Richard and Jennifers Love Story

By Laura Strange

Published on Jun 5, 2012


Chapter 4

My secret-

Rich refilled our glasses and I excused myself to use the bathroom and freshen up. I turned to look over my shoulder at him and smiled at him checking me out. I fixed my makeup and hair and made sure I was clean, tucked and all ready for him. When I returned to the living room he had dimmed the lights and put on some sexy music. He held out his arms and I climbed into them and we swayed together, slowly dancing. I felt adored, so safe and happy to be right here, right now. I rested my head against him and he cradled me as we drifted about the center of the room. I could feel all the lovely tactile sensations working together to make this moment so memorable, the sleek fabric of my dress rising beneath Richards' warm touch as he grasped my bottom tenderly, the unmistakable feeling, his arousal, between us, pressing against my tummy, a gentle breeze whispering against my bare legs and his heart beating under my cheek laid against his warm chest. I could feel the cozy softness of his breath against my ear and the reassuring sound of his voice lowly humming to me. I felt relaxed and excited at the same time. I wanted to see what came next but I never wanted to let go of this moment.

I was feeling loved but... was this what love felt like? I didn't have anything to compare it to but it felt pretty good to me.

When the next song came on Rich took me by the hand and led me to the sofa and we sat as close together as we could get and sipped our wine from each others lips. His touch became more passion driven and his hands found their way between my bare thighs and up under my skirt. His tongue was deep inside my inviting mouth and everything within me was sparkling. I wanted to just shout "take me"

and let go but there was suddenly a sharp doubt that struck me even as I was so close to submitting to his every need.

A voice inside my head shook me "What if somehow he really doesn't know". I felt a twinge of panic and pulled away anxiously and looked down tearing up, breathing hard and startling Richard.

"I'm sorry Jen is something wrong?" he exclaimed. "no, Oh Richard I... I'm ...there's something I need to... I need to tell you I'm see, what ...

you see it's...I'm not... a girl. No I mean..."

I looked up to see a look of concerned bewilderment spreading over his face then a kind of lightbulb went off and then suddenly a kind of astonished smile came over him and he brought his finger to my cheek and wiped a tear away then raised my face and looked deep into my misty eyes and told me "Jennifer if you're saying what I think you are I won't say I'm not... astonished but its okay with me.

I am not ready to turn back now. I am just as turned on as I can imagine right now and what you're telling me does nothing to cool the feelings I have for you."

"Richard what I'm telling you is that I still have male parts"

"Okay. "

"Okay?" I questioned, unbelieving.

"Yes Jennifer, yes, yes, yes. I had no idea! Earlier you said some thing, I maybe should have...No! But really I think you're great! You are beautiful.

You are a girl no matter what. And I'm going to make you my girl!"

I looked up and once again melted into his embrace. We picked up where we left off.

His arms were once again around me and my mouth was once again being explored by this loving man. It wasn't as intense as before but a bit more restrained and more relaxed. More intimate in a way.

We stopped kissing to sip wine and I answered some questions he had with complete honesty. I felt much closer now to him than I had before.

He was very honest with me too and we talked for a long time while sitting together drinking wine, snuggling on the sofa, smooching.

I told him how attracted I was to him but also confessed apprehensively that I had never been intimate with anyone and was a virgin. He told me how crazy he was about me and told me he would not pressure me but that he would love to be there when I felt ready. I looked and admired this wonderful sweet, gentle man and then reached out and whispered to him, "I want you Richard, and someday, who knows? But for now please go easy with me darling. "

"I need to know that if I need more time you can respect that. I want to try I really do, but I'm scared. "

With that he stood and pulled me to my feet and gave me another slow sexy wet kiss then led me by the hand to his bedroom.

My heart was jumping as Rich walked me to his bed. My head was light from the wine and I was nervous and scared and excited. We sat together on the edge of the bed and he kissed me tenderly. My arms were up around his shoulders and his around my waist and now we were quietly looking into each others eyes. I was excited and had deep feelings for Richard but I had second thoughts now about having sex. I was getting cold feet. I dropped my eyes and almost panicked a little and just blurted out "No, stop, I can't...not now, not...not yet Richard I'm so sorry but..."

"shhh, it's okay, it's okay, we don't have to do this now, it's alright" he comforted me, taking me into his arms and we fell together sideways onto the bed and I nuzzled up to him with my head on his chest, wrapped in his arms. He held me like that for a few moments and I started to relax, my breathing calmed down.

"I'm sorry Richard, I, I just don't feel ready to go all the way right now. Do you hate me?"

He lifted my chin and looked into my face and I raised my eyes to look to his, "Jennifer, I want you so much but I really really need for you to feel the time is right. I wouldn't want it any other way. We needn't go any further now. " He was amazing! As nervous as I felt about this step in my life, I felt sure that Rich was the one I wanted to be with when I lost my virginity.

I buried myself in Richards loving arms and felt him cradling me securely. We lied on his bed for some time wrapped up together. He would gently rock me and rub my shoulders, back and sides as I luxuriated in his strong masculine scent and all the rest of the sensory pleasures. I nuzzled up into him and would gently kiss his collarbone, chest and nibble lightly at his slightly bristly chin. It was so great to hear him moaning softly as I play bit his neck.

I started to feel a little more confident and relaxed and I unbuttoned Rich's shirt slowly reaching inside to run my hand through the curly forest of hair covering his broad chest. He encouraged me by humming "mmm that's nice" and gently stroking my hair as I continued to unbutton him and tug his shirt tail out of his pants all while kissing his chest, down to his nipples peeking through the nest of hair. I positioned myself so I was crawled on top of him now and he took me and kissed me long and slow. As we broke our kiss I smiled right up into his sexy face and once again started nibbling down his torso. I caressed his body tentatively sliding my touch to his hardening cock. Just touching him through his trousers was thrilling for me and as I locked eyes with him. Nervously I started slowly to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his pants then to reach my hand under the waistband of his shorts, through the thick nest of hair and my hand and for the very first time I felt a man's penis. The skin was so incredibly soft and as I wrapped my hand around him I could feel it pulsing. I squeezed it and slid my fingers around the contours gently feeling it's warmth and measuring the size. He moaned audibly and I smiled at the closed eyed look of pleasure on his contented handsome face. As I continued to caress his cock, his mouth opened slightly and his breathing became rapid and uneven. I was enjoying the affects I was having on him and I continued rubbing and squeezing as I also planted little kisses and bites down his stomach.

A couple times he jerked and he was pretty ticklish on his abdomen and it made him laugh when I but his tummy. He opened his eyes, looked into my face and smiled at me and I slid up into his arms without taking my hand from around his hard cock and he kissed my lips urgently pressing his tongue into my mouth and having its willing compliance. I kept running my hand along the smooth skin and could feel the moisture from the little slit beginning to escape. I licked the little droplets off my fingertips and smiled at Rich as I savored his flavor for the first time.

I was so hot right now and didn't want to stop giving pleasure to Richard. I was having such a good time seeing the effects I was having on him. I felt happy and sexy and even kind of powerful at this moment! I also felt my inhibitions vanish and I had absolutely no apprehensions as I decided that I had to bring him to orgasm. My lips left his and I moved down on his bed until I was eye to eye for the first time with Richards beautiful cock. My fingers traced around the lovely mushroom shaped head and I marveled at the purple hue it had. I reached out my tongue and gave it a tentative lick and Rich threw his head back and moaned "Oh my god, yes!"

I licked the satiny head and kissed it, moving it around my lips, tasting the fluid which leaked from its tip and started to lose myself in the wonderful sensations of the moment. I licked all around the head and down the shaft, got it all wet and slippery and licked up the obviously very sensitive underside and started to suck the head between my lips and into my warm wet mouth. It felt so so good! It gave me a thrilling feeling of fullness that I found irresistible. I had hardly gotten started when Rich started squirming beneath me and reached down toward me and started gasping "oh wait, no baby, stop! I'm going to come... Oh, oh!"

But I wasn't about to let go now. I was eager to find out what was next and it didn't take long at all before I felt his cock start pulsing and he started to come.

His hips bucked and as his cock pulsed he came in three or four big blasts, covering my virgin mouth with his nectar. It was great! I loved the feeling as it erupted onto my tongue and I swallowed and swallowed loving the creamy saltiness. He was clenching at the sheets, moaning and his body literally spasmed with the aftershocks of his climax.

After he finished I let him slip from my lips and cleaned the drops I'd missed by kissing them away. His cock became super sensitive at that point and I crawled back up into his arms with a proud smile on my face and looked at his goofy looking grin and giggled. He started to laugh and took control of me into his strong embrace and then we shared a long loving kiss.

I was so happy that I had made him come, in my mouth! And I was really having strong feelings for him. I was so happy to be in his arms and was already fantasizing about being his girlfriend. I snuggled up to him and he actually dozed off with a sweet little boy smile on his face. His strong arm held me tightly and I closed my eyes and relished the feeling.

We laid together like that intertwined for a bit and I had to go pee so I extracted myself and went to the bathroom where I peed and fixed myself up a bit and then got a warm washcloth to clean Rich up. He cracked opened his eyes and smiled and I sat on the edge of the bed and bent down to kiss his lips. I then slowly carefully washed his softened penis and testicles with the warm washcloth as i smiled at him and he luxuriated in the pampering. I enjoyed thinking that if he were my guy I'd always baby him like this.

I told Richard how wonderful I felt with him today and how I enjoyed sucking him and I was excited to develop our physical relationship further but for now I thought I had enough to process. He said he understood and was still disapointed but after another minute and a very pleasant kiss, Richard got out from under the covers stood and started pulling himself together. I helped button his shirt as he constantly stole kisses from me. I gathered my things and Rich drove me home in his car.

He dropped me off at my house at 1:30 and gave me a deep, very long and savory kiss on my front porch. We promised to call and then I hesitantly stepped away, said goodnight and went into the house. No one was up but I got cleaned up and dressed for bed then sat up for a little while trying to re-live all the moments. I had sucked his cock and swallowed his sperm! I was a proud and accomplished cocksucker! I had a guy that was sweet on me and I'm feeling like I'm falling in love with him.

I felt happy, excited and scared all at the same time. I hadn't lost my virginity yet but I was eager to and I really wanted Richard to be my first lover. Next time there would be no turning back.

Next: Chapter 5

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