Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on May 30, 2000


Hey everbody! This is Angelface here(You'll probably find out my real name soon if you don't know it already. WARNING: This is my first time writing a story. I hope you'll read it anyways. I would like to thank the following people real quickly. First and foremost I would like to thank Jason(author of "Taken For Granted"), Lauren(author of Waking Up With Vengeance), and Rick(author of "The One" and "This I Promise You") for being an inspiration and load of advice that couldn't do this without. Their stories are great. Check them out if you haven't. Please send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com.

Disclaimer:If you are under 18 or are offended by homosexual material, leave now or be really sneaky. I do not know any members of *NSYNC(wish I did) or anything that would even hint that they are gay. Ditto for any other non-fictional chracters in this story. Read at your own caution.

And Now:

~~Right and Wrong: Part 1~~

Justin Timberlake stood inside his Victorian-style house as he looked upon the pictures of his past. He paused as he saw a picture of him and his husband on their wedding day. He smiled as he remembered that wonderful day in his life. All of his friends had been there to celebrate one of the most anticipated wedding of all time. '25 years,' he thought to himself. '25 years. Has it really been that long? My, how time flies when you're with the one you love.' He tried to remember back to before their wedding. He remembered. He remembered very well. It hadn't been an easy ride for either of them- not in the least. It had been nothing but an emotional roller-coaster.

Perhaps this is a little too far into the story. Let's go back to the days of NSYNC, to the days before two of its most famous members got together. Yes! I can see it now. Can you? Well you will. And now, let the adventure begin!

Year:2000 Date: January 2000 The members of *NSYNC had just arrived at a party celebrating the success of their sophomore album, "No Strings Attached", which had just broken numerous records. As each of them entered, they could hear the music blaring loud from within the other room. "I guess the party's in there," Chris yelled at the top of his lungs so he could be heard. "Yeah," Justin mumbled in a monotone voice. "You ok Just? We don't have to go if you don't want to." "Nah, let's go. I'm fine." With that said, the members of *NSYNC entered the dark party room. The music was blaring, and there were people dancing everwhere. Then all of a sudden everyone stopped and the music to "Bye, Bye, Bye" started playing. As soon as this happened everyone in the building started applauding the group, including their rivals, the BSB. "Woah, I could get used to this," JC replied with a smirk. "Yeah," was all that came from Justin once again. Only this time he seemed more depressed than he had been. JC noticed this. He had noticed it for a long time, but the weird thing was that Justin hadn't said one thing to him about it. Instead he had done just the opposite and separated himself from the others, including JC. "Hey guys, could you excuse me and Justin for a minute? We need to talk for a second," JC said in a firm but calm voice. This caused Justin to look up for a second. This was the last thing he had wanted. Justin had been avoiding JC for a reason, a reason he hoped JC would never discover, or their friendship would be over. "Yeah sure. We'll be on the dance floor if you need us," Joey quickly replied, knowing that this talk had been coming for a long time. With that said, the band parted their own ways. Joey and Chris went out on the dance floor in search of some honies. Lance went to the bar and immediately started downing liqour faster than the bartender could hall it out. JC and Justin had found a table and were seated and ready to talk. "Now Justin. I'm gonna be harsh with you for a second, because everytime I try to talk to you, you push me away. So you can tell me and I can help you or we can sit here all night with me waiting for you to tell me. Your choice." JC looked at Justin and could tell he was dumbfounded by his friend's sudden outburst, but it was needed if he was going to find out. 'Should I tell him,' Justin thought to himself. 'I might as well. What if it turns out he likes you? That would be great. It would be nice to just get this off my chest. OK. Here it goes.' It was time now. Justin was ready to release all this stress. "Josh, first I want you to promise me something." "Anything," JC said a little unsure of what he was promising and also a little thrown off by being called Josh. 'It's been a long time since anyone's called me that. This must be serious." "I want you to promise me that we'll alwasy be friends, no matter what happens tonight." "Don't worry Just. You don't have to worry about losing my friendship. Just tell me." 'Here it goes,' Justin thought. "JC, I... I'm... JC, I'm g...." "Hey everbody," a familiar voice said. Justin turned around and frowned when he saw who it was. "Hey Brittany," Justin said in a very depressed voice. "Hey Justin. I just came over to see if one of you two handsome guys wanted to give the most beautiful girl in the building a dance." Before either could respond Brittany had grabbed Justin by the arm and was hauling him off to the dance floor. "We'll talk later," JC mouthed to Justin. "OK," Justin mouthed back. Measnwhile across the dance floor, Lance had just finished his fifth beer. He looked across the room to where JC and Justin were sitting and saw Brittany dragging him away, obviously against Justin's will. "Can't you let them have just two seconds together bitch," Lance slurred. He got up slowly and tried to walk to the door but lost his balance and ended up falling in JC's lap. "Hey buddy! Looks like you could use any sleep," JC recommended playfully. "I don't sleed a-n-y neep," Lance slurred out, obviously drunk. "Come on big boy! Time for you to go back to the hotel," JC replied. "Okey-Dokey Mommy. Let's go to school now," Lance said drunkfully. 'How do I always get stuck with these things,' JC thought to himself. He really didn't mind it. He just wished it was someone else for once. JC tried to pick Lance up but to no avail. 'I'll get Justin to help me, and then we can kill two birds with one stone," JC thought quickly. "Hey Justin," he yelled. "You wanna help me get Lance back to the hotel? Maybe we could talk on the way?," JC asked hopefully. Before Justin could answer, Brittany spoke up. "Actually, we were gonna go explore the town a bit. I'm sure Chris and Joey could help you," she replied spitefully. "Uh Sure." JC accepted the answer and went over to Chris and Joey before Justin could answer. They both said that they were ready to go too, so they got Lance and left Justin with the bitch that did it again- oops I mean Brittany. "So Justin, what do you want to do," Brittany asked knowing she had backed him into a corner. "Actually Brit, I just wanna go to the hotel. Sorry, I'm just kind of tired," Justin replied not really wanting to do anything but talk to JC. "Um, OK, but you owe me Mr." Brittany started to pout, but Justin didn't care. He just wanted to get everything off his chest to JC. He quickly haled a taxi and headed towards the nearest Hilton, the hotel the group was staying at. He hurriedly went into the lobby and up to his room to wait for JC.

Justin paced around his room nervously. He knew he had to tell JC about his feelings, but had never been able to do it. ' But what if he's not gay,' he thought to himself. 'Then I'll just be emberrased and he'll probably never talk to me again.' Just the mere thought of JC disowning him as a best friend brought tears to his eyes. Then Justin's face lit up all of a sudden. 'But what if he is gay and has feelings for me? Then we can be together and be able to express our love for one another.

A knock at the door ended Justin's thoughts. "Who is it," Justin yelled. "It's me, JC. You said you wanted to talk about something." Justin walked slowly towards the door. He knew what he had to do.

Meanwhile in a nearby room the phone started to ring. "Hello," a voice answered. "How could you let them talk alone? Do you know what could have happened? We would have lost everything." The voice on the other end was definitely pissed. "We've got too much riding on this. Don't you want JC?" "Yeah, but it's not right what we're doing" "Not right. I'll tell you what's not right. It's not right that you and I should suffer because they're too much of fools to know when they've got something good going in their lives. Once they get together you'll never even get a second of JC's time again. Do you understand?" "Yes" "Good. Now listen up. We've got some things to do." To Be Continued... Hey! That's Part 1. What did you think? Who were the two voices? What will they do? Will Justin and JC get together? Send me some feedback, even if you hated it. Thanx! -Angelface YIMTWBS2000@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2: Right and Wrong 2 3

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