Ricky in Amsterdam

Published on Jul 27, 2005



This is a story. None of the characters in the story exist and the events that take place are purely imaginary. Thanks to all of you who wrote in to tell me you enjoyed the story. It had encouraged me to write a second chapter.


Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

Do not read this if you are under the legal age for accessing adult sites.

Always indulge in safe sex.

Ricky in Amsterdam Part 2

The teenagers arrived back at the quayside and Ricky led the way up the gangplank and onto the boat. The British youth was pleased to note that the people in Reception were different from those that had been on duty when he arrived. The bar was just across from the Reception desk and Rudi walked on into there while his new friend collected the key. Because Ricky had his back to the Dutch teenager, he did not see the smile of recognition that passed between Rudi and the man standing at the desk and the young British man thought that it had been meant for him. This feeling was redoubled when the man, whose nametag informed guests that his name was Willem, smiled broadly at him as he handed over the key to Ricky's room.

The key safely in his pocked, Ricky went into the bar and found his new friend had already ordered and paid for two beers. The two teenagers tapped their bottles together and both took a long pull on the beer. Rudi looked mischievously at Ricky and then took another long suck on the bottle before whispering,

"Does this remind you of anything?"

Ricky giggled and nodded before replying,

"Indeed it does and thinking of that, shall we adjourn to my room and finish the beers there? I could get another couple for later as well and we could take them with us."

Rudi seemed more than keen at this suggestion and so Ricky led the way out of the bar, crossed the Reception area quickly and then up the stairs to two floors above where his room was situated. After he had opened the door, Ricky stood back to allow his new friend to go in first and was delighted when the Dutch youth squeezed past and Rudi pushed his rounded arse against his British friend's crotch. The room was small but adequate for what the teenagers had in mind and, as by far the more experienced of the teenagers, Rudi took control of the situation and said,

"I'll make sure the door is secured, we don't want all and sundry barging in on us, do we?"

Ricky acknowledged the point and Rudi turned around and fiddled with the door before turning back and reaching out his hand to draw Ricky towards him. The British teenager was shocked when his Dutch friend drew him even closer and began to kiss him on the lips attempting to force his tongue between Ricky's tightly closed lips. On the other hand a warm glow coursed through the British youth and he soon found himself yielding to his friend's advances and, for a few moments, the two teenagers' tongues were engaged in a dual as each tried to invade the mouth of the other. The effect of this kissing dual was to send blood rushing to their loins and the two youths crushed together and ground their hard cocks against each other as they continued to kiss and hug each other.

Rudi ran his hands down Ricky back and eased them underneath his clothing and began to fondle the British youth's nipples, which brought a moan of pleasure from Ricky. Not to be outdone, the British youth managed to gain access to the front of Rudi's jeans and was gently squeezing and stroking the rock hard cock beneath. Slowly the youths broke apart and began to undress each other until they were left with only their bulging underpants. Rudi slid his hand sensuously down Ricky's chest and stomach and allowed his hand to creep a short distance inside the waistband of the British teenager's boxers. Ricky tried to manoeuvre himself so that his cock would touch the invading hand but Rudi was not ready to stop his teasing. Ricky was not to be outdone and pulled the Dutch youth towards him trapping his hand inside his boxers and squashing himself hard against Rudi's body so that the invading hand was trapped between his own cock and that of Rudi. After a few minutes the two young men pulled apart and this time Ricky ran his hand down his Dutch friend's body and got caught in a similar way.

The foreplay was enjoyable for both young men but the Dutch youngster knew that it was time to move on and so he again took control and said,

"I want to suck your beautiful cock now, Ricky!"

Ricky stood back for a moment and the Dutch teenager expertly removed the boxers and was faced with the bobbing end of the British youth's cut cock. Pausing only briefly to allow Ricky to step out of his underwear, Rudi stuck out his tongue and began to lick all round the arrow shaped head, paying particular attention to kissing the piss slit before continuing the sensuously slow tongue action down the sensitive underside of Ricky's shaft. The British teenager was in heaven but knew that he would not survive long once Rudi began to swallow his entire prick into his mouth and down his throat and so he pulled away from the sucking Dutch teenager and said,

"I think it's my turn to suck your equally beautiful dick now!"

Whilst he had been sucking Ricky, Rudi had lowered his underwear and had been wanking his cock gently so it was already on display and hard as the British teenager knelt down and took it between his lips. For a novice, Ricky was not a bad sucker. He used his lips and tongue to push back the Dutchman's foreskin and ensured that his saliva was coating the sensitive glans as it became exposed. Rudi moaned with pleasure and encouragement as Ricky's tongue and lips worked on his shaft and balls.

"Put your fingers in my hole, Ricky," Rudi moaned as the British youth continued to given him oral pleasure.

Ricky was a little unsure of what he was supposed to do but with a little assistance from his friend he soon found the right spot and began to push his finger inside the waiting hole. As he felt his new friend enter him, Rudi gave out another sight of pleasure and encouraged Ricky to add more fingers to those already inside him. As each additional finger entered him, Rudi purred with delight and then said,

"Would you like to fuck me Ricky? I really would like you to do it to me. I want you to put that big cock of yours right up my tight Dutch hole!!"

Ricky must have looked uncertain. In his head the British teenager knew that fucking Rudi was the only thing he wanted to do at that moment but he had never been that intimate with anyone and was uncertain what to do or how long he would last. He'd nearly shot his load while Rudi was sucking him, chances were he would splatter his cum the moment he entered the Dutchman's hole. Rudi sensed his new friend's dilemma and said,

"Don't worry that you are a virgin. We all have to start someday. It will be fine and the second and subsequent times even better!! I'll help you!!"

From somewhere Rudi produced some lubricant and proceeded to slick up Ricky's rampant prick and, at the same time, gave some to Ricky to grease up the waiting hole. Rudi seemed pleased with his friend's efforts,

"That's it, Ricky, lubricate my hole. Mmm, that's so good but it will be much better when you slide this beauty of yours in there!"

Rudi lay in the bed and told Ricky to slide up between his legs, which were wide open. With a little help from his friend, Ricky was soon in a position and the head of his cock was directly in line with Rudi's hole. The Dutch boy slid closer and then told Ricky to push forward and, to the British teenager's amazement, his dick slid straight inside Rudi's love channel. Ricky had never experienced anything like it and the moment overwhelmed him and a moment later he lost all control. Apologising profusely, Ricky involuntarily shot his ball cream inside his friend's bowels. Rudi gave his partner a comforting pat on the back and told him not to worry, but Ricky was mortified and was wondering how he could make amends. Suddenly, the British teenager was startled by another voice behind him,

"I did much the same when I had my first fuck!! Don't worry about it, I'm here to give Rudi a good fucking and then when you have recovered you can join in again too!!"

Ricky turned and saw the tall figure of the hotel receptionist, Willem, standing naked directly behind him and the British youth's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Willem's cock was the largest that Ricky had ever seen. It was obviously uncut as only part of the glans was visible, but it was very thick and long and the veins stood out markedly on the shaft, which had two over large balls swinging freely beneath it. Willem was older than Rudi and Ricky but the British youngster guessed that he was not yet thirty. Turning back to Rudi, Ricky saw that his friend was grinning broadly and realised that the Dutch teenager was expecting the older man's arrival. In order to stop Ricky asking any questions, Rudi grinned and said,

"Willem here is an old friend. He and I have always enjoyed fun together and when I saw him in Reception tonight he knew why I was here and of course he knew what room I would be in as he gave you the key!!"

Ricky was too upset by his premature climax to follow up and moved to the side as he watched the older Dutchman take his place. Rudi sighed loudly as Willem's cock entered his hole and Ricky watch in amazement as the complete length disappeared inside and, a moment or two later, reappeared before being plunged in once again. Willem took Ricky's hand and placed it at the entrance to Rudi's hole and the British teenager felt the massive cock as it drove in and out of the expanding hole. Rudi held his cock and balls clear of the invading prick but continued to moan and sigh with each thrust. Willem too began to grunt as he expended his energy in increasingly speedy thrusts. Ricky found his cock hardening as he watched, a point not missed by Rudi who whispered,

"Let me suck you, Ricky. I love having a cock in each hole!!"

Ricky moved into position and soon his cock was disappearing and reappearing into and out of the Dutch teenager's mouth in synchronisation with Willem's fucking thrusts into Rudi's love channel. By now everyone was sweating and straining and it was clear that Willem was reaching his climax and he suddenly pulled his massive cock out of Rudi's hole, gave it a couple of tugs and then allowed his cream to fly out splattering all over Rudi's chest, stomach, cock and balls. Rudi was wanking hard and paused his sucking of Ricky's cock so that he could shoot his own load into the air and then watch it fall back onto his body. Ricky pulled his prick out of the Dutch boy's mouth and wanked it a few times before his second load of spunk, somewhat smaller than the other loads, sprayed onto Rudi's body to join the other ball juice.

Reaching for a towel, Willem finally cleaned up the combined loads of the three of them and carefully wiped it away with the cloth before slumping down alongside the two younger friends who were already dozing off to sleep after their exertions.

When he awoke, Ricky found himself to be alone and at first his mind was filled with two different but equally scary thoughts. The first was that all that had happened to him had been a dream and that he had imagined all the events whilst asleep. The second was even more disconcerting which was that the events had occurred but that his two companions had been involved in a conspiracy to rob him. Looking round the room Ricky realised that, although it was very untidy, the things were more or less as they had been left the night before. This was reassuring and what was even more reassuring was the note propped up on the bedside table addressed to him.

Reaching out to pick up the piece of paper, the British teenager read the words through bleary eyes. Written by Rudi the message informed his British friend that he had left with Willem, who had to go back on duty early that day but that both of the Dutch men would be free by the middle of the afternoon. Ricky made a note of the location where they were due to meet and then checked his watch and realised he still had time to pay a brief visit to the art gallery before going on to meet his friends. The teenager also realised that he needed to go to the gallery if only to get a copy of the catalogue so that he could tell his parents all about it, especially as visiting the galleries was the main purpose of his visit as far as Ricky's parents were concerned. In order to impress his parents, the youngster would have to read the catalogue thoroughly but it should be possible to do this on his return journey to England the following day.

Ricky went into the shower and came out a few moments later thoroughly refreshed and ready for the day. The British teenager walked towards the dining room to see whether he was still in time for breakfast and made it by about one minute. This enabled Ricky to stock up on his reserves of food and energy before heading out for the rest of the day. Having eaten, the youngster walked into Reception but was disappointed when he saw the lady receptionist from the previous day at the desk rather than Willem. Ricky handed in his key and asked instructions as to how to get to the Van Gogh and the Rembrandt Museums. The young man was informed that while the Rembrandt Museum was within easy walking distance but the one holding the Van Gogh collection was a tram journey away. Having been told how to find the two locations, Ricky set off in the direction of the art gallery.

As he did not have all that much time, Ricky walked quickly through the museum admiring the paintings and drawings and, having bought a useful book on the great master and a couple of postcards from the shop, then left to find his way to the Van Gogh collection some distance away. For Ricky, the more modern paintings of Van Gogh were far more exciting and he was glad that he would have time to spend looking at them before leaving to meet his friends. As he stood admiring one particular painting, a man came up alongside him and said,

"It is wonderful, is it not?"

Ricky looked at the man who was in his late thirties, tall, distinguished looking, a pleasant face, with a short pointed beard, twinkling eyes and a cunning smile that played on his lips. After a moment's hesitation, the teenager responded,

"Yes. I like his style and I like to compare him to his contemporaries."

"So", the older man replied slowly, "you are a student of art?"

Ricky blushed slightly and then replied,

"I hope to go to college soon to study the subject, but I would not call myself a proper student, not yet anyway!"

The older man smiled and then produced a card from his pocket and said,

"I have been following you around and I have been impressed by your attitude to the paintings and the ones that you have chosen to study most carefully. My name is Michel le Brun, although originally from France, I now live and work here in Amsterdam and I have a wide range of interests in the artistic world. Take my card, if ever you need help or advice or, if you think of any other way that I can be of help to you, please get in touch."

Ricky took the offered card and introduced himself and told him where he was staying in Amsterdam and, as he listened, the older man's eyes lit up and he exclaimed,

"You are also a Brown, what a coincidence!! It must be fate that has brought us together like this!! I will doubly be happy to help you now that I know your name. However, I must go now, but I hope we keep in touch."

After the stranger had left Ricky read the card again and saw that the man he had been talking to was a Professor of Art and Art History at the University in Amsterdam. The teenager thought that this would be a very useful contact indeed and wondered whether he would ever have the courage to contact the man again. Ricky went into the Museum bookshop and immediately saw a book by the very man he had been talking to only a few moments ago, but it was very expensive and the young man did not think he could afford to buy, much though he would have liked to do so.

After spending some time in the Museum shop Ricky realised that it was time to leave to meet his friends as arranged. Looking at his map, the British teenager thought that it would not take him long to walk to where his rendezvous was to take place. Following the route he had chosen, however, took the teenager longer than he thought and he arrived at the location only a few minutes before the appointed time. Ricky was relieved to see Rudi standing a short distance away talking to Willem and he ran over to them and was greeted warmly by his Dutch companions. The older of the two Dutchmen pointed to the entrance to what looked like a small club and led the way inside. The interior of the premises was very dark but Willem led the trio to the back and through a door into a much lighter room. It looked like some kind of control room with banks of monitors and tape machines running simultaneously. Hunched over one of these was a small, dark figure who hardly acknowledged the new arrivals. The newcomers looked for somewhere to stand where they would not be in the way and Ricky in particular wanted to find a place to leave the parcel of catalogues he was carrying. After a brief survey, the British teenager found a small alcove and carefully placed his packages there. Eventually, the stranger, who was looking through the large glass partition into the room beyond, turned round, looked up and smiled at the newcomers and said,

"Hello, Willem. I assume these are your two latest discoveries, are they?"

After Willem had said that they were, he introduced Ricky and Rudi to the man who said in return that his name was Phillipe in an English accent that sounded Belgian or French to Ricky. Before he could ask where he came from, without further ado, Phillipe had turned his attention to what was going on beyond the glass partition, so Ricky and the other two followed his gaze.

Beyond the glass there was another room with a plain white background and in front of it there was a bed and a chair in what looked like a stage set. Ricky noticed that there were a number of cameras positioned in the room and realised that this was indeed a film set. There were two naked teenagers, one very fair and blue eyed and the other dark haired but equally good looking, lying on the bed. The fair haired youngster was on his back with his legs folded back towards his head and he was being well fucked by the dark haired young man who was standing over him and driving his cock in and out of the fully open and exposed hole.

As he watched the scene, the horny British teenager felt his cock hardening as he watched the exciting scene and was not surprised when a hand, probably Rudi's, began to squeeze his tenting jeans and pull him closer so that the hard shaft was pushing against the firm roundness of the Dutch teenager's arse cheeks. As he pressed his erection against his friend's beautifully rounded buns, Ricky felt a similar sensation behind him and realised that Willem was doing to him what he was already doing to Rudi. Soon the three bodies were pressed tightly against each other and Rudi guided Ricky's hand to the front of his jeans so that the British teenager could fondle the rock hard Dutch teenager's cock.

In the room beyond, the two naked teenagers were sweating and straining and even through the glass partition the moans, groans and shrieks of pleasure could be clearly heard. Every time the cock drove into the love channel both participants gave out cries of delight but it was obvious that they would not be able to sustain this activity for much longer. Suddenly, the dark haired teenager changed position and the blond youth on the receiving end of the fucking turned round. While his partner paused momentarily, the handsome blond teenager braced himself against the end of the bed. Moments later, the dark youth began ploughing back inside his willing partner's hole. This time, the sound coming from the other room was of the slapping of the dark teenager's body each time he entered into the blond youth's arse and the entire length of his cock disappeared inside. Ricky was amazed at the speed of the thrusts and the stamina and restraint of the couple as they continued to fuck with great enthusiasm for a period longer that the British teenager thought was possible without shooting a load. Indeed, at that very moment, Ricky could already feel his own balls boiling and he was concerned that he would have to be careful otherwise he would shoot his spunk in his pants.

To the British teenager's immense relief the drama in the other room was coming to an end. The dark teenager had withdrawn his cock from his fair-haired partner's love channel and was wanking it with great enthusiasm. It was clear that the young man was uncut and he pulled the foreskin backwards and forwards on and off the red raw glans. There was a loud sound of panting as the teenager's ball cream churned and began to flow up the shaft. With a great cry of relief, the dark youth unleashed a shower of jizz all over his partner sending white creamy cum over the small of the back and over the youngster's arse cheeks before the orgasm finally subsided and the teenager lay back on the bed. The blond haired teenager lay back against his partner and wanked his uncut cock to an even more powerful climax. Jets of ball cream shot from his angry piss slit and covered the blond youngster's hairless body from neck to stomach with splodges of spunk. Satisfied and tired the teenagers turned towards each other, smiled, kissed passionately and finally lay back for a rest.

Phillipe said something into his microphone in a foreign language that Ricky guessed was German and then turned back to the trio of guests,

"I'm sorry not to have greeted you properly but as you saw we were just reaching the climax of the drama. I think you will agree that our two latest recruits from East Germany, Erich and Karl, were very good indeed. One look at the bulges in your trousers tells me that is so."

Willem replied on behalf of the three friends and said that it had indeed been a hot scene and had made them all very horny. Phillipe smiled and said,

"Well, why don't you go through and relieve some of the tension. I could do with another scene for the movie and Al is available if you want to make it a foursome."

Not for the first time a look of anxiety crossed Ricky's face but Phillipe tried to reassure him,

"There's no need to worry, nobody you know will see you, unless they share your interest in man to man sex and even then it won't matter, will it? I'm also certain that you will enjoy meeting Al. I know that both Willem and Rudi would agree with me on that point."

Ricky shrugged in acknowledgement of the point and Phillipe added,

"Shall I go and ask Al to come through shortly then?"

Willem smiled and nodded his agreement and he and Phillipe went into a huddle to discuss the `plot'. On his return, Willem told the other two that it was to be a scene in a wood and that Ricky and Rudi would be making out when he caught them and joined in. A short while later, Al would join them having been watching from behind some bushes and then all four would play together until everyone had shot a load.

While Willem and Phillipe had been discussing the action that was to take place, the room beyond the glass partition had been transformed by having a green mat placed on the floor and several artificial boulders placed around for the participants to lean against. Phillipe explained that the rest of the scenery would be computer generated and the set would be made to look like a woodland glade. Before he left to fetch Al, it was agreed that Ricky and Rudi would be taken through to the studio and get ready for the action. Willem told them to be stand in front of the white wall and pretend to be talking and laughing as they clambered along the path to the grassy clearing. After a few minutes they should sit down, strip off and start making out.

A few moments later, the British and Dutch teenagers found themselves in the studio and followed the instructions they had been given and then sat down on the green mat. Rudi took the initiative and started to fondle Ricky's dick through his jeans and then slowly the horny Dutch youth unzipped them so that he could have full access to his friend's cut cock. Using his tongue and lips skilfully Rudi brought Ricky to full erection and then began to suck the prick down his throat causing the British youth to moan with delight. Not to be outdone, Ricky manoeuvred himself into position so that he could reciprocate the oral stimulation on Rudi, whose uncut cock was already tenting his tight jeans. The two horny teenagers paused for a moment as they quickly removed all their clothing and lay in the `69' position for several minutes.

It was only a few moments later that Willem appeared in the room, dressed in just a pair of shorts, which were quickly removed the moment he saw what the other two were up to. The older Dutchman joined his companions beside the boulder and helped Rudi by licking Ricky's balls and teasing his nipples. The British teenager struggled to move so that he could get to work on Willem's cock and soon the three were daisy-chained together with Ricky sucking Willem's uncut cock, Willem replacing the horny British mouth on Rudi's sensitive exposed glans and the Dutch teenager continuing to deep throat his British companion. It soon became clear that the teenagers were struggling to keep their self-control and so Rudi eased off for a while and guided his older Dutch friend's fingers to his ever-ready hole, while Ricky sat silent for a moment watching as Rudi took over sucking on Willem's long, thick cock. Once the crisis had passed, the British youth joined his partner and, together they licked and sucked the length of the older man's shaft and balls. All the time Willem was probing and prodding his fingers inside Rudi's love channel and it was clear that it would not be long before the older Dutchman's well-sucked and lubricated cock would be replacing the probing fingers.

Just as the trio was preparing to change positions so that Willem could enter Rudi's hole and the Dutch teenager could suck the British youngster's neatly cut cock, Al entered the scene. This was the first time Ricky had seen Al, who was tall, blond and spoke his introductory words with an obvious North American accent. As the horny teenager checked out the newcomer, Ricky was delighted to note that, although he was probably older than Rudi and himself, Al looked younger that Willem. He was also pleased to note that sticking directly out from the American's jeans was a perfectly well proportioned cut cock. Unlike his own which had a small bunch of skin under the ridge of his glans when he was soft, Al's cock head seemed to grow directly from the shaft with no spare skin at all, It was not long before Al was as naked as the other three and Ricky wasted no time in getting his mouth around the large head and licking the American's piss slit. Rudi started to suck the British youth's cock as Willem finally entered his love channel and teased his sensitive prostate.

Once his cock was well sucked and was oozing pre-cum, Al moved away and tapped Willem on the shoulder and the older Dutchman moved aside to allow the newcomer access to Rudi's willing hole. Willem took Al's place and offered his cock for Ricky to suck. Without thinking where it had just recently been, the British teenager took the proffered cock between his lips and allowed it to run along his tongue to the back of his throat but gagged when he tried to swallow the fat head any further down. Willem pulled his dick back and began to face fuck Ricky, who was already face fucking Rudi. Willem shouted encouragement to the other three,

"That's it, Al, shove your beautiful prick right inside Rudi's warm arse!! Take my cock in your welcoming British mouth, Ricky and Rudi, show your friend how well a Dutchman can suck dick!!!"

Al was grunting and straining as he ploughed in and out of Rudi, but managed to add some encouragement of his own,

"You like my big American dick in your tight welcoming hole don't you, Rudi? Just as much as you like having that British prick rammed down your throat!! Cum on, young Brit, show these Dutch guys how you ran the Empire, give it to them real good!!"

The room was silent for a moment as each of the quartet concentrated on what they were doing and then Al pulled his dick out of Rudi's hole and called Willem over so that the horny Dutchman could have a short period ramming his cock up the teenager's hole. Ricky felt disappointed to have lost his suck tool but concentrated all his efforts on controlling his churning balls. Al saw that the British teenager was struggling and tapped him on the shoulder and whispered that it was his turn and Ricky slid his dick from Rudi's mouth and moved alongside Willem. The older Dutchman pulled his cock out of the horny Dutch teenager's hole and made room for the British teenager to enter Rudi's well-ploughed love channel. Ricky's prick slid in easy and he soon felt his balls slapping against his partner's round arse cheeks. Al had taken the British youth's place and was feeding his cock into Rudi's ever-eager mouth and throat. Willem reached underneath the Dutch teenager and began to gently wank his throbbing cock with one hand and also used his other hand to wank his own rampant cock.

It was clear that each of the four would soon lose control and Al, apparently the most experienced of the four, called out to Ricky,

"Pull out when you're about to cum!! I want to see you shoot your load all over Rudi and so will the viewers of the movie!!"

Ricky barely acknowledged the remark but knew that it had come just in time. The British youth's balls were tight and he could feel the tingling sensation that heralded his orgasm. As instructed, Ricky pulled out and grasped the shaft of his prick and gave it a couple of short sharp tugs and then the wonderful feeling that always accompanied a satisfying climax overcame him and his piss slit widened and a shower of spunk flew out of his cock shaft and splattered onto Rudi's bare back. Al seemed genuinely impressed with the show that Ricky had put on and shouted `bravo' as the last drop of ball cream dribbled out to join the rest. Worn out by his efforts, the British teenager slumped back against the rock and watched as Willem took his place and plunged into Rudi's hole a few times before withdrawing and firing his hot jizz all over the Dutch youth's back. After he had finished, Willem joined Ricky on the ground and together they sat watching the other two as they continued to get ever closer to the point of no return.

Finally, after Al had taken over the position left by Willem, he turned Rudi onto his back before entering him for one last effort. As the American's dick slid in and out of his love channel, the Dutch teenager began to wank his cock hard and Willem and Ricky could see the concentration and enjoyment on his face as Rudi finally shot an enormous load. White creamy cum flew from the teenager's cock head and landed all over his chest and neck. Just as Rudi's flood of ball cream came to an end, the American removed his prick from the Dutch teenager's hole and, for an instant, Al's prick remained still before throbbing violently and firing a copious load to join the spunk already there. When the spunk-fest had concluded, all four participants were left panting and fighting to recover their breath as they propped themselves up against the artificial boulders.

Hidden away in the control room, the horny scenes in the studio behind the glass had turned on even Phillipe and he was anxious to let the quartet know how much he had enjoyed the show. It took the Frenchman a few moments to make his way into the studio but the time taken in no way reduced the rock hard erection in his jeans and he was anxious to give himself relief as soon as possible. Phillipe burst into the studio and without saying anything, unzipped his jeans hauled out his short, fat uncut cock and wanked furiously for several moments. The others watched in amazement as the Frenchman brought himself to an amazing climax, firing his ball juice all over the green mat on which they were lying. After he had recovered his breath, Phillipe said quietly,

"Thank you, that was really very sexy indeed. It will be an asset to the film, but now you must rest for a while, especially if you are going to get full value from the party later tonight."

Once again, Ricky looked questioningly at the others and it was Willem that responded to his unspoken words,

"Sorry, Ricky, it was supposed to be a surprise. We thought we might hold a little party in your honour later tonight, more of an orgy than a party I would guess. I hope you will be fit enough for that."

Ricky grinned and replied,

"Try to keep me away!!"

Rudi grinned too and said,

"OK, why not go back to your hotel, get a rest and I will call for you around ten tonight."

Ten minutes later, having collected his belongings and been shown the correct tram to take back to the Central Station, Ricky was on his way back to his hotel. When he got to his room the British teenager slumped onto his bed and tried to stave off his tiredness but failed. Ricky slept but all the time he was unconscious he continued to dream of what lay in store later that night....

Hope you liked this part of the story. Whether you did or not feedback is always welcome. Email me at cutrose40@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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