to hold on for an eternity, knowing that he only had a few seconds. Then a smile came to his face.

"All my bags are packed,

I'm ready to go,

I'm standing here outside your door,

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.

But the dawn is breakin',

it's early morn,

the taxi's waitin',

he's blowin' his horn.

Already I'm so lonesome I could die.

So kiss me and smile for me,

tell me that you'll wait for me,

Hold me like you'll never let me go.

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go.

Justin turned his head to JC's ear, tears filling his eyes and escaping quickly. "There hasn't been or never will be a moment go by when I'm not thinking of you. Don't you ever forget that."

"Ditto." JC joined in on the tears and held Justin for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, realizing there was no choice in the matter, they both turned so their faces met and engaged in what would be their final kiss for longer than either of them expected. Had they have known what would have happened, neither one of them would have let go, but they did and soon parted ways. Both of them missing the other one more for the more distance put between them.

In 5...4...3...2...1... And now, the World Premiere of Right and Wrong Part 10

Britney Spears smirked to herself as she realized the situation at hand. Lance and JC were alone in New York for the rest of the week. Justin was now very vulnerable without JC, being that it was their first time apart since being together, and best of all, that nosy ghetto bitch that was normally up her ass was locked up and had no way of getting out, at least until Britney was ready for her to see the rest of the world again.

"You see Christina, I told you Justin would be mine, but you just wouldn't listen. Now that he's all alone, he'll need a friend to turn to, and I wonder who that would be."

"You'll never get away with this Britney," Christina yelled, almost in desperation. It had been two whole days since she had seen the light of day, and along with PMS'ing, she was not in the mood for these little games.

Britney chuckled. "Ah, the classic line. But in a way, you're correct. I wouldn't get away with this." Christina became confused, but her questions were soon answered.

"You see, Justin doesn't trust me enough for this to work with me. Oh no! That's where you come in, or at least you're counterpart. As we speak, Justin Timberlake and the rest of NSYNC are now seeing another side of you. Let's just say picture me in your body. Wait! Nevermind. Me having to live in that reched thing would be a tragedy in itself." Christina was about to retaliate, but Britney was too fast for her.

"Oh well, gotta run. Have you're people call my people. We'll do lunch. Oh, and by the way. I've taken "Lucky" 24/7 off of the TV so you might be able to get some peace. Ta Ta!"

Christina breathed a sigh of relief as Britney went off the TV screen. There was finally peace in the room, which didn't last long as "Oops..." started playing over the TV.

"I swear, the second I get out of here, I am going to kick her ass over and over again!"

"So Lance, I'm wondering, and I know the rest of the world's wondering, where does NSYNC go from here," Dave Holmes asked on the set of TRL. "Well, you know, some might say down, but we are looking nowhere but up. I mean we got a movie coming up, a new album we're working on while we're on tour." "Oh yeah, and I'm sure having Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera tour with you won't be too much of a problem." JC smiled and turned his head at this assumption. 'Just smile and nod JC. Smile and nod.' ~~~~(Author's note: I know, short segment. Didn't really wanna get myself into anything that I couldn't get out of though. Hope you guys understand.) Meanwhile, Justin and the rest of the gang were watching their two other members- Justin glued to the television. "You know, the way you're looking at it, I'd say you were about to make out with him across the TV," Chris stated. Justin didn't flinch. "Hey Just...Just...JUSTIN!" Justin shifted his head slightly, still not taking his eyes from the television. "Huh?" The other guys laughed. Justin still oblivious as to what was going on in the room. The only thing that he knew at this moment was that he wanted JC back and fast. "That's it," Joey stated, turning off the TV. "Hey, What was that for?" Justin lunged for the remote control, but Chris grasped it out of his reach. Justin began to pout. "Just, I'm sick of seeing you like this. He's only been gone two days and it's been like you guys have broken up." Joey didn't know what to do. He knew what Justin was going through, and he also knew how unhealthy it had become. Justin had barely eaten since the minute JC had left. The only thing he would allow into his body was enough water and food to keep him living. Joey was about to say something, but a knock at the door interrupted him. 'De Ja Vu?' Joey answered the door and let "Christina" in, not even saying a word as he went back to his place. "Hi to you too!" "Oh, sorry Christina. It's just we can't seem to get Justin here to do anything but think about JC. By the time Josh gets back, there'll be nothing left." Christina thought about the situation for a second, smiling at the opportunity that had presented itself. "I've got it!" "What," they all exclaimed.! Justin looking up from the pillow he had buried his head in. "Justin, why don't you come out with me tonight? We'll have a little friendly reunion." Justin pondered this for a second, but finally gave in. "Great, I'll give you an evening you'll never forget!" 'Yes Justin! This will be a night no one will ever forget!'

"But JC, why do you have to back so soon? Management said we could stay an extra week if we wanted to," Lance stated. He was definitely pissed. Once again, Joshua Scott Chasez, the love of his life, was chosing that wretched little brat over him, and there was nothing he could do to stop him.

"Lance, I've went over this time and time again. I want to go home to Justin and never let him go again." Then JC got a thought. "Why are you trying so hard to keep me here?"

Lance's voice caught in his throat. Had JC caught on? He couldn't have, or else everything would be ruined. "I have to make a phone call real quick." Lance turned around headed straight for the phone, trying to stop any confrontation that might but come up, but to no avail. JC grabbed him by the wrist and spun him around.

"Lance, is there something going on that I should know about?"

"Ugh... not really."

"Come on Lance. You can tell me." JC was now really curious as to why Lance was wanting him to stay.

"JC, some other time, but right now, I do need to call Johnny." Lance picked up the phone and dialed in the number for Britney Spears's cell phone. JC shrugged and went out of the room to see if his limo had pulled up.

"Yes," a voice answered on the phone.

"Britney, JC is coming up your way. I can't get him to stay," Lance panicked.

"Lance, Lance, Lance. Selfish, egotistical Lance. You've got to understand, I want him to come back," Britney answered knowingly.

"You what?" Lance was shocked. "I thought you wanted to keep them apart."

"Lance, don't you get it. I have my Christina working on Justin as we speak. I have given her some roofies- we want go into how I got them. Tonight, her and Justin are going out. She'll drug his drink, and he won't be able to resist her. The rest is obvious. JC walks in while they're doing the bad thing. He'll break up with Justin and obviously need someone to turn to..."

"Thereby coming to me. Then I get JC; you get Justin..."

"And we all live happily ever after!"

JC's limo still hadn't shown up. He went back up to room to call management and noticed Lance was in the shower. Josh quickly made his way to the phone and dialed *69, thinking Lance had called Johnny. Then, his hace went stiff and his hand went numb due to the shock of what came next... "Lance, quit calling me! I don't have time for this! Hurry and get JC up here so he can won't miss tonight's festivities. "*Click* Well, there it was. Sorry for taking so long. What do you think? I know i wasn't that good, but please give me a shout. We'll do lunch. =) SHSStageFreak@aol.com-NEW EMAIL ADDRESS.

Next: Chapter 11

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