Rick and Alex

By Tom Dick

Published on Jul 26, 2006



It was nearly seven and Alex was about to come. Strangely, I met him only yesterday but it seemed so long ago, almost years. It was perhaps due to the unbearable wait I went through or just because I kept thinking about him every minute, or even every second. The door bell rang and I dashed to open it. Nervous and a bit scared, he was standing there. We stood by the door, immersed in each other gaze. Shortly, he averted his gaze, his face blushing. `He's so cute when he blushes!' Smiling, I led him inside. We exchanged a few greetings and thanks as we sat down.

"What will you have? Wine? I even got non-alcoholic beverages since you told me that you don't drink alcohol much," I asked rising from my seat. I met several guys but it was the first time I was feeling so nervous with someone.

"Just plain water. I got to rush," he answered. I saw him shifting a bit uneasily in his seat for the umpteenth time. Perhaps, I was wrong in inviting him. I got to ask him. I brought us two glasses of water and sat down next to him. His fear and his uneasiness were scaring me.

"Alex, what's wrong? What happened? Are you so uneasy around me? C'mon tell me, Alex!" I implored him. He tried to change the subject or not to answer but I could not let him suffer like that alone. I was almost begging me when he finally opened up.

"My past has not been really pleasant, Rick. Because of some unfortunate incidents, I usually keep my feelings and opinions to myself. I don't open up easily to anyone, not even my close friends. But that night, when I saw you, I followed my instincts and told you everything about me- my sexuality, my friends and even my feelings for you. It was difficult for me but I gave myself to you. And you know how I felt when I learnt that you lied? You brought back all those past memories. You used me to extract information about everything. I felt wrong for the first time in years. I felt wrong for trusting you. All the feelings I had for you felt wrong," he said as he sobbed.

I knelt down in front of him and took his hands into mine. I looked into his angelic face. With a pang in my heart, I realized that I had hurt him.

"I'm really sorry, Alex that I hurt you but believe me, I never meant it," I said with regret and pain in my voice, "I admit that I initially wanted to meet you only to know the truths about the college. I also wanted to know what people thought of me. I was fed of up of people coming to me and lying to me to gain services. You were right yesterday- I'm alone. I got no real friends and my family does not care about my wishes. I need someone in my life and I found him yesterday. I fell in love with you, Alex. It's not because you don't know me that I fell in love with you. Your simplicity, innocence, compassion and even your lack of punctuality brought you closer to me. Yesterday, you might not have met Richard Grey, the eminent author but you met me, the real me, Rick- the guy who loves strolls at night, chocolates, reading and you! Please forgive me Alex. I'm your culprit. If you wish I'll just go away and never show you my face."

I turned to leave but he came in front of me. As our eyes locked, unconsciously I hugged him tight, feeling his warmth and pleasant scent entering my whole existence. I never felt more whole and wished the moment to last forever. As we broke the embrace, I fell into his captivating eyes. Our lips attracted to each other as if magnets. It seemed an eternity before our lips met. Our tongues began exploring each other's mouths. It was the first time I was having such a spellbinding kiss. I could almost feel the electricity in the air! Out of breath, we broke the kiss. The expression of bliss on our face was replaced by those of surprise and embarrassment.

"Sir, can you grace my dinner with your presence?" I asked bowing in front of him in a knight-ly manner. At least I managed to lighten the atmosphere. The night that followed was one I could never forget. Alex was so easy-going. We talked about multiple issues and learnt much on each other. It was amazing how the time flied when I was with him. I was really happy that all the misunderstandings between us had cleared.

At ten, I dropped him at his dormitory. I followed him to his room which he shared with no one. Some minutes passed as we stood there motionless. I wanted to say something but did not know what to say. It was for sure that I was attracted towards him. Part of me wanted to confess my feelings but the other part was afraid of his answer. I was still thinking when he added:

"Rick, I wanted to tell you something since the beginning. The kiss we had earlier was simply...unconscious. We were both carried by the awkward situation. I do have feelings for you but I don't know if it's love. Anyway, I'm not ready for a commitment right now. You aren't angry, are you?"

"Of course I'm not angry. I understand you. Even I feel something for you and I would love to be with you. But we'll just leave everything on time. At least can I become your friend?" I said with a smile. When, I'm with him, the smile appears automatically.

"Yeah, why not! We'll keep in contact," he said smiling. After a few silent moments, I left.

Very few people knew about our friendship. The first persons to know were his friends, Jake Clair, Abby and Dean. I was really pleased to see that he had such caring friends. But, after all, he deserves such friends, doesn't he? Mrs. Anderson also was aware of what happened that night. After that night I never parted from my cell phone. It was just because Alex and I mainly chatted over phone. We met a few times but only for a few minutes. The unfortunate side of these was that my feelings for Alex were increasing day by day. Each day passed without hearing his voice was becoming unbearable. I did not want to impose my love on him yet it seemed that time for some actions had finally come.

Well, I know it's a bit late but I'm really sorry. You may have noticed that this chapter is from the point of view of Rick. Is it good? And please send your comments on sexhavoc_66@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 4

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