Riddle Me This Robin

By Ebon Artist

Published on Jul 17, 2017


*Batman, Robin and the Riddler are property of DC comics. Robin and The Riddler are creations of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com



"Holy Mesmer, Batman! I can't even think about escaping!" Robin said as they sat across from each other in Penguin's van. The Boy Wonder flexed his strong arms, clinking his handcuffs. He shifted on the floor, a little uncomfortable from shooting his cum in his trunks when Penguin cuffed him and shoved him roughly into the van.

"Me neither, Robin," Batman said slowly as he tested his own cuffs. He knew dozens of ways of breaking free, but could not bring himself to do so - Penguin's mind-programming was that strong. "I'm afraid we're in a tight spot this time, old chum," the man said grimly.

"Gosh, Batman, the Penguin can do whatever he wants to with us!"

"That he can, Robin, but just for now. The Penguin, like all criminals, has many mental flaws we can exploit."

Robin nodded as his gloved hand moved to stroke his trapped cock, stuck to the lining of his trunks. The young hero blushed hotly as he felt his length harden again, and he panted as he gently teased his sleek teenboy length. He closed his eyes and shivered a little, eager for his release.

"Robin, allow me to help you," Batman said and Robin opened his eyes, then shifted his long bare legs open as Batman leaned over, his mouth slipping over the tent in Robin's skintight trunks. Robin pushed his cock against Batman's mouth, and whimpered as he shot another load into his trunks.

"That confirms my suspicions, Robin! Penguin gave me a command to have sex with you, to restrain you, and to follow him. Those orders are still in force. However he's underestimated you, because of your youth! He gave you no specific instructions, save the implicit one to submit to me, sexually," Batman said as he straightened up.

Robin nodded, suddenly excited. "Gosh, Batman, but why can't I get free?"

"Because you interpret being restrained as submitting to me. Interesting, and a discussion for another time, old chum. But for now... Robin, undo your utility belt."

Even restrained, the Boy Wonder was marvelous agile. He quickly had his belt off and in his hands.

"Now, turn around and bend over."

Batman took Robin's belt in his hand and began to rapidly spank the Boy Wonder's firm and supple ass with the hard leather belt, leaving red streaks on the boy's muscled ass and legs.

"Ow! Ow! Batman! What... OW!" Robin moaned as the man spanked him hard, the pain making the teen shoot his load once more into his costume.

"It's for your own good, Robin," Batman said as he spanked the youth harder, varying the blows so no part went numb, spreading the intense pain around until the young hero writhed and sobbed.

"Ow, Batman!" Robin whined, tears streaming down his face as he was spanked over and over.

Suddenly one of the canisters on Robin's utility belt popped open, spinning thin strips of metal. Batman left off spanking the sobbing boy, and sat back down.

"Robin, listen carefully. The best way to submit yourself to me is for me to have my hands free."

Robin sniffled and nodded, then suddenly smiled. "OH!" he said and bent. He picked up one of the spilled lockpicks and had Batman's cuffs undone in seconds.

"Good boy, Robin," Batman said as he massaged his wrists. He left a burning need, and pushed Robin to his knees. He opened the hidden seam in his own trunks, usually used for emergency urination, and slid his thick penis free.

"I still have to obey the letter of Penguin's commands, Robin, so..."

Robin nodded and slid forward. Both his leather-gloved hands went around Batman's thick fucktool with plenty of room to spare, and he pulled the man's foreskin back to expose his wet glistening glans. Robin licked the man's large crown, then mmmmmd and took the huge knob of Batman's cock in his mouth, suckling and licking the man's musky crown. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, taking more of it in his eager young mouth. Batman grabbed a thick hank of Robin's brown hair to hold him still while he quickly and firmly began to fuck the teenager's soft mouth.

Batman's heart raced as he felt Robin's complete submission to his needs. The young boy's eyes closed, utterly trusting Batman to keep him safe. Batman thrust his cock quick and hard into Robin's gentle mouth, slipping the first few inches down the boy's throat until he bit back a groan of pleasure and began to pump Robin's mouth full of heavy thick batcum.

Robin swallowed frantically to milk Batman's cock, his lips and tongue teasing and urging the man's huge tool to continue to pump out his thick seed.

Batman sighed and pulled back. "Good boy, Robin," he panted. "That should buy us enough time, but first I need to change you, Boy Wonder. "

Robin blushed hotly as he wiped his mouth on the back of his glove. He had cum in his shorts again as Batman had face-fucked him, and now his green trunks were damp through and through.

"Gosh, Batman, I can't be seen outside like this!"

"My thoughts exactly, Boy Wonder. Now, take your trunks off," Batman said as he pulled a tiny green packet from his utility belt.

Robin did so. His erect young cock and his entire groin were soaking wet from his rapid and frequent ejaculations. Batman shook his head at the resilience of teenaged boys, and then waited as the tiny packet began to expand in his hand.

"Wow, Batman, what's that?" Robin said as he wiped cum from his gloved hands. His erect young penis flexed, and Robin slid his gloved hand against it, biting his lip.

"A new pair of trunks for you, Robin; lined with the same special fabric, of course. On contact with air, it will expand quickly to its normal size."

Robin shivered as he stroked himself, then blinked as Batman knelt and took his cock in his mouth. The man gently suckled his length, and Robin soon shot a few drops into Batman's mouth; the teen whimpered as he felt the man's tongue swabbing him clean. "Turnabout is fair play, Robin," Batman said. "And I must keep complying with Penguin's commands."

Then Batman took the boy's trunks in hand and waited for Robin to step into the legholes; then he slid them up the boy's long, muscled legs, his leather-gloved hands stroking the firm tight calf and thigh muscles as he worked the trunks up the boy's trimley athletic body. Robin squirmed a bit, embarrassed at being dressed like he was a little kid, but at the same time oddly turned on by the experience.

Batman worked the Boy Wonder's tight trunks over his ballsac and then smoothed the fabric over the boy's full, smooth ass. He slapped Robin once, twice on his firm buttocks, then made sure the trunks were secure. He adjusted the boy's half-hard cock in them, tucking it down against his balls. "That may thwart your teenaged erection, Robin, but it will be uncomfortable. Also once we get back to the Batcave, I need to shave your pubes again. It would not be good if an errant photographer saw one poking out your leghole."

The masked teen nodded, already feeling the pressure there.

Batman smoothed his young ward's hair and smiled down at the boy. Robin blushed a bit and adjusted his firmly-tucked penis a bit more. "Feels great. Now can we get out of here?"

"I've summoned the Batmobile, Robin; it should be right behind us. Open the door and leap into the seating area. I will be right behind you."

Robin looked cautiously at his mentor. "Batman, I can get away, but Penguin gave you specific instructions to follow him."

"And so I will -- in the Batmobile with you!"

Robin pushed the van doors open and saw the Batmobile right on their bumper. It was a simple matter for the acrobatic boy to step from the van onto the speeding car's hood, and do a flip into his normal seat! Batman followed right after him, and settled into his seat as well.

"Disengage autodrive," Batman said as the wheel rose up to it's normal position. Robin clicked on his safety belt and grinned at Batman. They followed on the Penguin's bumper, Batman's expert driving keeping them out of sight. Soon, they turned into an abandoned cement plant.

"Condor Cement, Batman! Of course The Penguin owns this, too!" Robin said excitedly, punching his gloved fist.

"Right you are, old chum. And soon, we'll own him!" Batman said as he stepped out of the Batmobile as the van stopped in a loading zone.

"Step out of the van, Penguin!" Batman cried. Robin smirked as he heard a surprised WAUG!? from the van.

The Penguin emerged, hopping down from the cab, his symbol-printed umbrella already out. "Have you forgotten this, Batman!" he cawed in triumph, eager to ensnare the Dark Knight.

Batman crouched behind the Batmobile's door and hit the button labeled Bat-Mirror-Reversal. Immediately, the Batmobile's rear-view mirror rotated - and suddenly Penguin could see his own reflected umbrella!

"Must.. obey..." the Penguin muttered, dropping his umbrella as Batman rose up again in triumph.

"Batman! Help!" Robin cried out and Batman turned to see the boy struggling helplessly between two of Penguin's goons. "They got me by surprise!" Robin struggled against the strong men's hands grabbing him, his heart pounding with the danger and abuse, and felt his tucked penis leak into his trunks. Thank goodness for the bat-lining in them!

"Yeah, Batman, and so you're gonna let the boss go or we toss the Boy Wonder off into that cement pit!" one of the men growled and they wrestled the struggling teenager closer to the precipice!

"You win, you fiends. Hiding behind a boy!" Batman spat in disgust as he raised his hands. Another minion emerged from the van to gently slap Penguin out of his stupor.

"Waug! Trick me, will you!? Take them to the cement mixing area!"

Batman growled as more thugs poured out of the facility and walked him and Robin towards the churning pit that recycled old cement. Chains were lowered and wrapped around the Dynamic Duo, pressing them against each other.

Finally, they were bound tight and Penguin gave the signal to a minion in the crane. The pair were raised, swung, then lowered to within inches of the churning cement. Thick blocks occasionally rose to the surface and then were pulverized by hidden forces.

"Old cement into new, Batman! Blades mix this cement a dozen times a minute, capable of slicing through reinforced concrete! They'll make mincemeat of you and the Boy Blunder! WAUG!"

"Gosh, Batman... the cement is already up to my ankles!" Robin cried as he struggled against Batman's body and the heavy chains.

Batman and Robin about to have the relationship cemented! The Penguin comes out on top!? Stay tuned for: BATMAN's TOMB!

Next: Chapter 5

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