Riding Master

By rimboy

Published on Apr 5, 2004


This story is the property of the author, and may not be reproduced in any form without his permission.

All participants are 18 or older, and no suggestion of underage sexual activity is intended. In the real world use condoms.

The next morning I woke early and almost painfully erect. Instantly, memories of yesterday's events crowded my mind. After I had ridden back to the house on my Master's horse, my arms clinging on to his powerful, hard torso as we galloped over the fields, I had been exhausted by the ordeal I had been through. Tied up for hours, then brutally beaten and sexually used by the farm workers I could hardly walk when Saul finally pulled me off his horse. He had made Martin look after me. First a painful shower that had stung my wounds and then Martin had applied some cream, which at first stung even more than the warm water but which quickly soothed the marks on my back, ass and thighs. Martin was surprisingly gentle as he tended to my wounds, and when he inserted cream into my battered asshole with his thick finger. Instantly, the cool cream eased my sore hole and Martin's gentle probing made me hard. Martin laughed but not unkindly this time. 'You really are a horny slut, aren't you?' 'Just like me' he smiled as his finger probed deeper and twisted and turned in my tender hole. I started to moan and Martin, continuing to finger my hole, now with two thick fingers, wrapped his other hand around my aching dick and with a few strokes made me cum. 'That'll help you sleep', he smiled, 'but don't get any ideas, I won't always be this generous to you'.

As I said, I had slept well. Now I leapt out of bed and headed straight for the full-length mirror, my big dick slapping up and down as I ran across the luxuriously carpeted floor. I was prepared to find myself marked, but even I gasped when I saw the pattern of crop and whip marks across my tanned back and thighs and even more noticeably across my pale, firm buttocks. I reached back and ran my hand over the raised red weals that the farm hands had made over the top of the marks made the previous evening by Martin and my Master. The cream had done its work. The marks were hardly painful, but the effect of the marks on my smooth skin was startlingly erotic, I couldn't help work my dick as I stood looking at my back in the mirror.

'Well you can stop that slutboy'. Unknown to me Martin had entered my room. He grabbed my hand away from my dick and pushed me to the bathroom. Again I was showered, shaved and cleaned. More cream was applied to my wounds and after a quick breakfast Martin led me out to the stable block.

Although at the time I had been terrified during my ordeal at the hands of those farm workers later, when I had thought about it as I had drifted off to sleep, the whole episode had been powerfully erotic. The pain of my first fuck or rape was real indeed. But as I remembered how I had had to service all eight of those young, virile sexy men I couldn't help but find it exciting. Now as Martin and I approached the stable yard, I could see all the farm hands had gathered as Saul had ordered them to the evening before. They looked unhappy about being there at all, but I guess they knew they dare not disobey Saul Powers. When they saw me, they started whistling and cat-calling and the tallest, biggest of them, the one would had been the first to fuck me the day before, came over and grabbed my balls and cock with his big hand. 'So pretty boy, come back for more have you?' 'You are the reason we are all here, we'll make you pay for this pretty boy'.

'Get your hands off my property', shouted my Master as he entered the stable yard from the tack room. With one slash of his riding crop the man backed off to rejoin the others.

Saul stood there and looked at all eight men. 'If any of you so much as look at this boy again without my permission you shall pay dearly, is that understood'. A few growls of assent came from the men 'Is that understood?' Saul repeated again hitting the crop against his leather riding boot. 'Yes, sir', all the men almost comically chorused. I let a little smile play across my lips.

'Right, because of your actions yesterday you will spend this morning cleaning this yard and the stables until they are spotless. I want the stables mucked out and scrubbed clean, the tack cleaned and polished and this yard swept and also scrubbed. If it is not done correctly you will all do it over again. Do you understand?' Again the murmured assent.

Was this all I thought? After the events of yesterday I had built up a punishment much harsher and, if I were honest, more erotic than this. I was disappointed, I could see Martin was too. We had both hoped to see these young, sexy guys really made to suffer.

The men started to head to the stables to start work, but Saul called them back.

'One thing first, Strip. All of you, remove all your clothes'.

This time the murmurs were not of assent. The biggest guy, I guess he was the one they all thought of as their 'leader', stepped forward. 'You want us to take off our clothes? We're not stripping. Not for any man'.

Saul stepped forward. I thought he was going to strike the man, but he simply stood in front of him. They were similar heights. He looked the man in the eyes. 'You will strip now'. 'You will do anything I order you to or your punishments will be harsher and more painful than anything you could imagine. Do you understand?'

The effect was remarkable. The man stepped back, looked down at the floor and started to strip. Reluctantly, slowly, the others followed his lead until all eight of them were naked. The big man was half-erect as he stood there in front of his mates; Saul stepped up to him. He teased the guy's hardening dick with the tip of his leather riding crop and as he gently flicked the guy's cock it hardened more until he stood there sporting his full 8 inch erection.

'Well, what do we have here?' Smiled Saul. He addressed the other guys 'Looks like your friend here likes being ordered around'. A couple of them sniggered at this, one or two of the others began to grow hard themselves. Saul took all this in and smiled.

'Now all of you, get your boots on and get to work'.

For the next two hours the guys worked hard to do all the tasks Saul set them. Martin and Saul oversaw them while I was allowed just to wander about looking at these eight handsome men just as I wanted. As they worked all of them at some point threw boners. As they were down on their knees scrubbing the floor, or when they were splashed with cold water as they hosed down the yard they spontaneously erected. The big guy, his name was Bill, hardly softened the whole time. Saul was humiliating them all and one by one and they all began to find the humiliation sexually charged. Finally, after nearly three hours they were finished and they stood in the middle of the yard with their sweaty, grime-streaked naked bodies. Most of the ones with boners were trying to hide them with their hands. But Bill stood there unashamed, so it seemed, of his thick, veiny 8-inch erection.

Saul stood and looked at them. He strode over and stood close to Bill.

'Kneel' he ordered the big powerfully built man.

'I'm not kneeling, you have had enough fun, we're going'. He turned as if to go, but Saul grabbed him and somehow forcing him to bend brought his crop down forcibly on Bill's pale ass. 2-3-4 blows. He stepped back. 'Now, kneel'.

Bill knelt on the cobbled floor; his face now only inches away from my Master's bulging crotch. Saul pushed his hips forward and dragged the guy's head until he was grinding his cock bulge into his face.

'You like humiliating and hurting men do you?' my Master asked the kneeling man. 'You enjoyed attacking and using my property yesterday, well I have news for you; no one attacks my property and gets away with it. And no one humiliates and hurts men better than I do - just remember that'.

Saul continued grinding his crotch into the kneeling man's face; all the time teasing Bill's painfully erect cock with his leather boot, slapping the cock to and fro, rubbing and kicking the large low-hanging balls and pushing his boot tip between Bill's legs to rub his defenceless asshole. It was an erotic sight. As we all watched my Master reached down, found one of Bill's hard quarter-inch nipples and twisted it. Bill, muffled by Saul's jean-clad crotch, moaned audibly.

Martin and I weren't the only ones finding this scene erotic. Several of the guys watching were rubbing their hard dicks and playing with their nipples. One guy looked as if he were about to shoot. My master looked up at them all.

'If any man cums without my permission he'll be whipped until he can't even beg for mercy, is that understood?'

The idea of this threat was too much for the guy on the brink of cumming. He groaned loudly, pushed his hips forward and without even touching his 9inch cock he came. 4-5-6 spurts of thick heavy cream hit the freshly scrubbed yard floor. He groaned again and another 2-3 shots shoot out.

Saul, still twisting Bill's nipple and playing with his balls with his leather riding boot, nodded to Martin who went up to the unfortunate guy and dragged him off to the side of the yard. His wrists were tied and then attached to a metal horse-tethering ring on the side of the wall of one of the outbuildings. As we all watched, Martin picked up his riding crop and began to whip the defenceless guy's ass and thighs. He cried out and twisted and turned on the ring to try to avoid the blows but this only made it worse as Martin's crop found his front and inner thighs and even caught his big, recently spunked cock and swollen balls. He yelped and groaned, at first he shouted angrily to be released but after a while he stopped struggling and seemed to accept the heavy blows, his body was covered in red welts from the crop.

The guys watched this in horror and all dropped their dicks to try to avoid cumming, but all of them stayed hard as they watched and heard their friend get beaten. Eventually, Saul raised his hand and the beating stopped. My Master turned his attention back to the muscular big guy kneeling before him. With one hand my Master ripped open his pants and his rock hard cock sprang out to slap the kneeling guy's face. 'Suck it', my Master ordered. This time there was no resistance. The guys watching gasped as their 'leader' willingly opened his lips to the hard dick. Saul pushed his loins forward and the head disappeared into Bill's mouth. My Master grasped the back of the cocksucker's head and pulled him onto his shaft. We all heard Bill gag as the thick cock forced its way down his throat. My Master began to fuck Bill's mouth. Pushing in further on every stroke, but their was no way the man could take the whole length of my Master's enormous dick and on each forward thrust Bill choked and gagged. Bill's cock swelled even more: we all saw it. All the guys realised that their 'straight' work mate was enjoying the humiliation and sensation of being face-fucked like this. My Master sensed this, knew the man was about to cum, he stepped away and ordered Bill to stand.

Bill's cock stood out red and swollen, drips of precum formed and fell in a steady stream from his cum slit. My Master smiled and began flicking Bill's large low-hanging ballsac with the tip of his riding crop, Bill made no attempt to shield his balls, which visibly churned in his sack under the assault from my Master's leather crop. Suddenly Bill moaned, his hips thrust forward and after 2 then 3 harder flick's from the crop he came with an roar of pleasure. His spunk flew out and landed with an audible splat some 6 feet away on the cobbled yard. Another 4-5 shots followed then another 2. He produced an amazing amount of this thick, white cumjuice. The last shot landed about a foot away from where he stood and the rest dribbled out onto the tip of my Master's crop.

My Master smiled. He raised he crop to Bill's face. 'Well what do we have here?' 'Lick this clean'. After only a few seconds hesitation Bill licked the tip of the leather crop and cleaned off his spunk. 'And the rest', ordered my Master. 'Kneel and lick up the rest'. Bill's cock grew hard again. He looked at my Master, then, with a murmur of disbelief from his watching mates, he dropped to his knee. Bill bent over ass in the air and started to crawl over the cobbled floor lapping up his still- warm, copious load of thick cum.

When he'd finished. He stayed kneeling and looked up expectantly at Saul, my Master. 'I said that if anyone came they'd be punished'. 'Get over to the wall'. Bill stood and walked over to the wall, his cock bouncing up and down as he walked over. My Master tied his wrists to another tethering ring and nodded towards Martin, who ran over with a leather bag. Saul smiled again, opened the bag and selected some metal clamps which he attached to Bill's rock hard nipples; then a wide metal plug, which he pushed into the groaning man's asshole. Still Bill's cock stayed hard. Then my Master picked up the crop and began to whip the powerfully built man's body. He used the crop so forcefully that drops of sweat showered from his body and red weals raised immediately on Bill's muscular tanned back and thighs and especially on his pale, firm ass. He stopped occasionally to twist the clamps harder and to flick the tethered man's balls and cock with the crop tip, then he began his assault again.

Eventually he stopped and walked towards me. At first I thought he was going to hand me the crop, but no, he just spoke to me. 'Which one should be punished next Boy?' I must have looked confused. 'Just pick one', my Master said, 'they must all be punished for what they did'.

I looked round at the six guys still standing in the yard. My eyes lighted on the tallest, best looking of them. His cock, though not the longest, was the thickest and had hurt me most when he fucked my hole the day before. He was also the horniest guy there. I wanted him. I picked him out and Martin pushed him forward. His dick was half hard as he looked from me to my Master almost pleadingly. 'Make him cum Boy' My Master said to me. Do what you want to make him cum, the better you are, the quicker you will see him punished'.

I looked at this guy's sexy body. My Master recognised my lust and smiled; 'Just make him cum' he said gently.

He was hard within seconds of my mouth enclosing his cockhead; my lips and tongue did their work. I lapped at his balls, tangy with sweat after all the work. I pushed my tongue further back and found his smooth, sweaty ass hole. The pure male scent drove me wild and I began to push my tongue in hard. His legs naturally opened and I parted his butt cheeks and licked his tangy, puckered hole. He moaned, I licked harder and harder and pushed my tongue in more. He groaned now unable to stop himself pushing back onto my hot tongue, I reached forward, grasped his rock hard cock and gave it a few strokes. His ass hole spasmed round my pointed, jabbing tongue and he came with a roar of pleasure. Seconds later his pleasure had turned to terror as Martin dragged him over to the wall, tethered his wrists to a ring and began his assault with the crop.

One by one I worked on the remaining men. Two or three tried to stop me making them cum; but I was good. I could deep throat them with ease; I quickly developed a sense of what most drove them to the brink of cumming. I lapped and sucked their balls, teased their cock head or hard ridge with my hot tongue, squeezed and twisted their nipples but most of all I rimmed their male-scented ass holes. All were sweaty with work; sweat tricked down their backs into their tight butt cracks - I lapped it all up, savoring the different tastes of their sweat and ass holes. They tried to resist but one after another I made them all cum, making sure that just as they were about to cum I pulled off their cocks so that my Master could see them spurt before dragging them off to be whipped.

As the cries of the last to be cropped died down I took in the sight in the yard. Eight muscled, fit guys were tethered round the edge of the yard. All their bodies stripped with livid, red welts from both my Master's and Martin's leather riding crops. Some were still hard. My cock had been hard now for well over 2 hours. I could taste these men's bodies on my tongue and smell their sweat and butt scent on my face. It made me so horny I knew that even a few strokes on my cock would make me explode. The whole scene had made me so horny I knew I had to cum soon. The pressure from my shaved, churning balls was intense; but I also knew that I must not cum until my Master gave me permission.

But my Master had more in store for the farm hands before he could turn his attention to me. He strode over to his first victim, Bill. He tore the metal plug from the guy's stretched ass hole. He opened his pants again and showed the tethered man the rock, hard, veined cock, before going round, kicking open Bill's legs and in a single, vicious thrust, pushed his 10 inch pole into the defenceless man's asshole. The fucking was as hard and relentless as the whipping had been previously. At first silent, Bill soon started to moan as his virgin ass opened up to the vicious assault on his prostate and inner ass. The only noise was his moans and the hard slap of my Master's body on his victim's firm ass. Again and again Saul's huge balls slapped against Bill's ass and soon the yard rang out with Bill's groans and moans of please. 'Yes, please, yes, fuck me, please more, make me cum, fuck me, fuck me'.

All the guys started to get aroused hearing their one time 'leader' begging with pleasure as his insides opened up to the relentless battering from my Master's cock. Despite the pain and ordeal of their whippings all of them began to get hard again. Bill's shouts got louder and more insistent, my Master reached round and pulled hard on the clamps, twisting Bill's nipples until he almost twisted them off and with a bellow of pure pain pleasure, the huge man blasted his second load of scalding cum in 8 powerful volleys against the wall.

Immediately my Master pulled out of his victim's ass, leaving the hole gaping obscenely. He strode on to the next man, who looked at Saul's huge weapon with both desire and real fear. My Master turned and nodded to Martin, who walked over to another tethered man and, in unison, both my Master and Martin thrust their cocks into the two guys. Watching the dual fuck was incredible, like watching a porno movie. I wanted to cum so badly, a constant stream of precum leaked out of my dick making the head glisten. I kept wiping my fingers in my pre and licking them. The other guys were aroused too. One guy actually came just from watching and hearing Martin and my Master fuck his mates. It made no difference; both of them took turns to fuck him and made him shoot his load again. Eventually both Martin and my Master had fucked them all. They all lay slumped against the wall, exhausted by their brutal punishment and hard fucking.

My Master pulled his cock out of the last victim and strode over to the horse trough and washed his victims' ass juices off his still throbbing cock. Despite nearly an hour of fucking he still hadn't cum. He nodded to me to follow him into the tack room. He paused at the door: he turned and shouted to Martin. 'Do what you like with them: do whatever gives you pleasure Boy, you have done well'.

He walked into the leather and sweat-smelling tack room and I followed. He sat against the tack bench. Legs spread; cock still powerfully erect. 'Take off my boots and pants Boy', he ordered. I pulled off the boots, pausing only to breathe in the pure smell of sweat and leather as I did so and noticing my Master's smile of pleasure in my pleasure. Then I pulled down the tight riding breeches. He was naked. Gloriously naked. His legs spread, his balls hanging low, his cock tight against his muscled abs. He raised his arm. 'Come close Boy'. I stepped near and he pulled my face into his armpit. My head span with the overwhelming pleasure of my Master's manscent. He directed my face and tongue from first one pit then another, I lapped up this tangy essence of my Master's manhood. I licked his hard nipples, worked my tongue down his blond trail to his clipped pubes. I wanted his cock, but he had other plans. He leant back against the wall and pulled up his legs exposing his pink, puckered, glistening ass hole surrounded by a few blond, sweat-wet hairs. He pushed my face down.

The smell almost made me cum. I breathed it in, my head span, I felt like I was on some kind of trip. I pushed out my tongue and began to lap. I tasted my Master's sweat, relished the tangy, salty taste of his ass crack and the muskier, deeper taste of his velvety hole, he groaned with pleasure as I rimmed and rimmed his hole. Urged me on as I thrust my pointed tongue tip as far as I could into his hole.

'Yes eat me Boy'. 'I know what you need and want. I know all your desires; eat your Master's asshole, give me pleasure'.

Suddenly, he pulled my head up and, bending down, kissed me full on the mouth. Our tongues twined together and he tasted his own fragrant ass on my lips and tongue. My fingers grazed his hard nipples and he moaned again. This time he pushed my head down onto his cock. My lips opened and I swallowed my Master's cockhead. He pushed my head down further. I felt the huge head meet the resistance of my throat, I almost gagged, but willing my throat to open I felt the head pop through my defences and the shaft pushed up. My lips met my Master's blond, clipped pubes and I felt the huge joy of having taken all of my Master's cock deep into my throat. I constricted my throat muscles and my Master groaned again. I was learning all the time, I spasmed my throat again and again. More and more groans. Suddenly he pulled my head up and kissed me again, roughly, urgently and powerfully. He pushed my head down again but held my face in his hand with his flared, purple cock head just on my lips. I looked him in the eye; he smiled one instant of pure pleasure and then groaned as he came. The flood of salty-sweet ball juices gushed past my tongue and hit the back of my throat. Shot after shot of my Master's delicious juices filled my mouth. I tried not to swallow; I wanted to savour the taste and smell of my Master's essence. The ejaculation seemed endless; my Master's head was thrown back - his face a rictus of pure joy. Finally, he pulled my head away from his cock. He looked me in the eye; looked at the spunk coating my lips and chin and said 'Swallow it all'. I swallowed and my cock spasmed as I tasted the delicious cum and felt it slide down my throat. My Master reached over and took both my tender, swollen nipples in his fingers and gently squeezed. It was enough; the pent-up spunk forced its way from my balls up my engorged dick. I could feel the direct connection of my nipples, balls and cock. 'Cum Boy', my Master ordered and I came: shoot after shoot of creamy spunk shot against my Master's legs, thighs and dripped onto his boots on the floor below. After the last spasm of pleasure shot through my body I looked up and smiled at my Master who smiled back as I knelt and with unquestioning delight began to lick up my still hot cum from his hard, muscled legs and his deliciously sweaty feet. Then, kneeling lower, from the fragrant leather of his boots as well. I looked back at my Master glorying in the shared bond between us.

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