Ricky in Amsterdam

Published on Nov 16, 2005



This is a story. None of the characters in the story exist and the events that take place are purely imaginary. Thanks to all of you who wrote in to tell me you enjoyed the story. It had encouraged me to write a second chapter. I apologise for the long delay in completing this story but I have been unwell but am now much recovered. If you want the earlier parts, please let me know.


Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

Do not read this if you are under the legal age for accessing adult sites.

Always indulge in safe sex.


Part 3

After he returned to his room, Ricky lay back on the bed and dozed for a while, waking up with enough time to have a shower and change into clean clothes. The only problem the teenager concerned what was the appropriate attire for an orgy. After a brief consideration of the matter, Ricky decided that the best option would be to wear as little as possible. He discarded all underwear and chose instead a tight-fitting t-shirt and a pair of his best blue jeans that hugged his round arse and showed off his cock bulged to perfection. The youngster had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on the door. After the door had been opened, Rudi stepped into the room and gave out a gasp of appreciation,

"Wow! You look great!!"

"Thanks, I aim to please," Ricky replied with a broad grin.

"Come on, then, let's not keep Willem waiting! He's in the car parked a short distance away. He didn't want to be seen near here as he told his manager that he is ill!!"

Ricky followed his Dutch friend out of his room and off the floating hotel and the pair walked quickly down the quayside and around a corner to where Willem and the car were waiting. The driver greeted the British teenager with a broad smile and said,

"Hi, Ricky. You look really sexy tonight. You really are up for fun, aren't you? Hope in the pair of you, the sooner we go the sooner we can get you some action!!"

Ricky and Rudi wasted no time in climbing into the small car and as soon as they were safely seated, Willem drove off. The journey took them out of the city centre and away from the busy areas. As the main road narrowed and the car turned down smaller roads, Ricky began to wonder where he was heading. Suddenly, the car turned sharply into a lane and, in the distance, there was a building nestling in the trees. Willem pointed to the outline of the structure and announced,

"This is our venue for tonight. Some mysterious guy, who apparently likes to encourage parties and fun, owns the place. I'm told he sometimes likes to come down to the cellar in disguise and, if he likes what he sees or, perhaps to be more accurate, someone he sees and likes very much, then joins in the activities."

Rudi joined in the conversation by saying,

"Well I bet if he caught sight of Ricky here he would most certainly want to join in!!"

Sitting in the back of the car, the British teenager blushed at the same time he also felt his cock twitch in anticipation of what was to happen when they got inside the building. He did not have long to wait and Willem brought the vehicle to a stop alongside several other cars and the three youngsters stepped out of the car and, led by the driver, walked across the gravel driveway to the cellar entrance.

The trio walked in through the door and down the stairs to the lower floor. As they passed through the entrance the hallway was lit with huge candles and, at the far end, two young men dressed only in skimpy loincloths were standing waiting for the arriving guests. The taller of the two stepped forward as Rudi, Willem and Ricky approached and, when the new arrivals were close enough, he spoke in heavily accented English,

"Good evening, sirs. Before you enter the main part of the cellar, I am instructed to take your names and to show you where you may leave your clothing."

The three teenagers each gave his name to the young attendants, who nodded and, having found their names on his list, ticked them off. The sight of the three youngsters proved too much for the attendant, whose loincloth was too small to cover his obvious erections. This proved to be an irresistible temptation to Willem, who slid his hand inside the covering and began to feel the hard, uncut cock that stood proudly beneath. The others watched this activity as they stripped off their clothing and handed it to the other attendant, who took their belongings away for safekeeping. On his return, Ricky and Rudi were standing naked and proud and waited until Willem finally broke away from his activities and removed his clothing. In the short while that was required for this to take place, the naked teenagers took over where their friend had left off and enjoyed as few moments of mutual fondling of the attendants' rock hard cocks. Finally, this prelude to the main event came to an end once Willem was ready and the attendants opened the door and let the horny trio loose in the main hall.

The door opened onto some more steps, which led down to the large cellar that seemed to cover the whole of the area underneath the main house and was brightly lit in most places but with a few darker areas were also provided. To Ricky's amazement, the huge room contained a bar at which drinks could be obtained and a small but very pleasant swimming pool, close to which was a steam room and sauna. As they went down the steps the teenagers could see and recognise some people that they had seen before but most of the young faces were strangers and this added even more to the potential excitement of the evening.

The first person that Ricky recognised was Al, the American he and Rudi had played around with earlier in the day, and who now was in the pool with two people did not recognise. All the British teenager could see was the American's blond hair bobbing up and down as his long, cut cock pumped in and out of the welcoming hole of one of the other two, who in turn was ploughing his cock into the mouth of the third member of the group. Ricky was tempted to go over and join this trio but Rudi and Willem guided him away towards another part of the room. Standing all by himself but looking very pleased with himself was Phillipe, who was sporting a huge erection and beaming around at the activities that were going on in every corner of the room. The technician smiled at the approaching trio and said,

"I'm glad you have arrived, there are lots of people here that are anxious to meet you. Why don't I take you over to meet some of the people that you don't already know and introduce you?"

Ricky and Rudi followed Phillipe as he walked slowly across the room, but Willem lingered for a moment as he had caught sight of the Erich and Karl, the two stars of the movie that he and the other two had watched being made earlier. The two German teenagers were engaged in some French kissing but broke apart when they saw Willem approaching and happily invited him to join them. The horny Dutchman knelt between the two Germans and took hold of each of their cocks before leaning forward and sliding his lips down over the exposed glans of each of the two teenagers in turn. After a few moments, Erich, the darker haired of the two, began to explore the Dutchman's hole with his finger. Once he had discovered that the hole opened easily to his probing finger, the German teenager moved round behind Willem and began to use his tongue to probe and tease the winking entrance to the older man's love channel. It was not long before Karl had moved position so that he and Willem were in the `69' position, each licking and teasing the other's cock while at the same time the Dutchman also enjoyed the rimming he was receiving from Erich and knowing full well that the tongue would soon be replaced by the German teenager's rock hard cock.

Meanwhile, Rudi and Ricky had been taken to another part of the room and introduced to a small group of older guests, each of whom was in his early twenties. Phillipe stood back as he introduced the two teenagers to the group,

"Rudi, Ricky, I'd like you to meet some other friends of mine. This handsome dark-skinned man is Costas, who comes from Greece. Next to him is Stefano from Italy, a real Italian stallion as you can see. This tall, blond hunk is Gustav from Sweden and finally this blond bombshell is Miguel from Spain. I think you will have lots of fun together, so I will leave you now so that you can get better acquainted!"

Without bothering to consider any further what had become of Willem, Ricky and Rudi moved closer to the group of older men that they had just been introduced to and each of the six began to admire the obvious attributes of the others. Rudi noticed that the Greek man, Costas, was dark and swarthy with a Mediterranean look. He had very thick black hair and dark eyes and lots of stubbly growth on his chin. His body was also was covered in dark curly hair and a matt of hair covered his groin from which sprouted a short, fat, uncut cock which stuck out proudly in front of him. The thick veins on the shaft of the Greek man's cock throbbed gently as his cock bobbed up and down in anticipation of what was to come. The Dutch teenager thought that the glans was the fattest he had ever seen and wondered whether it would ever be possible to suck such a large cock properly. On the other hand, the fair-haired Spaniard, Miguel, had a clean-shaven face and the pale skin of his athletic body was covered in very fine, blond hair. Rudi also noticed with some surprise that Miguel was sporting a relatively short but circumcised prick, the exposed glans and shaft of which looked to the Dutch teenager as if it would be delightful to suck.

Meanwhile, Ricky noted that, like Costas, Stefano was swarthy and well built with thick black hair covering his chest, arms and legs. Looking at his hairy crotch, Ricky noted with some pleasure that the Italian was the best endowed of the four older men with the glans of this man's cock just peeking out from under the protective foreskin that covered it. Ricky could not wait to get to work on the Italian's cock and his own prick jumped involuntarily at the thought of rolling back the foreskin and exposing the full sensitive head. Finally, the horny British teenager admired Gustav, the Swede, with his blond hair and completely smooth, hairless body and the long, thin uncut cock that rose up from his clearly shaved pubic area. Gustav's cock head was already fully exposed and the foreskin lay loosely gathered just behind the head.

For their part, the older quartet took a few moments to admire and show their appreciation of the erect teenage cocks of the two newcomers before the six men quickly divided into two groups. Costas, Rudi and Miguel moved closer together, while Gustav, Stefano and Ricky formed a second trio.

Once he had settled down with his chosen partners, Ricky ran his hands over the smooth body of Gustav and slid his hand along the long thin shaft and then back down to his hairless balls. Stefano was kneeling down and eagerly licking the exposed glans of Ricky's cut cock. A similar scene was taking place among the other group but this time Rudi was sucking Miguel.

In the far corner of the room where the American, Al, had been engaged in a fuck fest with two other young men, the sounds of impending climax began to grow louder. Hardly had Ricky and Rudi begun their investigations of their new-found friends than the air was filled with the horny American shouting,

"I'm gonna cum!!!"

This was followed by gasps and grunts as ball cream sprayed from Al's piss slit and splattered onto the arched back of the guy he had been fucking. Moments later, the guy that had been stuffing his cock into the mouth of the young man whose arse had been so royally fucked gave out an equally loud cry as his cum was shot all over the face and mouth of his partner. Finally, the young man who had been on the receiving end stood up and, watched by his two partners, pumped his cock until his load shot high into the air and landed with a splat on the floor. Around the room, other people engaged in various activities paused to watch this event as it occurred and broke out into a spontaneous round of applause as the principals lay back against the wall, fighting hard to recover their breath and their composure.

Spurred on by the enthusiastic response to the first groups' climaxes, other people around the room resumed their own efforts to pleasure their chosen partners. Willem, who had broken away from his other two friends, was enjoying himself with the two young German porn stars who were more than happy to share their expertise with him. The young Dutchman found himself sandwiched between Erich and Karl. Karl and Willem resumed their `69' and Erich continued to rim his young Dutch partner. After a few minutes, Karl turned round so that Willem could enjoy the delights of licking out another man's hole and the German was not disappointed by the result of his decision. As Erich explored deeper with his tongue, he took hold of Willem's cock and gave it some slow, sensuous strokes and the Dutch youngster responded by reaching in front of him and playing with Karl's hardening cock. When Karl decided everyone was ready, he said something to his fellow porn star who grunted in agreement and immediately stood up, pulling Willem with him. Once all three were standing upright, Erich pushed forward until the sensitive and now exposed end of his cock head was pressing against the Dutchman's hole. Willem pushed back slightly and felt the warm sensation as the German youngster's cock passed through his sphincter and into his welcoming love channel. Karl had taken up a position in front of the Dutchman and reached back to guide Willem's rampant cock into his waiting hole. Once they were all comfortable, the three youngsters started to move in and out of each other in rhythm. Willem's hand was beating the timing of their mutual thrusts as he jerked his fist up and down Karl's shaft. The Dutchman could feel sensations of excitement passing through his body every time the German porn star's cock pushed past his prostate and, judging by the uncontrollable spasms of Karl's cock that he felt from time to time, Willem was equally aware that the other porn star must be experiencing the same sensation each time his cock went in and out of that German youth's love channel.

Try as he might, Willem could not prevent the build up of pressure in his balls and he soon realised that he was about to spunk up, so he pulled out of Karl's hole and began to wank his cock. Realising what was happening, Erich reached round and took over bring the young Dutchman to a satisfying orgasm. Dutch ball cream spewed all over Karl's body and, just as the flow dried to a trickle, the young German turned round and shot his load all over Willem. Erich tried to control his own body but the effect of the Dutchman's orgasm brought the porn star to his own climax and he, too, pulled out and finished himself off by hand. The noise of these three youngsters each delivering rivers of cum had, again, brought a temporary halt to the other activities in the room. Ricky, Rudi and their friends all looked up from what they were doing to watch and enjoy the event and the American, Al, who was in the process of disappearing into the steam room with a couple of other guests, also paused to watch as the event unfolded. When Willem, Erich and Karl had finally stopped cumming, they too were treated to a round of applause from what seemed like a rather number of people than had been present before.

The increase in the appreciation was due to the fact that in a darkened corner of the cellar a small number of older men were gathered ready to watch the latest movie that Phillipe had made. From the control box, the young producer was starting the movie, which he hoped would be as successful as his earlier videos. He was not to be disappointed if the reaction of his small audience was to be taken into account. The tenting of trousers and the mutual fumbling, masturbation and oral fun they were enjoying showed the Frenchman that his efforts had not been in vain. Looking down on the scene of sexual activity going on in all parts of the room and at the satisfied faces of those that had recently reached orgasm, Phillipe took a moment to caress his own rock hard cock, pulling the foreskin backwards and forwards over the ridge of his glans with increasing speed and no small amount of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Ricky and his group had resumed their own search for ultimate satisfaction. Gustav had made it very clear that he wanted to be fucked by Ricky and had guided the horny teenager's fingers to his welcoming arse hole and was currently enjoying the feeling of the British youth's fingers sliding easily in and out and teasing his sensitive spots. Stefano was also still working his mouth up and down Ricky's cock and sending excited tingles through the youngster's body. The Italian lay on his back playing with his own large cock and licking Ricky's shaft and balls, readying the horny teenager's cock for the moment it would enter the large Swede.

Gustav was used to being in control and he quickly indicated the arrangement he had in mind and told Ricky to lay back on the floor alongside Stefano, who waited in readiness to guide the large Swede slowly down onto the British teen's cock. Ricky felt the entrance to Gustav's hole open and slowly swallow first his cut glans inside him and then the full length of his prick until it was completely buried inside the Swede's love channel. With a slow and deliberate movement, Gustav began to raise himself up and down on the prick that impaled him and sighed loudly as he felt the shaft and head slide in and out of his hole. Ricky, whose sexual experiences had increased exponentially over the past few days also groaned and moaned as he found this way of fucking entirely to his liking. Once the Swede was satisfied that he had developed a steady rhythm, he indicated that Stefano should move round so that he could feed his long cock into Ricky's waiting mouth. The British teenager did extremely well to swallow a considerable length of the Italian's cock but eventually found that he could take no more and began to gag. Stefano immediately removed his cock for a minute but then re-entered Ricky's mouth from a slightly better angle but once again the British youth gagged. In the end, the Italian seemed satisfied with the skilful way that Ricky used his lips and tongue to tease the piss slit and lubricate the sensitive glans. Moments later, Ricky was surprised that the cock was removed from his mouth and Stefano himself moved away for a moment. It was a second before Ricky realised what was happening, but once he did he felt a renewed surge of excitement pass through his body. Gustav had slightly altered his position and was inviting the Italian to join Ricky in fucking his welcoming hole. Already wedged deeply in the Swede's love channel, Ricky became aware of Stefano's cock sliding up alongside his shaft. Gustav gave a cry of triumph as two dicks worked their way up and down inside him and each stroke intensified the pressure on all three of them.

It was Ricky who was the least experienced of the three that cracked first. The tingling in his balls was increasing in intensity and he knew that he would soon be shooting his load and he gasped out a brief warning of the impending explosion. If the British teen had expected Stefano to ease out and let him cum in full view of everyone else, he was mistaken. The Italian pushed hard against the sensitive underside of Ricky's prick, teasing and exciting it still further until, with a great gasp of relief and pleasure the horny British youth unleashed his hot spunk. Feeling the throbbing dick inside him, Gustav wanked his own shaft furiously and pointed the angry piss slit straight at Stefano and fired volley after volley of creamy cum over the Italian's face and body. This was sufficient to send the Italian over the edge and Ricky, whose dick was slowly softening but was still trapped inside Gustav, felt the shaft of Stefano's cock throb. The Italian yelled loudly as he blasted out his ball cream inside the Swede's intestine where it mingled with that which the British teenager had already deposited there. Some of the slimy cum also dropped onto the end of Ricky's dick and coated the exposed glans. Finally the flow of cum came to a halt and Stefano's cock softened sufficiently for the British teenager's prick to slide out and for Ricky to close his eyes and listen to the applause of those other guests that had taken the time to watch their exhibition. A moment later Stefano's long cock also emerged from the depths of the Swede's love channel and he also lay back and rested. Finally Gustav, sweating profusely, was free to join his new friends and he too lay back against the wall to recover.

Although other areas of the cellar were alive with activity and the older men watching Phillipe's movie were clearly excited by its content, Ricky was more concerned to find out how Rudi was getting on. He looked around and saw him only a few feet away still actively engaged with his two partners.

Rudi was involved in a daisy chain trio of mutual oral pleasure. At first the Dutch teen had spent some time sucking on Miguel's beautifully circumcised dick and had demonstrated that he had learned a great deal from his experience with Ricky. The Spaniard had sighed and groaned as Rudi moved his mouth sensuously up and down his shaft, licked his glans and piss slit and slid his tongue down the underside of the shaft to his balls. Costas, the Greek man, had taken up a position where he could suck the Dutch teenager and made his own cock available to Miguel, who eagerly took the large bulbous glans between his lips. Every few minutes the trio would stop and reverse the positions and Rudi found that his fears concerning the size of Costas' cock were in part unfounded. He took the glans into his mouth more easily than he had expected but baulked at trying to deep throat the Greek man. Although he quite liked the idea of fucking and being fucked, Rudi was more than content to enjoy a prolonged session of oral sex. Although they had also been approaching orgasm, this trio had stopped to appreciate the events involving Ricky and his two companions and had joined in the applause that had greeted the climax of their performance. The sight had made all three randy and it was not long before each of them could feel that the sweet relief of orgasm was not far off. Costas was the first to cum and delivered a large load of hot spunk onto Rudi's lapping tongue and down the Dutch teenager's throat. At the same moment Miguel let fly into Costas with an equally tasty amount of warm Spanish cum. Seconds later it was Rudi's turn and he delivered his teenage cream straight down Miguel's gulping throat. As each orgasm subsided the cock was removed from the receiving mouth and the last dribbles were squeezed out onto the lips of the intended recipient to the delight and applause of the onlookers.

The atmosphere in the cellar was full of sexual tension, the musky smell of man sex, the sounds of people reaching their orgasm and those recovering from it and, as Phillipe looked down from his position in the control box, the whole scene gave him immense satisfaction. The Frenchman had changed the video in the area where the older men had been watching a movie but few if any of these had noticed. Phillipe again began to wank himself off again but was interrupted by the telephone. Having received the message, the frustrated Frenchman went down onto the main cellar floor and went in search of Ricky who was to be the recipient of this latest instruction.

Ricky, like several of his fellow participants was resting quietly against a wall watching the latest group of youngsters as they joined in the orgy. In the centre of the floor were the young men that had acted as doormen when the guests had arrived. They were completely naked and their erect cocks were on full display. A taller of the two, who was called Matthias, was from Poland and his friend, Tomas, was a Czech and they had long thin, uncut cocks and each was caressing and playing with the head and shaft of the other. In they corner, just out of sight, a darker man approached and saw that the other two were playing together. The stranger quickly stripped off and it was obvious from his name, Salim, and his cut cock that he was from north Africa, most probably, Morocco. The newcomer joined the other two and they each took turns in giving each other pleasure orally and manually until the Moroccan finally decided that he was going to fuck Tomas while the Czech youngster sucked his Hungarian friend. The scene was getting hotter and Ricky could feel the life returning to his dick as he viewed the activity from a short distance away. However, the horny teen's enjoyment was interrupted when he was tapped gently on the shoulder and found Phillipe bending down to whisper something in his ear,

"You must come with me, Ricky, there is someone in the steam room who is most anxious to have you join him."

The British teenager was slightly reluctant as he was happy to watch what was going on in the cellar and had just begun to attract the attention of other people in the area that were similarly aroused. However, it was clear that he did not rally have a choice and he stood up slowly and reluctantly and followed Phillipe to the steam room. At the doorway, the Frenchman stood back and ushered Ricky inside.

The heat of the room hit the British teenager hard and he struggled to catch his breath. The thick steam meant that he could see only an inch or two in front of his eyes and Ricky stumbled forward until he found his hands in contact with a naked body. As he rested his hand on the stranger's hips, the teenager felt a firm hand pushing him down onto his knees and he allowed himself to be manoeuvred to the floor. A moment later, a large cock head was slapping against Ricky's lips but the thickness of the steam prevented the youngster from identifying its owner. Gripping the thick shaft with one hand, Ricky used his tongue and lips to lick the piss slit and roll back the remainder of his partner's foreskin and then swallowed the sensitive glans between his lips. After a few moments, the stranger removed his cock from the teenager's sucking mouth and slapped his cheeks several times before shoving it back deeper into Ricky's mouth. Despite his best efforts, the British teenager found it impossible to identify his partner but found the mystery quite intriguing and, as he sucked the throbbing cock, Ricky reached down and began to wank his own rock hard shaft. The stranger began to face fuck the youngster and his inward strokes became deeper and brushed against the back of Ricky's throat causing him to gag. Sensing the difficulty he was causing, the stranger eased back a little but continued to make deep, speedy thrusts into the horny youth's mouth. Ricky was rubbing his prick up and down the stranger's leg as he bobbed his head up and down to meet the invading cock. Both the teenager and the mystery partner were breathing hard and the countdown to climax had begun for both of them. Ricky licked and teased the flared piss slit and wanked his partner's cock, urging the stranger to fire his ball cream. With a low moan, the stranger removed his cock from the kneeling teen's mouth and wanked it for a few strokes before it fired a cascade of creamy spunk all over Ricky's face and lips. The British teenager licked the creamy deposit into his mouth and, as he swallowed the tasty cum, fired his own teen cream all over his partner's leg. The stranger pushed his cock back into Ricky's mouth and the youth used his tongue and lips to hoover it clean. Finally, Ricky was allowed to slump forward and rest himself against the seating in the steam room. It was only at this moment the British youngster realised that the steam had suddenly cleared. Someone had opened the door to the room and the steam had evaporated and Ricky realised that an audience that had gathered from various parts of the cellar had observed his final exploits. The horny teenager grinned broadly as he heard a ripple of applause coming from outside the steam room and was about to look up and identify his mystery partner when the other man spoke,

"That was excellent, Ricky, thank you! I knew that we would meet again soon but I had not realised that it would be so soon!! You cannot know how pleased I am that we have so much more in common than I thought when we first met!!!"

Ricky did not need to look up, the voice belonged to Michel le Brun, the art professor that he had met earlier on his visit and in whose house the orgy was taking place. The teenager was as pleased to see the older man as Michel had been to see Ricky, but the Professor went on speaking,

"I fear that the hour is very late, or early depending on your point of view and, I am sorry to say that we must all prepare to go home for work, study or leisure activities will have to start again in a very few hours. However, before you go home, Ricky, I will give you a letter inviting you to study at my art Institute on a full scholarship. Take it to you parents. I will confirm the details in writing in a day or two. If it helps you make up your mind, be assured that in addition to the excellent education that you will receive you will also be joined in your studies by many of the people you have met here tonight."

Ricky felt a wave of emotion running through his body. He was delighted by the offer and by the fact that he would get to see the people that he had met on his short visit to Amsterdam again very soon but saddened that the enjoyable evening and night was coming to an end. Indeed, it was not long before the British teenager was fully showered and dressed and driving back to the city with his two friends, Rudi and Willem.

At the hotel, Rudi went back to his room and lay on the bed but was too excited to sleep, so he got up and packed his bag so that he could check out of his room as soon a she had eaten breakfast. Willem, who had also returned to the hotel, had come on duty in Reception only a short while after he had got back, but he smiled warmly at his friend and said,

"Your train isn't for a little while yet, so I have made a special arrangement for you, leave your bag here, it will be quite safe, and follow me, quickly."

Ricky did as he was told and found himself in another part of the hotel and Willem told him to be quiet and go into the room he indicated as quickly and quietly as he could. Inside the room to Ricky's surprise and delight was Rudi lying naked and hard on the bed. Willem looked in briefly, told the two friends that he would be back in a while and then locked the horny couple in the room. Rudi stood up and undressed the British teenager as sensuously as he could all the while the Dutch youth was moaning as Ricky palmed the erect shaft and played with his foreskin. When they were both naked, Ricky and Rudi tool up position in a `69' and began to suck, lick and swallow the other partner's rock hard dick. Given their adventures of the previous night, both youngsters were surprised by how sexy they felt and the urgency with which they pushed each other to orgasm increased in intensity. Suddenly, Ricky stopped sucking his friend and exclaimed,

"Let's just keep ourselves on the edge for a while, didn't Willem say he'd be back. I'd hate him to miss out on the fun!!"

Rudi nodded agreement and the pair lay back on the bed and gently fondled and explored each other, making sure their cocks never went soft but never attempting make the other cum too quickly. It was not clear how long the couple waited but after a while Willem returned and joined the other two on the bed and they formed a daisy chain for sucking cocks until Willem asked Ricky to fuck him, an invitation which the British teenager was only too willing to accept. Ricky half toyed with the idea of asking if Rudi could join in a double fuck but decided against the idea and watched as the Dutch youth manoeuvred round to lie underneath Willem so that they could continue sucking each other. Once they had found a suitable rhythm, the three horny youths began to fuck and suck each other with all the energy of the youth. Ricky shouted as he felt his orgasm approaching and Willem squeezed the British teenager's cock tightly with his arse muscles and enjoyed the feeling of the pulsating prick as it fired cum inside his bowels. This set Willem off and the hotel receptionist unleashed a large series of spunk globules into Rudi's sucking mouth and, moments later, received his friend's hot ball juice fired into his swallowing throat. The three youngsters lay back exhausted but delighted by the cycle of Ricky filling Willem; Willem filling Rudi and Rudi re-filling Willem and promised each other that they would do this all over again on Ricky's next visit to the city which everyone present knew would be very soon.

Sadly, not long after they had finished recovering, Willem got up to leave, as he was due back on duty and left Ricky and Rudi to shower and dress. The two teenagers went into the shower together and in the cramped space were continually bumping into each other. Rudi soaped Ricky's cock, which immediately hardened, and then turned around so that the British youth could lubricate the entrance to his love channel. It was not easy but despite the enclosed space Ricky managed to enter his Dutch friend and proceeded to fuck him slowly and gently, all the time wanking Rudi's shaft and playing with his sensitive, exposed cock head. As the horny British teenager pushed in, his Dutch partner pushed back to meet the invading prick and soon the two youngsters were gasping for breath as they felt their balls tightening and the tell tale tingle began in each of their groins. Ricky made no effort to pull out of Rudi as he felt his cum about to explode deep in his friend's bowels and Rudi, for his part, made it clear that he wanted to feel his partner's cock throb and shoot inside him. With a gasp of pleasure, Ricky's spunk splattered out of his piss slit and coated Rudi's insides and, at the same moment, the British lad felt the dick in his hand swell and pulsate as Dutch ball cream streamed out onto the floor of the shower. As they recovered their composure and with water cascading down on them from the shower above, the two friends embraced and kissed deeply before slowly stepping out of the shower to get dried and dressed.

Willem saw the smiling teenagers walking towards him some half and hour after he had left them. Immediately he went away to find Ricky's bag and, as he handed the luggage over to the British teenager, Willem hugged him close and pressed his obviously hard cock against his friend's body. Ricky gave the receptionist's hard shaft a crafty squeeze but then released it, as it was obvious that it would be frustrating to both of them to do more. Willem nodded his agreement and turned back behind the reception desk so that his tented trousers were hidden from the gaze of other guests and then wished Ricky a safe journey home and a speedy return. Ricky smiled and nodded and then, watched by Willem, he and Rudi made their way to the nearby railway station.

The British and Dutch teenagers reached the station with a short time to spare and took the opportunity to spend a few more precious moments together. Rudi checked several times that Ricky had Professor le Brun's letter with him and, reassured that this was the case, finally gave his English friend a lingering embrace before watching him walk up to the platform and get on the train. Rudi stood on the platform and Ricky leaned out of the train window until he was out of the station and on his way home.

As the train gathered speed and made its way towards Brussels and the Eurostar connection to London, Ricky sat, with tears not far from his eyes, remembering the events of his first visit to Amsterdam and how much it had changed his life.


Ricky realised that he would have to spend some time reading through the catalogues he had acquired from there galleries so that he could tell his parents all about the wonderful things he had seen on his visit to Amsterdam. However, the teenager was also tired and his mind kept wandering off to re-live some of the events that had happened during his eventful stay and which he could not tell his parents about under any circumstances.

As it happened, the need for a detailed report was unnecessary. Ricky's parents were delighted to see him back, looking so cheerful and happy and even more delighted by the letter from Professor le Brun. When, a few days later, a formal offer with a very generous financial arrangement arrived at Ricky's house, he and his parents were even more delighted and agreement that he should study in Amsterdam was immediately forthcoming.

So it was that a few months later Ricky left home and travelled again to Amsterdam where he soon met up with his old friends and a new chapter in his life began, one that he could only have dreamed about earlier in the year. As he settled into his small apartment, thoughtfully provided by the Institute headed by Professor le Brun, Ricky reflected on how much that first weekend had changed his life and speculated about how much more it would change in the months and years to come.

Hope you liked this story. Whether you did or not feedback is always welcome. cutrose40@yahoo.co.uk

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