Riding Master

By rimboy

Published on Feb 22, 2003


Sorry, it has been a long time since my last installment of this story, but I hope at least some of you like it and feel that it has been worth the wait. Let me know what you think at rimboy2@yahoo.co.uk.

All the usual disclaimers apply. Don't read this if you are underage or if it's illegal where you live. This is fiction for gay guys with a healthily developed sense of fantasy. The sexual acts depicted are not safe in the real world where anyone with any sense uses condoms.

The Riding Master

'Come on slut boy, wake up'

I felt myself shaken awake, I opened my eyes and there, his face inches from my face, was Martin's insolent, leering face. He pinched my exposed nipple and laughed.

'Get up, you need to get ready, the Master's already waiting and you need a shower, you smell of piss and cum'

I tried to shake him off, but he slapped me, hard, once, across the face.

'Where's Maria' I asked?

Ever since I had returned home the maid had woken me if I overslept.

'She's gone', I'm looking after you now' Martin, leered at me again. 'The Master's given me quite a degree of control over you, says I need to learn how to control a slut boy like you. I'll be here every morning. Make sure you clean and shave properly, make sure you don't play with yourself and waste any of that ball juice you seem to produce so freely'.

With this he pulled back the sheet and tugged hard on my semi-swollen cock, he pulled me out of bed and pushed me towards the bathroom with a hard slap on my naked ass. It reminded me how sore I was from the previous night. As if Martin read my mind, he made me pause in front of the big mirror.

'Turn, spread your legs and look at yourself'.

I looked round at my reflection. I gasped. My ass, thighs and back were striped with red, pink and purple welts. None had broken the skin, but the pattern over my pale ass and tanned firm thighs was obscene. I could see my stretched ballsac and cock hanging between my spread legs and, despite the humiliation of Martin, now spreading my butt cheeks and exposing the crop marks, I started to get hard.

Martin laughed delightedly. 'The Master is right, you are a slut boy'. You enjoy this just as much I as do, more maybe'. He gave my ass a hard slap, which completed the job; my dick stuck to my belly, fully hard. With another slap and still laughing he pushed me into the bathroom and watched while I forced my erection to subside so that I was able to pee and then I showered, Martin's rough hands and fingers making sure I cleaned my still-tender cock, balls and bruised asshole. Of course, I was humiliatingly hard again by the time he'd pushed his thick fingers up my asshole and made me soap myself clean. He pinched my sore nipples. And pushed his face so close to mine I could feel his warm breath.

'You can't get enough of this can you? He leered. 'Anything or anyone could use you how they wish and still you'd get hard, your slut balls churning and producing more cum, your stiff nipples and ass greedy for abuse. The Master loves sluts like you and me. He's going to enjoy training you. Me too. You're his now, and I get to enjoy you as well. Now get dressed'.

The clothes were already laid out and I started to pull them on.

'Haven't you forgotten something', Martin sneered. I turned, and he waved this thick black plug at me, making the straps attached to it swing against my stiff, swollen tits. He lubed the plug grinning at me.

'Bend over and pull your butt cheeks apart'.

I did as he ordered and felt the cold, lubed rubber invade my bruised hole. Almost instinctively I pushed back, opening my hole so the plug slid in easily, but even so it was thick, I could feel my asshole stretched. Martin helping tighten the straps around my ass cheeks and thighs, buckling them tight so the plug couldn't be expelled even if I tried. After that I put on my close-fitting riding breeches, and Martin twisted my nipples hard as he smoothed the white shirt over my torso.

'Good', said Martin, looking me over and grabbing my still swollen cock through the tight riding breeches. 'You look good, ready for the Master'.

We walked across to the stable block, the plug stretching my ass as I walked behind Martin; I could feel it as we strode across the courtyard and, by the time I stood in front of Saul, my master, I was fully hard. The wet tip of my cock was clearly visible beneath the soft, tight chamois of the riding breeches.

I saddled, mounted and rode the horse out, along with Saul and Martin. Then we rode - galloped across the pastured, rolling fields - so that as I rode the plug fucked my ass, bringing me almost to orgasm. We stopped on the top of a wood-covered hill. Two trees stood close together.

'Dismount, and thether your horse', Saul ordered. And I did, as he and Martin got down and turned their attention to me.

They had leather straps; they bound my wrists to the trees, then spread my legs and tied those in place too. I was spreadeagled between the trees; open country lay in front of me, trees behind.

Saul strode round me. He pinched my nipples, caught my bulge in his hand and squeezed hard until I yelled. Then he slapped my face, looked me in the eye and grinned.

'Gag him, Martin', he ordered and Martin did. With one movement, Saul ripped the shirt from my torso. With a simple nod of the head, Martin began unlacing my breeches, so that as they fell, my aching erection and stretched plugged ass were exposed. As I felt the cool air, my cock pulsed even harder; Saul saw this and smiled. He reached over, and twisted just one erect, stiffened nipple, instantly I arched, pushing my cock forward and unable to stop myself, came. Spurt after spurt hit the ground. As Saul watched, my spunk hit first his breeches, then his leather boot. I convulsed as he continued to twist my tit. He smiled as he let go.

'Well, well'. 'Now who gave you permission to come?'

With a click of the fingers, Martin was kneeling. Seconds later he was cleaning Saul's boots and breeches of my thick boy juices with his tongue. The sight was so horny, my cock couldn't go down - it stayed hard, red and throbbing.

Saul walked round my body, striking his crop against his firm thigh. 'Spunking without permission, now that's serious'. He smiled as he looked at me. 'Get the horses ready Martin, we need to get back'.

'Not that you are going anywhere, slut'. 'Not after that little performance'. He released the gag and I coughed. 'Please, Sir, I'm sorry, punish me', I managed to splutter.

'Hmmm, well yes, I could'. He ran the crop up and down my thighs, over my firm, pale, hairless buttcheeks. 'Yes, I could mark you even further. Or I could just leave you here. Naked, plugged, tied. That might be fun too'.

Martin had been busy. He handed the Master some leather thongs and weights. Saul wound them round my nuts and tied them tight. As he let them go, the weights stretched my full balls to their limit. Clamps were put onto my swollen nipples. Again Saul brushed my sweating body with his crop; I tensed, expecting the blows at any moment. Instead he backed off, then turned and aimed one vicious, hard swipe at my weighted nuts. I yelled, the pain was unbearable. They gagged and blindfolded me. By the time I came round, and could focus on anything but the intense pain in my balls, my Master and Martin had rode off, taking my horse with them.

I have no idea how long I was tied there. It seemed like hours. The ties hurt, my balls swelled with the heavy weights. My nipples screamed with pain, then numbness. I wanted release and the plug in my ass seemed to stretch bigger and bigger.

A track ran up the hill to the group of trees where I was tied and stretched, the same track we had rode up a few hours ago. It was behind me and of course I couldn't see anything, but I heard an engine getting closer and then voices. I knew that whoever it was couldn't see me for the trees and bushes until they were almost directly behind me and sure enough the voices suddenly stopped as they pulled up and breaked. Silence.

'What the fuck.' a deep male voice, followed by a few short snorts of laughter. I heard people jump down. It must have been a tractor and truck of something, I heard lots of feet hit the ground, voices exclaiming.

'Look at him'. 'Look at those whip marks' 'Fucking hell, look at his balls, hung low'.

I still couldn't see anyone, but they were all male voices, they sounded young guys. Despite myself my cock thickened. Fuck I loved the humiliation of this.

I heard more laughter, then 'Yeah, go on, look he loves it'. Then a vicious slap to my ass, then another, then another. My cock was now fully hard. Someone else tugged the weights attached to my balls, twisted my clamps, they were all laughing, though now that laughter had a threatening edge. I could feel my cock harden, feel it begin to drip. Again, the same deep male voice. 'Look he fucking loves it, let's have some fun'. The gag was snatched off.

'Please, I said, please' just let me down. 'Please, I was attacked'. More laughter. 'Yeah, course you were, and that's why your big cock's dripping all over my boot you pervert'.

I could feel someone trying to loosen the blindfold. Then that voice again: 'Nah, leave it on'. 'He won't know what's coming then'.

I feel the guy's breath in my ear. 'Look, slut boy you are gonna be in heaven'. 'There's 8 lads here, and we're all as horny as fuck, we are gonna give you everything you love, and up here no one will hear you scream or yell, so both you and we are gonna have a loads of fun'.

With that, I heard the sound of a belt being undone. Felt the cool leather against the skin of my thighs and ass. Heard it pulled back, then the swish in the air as the whipping started.

One after another they whipped me. My ass, thighs, balls, back. They goaded each other on, laughed as I moaned, yelled, screamed. One lad said 'Fuck, I had no idea this would be such a turn on'. 'Yeah' another said, 'Look at my cock'. More laughter, more sexual taunts. The sound of jeans and clothes being removed. The straps were undone and the butt wrenched out of my hole. The pain was indescribable. They twisted the clamps off my tits, then squeezed and twisted them as the blood came back and as I yelled, they slapped my face and twisted my still weighted, tied balls.

'Go on Steve, fuck him'. I felt a hot cockhead against my bruised, gaping hole. 'Fuck him, fuck him' They started chanting. Then in one brutal thrust he entered, I yelled, screamed as he started fucking me. Then the pleasure started, While guy's pulled on my balls and tits, I was brutally fucked. The cock scraping back and forth across my prostate. My hole was so open I could hear the squelch as he fuck me. I knew I was going to shoot soon. And as I did, spurt after spurt of cum, they cheered and the fucking speeded up and the guy, Steve, came deep in my ass. He withdrew just as brutally as he'd entered and straightaway another, thicker cock plunged into my gaping, reddened asshole.

The blindfold was torn off. Now I could see. While the fuck continued, if anything even harder than before. I could see the naked guys that before I could only feel and smell. They tortured me as I was fucked. Whipped my balls and still hard cock. Twisted and clamped my nipples, slapped my face. Forced me back onto the thick cock raping my asshole. When he'd cum, flooding my ass with spurts of red-hot sperm, they cut me down. At first I thought that they had finished, but no, the fucking continued. But now they wanted to use my mouth as well. Wanted my tongue to lick their sweaty balls and ripe asses, made me swallow cum, pissed on my face and made me drink it. I'd lost count of the time's I had cum myself. 4? 5? They were still fucking me, when I heard a noise. The guy's using me were too sexed up to stop but others where shouting, saying 'Fuck, come on, someone's coming'. I heard the horses. I heard the engine start, a scuffle, then Saul's voice. 'And where do think you are all going?' Martin snickered.

The cock in my ass and mouth withdrew. I managed to turn round.

The group of naked lads stood round the tractor, trying to get their clothes. Saul strode round, swiping at them with his crop. 'Leave them alone', he snapped to one hung stud as he tried to get his jeans. 'Now what have you been up to with my property'? 'Mmmmmmmm. Been having fun eh?' 'Well fun has to be paid for you know'.

The ringleader started to speak. 'But Mr Powers we had no idea he was your property, we just.' A sharp blow of the crop silenced him. 'All of you, bend over, support yourself with your arms on the truck and bend, legs spread'.

A few murmers of protest, a few looks, but they all did it. Fuck, what a horny sight. Eight farm hands, naked, muscular, sweating after their fuck session. All spreading their legs and bending over to show off their pale muscualr butts.

Saul worked along the row. One after another he used the crop on them. Red welts from the crop emerged on their pale, firm butts. I got hard again at the sight. Martin leered.

'You two, over here'. Martin and I ran over. 'Martin', said Saul, 'Show our slave what to do'. Martin knelt in front of the first red-striped ass, spread the cheeks and started to eat the young guy's ass. I eagerly followed suit. Soon the air was full of the sound of moans and butt chomping. We went from one to the other. The guys were so horned up and turned on by the deep tonguing we gave them that they forgot everything but their hard, dripping cocks.

'Ok, enough'. You all turn round'.

8 stiff, dripping cocks. Some cut, some not. All dipped up and down with lust. Saul pointed to the ringleader. 'You, lie down'. He did. The others stood round him, while Martin and I slowly played and jerked their cocks. Licking their balls and asses until they couldn't stand it and one by one shot their copious loads of thick manjuice over their friend. He was dripping; cum all over his face and still hard cock. Saul made them kneel and despite protests, lick up the cum off his body, making him release his own huge cumload. Taking random blows at their upraised asses with his crop as they knelt licking up the juices. Finally, the horniest most masculine guy was made to wrap his lips around the Master's cock and the others made to tongue Martin and me; cock, asshole and balls until we came, made to suck up all our cum, before they were allowed to finish.

'You lot will come and see me tomorrow'. 'Anyone who mentions this or doesn't turn up will suffer, do you understand?'

Quickly we three dressed. Saul pulled me up behind him onto his horse and we galloped off, back towards the house.

Next: Chapter 4

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