Richard and Jennifers Love Story

By Laura Strange

Published on Jul 10, 2012


Richard and Jennifer's love story 10

Chapter 10

I quietly slipped out of Richards arms as he dozed with a big contented smile on his face and tippy-toed into the bathroom. I looked at the reflexion in the mirror of a pretty but anxious, slightly disheveled girl looking back at me. Some all but forgotten concerns came flooding back over me. I wondered about whether I was being smart let alone safe. I asked myself whether he'd still respect me, whether it would make him love me more or would I even be any good! Anxiously I proceeded to ready myself for Richard.

I slipped my white dress off my shoulders, down my hips, stepped out of it and hung it up then stood up straight and examined my reflection. Wearing only a lacy white demi-cup bra and tiny lace trimmed bikini panties that softly outlined a slight, barely perceptible little boy bump, mine was in almost every other visible way, the body of an attractive young woman.

I was so happy to have been raised a girl. Of course I knew no other way so it wasn't strange to me but mainstream societies' influence and prying scrutiny had always raised necessarily serious notes of caution. I was very lucky though. Passing as a female for me was not a problem.

These certainly were not the arms, the legs, the hips or breasts of a boy! I was blessed with good genes and had always worked extra hard to stay fit and maintain a feminine figure and the effort had paid off. What anyone could plainly see was a very attractive looking young lady. My arms were slender, legs long and shapely, my hips were wide but toned and my waist narrow. I had a very soft, feminine, attractive face too, without any growth of hair, partially due to early introduction of estrogen as I first started to enter puberty. My mom had taken good care of me and I was so fortunate for that and so grateful.

I reached behind me to unclasp my bra and tossed it aside. My breasts were my best feature. I was very lucky to have been blessed with darling, firm, pert and very sensitive boobies. I squeezed the supple flesh and my nipple immediately started to harden and I smiled. My titties were great! I slipped off my panties and stood naked, feminine and beautiful. I fixed my makeup, then sat to pee, douched twice to make sure I was especially clean. I then put on the very special new, sexy but demure, antique white nightgown I'd bought for this exact moment. It was almost a baby doll, but longer, two layers of diaphanous silk floating about me like a cloud of white mist, falling to mid thigh with a little lace hem and also a bit of delicate lace about the low neckline. It had spaghetti straps and had a matching lace wrap which added a sheer outer layer of divine mystery.

I slipped into the bitsy matching lace thong and then unpinned my long, tousled hair and brushed it into fine, blond cascades spilling softly around my shoulders. A touch of shiny, soft coral hued lipstick and a spray of Cashmere Mist perfume and I was sexy and innocent, a girlish image of virtue I hoped Richard would find irresistible.

I took a last, satisfied look in the mirror and took a deep breath before reaching and opening the bathroom door to go back to Richard.

When I walked in, Richard was waiting, already naked, lying on the bed, covered only by a corner of the bedspread draped strategically. He beamed broadly and watched me intently as I sashayed slowly toward the bed and smiled shyly, reached down and untied the sheer white cover-up and tossed it aside. I knelt on the bed and bent down to give Richard a please take me now and fuck me kiss.

From there he quickly took control. He returned my lustful kisses, pulled me down to him and rolled me onto my back so he was now directly above me. His hands at once were all over me squeezing, stroking me, his lips suctioned my lower lip, released it and then vacuumed my slippery tongue into his mouth.

After he kissed my flushed cheeks, chin, down my long, sensitive neck and smooth chest, he reached up and rubbed my breasts through this gossamer wisp of nightie. My nipples tingled and hardened as he pinched and squeezed them and planted little love bites on my bare shoulders. He ran his hand up my leg, aggressively squeezing me while he kissed my excited lips. I was trembling beneath him.

His fingers found every erroneous spot there was on the way to the smooth, hairless junction of my parted thighs. I was so charged up at this point I couldn't even begin to control all the shivers and twitching my body was doing.

I was on fire and was clawing at the sheets as Richard lifted the hem of my nightie and lowered his mouth over the outline of my clit right through the skimpy thong panties and teased me with his mouth. I started to shake, screamed and immediately my body spasmed, shocking me and totally soaking my new panties.

Richard just made a "mmmm" sound and sipped my warm juices off the front panel. He then helped me remove my damp undies as I lifted my ass to let him tug the strap from my cleft.

He peeled back the covers, tugged my nightgown off over my head and laid me naked, against the cool of the luxurious cotton sheets, then nestled down against my side and took my naked body against his for another lovely, tongue kiss, yum!

I could taste my residue on his lips and I smiled right into his half open eyes and made a little show of slowly and deliberately licking his lower lip and then licking my own and smacking. It made him chuckle and that made me giggled girlishly as I wiggled seductively beneath him.

He laid on top of me and we kissed sensuously and I wrapped my legs around his, delighting at his hard manhood pressing against my lower abdomen.

I reached between us and took him into my hand. He groaned loudly as I squeezed his throbbing cock. I knew he was on the edge and made a quick decision to bring him off before he had an accident. I nudged him off of me over to my side on his back and slithered down his hard, handsome figure but almost as soon as I lowered myself I felt his body tense. His head rolled back he cried out and his cock erupted all over me! He just gushed onto my hand, face, chest and lips with a prodigious amount of thick, hot, sticky goodness. He was apologetic that he hadn't been able to control himself but I smiled at him and told him "nonsense", I truly loved that I could bring him such pleasure like that. I wanted to make him lose control that way!

I went into the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth and gently cleaned him up and planted lots of sweet, girly kisses all over him then snuggled up against him and laid my head on his chest and smiled deeply as he dozed for a bit.

I was excited but tried to relax myself. I was just trying to concentrate on every minute sensation that made up the delicious whole of this wonderful feeling. The radiant warmth of Richards strong, naked body next to me; his strong, down covered chest rising and falling beneath my resting cheek, his breath rustling the dainty wisps of my hair which in turn tickled my nose in time to his breathing.

It was all wonderfully, beautifully interconnected. We would soon be too, forever linked. I squeezed myself tightly to him and he moaned audibly and hugged me closer.

I purred.

I looked at his handsome face as he lied there, eyes closed with a grin of relaxed satisfaction. Mmm, the feeling was mutual, I must have been beaming too! Richard half opened his eyes to find me smiling right at him. "What?"

he teased. He started to playfully tickle my sides and I squirmed, laughing, "Stop it!" I shrieked, and he pulled me into his manly embrace kissing me, open mouthed, while we both drifted away weightlessly, gazing directly into each others eyes. It was so hot! He rolled me over onto my back and positioned me towards the middle of the bed and proceeded to shower my lithe body with electric kisses and sensuous, loving touches.

His hands were like those of a master sculptor, my body and my desire was the clay he molded.

I closed my eyes and ran my hand lightly through his luscious head of hair weaving my fingers through it blissfully as he teased my body into a state of increasing sexual arousal.

He licked and suckled at my sensitive nipples, kneaded and fondled the round, feminine globes of my smooth asscheeks, then stroked my excited boyclit while gently kissing his way up to my trembling lips.

I opened my mouth wide to him, his tongue once again taking charge, as I was positively reveling in his mastery of my needs, I crooked my spread legs at the knees and felt his cock nestling against my virgin pussy. If I could I

would suck him right up into me!

I was hot as a pistol, my legs wrapped tight around him, I slurped his tongue lewdly and wildly thrust my hips as he dry humped me and all of a sudden I shuddered and felt my little girl cock dribbling moisture between us. I was awfully embarrassed and I felt myself blush.

"Oh my sweet baby girl, yes that's alright" Richard cooed, "my pretty little one, here, try this!" he grinned and he scooped some of my salty, liquid pollen with his finger and fed it to me as our mingled passion kept building in intensity.

"Please Richard, darling please take me" I panted, "fuck me now, I want to feel you inside me." I begged him and he looked deep into my pleading eyes, pausing to make sure I meant sincerely what I'd said, then smiled patiently, and kissed me in the most heart melting way. I clung to him as he held me tightly and took romantic possession of me. He smiled at me and quickly jumped out of bed to reach into his overnight case for something and pulled out a plastic bottle of lubricant and a condom.

My heart raced as he knelt beside me and squeezed some of the lube onto his fingers and laid next to me and kissed my lips as he reached between my parted legs and started to apply the cool liquid to my trembling hole. I felt a firm pressure against me and his finger massaged my pink anal opening making me suddenly tense. He paused.

"Relax sweetheart, I'll go very slow and I'll be as gentle as I can"

he assured me, "If you need me to stop just say so"

I knew that I couldn't be in better hands but his probing finger stung and was making me stiffen up.

"Stop!" I grimaced.

It was just too intense but I had an idea, "Maybe, could you use your mouth a little first to get me ready? I loved that when you did it before."

Richard slowly reached his hand up to touch my face then gently kissed my lips smiled, winked at me and eagerly scooted down between my legs, touching, rubbing, nibbling my soft tummy and lifting my pert bottom up with both hands to give it a loving wet kiss. He had me turn over so my butt was up in the air and got behind me spreading my cheeks apart and kissing the sensitive target while massaging his saliva and the flavored lubricant all around my tender opening. I tucked my head sideways into the pillow I held tightly in my arms, and became absorbed in the sensations, quietly mewing, closing my eyes as his tongue started to slowly push inside of me. I was trembling, concentrating on trying to make myself relax but as Richards tongue pushed inside me it felt enormous! I thought "if I can't even take his tongue how will he ever get his cock inside me?" and began to worry. Richard could tell.

"Shhh just relax Jenny!" he mumbled, his words muffled by my fleshy cheeks. I tried to keep from clenching my muscles as he worked his tongue deeper in my fiery hotspot and as I managed to relax it started to become much more pleasurable. Very, very pleasurable! He really got going at it and soon was totally tongue fucking me! He slid it in and out of my tight opening and I could literally feel the blood pulsing through me.

I was loving this exotic feeling and I could have gone on forever but unfortunately he couldn't. He was getting a cramped tongue and had to take a moment to rest.

Once again we entwined with one another as I scooted over and Richard took me again to his chest. I was giving him little nips and got a little carried away and he yelped, "Ouch!" I was mortified! "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"no you're not!" he joked and wrestled me into a position of submission beneath him and then kissed me passionately, taking possession of me and his hand slid down to slip a finger inside my bottom.

I gasped as he pushed in partially and then he backed out gently to put lots more lube on his finger and then inserted it back into me. I jumped and he left it for me to get used to. I could feel myself pulsing around his finger in time to my surging heartbeat.

As my breathing started to steady, he started fingering me, slowly sliding his long finger all the way into me. It was uncomfortable for a bit and then the pain eased and it started to feel good. He was really finger fucking me now and I was starting to like it!

He worked up to a steady rhythm and I was bucking back against the welcome invasion. He stopped to add more lubrication and slid two fingers now up inside me.

It hurt! Soon though I was used to it and he added a third finger and rubbed my anus loosening me up and preparing me for my deflowering! The stinging pain was intense with his three fingers loosening, widening my tight treasure chest, slowly opening me.

I looked up at Richard and was reassured by his understanding smile. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He spoke in low comforting tones, leaning down so our faces were scant inches apart and telling me he loved me. I was aware of the physical discomfort diminishing and could feel my anal ring relax to naturally accommodate the intrusion. I actually started to feel the sensation of pain vanish, giving way to one of intense and increasing sensual pleasure and I started squeezing back, clamping down on his slippery digits. That was a memorable moment when suddenly all pain vanished and the feeling of Richards fingers became intensely pleasurable.

Suddenly it was as if he'd discovered some magic switch and activated all my nerve fibers at once! I looked up into my man's loving face and smiled broadly. I closed my eyes and slowly ran my tongue sensuously across my lips, silently inviting him to continue to possess me. "Oh baby, yessss! That is so, so good!" I breathlessly spoke as I reached up and pulled his face to mine and yielded to him. As his mouth once again covered mine I parted my lips to accept his tongue and welcome his dominance of me."Please, darling," I moaned, pleading, yearning to him, "I'm ready.

I want you."

and as his talented fingers plundered my bodies now defenseless depths I was beneath him helplessly twisting, writhing, bucking my hips, squeezing him tightly and returning his increasingly impassioned kisses. I felt so wonderfully, absolutely possessed by him. I wanted only to know what he wanted of me.

I pleaded silently with my eyes, "Take me, take all of me!" I was willing and able now, completely his, and I begged him to share the unique gift I was offering.

Richard eased his fingers slowly out of my clutching ass pussy leaving me clenching at the sudden emptiness. He reached for the bottle of lube and squirted generously onto my throbbing sphincter and massaged the slippery oil into my waiting hole. I was very ready to feel him take me all the way now and was willing to beg.

"Richard, oh please, my love, please fuck me! Fuck me now, God, I need you now, oh please fuck me!"

I practically whimpered, excitedly trembling as he readied me for sex.

He placed two pillows under me to raise my ass to a better angle and then as I laid back watching him prepare, he reached on the bedside table for the condom. I reached out to him and pleaded, "do we have to use that?" I knew that we should. I had been warned about having unprotected sex but I loved him and now all I cared about was having him plant his seed inside me. I wanted not only to feel him come inside me to lay claim to me, but secretly I felt that emotionally I needed to carry his life giving essence to become complete as a woman.

He protested mildly but he was way too aroused to wait and gave in.

Although I knew in my head it was reckless to throw caution to the wind, in the heat of the moment, finally passion consumed our better judgement and we just gave in to the rampant physical and emotional desire without another thought of retreat.

Richard squeezed more lube generously coating his wonderful, throbbing, engorged cock, cast the bottle aside and then moving between my legs he lifted them onto his shoulders. "Ready baby girl?" I nodded and he began to lower his body weight onto me making me feel small and vulnerable. It was nice. I could feel the head of his cock pressing against my willing and slippery hole stretching the soft tissue and starting to slowly press for entry. As the head began to open me the pain was sharp and I let out a gasp. "Stop!" I pleaded and he held himself motionless above me as my grimace faded, I gulped and raised my eyes to his sympathetic gaze and then nodded, somewhat reluctantly and bit my lip as the intensity of the pain diminished a little.

He started to ease himself out then smoothly reversed his motion and slowly pushed himself inside of me farther than before. It wasn't any more comfortable but I was getting a little more used to the stinging feeling of being stretched for the first time. As he claimed my body millimeter by millimeter he whispered words of encouragement to me and reassured me with his love.

We kept making slow but steady progress. Richard taught me to push back against him as if I was trying to keep him out. It actually worked to let him go in deeper into me without causing more pain.

He paused, motionless above me to flick his tongue at mine playfully while letting me acclimate to the progress we'd made. We played like that for a second, lightly kissing while I just locked into his reassuring gaze, smiled back up at him and then I felt him smoothly back up just a touch, maybe only a centimeter, and creating an intense ripple of trembling wild, erotic excitement as he rubbed against my prostate. Wow! He pushed in again sliding into my moist canal slowly and evenly, stretching me, widening me and filling my pussy. The pain was sharp and I let out a shriek but I was ready. He paused and withdrew again and as all discomfort subsided and my pleasure increased, he slipped a little further in. I squeezed back and I felt the painful sensations ebb and I was now aware of the fantastic feeling of fullness.

Richard slowly eased back slightly and the fullness lessened, then slid slowly back up inside of me sliding until finally I could feel he was all the way inside me.

I could feel his thighs rest against my bottom now, his curly hair brushing against my baby soft skin and I beamed widely at him and squeezed him with my strong anal muscles. My legs were still draped over his shoulders and I was practically folded in half underneath him.

I asked him to help me adjust. I moved my legs down his sides carefully so he wouldn't slide out and wrapped my long legs around him and was able to lock my heels together and relish the feeling of my absolute feminine supplication to him.

I reached up to stroke his bristly cheek with the palm of my soft hand as we lay motionless, connected as lovers. He smiled back down at me and we just looked longingly at each other. He was completely inside me now, letting me become accustommed to his presence and checking on me to make sure i was OK. I was more than OK! I pulled him tightly to me with my arms and held him tightly as my body quivered beneath him and I nibbled his earlobe and whispered my loving words of encouragement.

The pain had vanished and I felt emotionally levitated in an almost other worldly way. Richard's lips once again found mine and so did our tongues. I had a man, my loving boyfriend up inside my body and I was willfully surrendering to his masculine needs in a completely female way and for the first time I felt perfect!

I wiggled beneath him and felt his cock buried to the hilt! There was no longer any pain for me. I was really ready now and looked into his pleading eyes again, took a deep breath and gave him a silent signal that I was really OK and ready for him to resume. Full speed ahead! Slowly he withdrew and then pushed back inside me and the feeling was overwhelming! As he slid his cock in and out of my silky sleeve slowly, evenly moving in and out and I was responding in kind and we were getting into a rhythm together and it was starting to feel fantastic! He was fucking me! Fucking me and I loved it and I loved him! Oh this was amazing! We were locked together in a missionary position and it was the greatest! His handsome face was scant inches above mine with a handsome look of pure, lusty fun.

He was grunting primally and glistening and shiny beads of his salty sweat dripped from his brow, raining upon me.

He raised himself up on his extended arms and I looked up into his wonderful face consumed with sexual urgency as he continued making love to me.

He was picking up some momentum and the sound of our bodies slapping against one another, our vocalizations, moans and squeals, the bed springs squeaking and our labored breathing all created the music of love.

I was a woman! In love! I was being fucked, loved and I was flying very close to heaven now! Richard started to tense up and he asked almost in a panic if he should pull out and I said no. I clamped my legs around his, "I want to watch you come" I panted, "inside me!"

I reached up and stroked his bristly, sweaty face and his eyes shut, his neck veins bulged and I felt his body stiffen and he let out a roar and started quaking and I felt his cock throbbing and shooting his load inside me! As I felt him pulsing I could feel myself being ... inseminated! God! I felt his come filling me as he came and came, all at once he was moaning, twitching, thrusting, shooting, groaning loudly and flooding me to overflowing and then collapsed on top of me and I cradled him tightly to my heaving bosom.

We were breathless, I was covered in his sweat. I was speechless, ecstatic and shaking! I could feel the fluid leaking from me and that made me even happier.

Richard brushed away the hair away from my eyes and kissed my lips once more, lingering, his tongue slow dancing with mine sensually. Our glistening bodies were spent. Eventually I felt Richard's penis slowly shrinking from my slippery sanctuary, I squeezed my muscles trying to hold him in to no avail and as I smiled sheepishly up at him it finally popped out drizzling his precious nectar onto the sheets.

He kissed me on my lips and then rolled off me and I snuggled up against him, smiling from ear to ear.

Rich closed his eyes and started snoring almost immediately. I'd heard that guys do that, just fall asleep, and some girls complain about it. Not me! I was just so happy right now that Richard had found such release from our shared passion.

He rolled onto his side and I escaped to use the bathroom. I had Richards come dribbling out of me and I walked quickly, gingerly, ineffectively trying not to spill. I sat on the toilet and expelled most of it but I smiled, secretly satisfied that I would always carry some of him inside me now. I cleaned myself carefully, then prepared a warm washcloth to clean my man. I was very pleased to gently wash him as he dozed. He did moan as I finished, pulled the blanket up and nuzzled up against his back, purring.

It didn't bother me that you know who would be sleeping in the wet spot. Probably from now on (If it was forever bring it!)

I want to always make him, my man feel cared for, pampered and special. I thought, I can do that. I also hoped Richard felt half as special as he made me feel!

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