
By ten.skcapym@2932ybmurc

Published on Apr 6, 2008


Rico and I lay on the bed, our arms entwined, and dozed off. We woke in early evening, and talked a bit about dinner. This restaurant was good, that one was close, the other one used to have a hot waiter--let's have him for dinner, etc.

We didn't come to a decision. And part of the reason was that we simply enjoy lying quietly like that and talking about, well, nothing of any consequence. The fact remained, we were hungry.

Talk of the hot waiter led to talk of the bellboys downstairs. There was a bald pudgy guy, who took my suitcase when I checked in. There was a clean-cut jock type, who barely noticed Rico when he walked by. And if a guy doesn't notice Rico, in my view, well, there's no hope.

And then there was Justin. He had his name tag on his chest. He had a smile on his face. And he noticed Rico--for sure. You know how you catch a guy--for a fleeting moment--with his eyes on your crotch? Or on your face, with a look of approval for just an instant? Well, Rico caught that with Justin.

It became clear to me that the electricity had gone both ways.

"He's got this great ass," Rico told me, "under those brown bellhop pants. They fit tight in a certain way, tighter on the top than on the bottom of the ass, you know? The guy's got muscles."

"You mean like these muscles?" I stroked them. "Or these? Or maybe these." And I stroked something which was certainly not a muscle.

Rico kissed me, then leaned over and tongued my soft cock, friendly more than provocative. I had acknowledged him, so he acknowledged me. See what I mean about Rico? There's so much more that's great about him than his body.

"Yeah, those muscles. And these" This time he stroked my ass. "And these." This was getting, um, out of hand.

"Hey," I said, "we gotta get some fuel some time".

"Umm," Rico replied. Then, "Ummmmmmmmmmmm." He had my dick in his mouth this time, and was half-purring, half humming, and getting me aroused. He got me just about to that point where my dick takes over and my judgment clouds.

But he knew what he was doing, and just before I started responding seriously, he took his mouth off me, and said, "Yeah, you're right."


"Why don't we call room service? Maybe we'll get Justin." This was Rico's sop to me, and of course I went along.

So we called up. "Hello? Who am I speaking to?" It was Justin. Yes! "Could you bring us up the chicken salad sandwich, and..." I gave Justin the order, then added, "We'll be waiting for you up here. We're kinda hungry" Just in case he's susceptible to a subliminal message. Just in case...

So we lay back, watching the news on TV, with Rico's hand lightly resting on my groin--light enough for me to maintain interest, not active enough for me to require more attention. It's one of Rico's skills to be able to judge that level.

There's a knock on the door. It's got to be Justin. I get instantly hard in Rico's hand. He doesn't expect that--he turns and looks at me in amazement.

This gives me an idea. I whisper into his ear, "Rico, I want to see you top this guy Justin." Rico's eyes widen and he grins. You see, he's always played bottom to me. We both like it that way. Somehow, the idea of watching his big stiff cock skewer the hot man behind the door is a powerful aphrodisiac.

And Rico feels it too. "Go get the door," he says, "and leave the rest to me."

I get up, wrap a towel around my waist, and go to the door. There's a slight bulge in my towel--I'm still thick, but not still hard, from the sex. Rico can see everything from where he is.

Watch for the eyes! Watch to see that flash between Justin's eyes and something else! That flash will tell you what to do, and give you the timing.

I open the door and smile at Justin. Justin's blue eyes look straight at me. I say, "I'm glad you could come so quickly. We're getting pretty hungry." And I give Justin a look up and down, then definitely down. Justin still doesn't quite know what it's all about--but he's certainly interested in finding out.

"I'm glad you called when you did." Justin's voice is tentative. "It wasn't all that busy downstairs." He's well trained to say these things, but he's not thinking about them. He's thinking about just how low my towel might get around my waist. He's thinking about what's making my towel fold just like that, and if that fold moved, just a fraction of an inch, a moment ago.

And then his eyes lock on something behind me. It's gotta be Rico on the bed. What's going on? Justin has brought a room service cart into the room, and the door has closed. I move to the side, so I can observe Justin and see Rico at the same time. Rico is sitting up in bed, a towel around his waist, and his cock in plain sight, flopping out of the towel, the purple head protruding.

Justin can't take his eyes off it. He gets slightly red, tries to look up at Rico's face, then looks back down, then up, then down, as he clumsily opens the containers of food. "Hey, lemme help you," Rico says. Justin doesn't know it, but Rico's eyes are shining in a particular way that I can read. Rico comes over to Justin, takes one of the metal covers and puts it on a chair. Then he reaches for another cover, pressing his groin against Justin's pant leg. Justin's hand has ended up right beside Rico's cock, next to the towel

And Rico lets the towel drop. He's nude now, right next to the beautiful blond guy. Justin has never seen anything like this. He's taking in Rico's body, he's getting flustered, he's getting hard. How do we put him at ease?

Rico knows. "It's not busy downstairs. Come sit down with me here. Just for a minute." He takes Justin's hand. Justin follows, hardly believing that his fantasy about these two guys is actually being played out.

Rico and I continue the momentum. We each sit on one side of Justin. I put my arm around his neck. Rico massages his thigh, then his upper thigh, then his inner thigh--it's all happening quickly--then his swollen crotch. Justin is blushing, but doesn't protest, doesn't lift a finger. I move in and unbutton the jacket of his uniform.

Then Justin moves. It's too late to protest, too late to pretend that he doesn't want all this. He unbuckles his belt, unzips his fly, pulls his trousers down a bit. He's still sitting down. I get up, gently pull him up, pull his pants down. He's wearing tight black briefs, and his cockhead is already peering up over the elastic.

"Lemme help you out," I say, and pull down the briefs. His cock springs straight up, and I take it in my mouth, nursing on the fat hot head, my lips stroking the ridge. He's thick and cut, and he's moaning. Rico, meanwhile, is cupping his balls, running his hands up into Justin's ass crack, watching for a reaction.

And the reaction comes. Justin leans his ass back, slightly parting the cheeks of his ass. Rico runs his finger up and into Justin's ass lips. He's found the prostate, and Justin's cock twitches and leaks in my mouth. I slowly ease my mouth off of him. Don't want him to cum too fast--he might bolt.

Justin moans and bucks his hips forward, seeking my hot mouth again. But I've stood up already, and Justin doesn't know what to do. He's got this hard cock, Rico is fingering his ass, he's trembling with lust.

I run my tongue along his pecs, feel his hard chest, feel his large dark nipples stand up erect under my hand, then my lips. Licking, tonguing, sucking his nipples, I stay away from the main event. Justin is going crazy. He toes off his shoes, his pants are off completely, and he climbs on the bed--on hands and knees!

This boy knows what he wants. His ass is swinging in the air. Rico is ready--he's slipped a condom on. He takes his hard cock and swabs it up and down Justin's ass crack. I get on the bed, kneel in front of Justin, and thrust my hard cock out towards his face. Justin swallows the bait, takes my cock in his mouth. He knows what he's doing. He sucks on my cock like a pro, while offering his ass to Rico.

Rico is ready to take the plunge. He pushes his thick cock against Justin's rosebud, and Justin presses his torso back to meet Rico. The guy's ready for Rico--he's done this before. Rico slips his thick hard tool in, slowly sinking it into Justin's ass, shifting his weight from side to side to pry open Justin's hole as he moves.

Rico is beautiful. I've not seen him in this role before. I watch his face as he fucks, the studied enjoyment, the concentration on the pleasure he's giving and getting. I see none of that playfulness, that coyness, that he has with me. Rico, it turns out, is a serious fucker. His moves are smooth, sinking his big cock slowly into Justin's ass, long-dicking him with a steady rhythm. Justin is zoning out. His mouth is latched onto my cock, his eyes closed, he's moaning. Did he know that this delivery would be full-service?

I suddenly want to get closer to Rico. It's not jealousy--it's a need to enjoy him in this new role. So I remove my hard cock from Justin's mouth, get off the bed, and creep up behind Rico.

His ass is magnificent, flexing and thrusting. I could watch it forever. I take my hand a lightly run it over his tan globes, without disturbing the rhythm of the fuck. I carefully run my hand closer to Rico's ass crack, feel his pulsing asshole with one finger.

This has an immediate effect on Rico. He thrusts harder, more forcefully, into Justin's ass. He leaves his cock in for an instant as he reaches bottom. His ass lips flutter, and I wiggle my finger just a bit. Wham! Wham! Wham! Rico's rhythm has changed. He's adjusted to the new sensation, holding his penis deep inside Justin at the bottom of each stroke, just for that little bit of time. He loves my finger there, and has unerringly found a way to integrate it into the fuck. With one hand busy stimulating his asshole, I run the other lightly over Rico's firm ass cheeks, then down to his balls, which are swaying beneath the two bodies locked together. I carefully heft Rico's balls, then feel for Justin's. Justin has nice heavy balls, which I catch in my hand as they sway. Then I explore Justin's bursting cock, rock hard, and thick. And leaking. I spread Justin's own precum on his cock and hold my fist around it. Rico's thrusting, and Justin's response, have the effect of making Justin fuck my fist with his own cock.

We're all breathing hard now, and Justin is moaning continuously, a low, almost melancholy sound, like a mantra of sex. Rico is concentrating on the fuck. He's gone back to his pile driving, without that hesitation when Justin's ass is filled with cock. It's harder for me to finger Rico, so I stop. Rico hardly notices--we're all pretty involved, too involved to analyze the sensations or think of alternatives.

I move around to the front. Justin has this far-gone look on his face. He's red, his eyes are glazed with lust. His mouth is open and his tongue is waggling. I take my cock and thrust it in front of his face. Like a calf to the teat, Justin cranes his neck a bit and takes me in his mouth. Not all of me--he's too busy to concentrate on a deep-throat maneuver. But he sucking on the top third of my cock like it's the last one he'll ever have in his mouth, and I'm thrusting and moaning myself.

What's that now? I don't know how he's done it, but Justin has grabbed my thighs, adjusting his torso so Rico gets at him from a different angle. And it's the right angle--Justin's moans have become groans, and he's jabbing his ass backwards against Rico's thrusts. He needs a certain spot stimulated--that particular spot that Rico is hitting now. Justin's his hands are reaching up the back of my thigh, running along my balls--which are tight against my body by now--and feeling for my ass lips.

The guy has good instincts. The stimulation of his finger on my ass pushes me right over the edge. I explode in Justin's mouth, my cream spilling down his throat, overflowing his mouth. I'm spasming hard, and somehow there's a lot there--more than I would expect from having come twice earlier in the day. But the stimulation has been constant and strong, and I fill Justin's mouth to overflowing.

This in turn triggers Justin's climax. I've reached down and grabbed his well-lubed cock, which spasms as soon as I grasp it. Justin's not a shooter--his cock leaks out the cum and heaves in my hand. I milk him and hold him while it shoots, then hold him some more as he goes limp in my hand. Like a good cocksucker, Justin does the same with my penis in his mouth.

Rico's not done--but he's close. He's thrusting wildly. Justin has climaxed, and is no longer rubbing his ass against Rico's cock, no longer needing the stimulation of that sweet spot.

Rico senses this, and pulls his cock out, stroking it with his own hand. Two, three strokes--and he shoots, hitting the wall next to the bed. Justin and I are both agog, watching Rico's big dick shoot. The cum shoots out in thick ropes, five, six, seven spasms, each slightly weaker than the one before. Rico's eyes are shut, his head tilted upwards.

"What am I doing?" I think to myself: I suddenly realize that Rico needs to be held. I quickly get behind him, wrap my arms around him, feel his chest, hold him and kiss and lick the back of his neck as he heaves his last drops of passion onto the bedclothes. I bend his body back towards mine, holding him as he comes down from the high of the orgasm.

I'm concerned for Justin--we all need some loving after we've cum, and Justin is now the odd man out. I smile at him, reach one hand past Rico's torso and grab Justin's leg--the nearest appendage.

Rico, having come down a bit, realizes what's needed here, and reaches out to Justin, feeling his chest and holding his chin in one hand. This has taken all of 40 seconds or so, but timing is everything.

I pull Rico towards me, and we fall back on the bed. Rico has taken Justin's hand, and pulls him invitingly towards the two of us. Now all three are lying in bed, touching in various ways, feeling the after-sex euphoria. We're not talking. We look at each other with darkly serious expressions. Something is about to get awkward.

Then Rico, ever sensitive, flashes a shy smile at me, then at Justin, and we both reply with a smile. This dispels the awkward moment, as we silently acknowledge the enjoyment we've all felt.

A few more minutes pass, and Justin says, "I really have to get downstairs". We all know he's right, and we were all waiting for him to say something like this. Rico--wonderful man--kisses Justin's cheek and pats his rump. I do the same, then do it to Rico. Justin gets up and dresses. But we don't.

Justin is fully dressed now, smoothing his brown uniform, straightening his name tag. He leaves the cart in the room--we have ordered food, remember?--and smiles at us.

"You guys need anything else, just give a call."

"We will," says Rico, matter-of-factly. He's not flirting now--Justin has opened the door and anyone outside can hear (but not see) us. But Rico's words are just enough.

Justin closes the door. Rico and I smile at each other. I close my eyes and nod off--I'm suddenly tired. I have a quick dream of Rico and me in a boat. No, a bed, full of pillows. Or is it feathers? No, soap bubbles. And we're touching gently. Then I'm asleep.

Note: Truth in advertising: This last episode is fiction, but with real characters.

If you travel a lot, you know that if you call for room service, you don't often get Justin. You get the bald pudgy guy. Or you get a clean-cut guy who could care less what's making that bulge in your towel. Or you get the cleaning lady who doesn't speak much English and just wants to get on with her job.

Hey, it doesn't hurt to dream, does it? And Rico and I dreamed this dream together.

Next: Chapter 4

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