Riding with Steve

By vancouver33.grh

Published on Jul 5, 2018


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When I was 34 , I was staying with a friend at his apartment . I broke up with a girlfriend and I was staying there and spliting the rent with my friend . I'm bi , my friend knew and was okay with it . He wasn't bi or gay himself but he didn't give a shit about who I slept with . It was early summer .

The guy who lived across the alley in , back of the apartment was named Steve . He rode a motorcycle , he was a biker guy . He was bout 5'9" , slim , lightly muscled , flat stomach , dark brown hair . He was a good looking guy , about 28 years old .He was cute . He was shorter and smaller boned but he tried to act bigger than he was .

One day I got a new battery for my car and I was gunna put it in my car myself . I went across the alley to ask Steve if I could use a few tools . It was warm that day , I had on a pair of running shorts and nothing else . I just got back from running . I would run 5 miles a day and went to the gym 4 times a week . I 'm 5'8" , 137 pounds , black hair , tanned .

I knocked on the door , he answered , we talked and I told him what I was goung to do and he said it was okay to get some tools from him . He asked me if I just woke up , I laughed and said I just got back from running. I thought he was straight but he kept checking me out hard and kept talking about this and that . I started to get into it . He kept on checking me out , I was checking him out and I didn't care if he he knew it . I was smiling and moved closer to him . I asked about his bike . We went over to his bike and he tolded me about it . He modded it some and put on a smaller seat on it . I said something about it . He said it was a really tight fit for two people to ride on it . I said too bad he couldn't take me for a ride on it . He said he could take me for a ride . He was kina quiet and he kina knew that we crossed a line when we talked about taking a ride together . I looked at him and smiled and he seemed okay with it .

He was wearing a pair of jeans and some sneakers . He didn't have a shirt on , Most of the time he didn't have a shirt on .

He asked me if I wanted to have a beer , I asked if he had a glass of water. He said we should go up to his place . We went up the stairs in the back of the building. We went in his apartment .. He got a glass of water . When he came over to give me the water , I took the glass and took his hand at the same time . I kept my hand on his , he didn't do or say anything . We stood there , looking in each other's eyes . I took the glass from him . I said that it seemed like we both wanted the same thing to happen. I looked at his cock and he was hard . I started to get hard too . I knew for sure then . I told him that it looked like he liked me . A lot.He blushed hard. I looked between his legs and smiled . I reached down and made room inside my underwear , I wore some tight string bikinis for more support , he saw my hard cock . He swallowed hard . He said , " I don't know where to start . " I pulled down my running shorts and underwear . My cock popped out . He sat on the couch and slipped his shoes off and pulled his jeans off . His cock was 7 inches , and hard . I kneeled in front of him and grabbed his cock and pinched his nipples. Steve moaned . I told him that I would make him feel good . I smiled and said it's okay , just relax . He layed out on the couch , I put his cock in my mouth and sucked and kissed and licked his cock . I ran my tongue fast underneath the head of his cock . I pulled his cock down , little by little towards his feet . He moaned , " oohhh fucckkk ." I tweaked his nipples and ran my hands over his chest and face and lips . He opened his eyes . His eyes had a glazed look . It was really hot , really sexy . I kissed him , hard . I licked and kissed and bit and sucked his lips , he opened his mouth and moaned . I licked under his tongue , like it was a cock . He moaned hard . I started giving him a hand job and pulling his cock down towards his legs . He moaned and said not to stop . I told him that I would make him feel good .

I asked him if he wanted to fuck my ass . I told him I wanted him to . I told him I wanted to fuck his cute ass . I told him I would make him like it . Steve looked at me and said yes. I asked him if he had some KY jelly . He went and got some Swiss Navy . I shoved some up my ass and got his cock lubed . I put a knee on the arm of the couch and leaned over and arched my back . He got behind me and slid his cock in me . He slid past the muscle ring in my ass and pushed in farther . I moaned and whispered , " Ouchhh " . I told him to wait , I moved my ass in a circle . He got the idea , he grabbed my ass and shoved some more cock in me . He waited and moved his hips around and around . He started to bump my prostate , I moaned when he did . He shoved all the way in , balls deep . He pulled out , scrapping his cock along my prostate , and pushed and the way back in . Balls deep . I moaned some more . He asked if it hurt . I told him yeah , I told him to keep on , it only stings for a little bit . I told him to fuck my ass good and keep rubbing under my balls with his prick .

We went to his bed , I got on my back ,on the edge of the bed . I pulled my legs up and wide . He got between my legs , lined up his cock and put my legs over his arms . He slipped his cock back into me . I sighed . He shoved into me all the way . I said , " fucckkk." I moved my ass and arched my back so his cock would hit just the right spot inside me . He moaned that it was nice and tight , and hot . I told him to keep rubbing underneath my balls and fuck my ass good . He kept hitting my prostate , I kept moaning and talking dirty . He was moaning and saying , " Ohhh god !! " He really started to speed up and his balls were slapping my ass . He kept hitting my prostate , my cock got harder . I started rubbing and tweaking his nipples . My asshole was making squishy and sucking sounds . I tweaked his nipples faster , Steve was moaning everytime he slammed into me . My ass was twitching inside . Steve was sweaty . I closed my eyes , I saw little white lights and lightning . I yelled and blew a load on my chest and abs . Steve moaned out and squirted way inside me . About 5 or 6 times . He slowed down and grinded on my ass . He pulled out of me . He licked up cum from my chest and abs and kissed me . He got off me and laid down beside me . We laid there until we got our minds back .

We smoked a little weed . He said that he never had sex that was so urgent . He said he never had such a good blow job or fuck before . He said that he never had sex with a guy before . He never thought it would be so good . I grabbed his sticky cock and told him that he could fuck me again . I told him I was only across the alley from him . I told him not to worry , it turned out way better than he thought . And he could have more of it .

He came over and helped change the battery . I told Steve that I would shower and we could get together later , I told him that I still had to fuck him like I told him I'd do . He gave me his number and said we could get together later that night . I said maybe he could give me a ride on his bike since he fucked me already . Steve laughed and said that I must be his bitch . I laughed and said if that's true , then he had to cut the front pockets out of his jeans . That way I had somewhere to put my hands when we rode his bike together. He laughed hard after that .

I showered and got ready . I got ready and gave him a call . Steve answered , said to come over . I just put on some cutoffs and a t - shirt and some cross trainers and went over .

I got there and knocked on the door . Steve answered , he was dressed the same as I was - cutoffs and a t-shirt . I asked him if his pockets in his jeans were cut out , he laughed and said we could cut them out now . I said that's why they made zippers for - so I could get my hands on his cock . I told Steve we could stay there with no clothes on . I told him it was summer and we didn't need them on anyway .Steve said that he would give me a ride on his bike if I wanted to . I said it would be fun at night . Steve said it was fun to ride at night , except for the deer .

I asked what should we do until it got dark . Steve said we should go turn on the TV, we should be able to find some things to do until then . I laughed and said we'll find some places to put our hands .

Steve walked over to the kitchen , I followed . He went to the frig and got a beer , I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and legs . My hands went over his inner thighs to his cock . He liked it. He said, "mmmmm". He relaxed against me .I pulled his hips against me , I grinded against his ass . I reached up , pushed his shirt up and ran my hands over his chest and nipples and put the side of my head against his shoulder . I said , " God , you are a hot piece of ass , you're a stud .I can't get enough of you . I can't help it ." He put his hands over my hands . He told me he not to stop . I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants , I did the same to mine. We didn't say anything , we went to his bed . We got naked ,

He laid on the bed , I sat on the edge of the bed . We both were really hard . And turned on . He had that glazed look in his eyes . He moved next to me , I put a arm over him and leaned over him and started jacking him off . I moved down and was sucking him off . He told me to move up , he wanted to 69. I moved up and he started to suck me . He was really good . I was over him , he was under . I spread his legs out to the side , he bent his knees and pulled his feet up . I started massaging his ass and diddling his asshole . I got a rhythm going , I sucked harder when I pulled off his cock and slid back down on it . He slid down in my mouth easy . He wasn't too thick and doing 69 makes it at the right angle . I stuck a finger in my mouth and got it covered with of spit , I started sticking it in his ass . I kept getting it wet and shoving more inside him . My finger was all the way in . I got my other finger on my other hand covered with spit and worked it up his ass . Steve liked it . A lot . He was moaning and saying "ohhh fucckkk" . His asshole was twitching and his prostate was big . I leaned up farther and started licking from his balls to his asshole . He whispered ,"ohhh goddd !! " He pushed down on my head . I licked his asshole . I was licking and sucking on his ass and he really moaned and got off on it . He was past the point of no return and he wasn't gunna quit . He was gunna get fucked .

I got the lube and got my cock covered with it , I stuck a finger in his ass and pulled his ass wider and poured some there . His asshole was really slippery . And ready . I pulled his legs wide and put them over my arms . He had that really horny look in his eyes . I told him it would only sting for a little while . I slipped my cock in him . It went past his muscle ring . I pushed a little , he moaned . I pushed a little more he moaned and said , " oohhhh ." I started to rub my cock under his balls and he closed his eyes and arched his back and said , "oohhh fuckkk ." I kept on doing that and fucking his ass with short strokes . Little by little , I shoved more cock in him until I was balls deep .

I was fucking his ass a little harder and a little harder , then I would push all the way in and grind on his ass . I kept rubbing under his balls with my cock . He was way into it . His back was arched and his head was thrown back , he was moaning ," fucckkk meee , fucckkk meee " in a low , whispery voice . I was fucking him hard , I was slapping against his ass , we were sweaty , I was rubbing hard on his prostate .I kept going , his ass started to twitch , I started to tweak his nipples , he squirted out big spurts of come . 5 or 6 loads . It was hot and really sexy . It squirted all over his chest .I was fucking his ass hard after his ass started to twitch . In a little while I pushed in balls deep and was grinding on his ass and shot my load up his ass .

I let his legs down and pulled out of him . I laid beside him . He pulled me next to him and kissed me deep and slow . We were smeared with cum and sweat . He had really sexy deep eyes , a nice wide mouth , full lips .

A little later , after we got our minds back we , we were laying together . He told me that he never had sex that good . He said his ass was kina tingly . I told him that it was really good . I told him a guy knows what another guy wants . He told me that he was learning what a guy wants . He laughed . He said that it's fun .

We laid in bed feeling each other up and talking . He said he felt really sexy and hot when I blew my load in him . He said he never felt sexy that way before . I grinned at him and told him that was called being slutty . He laughed and his face turned red . It was cute . Steve said to get ready , we could go for a ride . It was getting dark .

Pt. 2

He had a 1000 Sportster . It was nice. His friend worked at a machine shop and they modified some things and worked on it themselves . No long forks , it had long handlebars . Long forks don't handle or turnworth a shit .

Steve strapped a blanket to the back of the bike with a bungee cord . He started it up . I got on , it was nice and tight . It felt good . He said we would go out of the city and stay on the interstate at first . It was nice . He said to hang on just behind me on the seat . When my arms got tired , hang on to him . He said he would get tired too if I would hang on to him too much . He said it was lower to the ground a little . He said it might get bumpy , the shocks were shorter in back . We took off down the BLVD.We hit the big Blvd , and got out to the divided highway , like an expressway . It was a really nice ride . For a 1000 cc bike , it had lots of guts . Acceleration .

I was right up against Steve . It was easier to hang on to his hips and waist . We went about 30 miles and got off on a highway. We had to go slower because of deer . We went about 20 miles and tirned on a County road . We went 10 miles,and got to a small street that turned on to a beach on one side of the street .

We pulled up to the parkjng area . There weren't any cars parked there . We stopped and got off and stretched out . The moon was bright enough to see pretty good . There were some younger kids over off the beach . They were walking away . Steve took off the blanket . We went out on the beach . There was a light breeze .

Steve said to follow him . We went through some trees and bushes . We came out farther down the shore . There was another beach behind some houses . Steve said the houses belong to people who come there for the 4th of July and Labor Day . There is one house that people stay at farther down. It was out in the open . A nice breeze . It was warmer , Steve took off his clothes and went in the water . I did the same . The water was warm on the surface . But deeper it was cooler . Steve said it was spring fed . It was nice . The houses were dark and empty , over on the other side of the lake there were lit houses but they were far away . It felt great in the water . We were swimming and floating on our backs . I said to Steve , " The water feels really good . It was a nice ride here . Your bike is really nice , especially the seat . It's quick . " He said he put bigger pistons in it . We stayed in the water for a while and got out . We dried off and were on the blanket . He told me he wanted to fuck me tonight . He took my hand . He said he didn't care what people said about him or us . He said he never had sex so good and he wanted more . A lot more . He said that he felt weird because he never felt like this about a guy , he never was into a guy like this . I told him I liked getting fucked by him too . I told him not to worry bout how he felt bout me . I told him it's just something new for him . I told him if we keep fucking , we will know what really gets each other off . I told him I like fucking him too . I told him that when I'm fucking him he has a really sexy look on his face . And he looks kina cute too . His cheeks get kina red when I fuck him hard . It's cute . He laughed and said let's go back so he could fuck my ass and give it a good reaming. I laughed and said the last time I fucked his ass , he wasn't saying that to me . I said to him that he was moaning and groaning to keep on fucking him . And he blow all kinds of cum all over himself . He grabbed me by my shoulders , he was grinning he said to hurry and get dressed . We got dressed and took off and went back the way we went . Steve wanted to get back and fuck me . I kina thought that he really liked getting fucked more than fucking me . I would find out .

We got back and stopped at a bar and got some 40 oz. beers , went through the drive through for food and went to his place . We had a shower and ate and drank some beer and smoked a joint . We were sitting on the couch with cutoffs on . Steve slid over and we started kissing and making out . The TV was on but nothing else . We went to his bed and I got my ass ready . I squirted lube on my ass , got some on my fingers and stuck them up my ass . I stuck my ass out and had 3 fingers inside me . He got lube all over his dick and kneeled over me . I pulled my legs over his arms . He shoved his cock in me . He shoved in 3 times and was Balls deep . We fucked enough before that my ass was open enough to just start fucking . He lifted my legs and I arched my back to get the right angle . He started fucking me slower but speeded up right away . My ass started twitching deep inside . Steve moaned and started fucking my ass harder . My ass started to push out with the muscles and my ass opened up . My ass was making sucking sounds . It started to buzz and my stomach got warm . And tingle , and twitch . Steve was groaning and so was I. I told him to fuck the spot under my balls . I told him to fuck me hard on that spot . I arched my back and he fucked me there . I pushed him off me and got on my knees on the edge of the bed . Steve got behind me , I got to the right height . He started fucking my prostate . His dick was bigger and harder . He banged my ass hard . My arms gave out and I fell on the bed with my ass up in the air . I tried to get up on my hands but I was seeing stars . He was slapping against my ass . My ass started twitching hard and I came hard I pushed back against his cock . I blew my load on his bed . It felt like I was far away . He grabbed my hips and pushed all the way in and started grinding on my ass . He blew a bigass load in me . I groaned ," Ohhh fuucckkk !!! " It was warm . He kept banging on my ass. My ass was making wet sounds . He got done and pulled out of me , cum dripped out and down my leg . I crawled up on the bed . I laid down and stretched my legs out . Steve rolled me over on my back .

He moved over me and kissed me long , and deep . He almost took my breath away . He kissed and sucked my nipples . I smiled and moaned . He said , " God !! I never fucked anyone like that before !!! You like to get fucked really hard !!" I said to Steve , "I can't help it . Just kina hold me ." I said , " You blew a big load in me . It makes me feel hot and slutty and sexy . " I rolled over on my side, Steve spooned me and we fell asleep .

We had a lot of fun together for about a year . Especially that summer .

Next: Chapter 2

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