Richard and Jennifers Love Story

By Laura Strange

Published on Jul 5, 2012


The rest of the weekend Rich and I had such a wonderful, romantic time together! I took care of him like a loving girlfriend should, I cooked and cleaned, made sure I looked pretty for him and that he was relaxed and had everything he wanted. I was very happy in this domestic role. I fantasized, this is how it would be if we were married!

We went for long walks together and got wonderfully lovey and silly with each other.

We spent quiet time just being together, sitting close, stealing kisses and then at night we slept together.

I brought something different to wear to bed each night. One night I had a lovely, frilly, peach colored baby doll nightie, very pretty, lacy and sheer, another night I wore a beautiful, slinky, long, slippery satin gown in a soft lavender. It was absolutely gorgeous but it was clearly just so much wrapping to my man. How could I mind though? Before long my gown was bunched up around my waist as Rich went down on me!

He really seemed to enjoy pleasuring me like this and I definitely loved the erotic feeling while he lapped skillfully at my bodies newly discovered joy center. I relished the erotic intimacy of this sensual assault. His kisses turned me into a mass of jelly, he playfully nibbled his way all the way up my smooth leg, softly licking at the tender, ticklish, delicate folds of my blushing rosebud then opening me and gradually pushing his wet tongue up inside my sweet, silky, musty, canal. Oh my God!

He was making me quiver with desire for him as I lay splayed beneath him on our bed, my body arched, my head twisting from side to side, my long legs spread wide, my body writhing, heaving uncontrollably as he expertly ate my pussy . I moaned and shouted all kinds of slutty unmentionable things as he brought me to an unbelievable climax. I cried out and I felt as if every muscle in my body tensed at once and my little clittie erupted and I spilled my warm cream. I was so sensitized now that I had to beg Rich to stop. As he stopped licking me he smiled up at me from between my spread limbs and moved up, ever so gently cleaning up the warm honey I had made, then moving until we were face to face.

He smiled that wonderful smile I was learning to love and looked deeply into my eyes and then lowered his musky lips to mine. I didn't mind the subtle earthy taste at all and I desperately yearned for him to have me, to posses me. I could feel his urgent desire as his hard cock strained to find relief. He was on fire, raining kisses all over me now. I was breathless but still so charged and I just couldn't let my baby boy suffer like that.

I reached down to tug my sexy lover up on top of me for another otherworldly kiss. I wrapped my legs around him as he ground his stiffness against my body as if he was humping me and then we rolled over so Rich was on his back and I proceeded to bring him off to a blasting climax with my mouth, hands and body. As he shuddered and erupted onto me, he shouted "I love you!" and I caught a faceful of his creamy load right across the face. I looked up and gave a him goofy grin and we both started cracking up, then he pulled me up into his arms and cleaned me with his kisses as he shared those liquid kisses with me.

He pulled the covers over us and curled me up in his strong arms spooning me. My body tingled! As we began to doze off I whispered "I love you" quietly, over and over again. He was already asleep. Soon so was I.

I knew I was in love, I knew he loved me and I'd never felt so happy. I thought about how I wanted so much right now to give myself completely to him. He was so sweet and tender with me. He knew I was a virgin and he respected my resolve but I was becoming less resolved. I knew I wanted him. I thought about carrying his seed and how that would be like my loving surrender to him. I liked the thought. I want to be his, to give all I am to him.

I wondered if I could take him all. What if he couldn't fit? My attitude had changed now, I knew I almost couldn't wait, I certainly didn't want to wait. I wanted Richard to make love to me. I needed Richard to fuck me! I wanted to feel him plant himself onto me and take total control, to mount me and breed me!

Once I'd made my decision I knew it would be soon. I hoped it would be tonight!

I nuzzled against his chest and slept like a baby in Richard's warm embrace. I felt his breath rhythmically caressing the soft skin of my cheek laying against his as I ran my hand through the curls of hair on his chest. My leg was draped across his relaxed body and he was cradling me as I was clenched to him. I never wanted to forget this moment. I never will!

Eventually Richard rolled a bit and I snuck out to get into the bathroom and get cleaned up. I was a mess and I washed my sticky face, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and took off my nightgown and put on Richards long white shirt that was lying there which was far too big for me and draped halfway down to my knees, then pulled on some panties for modesty sake and tied my long blond hair back with a hair tie.


I quietly tip-toed through the bedroom past my sleeping boyfriend, into the kitchen and started brewing a pot of coffee and sat there alone for a few minutes looking out at the lake and reveling in my good fortune. I had met this perfect, wonderful man who loves me just as I am and I love him and want to be his for life. Could it get any better than this? I poured us coffee and brought it to his bedside. I put the cups down on the night stand and bent down low to breathe into his ear, "good morning sweetheart!" and watched his eyes open. His face broke into a loving smile and he reached out and pulled me down on top of him as his bristly face nuzzled against my neck. "Ow, you're scratching me!" I mock complained. He just manhandled me, rolling me back underneath him and then he was once again kissing my willing mouth.

His hard morning erection rubbed against me lustily and I reached for it as he moaned appreciatively.

I wiggled down his body and repositioned myself so that I could get his morning stiffness into my eager mouth and I proceeded to give him a tip-top, top of the morning blow job and he rewarded me with a delicious mouthful of morning dew! Yum!

After recovering Richard pulled on his trousers from the night before and went to use the bathroom and I took our coffee to the sunny front porch and we sat enjoying the view together. I asked Rich if he was hungry and he made a sly innuendo and after I groaned an appropriate response I went to make some breakfast.

The cabin was stocked with goodies and I made bacon,eggs and biscuits for us. We ate together at the picnic table outside and it was so peaceful and private. The birds were singing weather was perfect and we decided to just stay close to our cabin and enjoy our final day at the lake together.

We took a shower together and I scrubbed and cared for him like a geisha. He washed me too and gave my intimate little bits extra attention, eventually pushing a soapy finger inside me. I gasped, my knees felt weak but he didn't let me slip. I mustered a smile, looking right up at him with my full loving trust.

The stinging invasion made me wince though and he slowly withdrew. He continued to hold me tight and let his finger linger gently massaging my puckered opening, kissing me again and again under the stream of hot water.

We got out and dried each other and then fell back into bed together and continued to be in love.

That's when I told him I wanted him to take me and to make me a real woman. He paused looking deep into my eyes and asked if I was sure I wanted to give my cherished virginity and I confessed my love and told him he was the man I wanted to have me. Then I swallowed and looking right up at him said "Please Richard, I want you. Fuck me!" I felt so slutty saying it out loud but so excited that my stomach was somersaulting. He smiled.

Richard kissed me softly and then we talked and decided to cross that bridge naturally as it comes and enjoy each minute of our last day here and if I still felt sure, it would be his loving honor to take "my cherry".

I was nervous but willing and Richard was just the patient teacher I needed. Just saying it to him made me feel closer to him. I thought about just begging him to fuck me right there and I guess I essentially had, but that wasn't what I really wanted. I wanted him to seduce me.

Richard and I spent the remainder of this last vacation day enjoying the sunny spring weather, birds singing and being in each others' company. I kept wondering if tonight would be the night. Would I chicken out? Could I take his size? Did he love me like I love him? I put together a little picnic for us with the provisions we had available. I made sandwiches and there was some fruit and a bottle of Chardonnay. I packed a basket that was provided with the food and found a blanket to use to bring along. I got re-dressed in one of the far too many outfits I had along with me but I was glad I had brought this one. It was a soft, white, light, summery dress in a pretty eyelet material with thin straps and a romantic, full, swirl skirt.

I had some lovely 3" espadrilles which paired perfectly and I pulled my long blond hair up into a romantic, messy up do. It was a very pretty, virginal look I was quite happy with.

I found Richard trying to fish at lakeside with some equipment he'd found in the cabin and I watched him hopelessly strike out. After a short period of obvious frustration he gave up and decided that he was no fisherman.

I tried to soothe his bruised ego and told him we could find more fun in other ways.

He got the idea, seeing how I was dressed, he complimented me and eagerly agreed to picnic with me.

Rich carried the basket and I had the blanket and we walked together arm in arm along the lake to the meadow we had used the other day. There were butterflies around and birds overhead, the sound of fish jumping, and a mama deer with her fawn at the meadows edge. The sun was warm overhead and a gentle breeze swirled around us every so often.

We spread the blanket over a level spot at the far edge of the meadow where there was some shade. We sat together and before I even opened the basket Rich pulled me to him for a long, wet kiss. Once again I felt adored, loved, protected and very happy! Richard was very hot for me and as he started to touch me in a sexual way I caught his roaming hand and smiled, flirting with him coyly "there'll be time for that later!"

He pouted a little but generally behaved and I spread our picnic out, he opened the wine and poured us each a plastic cup full. We toasted and sipped wine, held hands, kissed and gazed lovingly into each others eyes searching silently.

All my thoughts were of us being together like this forever. I really was in love with this perfectly wonderful man and in my daydreams he and I would spend the rest of our lives together in love.

We fed each other snacks like bits of cheese, or fresh sections of orange and snuggled together on our blanket and made out in the warm sunshine.

This was a brand new heaven for me!

The kisses became super intense as Richard's lips took control of mine. I opened my mouth for his probing tongue to mingle with the juices from my own. I sucked his onto mine hungrily and loved the fullness of it as he explored me. I yielded to his masculine dominance over this part of me.

Oh how I love this man, I thought as his hand found my breast. I moved my own hand over his to try and let him know that yes, it was all good, I belonged here with, and I belonged to him! I wanted him to know that he had charge now and that I was surrendering myself, body and soul, to his desire. I sucked him deeper into my yearning mouth inviting him, urging him to take me, my arms clung to him and he moved his body fully on top of me now. I repositioned myself underneath him as we continued to make out feverishly. His every touch made me shiver as he smoothly moved his hand down my side petting me, squeezing me gently through the crisp, pretty eyelet fabric of my dress.

My eyes were closed and my senses were aroused. I felt every taste bud upon his tongue as it smeared against mine, his scratchy whiskers, the warmth of his breath, the subtle variety in his artistic touch, the erotic feel of his subtle manipulation of my trim waist, cushy hip and finally my bare, silky, leg. As he touched my thigh under the floating hem of skirt, I crooked my leg to give him better access and he positioned himself gently between my legs.

He never stopped kissing my eager mouth and I put my trust and fate in his skillful, reassuring hands.

I jumped when I felt him reach up under my skirt and move slowly up the outside of my leg then started squeezing and kneading the round cheeks of my butt. I just about came right then!

His hardness was pressing between my legs and straining to get to me.

I was starting to really love that familiar feeling of Richard's cock growing hard with desire between us. I pushed my hips up to offer myself submissively and hopefully to add fuel to his manly excitement.

He ground himself into me now and I was somehow able to get both my legs spread even as he had me pinned beneath him. I hoped he didn't tear my dress but that wasn't important at this point. He reached down and tried to tug the hem of my skirt up to give us more freedom and he was just reaching under it to remove my panties when we heard voices coming up the trail. We sat up abruptly, startled and I straightened up just in time to see two boys carrying fishing poles in the distance rounding the lakeside trail. They never saw us but it had stopped us in our tracks.

We laughed and shared another short kiss.

As disappointed as I was, it was good that my excited tummy had time to relax. We decided to go back to our cabin where we wouldn't be disturbed and start again where we left off. Richard helped me collect our things and pack everything up, fold the blanket and then we kissed and hurried back to the cabin with Richard holding my hand in his.

As soon as Rich put the basket down he pulled me to him and looked down at me and spoke, "Jennifer, I love you!". As I started to respond I was being kissed again. I just moaned my love to him with my silent acceptance. Our arms were entwined and our lips locked and then a sudden and wonderfully feminine sensation was mine as he literally swept me off my feet, into his arms as I held myself to him and he carried me in his arms, like a baby to our bed and placed me ever so gently onto the bed spread and laid down on top of my supine body. His kisses weren't frantic but loving soul searching admissions of a deeper meaning.

As we parted lips I looked silently into his gentle eyes and spoke, "Darling, I want to make myself presentable for you. I love you Richard and I want to be yours now but I have to ready myself first. So, can you wait for me please?". He started to weakly protest but stopped when I held my finger up against his lips.

He gave me a look of mock exasperation and finally told me to take as much time as I need. He said he'd waited his whole life for this and he could wait a little longer.

I told him I'd be fast as I could and he said he'd be there "with bells on!" when I returned.

Next: Chapter 10

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