Riddle Me This Robin

By Ebon Artist

Published on Jul 11, 2017


*Batman, Robin and the Riddler are property of DC comics. Robin and The Riddler are creations of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com



Batman groaned as he tested the heavy chains binding him to the leather-padded table. He was face down, hands to his side, helpless as he'd ever been, as The Riddler caped around him, alternately hittnig and shocking him with his trademark question-staff.

"Ooooh, Caped Crusader! Your little partner should be just about done!" the madman cackled.

Batman flexed his powerful arms, hard, thick muscles tensing and relaxing as he tested the chains binding him. They were strong, but so was he, and every chain was just as strong as it's weakest link. The problem was in finding that. The Riddler's staff stroked over his backside, the electrical shock making him jump again. And it was having a disturbing effect on his manhood, trapped under his body and pressing into the firm leather. The Riddler's staff slid between his legs, and shocked his nutsack through his trunks, eliciting a grunt of surprise from the Dark Knight.

"If you've harmed that boy..." Batman growled, narrowing his eyes at the man.

"Quite the contrary, Batman! Your little protege is getting quite the... education!" The Riddler laughed, and turned on a screen just in time for Batman to see his teenaged partner cry out and ejaculate as The Riddler toyed with his erect cock. The Riddler slapped the boy hard, then rammed his staff into Robin's stomach. Batman thrashed on the table. He set aside the question of two Riddlers for now, and glared at this one.

"Robin is an innocent red-blooded lad, you fiend. He won't succumb to your tortures."

"You should not wonder about the Boy Wonder's fate, Batman, but rather your own." The staff flipped Batman's cape aside and pulled down his trunks, then his tights, exposing his firm and supple rear end. The staff's curved head slid over the tight, hard muscle, and Riddler smiled as he teased the head between Batman's plump and hard asscheeks until the man's squirming told him the head of his staff was caressing that tight pucker. "Tell me, how are a detective and a spelunker alike?"

"They both like to get to gasp the bottom of things," Batman said through gritted teeth.

"Right!" The Riddler laughed and reverse his staff, the wide end slipping against Batman's pucker and then with a push, entered him.

Batman gasped and then clamped down on the pain as Riddler began to fuck his ass with the staff-end, plunging it deep inside him, turning and probing, then removing it entirely. The sensation with intensely painful but also... Batman tried to clamp down also on the thoughts and desires it stirred in him, but the pain was too much. The staff worked it's way deep into him, and then back out, again and again, until Batman felt his thick manhood pressing hard against his stomach - his foot-long erection was painfully pressed under his body, making the man squirm against the staff fucking him, which only increased the pain and pleasure he was feeling.

The staff shocked him when it was buried inside his flexing anus, tearing a cry from Batman's throat as he thrashed on the table. It almost made him cum, but it did do one thing - his uncontrollable thrashing also eased open a link in the chain.

"Save your breath, Riddler. My mastery of obscure Zen meditation techniques renders me immune to your perverted tortures!" Batman gasped, knowing that Nigma's ego would not allow him to ignore the jibe.

"Indeed, Batman!?" The Riddler growled as Batman tried not to smile. The staff entered him again, shocked him again, making the man jump and thrash more. "Even you cannot endure this for long!"

Once more, Batman thought, as he raised his cowled head. "Why not? I've already endured your painfully obvious riddles all these years!"

"Obvious?!" The Riddler reeled back, then leaned on his staff, driving it to it's fullest extent, and shocking the Batman over and over.

Batman cried out, flexed, and broke his chains! He surged up off the table, and swung a punch at the Riddler.

And hit nothing!

Batman staggered as The Riddler continued to laugh and shock the place Batman had been, only now the he could see from a different angle, he could tell that the staff was controlled by a barely-visible robot arm. The Riddler himself was a sophisticated hologram, following the movement of the robot arm.

Batman panted as he sank back against the wall. His anus flexed and pulsed with pain where the staff had brutally entered him, and his cock... the man's leather-gloved hands wrapped around his thick veined batpole and slide up and down it - the pleasure making the Caped Crusader almost groan in pleasure. Another stroke, and another, and a line of precum squirted out across the table where he'd been held captive.

Another time. Robin was in trouble!

The good thing is, he can't be far, Batman reasoned as he looked at the controls around him. They had a short range, so the projection unit had to be within several hundred yards at the most.

He was out the door in seconds.

Meanwhile, Robin struggled against his own bonds, lighter chains than had held Batman, but still effective against the trim acrobat. He panted in the aftermath of his orgasm, blinking back tears of humiliation and embarrassment as his cock flexed and pulsed out his teenboy chowder all over the stage. He tried to resist, but it was impossible. He was simply too horny. The bruised boy trembled in his need for the man to hit him again and again.

"Oh, nice one, Brat Wonder," The Riddler sneered as he hit Robin on the jaw with his staff, rocking back the trapped teen. "But we've just started."

"And now you're ended!" Batman growled as he flew out of a door, and slammed The Riddler into the opposite wall, where he crumpled.

"Holy just-in-time, Batman!" Robin exclaimed as the man walked over. Robin blushed to see the man's enormous manhood out and swinging against his leg. "Holy wardrobe malfunctions, Batman, what happened?"

"Nothing, Robin," the Dark Knight said as he slid hands over Robin's trim bound-up body, checking the boy for any damage. He winced as he felt his cock arise again, as he felt Robin's firm young muscles and looked down into his bright eyes. He reached, and slide a gloved finger over Robin's soft fresh mouth.

"Batman..." Robin swallowed as he watched, felt the slow caress. His own cock rose up again, hard and ready, and Batman smiled - the Dark Knight reached and cupped Robin's balls and rolled them firmly in his glove. "You're a growing boy, Robin; don't feel ashamed of what The Riddler made you do; your body could not help it, and you have not had the training I have," he said as he continued to play with his partner's balls, squeezing them harder and harder until Robin writhed in the chains.

"G-gosh, Batman..." the Boy Wonder moaned, feeling the intense hot shooting, pulsing pain that was also pleasure from his nuts.

"You like that, old chum?"

"Yessir!" Robin shivered as Batman squeezed even harder, until he felt Batman's hand was going to crush his nuts. The pain was so intense he could barely breathe, but... his cock suddenly flexed, and Robin spattered more cum onto the stage.

"As I suspected, Robin, the Riddler is much more diabolical than I imagined. In this brief span he's taught you to confuse your healthy adolescent needs with pain and bondage," the man said as he continued to pull and squeeze Robin's abused nutsac, the teen shivering and moaning in pleasure as he fought against the chains holding him in place. He twisted the boy's sac cruelly, and watched as Robin ejeculated once more, crying out in his intense pleasure.

"Holy shades of Grayson, Batman, I can't stop!" the teen whined, his sleek young cock erect and ready. Batman reached and stroked the boy's cut length, his leather-gloved fingers cool and gentle on the flexing shaft. He leaned in and kissed Robin slowly, passionately, the masked boy struggling under him.

"What are you doing, Batman!"

"Only one thing can reverse what the Riddler has done to you, old chum, and that is kind and gentle lovemaking."

"What-- whatever you need to do, Batman!" the boy said.

Batman resumed kissing his handsome young ward, feeling the bound youth's heart racing as they made out. Then Batman unlocked the chains and pulled Robin off the rack where he'd hung. He embraced the trim boy and hugged him close, kissing him and stroking him, then he hefted the young teen in his arms.

He packed Robin back to the lab and laid him on the table, then turned him over. He slid his gloved hand over those firm smooth mounds, and teased Robin's hole with his finger. The caped boy gasped. Then Batman joined him on the table and took a capsule of batlube from his utility belt. Then he got Robin ready, slipping the cool slippery stuff as deep inside the boy's flexing hole as he could, the rest slicking his own massive penis.

He entered Robin slowly and carefully, praising and kissing the trembling teen. He pumped his thick foot-long cock into the boy as deep as he could go, panting as he slowly and carefully made love to his young partner.

"Holy Eiffel Tower, Batman, you're big," the boy whimpered as Batman fucked another shuddering orgasm out of him, his young cock spilling his seed all over the table.

"I am, and you can take it, old chum. Just a few minutes more..." Batman grunted, then finally he pumped the Boy Wonder's ass full of his fresh hot cum, until the boy couldn't hold any more. He quickly turned Robin and slid his massive glans against the boy's eager young mouth, smiling as Robin nursed on his penis, cleaning and sucking until Batman pulsed more ropes of adult mancream into the young hero's mouth.

Finally Batman slid off the table and pulled Robin off it into his arms where the young masked boy nuzzled and sighed. "I feel much better now, Batman! Holy nutcrackers, though, my robins-eggs are still hurting."

Batman smiled as he reached and slipped a gloved finger into Robin's mouth for him to suck eagerly. "You're going to be fine, Boy Wonder. Now, though, we need to figure out how a low-life like The Riddler got his hands on such advanced technology!"

"Gosh, Batman, he's getting away!" Robin pointed as he saw The Riddler get up in the other room, and stagger for the door. Batman was on the man like a jungle cat.

Batman growled as he held The Riddler up. "Talk. Who gave you the tech to do this?"

"Sorry, Batman! Riddle me this: What is the only bird that can write?"

"I don't have time for your demented riddles, Riddler! Tell me!"

"Holy post-secondary educations, Batman! The only bird that can write is a PENguin!"

"Quick thinking, Boy Wonder," Batman said as he punched The Riddler into a daze. "The Penguin! Now that the know the mastermind behind this, we can deal with him!"

What is The Penguin's devious plan? Is Robin cured of his need for pain and ropes? Tune in next time for THE PENGUIN'S BEAK; ROBIN'S TWEAKED


Next: Chapter 3

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