Riddle Me This Robin

By Ebon Artist

Published on Nov 25, 2016


*Robin and the Riddler are property of DC comics. Robin and The Riddler are creations of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com


Robin slowed his motorcycle down and rolled to a quiet stop outside the warehouse. A lonely foghorn broke the silence of the night as the youth surveyed the crumbling structure. A single light burned where none should be.

The Boy Wonder got off the bike and looked around, blue eyes narrowing behind his black mask. The Riddler was around somewhere. Rumors in the underworld said that he was gathering a new gang after his spectacular breakout from prison a month ago. The Boy Wonder frowned. The Riddler was a madman, as unpredictable as the Joker. The boy shivered a bit in the chill harbor air, the skin on his smooth bare legs getting goosebumps.

They received the first message early that evening, in a phone call from Commissioner Gordon. "What happens to a home when it's bitten by a werewolf?" Batman had solemly intoned. Robin shook his head for a second, then smacked his fist into his palm. "It becomes a werehouse. A warehouse, Batman!"

Batman nodded and Robin winced. "That's terrible, Batman."

"The Riddler is a psychotic criminal mastermind, Robin, not a poet. True humor is impossible for him."

"Right! He just uses his sick riddles to point to clues for us to catch him! Gosh, what a nutcase, Batman!"

"Indeed, Robin." Batman fed the rest of the clues into the BatComputer, then tore off the resulting printout. "It can be one of two places, old chum. I will check the south docks, you check the north docks."

And so here he was. The Boy Wonder threw his Batarang up to the roof of the place and quickly scaled the building. The filthy skylight concealed more than it revealed, but it showed enough: The Riddler was there, alone, using his question-mark-shaped staff to write on a blackboard. The man giggled and capered to himself as he did so. Robin smiled and touched his belt radio to call Batman. There was a sudden presence behind him, then everything went black.

Robin awoke and tried to move, but could not. He blinked his eyes open and found himself chained to an overhead beam. The Riddler and a large man in a black T-Shirt with a `?' mark on it laughed as the Boy Wonder tested his bonds. The nineteen-year-old boy struggled in vain, his powerful muscles bulging but unable to free him from the chains.

"Oh, he he he! You'll find those quiet strong, Boy Blunder! Too strong to break! He he he!"

Robin thrashed about, testing his considerable young strength against the chains, but to no avail. "What...?"

"What am I going to DO!? Oh, you'll love it. In fact, you won't be able to help yourself..." The Riddler laughed and poked Robin's flat belly with the crooked end of his question-mark cane, then quickly swung the cane around, hitting the boy across the jaw with it. Robin rolled with the hit and shook his head. His jaw ached and he spat a bit of blood where his lip was cut.

"Oh, did I ruin your pretty face?" Riddler cackled, and struck the Boy Wonder again across the face. The youth rolled with the hit again, his head pounding. He was dazed now from the force of the blows. A trickle of blood came from his mouth. The Riddler walked up to the helpless boy and took Robin's jaw in his hand, tilting the boy's head up. Robin groaned softly from the pain.

"Oh, hee hee! Riddle me this, Robin. How is a Robin like a streetwalker? They both need a kiss after they're hit on!" And with that, the man kissed Robin on the lips, sliding his own over the boy's soft silky lips, his tongue sliding in the dazed boy's mouth, tasting the salty tang of the blood. He kissed and tongued the teenaged caped crusader for more than a minute before breaking away, leaving Robin gasping for breath.

"Ohh, hee hee! You need to be better than that, Boy Wonder! Hmmm. I wonder how much of a boy you are, hmm?"

Robin shook his head, trying to clear it. The Riddler prodded the youth with his cane once more, and then ran it over Robin's chin, then down his chest and stomach. He had removed Robin's utility belt, of course, and now used the cane to hook the top of the boy's shorts. The silky green tights hugged every curve of Robin's hips and buttocks, and now the soft fabric was pulled away and opened by the Riddler's cane.

"Ooopsie!" said the man, and laughed again. The cane rotated and the hooked end plunged in to Robin's shorts, tugging the soft stretchy fabric out and away from the boy's skin.

"Uhn!" said Robin, still half-dazed from the beating he'd been given. His bikini shorts stretched out, and his young manhood flopped out into view; a soft thick piece of cock almost six inches long, that swung against Robin's baby-smooth thigh. The young man was cut, and the crown of his teenaged manhood was smooth and almost glistening in the dim light. It rolled limpy against the soft skin and Robin swallowed hard. The Boy Wonder shivered a bit as he felt the cold metal sliding over the soft, sensitive flesh of his boycock.

The Riddler grinned and moved his staff again, pulling down Robin's skintight trunks until they were around his knees. The Teen Thunderbolt's boyhood swung free, nestled in a patch of soft black down, against two low-hanging testicles. He nudged the boy's testicle sac, then played with it with the hooked staff, deftly moving the boy's plump balls around.

"Hoo hooo! Oh, my, Robin. It seems you've laid a nice pair of eggs! Now...why is a Boy Wonder like a banana?"

Robin shifted weakly against the chains, the warming metal on his sensitive nuts beginning to bring him around. "I...I don't know," the youth said.

"Hoo hoo! They need to be peeled before you eat them!" With that, the Riddled hooked Robin's tights in his cane and ripped them from the boy hero's hips, exposing the youth for all to see. "Hee hee hee!"

Robin struggled a bit., his cheeks growing red as he felt a breeze on his full, round ass and his soft, swinging boyhood. The Riddler's cane moved up and hooked the swinging flesh, pulling Robin's soft penis up to examine it. "Ohh, now this is a nice specimen," the man crooned, and moved the soft flesh more with his cane, turning it one way and another until Robin tried to pull away. "Holy Unlicensed Medical Procedures!" Robin cried out as he felt his cock start to react to all the touching.

The Riddler laughed and used his cane to caress the soft limp penis, moving it around and around until Robin's cock began to stiffen. "Ohh hoo hoo! A stiffy, bird-boy! Tell me, Robin, why is a pretty boy superhero's penis like a prizefighter?"

Robin swallowed, trying to concentrate while the rod played with his own rod. It was half-hard now, and still the Riddler's staff moved over it deftly, more deftly than even his own hands did, those nights alone in his huge bed back in stately Wayne Manor. The masked teen still shook his head. "I..I don't know," he said again.

"Because it doesn't go down until it's licked! Hee hee ho!" Then the Riddler knelt and took Robin's curving erect cock into his mouth! Robin shivered and the muscles on his bare arms jumped as he struggled against his bonds. The man's mouth was so warm on his penis! The masked boy shut his eyes and groaned, feeling his young manhood grow as long and hard as it ever had. Riddler licked on the youth's cock, then stroked it with his hand while he played with Robin's swinging balls. "Hee hee! A bird in the hand, and two in the bush!"

The Riddler backed away, smiling with delight at the boy's penis, long and hard and glistening with his spit. The head was cut and large. The Boy Wonder's cock trembled with the sensations rushing through the teen's body. The Riddler took his staff and manipulated the boy's erection, watching the youth; eyes closed behind his mask, those soft sweet lips open just a bit as the youth gasped in pleasure. The metal staff moved over Robin's cock, the crook of it cradling the lad's penis and drawing it down, only to let it spring erect again and again. Robin writhed against his chains, and a soft groan came from his mouth. The Riddler smiled and walked behind the boy, where he could see the handsome teen's firm full ass. He moved the staff against the firm flesh, pulled the boy's cape away from it, then probed the entrance to Robin's anus with it, gently, gently working it in until the tip of the question mark penetrated the teen hero.

"UGH!" Robin cried out, feeling the invasion of his little pucker, and he pulled on the chains uselessly. The Riddler laughed and teased the boy more and more, moving the broad tip of the metal staff against Robin's anus, rimming the youth with it. Robin responded with soft gasps.

The Riddler laughed again and withdraw the staff, then wiped it off. He moved back around to the boy's front and draw the warmed metal over Robin's erection. The Boy Wonder hissed, eyes still closed. The staff teased the boy's bobbing cock again, the metal crook moving against the shaft, then teasing the glistening plum-red head, then back again. The Riddler laughed as he twirled the staff against the boy's bobbing penis; the boy was close now, his breath coming in soft gasps and grunts.

"Riddle me this, Boy Wonder; when is a tortured boy like a Broadway play?"

"Ugh! Th-they both come to a cliMAX! UGH! UGH! OOOOOOHHH!" Robin cried out as his cock suddenly began to shoot his thick boycum into the air. The Riddler laughed and capered as the boy's penis shot and shot, until finally Robin hung limp and spent in the chains. "Right! Oh, yes, right! Hee hee! Hoo hoo!"

Robin looked up, sweat running down the young teen's face. His cock was still rock-hard and red, but the boy's cheek burned brighter from his embarrassment. "You fiend, when Batman gets hold of you...."

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot the Batman! Oh my, do you think he will be mad that I've toyed with his boy toy for so long? Hee hee heeee! Oh, I don't think so!" He clicked a button on his cane and the blackboard he'd been writing on turned into a TV monitor. The scene showed Batman trapped in chains, helpless. A duplicate of the Riddler was there, his staff electrified. Batman struggled as the staff prodded him again and again, gradually electrocuting him with each pass.

"Batman!!" Robin cried out.

"He can't hear you, but he's seen everything that's happened to you. Well. Not /everything/..." The Riddler howled with laughter and turned to the shocked teen.

"Riddle me this, Robin? Why is a sidekick not like a cherry tree?"

Robin could only shake his head.

The Riddler grinned and motioned the heretofore silent henchmen forward. "You can only pluck a sidekick's cherry once....HEE HEE!"

What is this? TWO Riddlers? Is Robin's cherry really in danger? Stay tuned next week for `BATMAN'S LUCK, ROBIN'S PLUCKED'


Next: Chapter 2

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