Riddle Me This Robin

By Ebon Artist

Published on Jul 25, 2017


*Batman, Robin and the Penguin are property of DC comics. Robin and The Penguin are creations of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com

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Batman and Robin were chained face to face, arms tightly bound behind them, the Dynamic Duo struggling as they were lowered towards the churning cement. Robin swallowed hard as he twisted and turned his slender athletic form against Batman's powerfully muscled body. He whimpered in his throat as he felt his slender teen cock harden against Batman's ab muscles. The Boy Wonder couldn't help himself: he stroked his trapped length against the man's rugged body and then blushed as he felt a wet pulse from his cock as he shot his cum into his trunks.

"Gosh, Batman, this looks like the end. I can't get free!" the teen groaned as he pressed himself against Batman.

"Don't lose hope, Robin," Batman groaned, as he felt the youth's body moving against his. His thick adult penis was hard as it could be, pressed tightly against the youth's powerful thighs. "And try to control yourself, Boy Wonder," he said, leaning close to Robin's ear.

The Penguin cackled as his men working the crane began to lower the Dynamic Duo into the cement. "I think I want Batman as a statue on my lawn! Waug waug!"

"Let the boy go!" Batman shouted. "It's me you want, Penguin!"

"True, Batman, but the Boy Boobie has spoiled enough of my fun as well! No, both of you will have to go!"

Batman felt the concrete slid up past his boots, and Robin began to squirm as he felt the same; the thick liquid sliding over his calfs. The churning blades were only inches from them.

"We have one chance, Robin! Take deep breaths!" Batman said as with a supreme effort he wrested one arm free from the chains and flung a batarang towards the controls. Sparks flew and the blades stopped, but the crane continued to lower them into the cement!

"Waug, Batman! You've failed!" Penguin cackled as the Dynamic Duo slipped below the surface of the concrete. The old bird did a little dance as he watched bubbles burst and them stop. He waited, then gave the order to raise them up. The concrete-covered heroes rose and then were deposited on the lip of the recycling pool. Penguin waddled up and rapped on Batman's chest with the handle of his umbrella. Tk Tk. "Hard as a rock again, Batman! For the last time!:

"Deliver them to the Iceberg Lounge! I want them as my newest centerpiece!"

An hour later in the darkened Lounge, the twin statues began to crack and crumble as muscles flexed. Batman burst free with a gasp, then staggered to free Robin. He brushed dust from the gasping boy's face and smiled. "Are you OK, old chum?"

"Batman! How....?"

"I not only disabled the blades but changed the water ratio in the cement, making it much thinner and porous, just enough that we could get a minimal amount of air, enough to survive."

Robin clung to Batman's broad shoulders as the man stood/ Batman cradled him in strong arms as he jumped from the pedestal to land silent as a cat, then move to a bank of elevators.

"Where are we?" Robin said as Batman put him down. He shifted his small cape to conceal the tent in his tight trunks, and tried to think about baseball scores again.

Batman looked around. "The heart of Penguin's criminal empire, Robin: The Iceberg Lounge."

Robin smacked his fist into his palm. "Holy Hideouts, he's brought us right into his secret lair. Just as you planned, Batman!"

"Not quite, old chum! The Penguin's last command to me is still very much in force!" Batman said as he suddenly pushed Robin against the wall and pinned the slender boy there. Batman tried to control him as he panted raggedly but the sight of Robin's sleek supple body was too much for him.

Robin swallowed. "You mean... to have sex with me, sir?!"

"Yes, Robin! I've been able to resist for this long, but soon... I won't be able to!"

The Boy Wonder swallowed, remembering being penetrated by Batman before and blushed hotly. He pushed a button behind him. "Maybe we can do something about it. This elevator leads to the Penguin's penthouse. He won't be there now, so.. It will be private, at least."

"Good thinking, Robin!" Batman groaned as he stumbled into the elevator. By the time the express elevator reached the top floor, Batman had Robin pinned to the wall again, kissing him with hard, hot passion as the costumed youth struggled against his strength and need. He pushed the half-naked boy out of the elevator ahead of him and then grabbed Robin's cape. He pulled the boy to him and picked him up in strong cannonball-muscled arms, carried him to the massive bed and threw him on it, face down. He tore Robin's trunks off and grabbed Robin's ankles, just above his little pixie-boots.

"Time for the bat-fuck, son," Batman growled, desperate and needy for the boy's warm tightness.

Robin's gloved hands clawed at the bed as he spread his long supple legs further; still it wasn't enough and Batman grabbed the boy's thighs and pushed Robin's legs apart even more. He took his leather-gloved hand and slipped his index finger into the whimpering teenager's anus, swirling and stroking it, plunging it in as far as he could go, then out again. He smiled as Robin whined and gasped, the boy still getting used to being penetrated.

Batman then slipped two fingers into the teen's quivering anus, and Robin's head came up in a silent moan, the youth trying to get away but Batman's grip was much too strong. "You're not going anywhere, old chum," Batman said as he twisted his two thick fingers, stretching the teen's flexing hole.

"Batman! I'm gonna cum!" Robin squealed, and Batman shook his head.

"You need to learn some discipline, Robin," Batman said and pulled his fingers from the teen's tight heat. Then he began to spank Robin, his leather-gloved hand coming down hard and quick, alternating between Robin's perfect asscheeks, the boy howling and sobbing as he laid into him hard. Robin's full firm mounds quickly turned pink, then flaming red as Batman spanked the squirming sobbing boy harder and harder.

"Are you going to cum, Robin?"

"No, sir! OOWW! No sit, I won't cum! OOWW!" Robin cried, tears rolling down his masked face as Batman continued to swat him hard and quickly. His ass throbbed so badly!

Batman smacked the boy's ass several more times, then slipped his thumb into the teen's wet tight hole, watching as the shivering boy submitted to him. The boy sobbed softly as Batman's fingers toyed with his anus, finger-fucking the teen over and over until Batman decided it was time - and he pulled his cock free and slicked it up with a generous squirt of bat-lube. Then he applied the cooling gel to Robin's ass, and the boy almost cried out again in gratitude. The Boy Wonders sigh turned into another gasping moan, though, as twelve inches of thick batcock began to sheath themselves in the teen's burning anus. "Take it, Boy Wonder," Batman growled as he slid further and further in.

Robin twisted on the bed as Batman's cock drove deeper and deeper with each careful thrust, the young teen clawing again at the bed as he felt the thick member penetrate him. Batman mounted the boy and began to thrust into him hard. He reached and put his hand over Robin's mouth as he pulled the caped boy upright against his chest, the teen struggling to get free and crying out into his gloved hand as he thrust harder and harder into the youth's trim jockboy body.

Batman reached with his other hand and ripped open Robin's trunks, the boy's slender teenboy erection bobbing out from his shaven pubes, the boy's balls drawn in tight against his body. He took the boy's cock in his gloved fist and began to masturbate the sobbing youth, knowing Robin was on the edge, the boy's pretty bow-shaped lips silently begging him for permission to cum.

A boy had to be taught how to control himself, after all.

Robin bucked against Batman's strong body, the submissive youth utterly in the powerful man's control. He wanted this, wanted this so badly he almost blacked out from the pure pleasure of the man's strong body commanding his obedience. The limber young acrobat bent back and turned his head, watching Batman's masked-and-cowled face as the man fucked him.

Batman plunged his cock deep into the teen boy under him, until he finally could not deny himself anymore, and he was pleased at how well Robin had learned his lesson. "You can cum now, son," Batman said into Robin's ear, and the boy howled as he let go. Batman held the trembling masked boy tightly as Robin's slender cock shot his load, then a second violent orgasm right after the first, then a third - Robin struggled and sobbed as his erect cock shot his third load, painting the pillow with rope after rope of hot teen jockjuice.

Robin fainted briefly, and he awoke to the feeling of Batman's tongue in his ass; the man had cum as well, filled him to overflowing, and now Batman was cleaning out his hot well-fucked young pussy. Robin whimpered again, and flexed those ass muscles, squirting a frothy load of cum into Batman's mouth!

"H-holy creampies, Batman! My teen pussy is so hot and wet!" the masked boy sobbed over and over. He could feel the cool surface of Batman's cowl against his burning skin, as the man's tongue slipped deep into his aching hole, cleaning out the copious amounts of bat-cum he'd been pumped with.

Robin twisted, squirmed and sobbed as the man's tongue slipped deep into his throbbing anus, licking, stroking, probing him over and over. The man's lips suckling the salty cream from his quivering young taint. The soft rasps of Batman's stubble over sensitive skin. Robin had to sit with his legs up in the Batcave every few days while Batman carefully shaved around his asshole, the limber boy biting his lip in case the man nicked him - but Batman never did. The feel of the man's gloved fingers pulling his ring open made the youth so hard, every time.

Robin blinked back tears of pleasure as he felt Batman's suckling lips on his hole, the masked boy clenching his green-leather-gloved hands into fists as he expelled another steaming load of bat-cum into Batman's mouth. .

"Augh, Batman," Robin whined, as the man pulled away, and slipped his gloved fingers back into the boy's aching burning little cunt, teasing the athletic boy sprawled on the penthouse bed.

"You did good, Boy Wonder," Batman said, as he applied another gel to the boy's still burning ass. "You have a ways to go, but you're going to get there," the man smiled as he eased his fingers back into Robin's hot tightness. He pulled Robin up, pulled his head back so he could kiss the boy. Robin trembled as he tasted his taint and his cum on Batman's lips and tongue as the man held and kissed him, the man's tongue pushing frothy musky cream into his gasping young mouth.

"MMm, Batman," Robin moaned as he felt Batman's tongue in his mouth. Robin's strong hands splayed against Batman's powerful chest, sliding over the hard pecs, then gripping the man's heavy cape to pull himself tighter to the man's body.

"Easy, Robin," Batman said as he stroked the masked teenager. He pushed Robin's small cape back off his shoulders, then bent to kiss the boy's soft neck and throat.

"I have to be sure the Penquin's commands will not incapacitate me in a bad situation. I need you again, right now...." Batman said as he stroked the youth's sleek body. He turned Robin back around and pushed the boy's masked face into the puddle of his own cum. Then he slid his cock back into the teen, biting his lip as he felt Robin's slick tight heat close over his thick penis once more. He fucked the boy roughly and quickly as Robin gasped and groaned under him, until he filled the boy with his cum. Then he slid free, and bent to eat the Boy Wonder's quivering kid-cunt again.

When he was done, Robin struggled to rise up. He wiped his face on the bedsheet and staggered as he slid out of bed. Batman grabbed the youth as Robin swayed on his feet, and hugged the slender boy to his powerful body. Robin threw his arms around the man's chest, and held on until he could stand on his own. His smooth bare legs felt like jelly after the intense fuck session.

Batman knelt and slipped his mouth over Robin's cock, taking the boy's entire length, his gloved hands gripping and kneading the boy's hard ass muscles, those perfect pale mounds, pulling.them apart as wide as they would go. He slipped two fingers deep into Robin's aching taint, and the boy promptly shot his load down Batman's throat.

"Holy extra credit, Batman! I didn't think I'd be able to cum again for a day!"

Batman wiped his chin as he stood, and mussed the boy's soft brown hair. "Nonsense, Robin, a boy your age is able to bounce back very quickly." He pulled up Robin's tight green trunks and patted him on the ass.

"That should satisfy the Penguin's mind-control long enough so we can cage that old bird!"

"Holy Endgames, Batman! Let's go!" the Boy Wonder exclaimed as he bounced on his heels, eager for the fight to come!

Batman and Robin back in the fight! The Penguin, unsuspecting his greatest foes still live! This is it, THE PENGUIN'S DOOM.


Next: Chapter 6

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