Rich Boy Poor Boy

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 5, 2022



THANK YOU for each and every one who sent me some feedback from the fourth chapter!! It was greatly appreciated!! I'll try and reply to all of you, I promise xx

Hope you enjoy, I certainly did in writing it.

If y'all wanna email me about the story, of any of my other stories on Nifty, feel free xx

Peace and Love, Ryan



Kieran heard the words, he understood them, more than most, but it was like his brain had refused to properly register them.

With a scared as hell Gizmo standing next to him, for some or other strange reason, he was wiping his lips with abundance whilst looking terrifyingly at Kieran's father Gordon with his threats, he blinked a few times, before coming to terms that his biggest fear, his ultimate nightmare, as well as his deepest, darkest secret was no longer a secret anymore.

Sixteen years of hiding, sixteen years of living in fear was now realised and it had now eventually come to this very moment before him...and he knew...oh boy, he knew, that there was always going to be a time in his life where he and his father was going to have THIS sort of standoff.

It was like it had been coming, like it was fuckin inevitable...there was just no way that Kieran was gonna be able to hide his homosexuality forever.

There was just no chance, especially now that he had met and had completely and utterly fallen in love with Gizmo.

"Gordon, please..."

"Maria, shut you mouth! That boy...that...that demon child that you see standing over there might be your spawn of a son, but he is definitely not mine! Along with him out of here, I want a DNA test! Yes, you heard me correctly, because you HAD to have cheated on me! You HAD to! There is no way, in God's holy name that...that thing came out of me!"

"Jesus..." Kieran heard Gizmo whisper under his breath...what his father was saying was terrible and it was disgusting as hell, but the sad truth was old news to someone who had to live with him full time, but to the outsiders, this was just cruel...cruel beyond even imagining to hear all of that.


"DON'T...don't you talk to me! Don't you call me that sacred name ever again! I am NOT your father! EVER! That stopped the moment you put you lips on that...that satan trash over there! You get your things, you pack them...every single one of them and you GET OUT!"

"Kieran, you stay right there! Gordon, now look, please..."


"Gordon, he is our son! Your only son!"

"That piece of shit is no son of mine! Maria, be a good Christian woman and obey my orders, you know what happens when you make me angry..."

"Gordon, think just for one second! Where will he go? He is sixteen years old!"

"He should have thought of that before he decided he wanted to live his life in sin! I won't have a homosexual living under my roof!"



The sound of flesh coming down hard on flesh sickened both Gizmo and Kieran right to their stomachs...and it was the latter who ran towards his mother in ultimate panic mode, the middle-aged woman who had so pathetically fallen onto the hard tiled floor, withering in sheer pain from where Gordon's fist had so suddenly and so inexplicably made contact with her already delicate cheekbone.

"Mom! Mom, you okay? Jesus, Dad, are you actually insane? What the hell is WRONG with you?" Kieran snapped at his father, but Gordon wasn't himself anymore. It was like something otherworldly had overtaken him and his brain...It was like seeing his son kiss the lips of another had something completely and utterly SNAP inside of him.

Out of the corner of his eye, whilst still attending to his mother, Kieran saw Gordon march his size twelve army shoes over towards Gizmo and reached out, like he wanted to grab him, or some sort, but the latter boy was way too quick. With an angry growl, Gordon grabbed at Gizmo again, this time centimetres from reaching his target. He was no match for Gizmo's speed, and he knew it.

Living on the streets for years will give you that gift, Kieran supposed. He helped his ailing mother upwards and sat her gently down on one of their expensive leather couches, before he turned back towards Gordon.

"If you touch him...I swear to God, Dad, if you touch Gizmo just one time, if you lay a fucking finger on him..."

"Then what? What will you do? Look at you! The big homo hero taking care of his boyfriend, is he? Listen here, you big poof, this is MY home. This is MY territory and MY rules. I have enough friends and connections in this town, even more so at the local police station, to do ANYTHING I want to both of you and get away with it! You know it's know how people in Freedom feel about people like you! SO, GET OUT! Come to think of it...your clothes, your fancy cell phone, every god damn thing that you did you even afford it? I PAID FOR IT!"

Gordon sneered towards Gizmo and quickly marched himself towards the door, pulling it open with such a force that it hit the wall smack bang uncontrollably on the hinges, before he turned back to his son and his lover.

"You will walk out of here like the day you came in here. If not for what the neighbours would say, I would have let you leave here buck naked! So, take your...your friend here and GET THE HELL OUT!"

Kieran balled his fists, he stared at his father with the most hatred and loathing distain that he had ever felt towards another human being in his young life, but inside his brain he knew that he had no choice. It wasn't like he didn't know this day would eventually come, but like most gay teenage boys, he had hoped that he would be out of the house and working by the time that it did. Not being as dependant on his parents as he was now.

Everything his father was saying was true, unfortunately, all of it. The town of Freedom was well known for being a God-fearing town and village, they didn't tolerate anything that was deemed to be a sin...whether or not the cops would actually turn a blind eye to anything that Gordon does to him, he didn't know...but he also knew that they wouldn't have much sympathy for a gay teenager.

Which is why he had NEVER had the nerve to so much as come out, after what he had seen his former best friend Andy go through, when he did.

"Let's just go, for fuck's sake, Kieran..." Gizmo whispered, near damn well pleaded, with a tremble inside his beautiful voice, probably and understandably shaken and scared to shit.

Kieran glanced at the boy whom he loved with all his heart, the boy that made him feel so alive, as if his life was actually worth something...and turned back towards his father, and then, out of sheer morbid instinct, he took hold of Gizmo's sweaty hand inside his very own, right before him.

Gordon's face, if at all possible, turned even more reddish, and he was starting to blow up like a fucking jellyfish the moment he saw what Kieran was doing, but the boy wasn't going out of this house without some things being said.

He would go, yes...he didn't know where he fuck he would, but he did know that living inside this house was no longer possible. Not that now, his parents knew the truth about their only son.

", Gordon...before I go, I just wanna say this..."

"I don't wanna hear anything you have to say..."


Gordon was stunned, the shock and the devastation inside his eyes at hearing hear his son curse, made him stop right in his tracks. The fire that was spurting out of Kieran's eyes was as intense as that of his father's at that point, and he felt Gizmo squeezing his hand in total agreement and support.

He took a deep breath...

"For sixteen years I have tried to hide who I really was. I tried and I tried until I couldn't try anymore! I fucked Lucy Rae until her pussy was so much full of my cum that I'm surprised that her DNA didn't chance to match mine! I dated so many girls that I actually have built up a solid reputation at school for being a god damn boy slut! I tried my best to make you happy, to make you proud of me! What sixteen-year-old plays sports for their school's first team? I do! Because I've worked hard and because I deserved it! So, what fucking cheek do YOU have in saying all that stuff about me? YES! I'M GAY! I've always been gay! And if sixteen years living with you and all your shit and homophobia didn't do its job of magically curing me, then nothing will!"

Kieran's chest was heaving up and down at a frantic pace, he was totally out of breath...lord knows that was a lifetime of pent-up anger that had just came out, and if he had done anything else, he assured that he would never, ever be welcomed in this house ever again.

He couldn't take his eyes off his father, not knowing what he would do, or how he would react to all of this he had just said but he found comfort in knowing that Gizmo was right beside him, the warmth of their hands like a warm duvet on a cold winter's day...

Gordon sniffed, and he shook his head. He stood aside of the door, allowing it to be clear to pass, as per. He wiped his face with his right hand, and Kieran could swear there were...yes, it was tears...shimmering inside his father's eyes. The latter cleared his throat, and looked down towards the floor, before he spoke for the final time...

"You, are dead to me. I no longer have a son. If I ever catch you here inside or anywhere near this house again, I will treat you as a stranger, as an intruder. You have allowed satan into you head and into your heart and that is not something I am prepared to tolerate. I don't care what happens to you from now on, whether you live, or whether you die, whether you have food or a roof over your head. YOU chose this. You chose this kind of life. You chose this...and I wash my hands of you. And knowing what sort of life you are gonna have, it might be better to wish you dead."

Kieran shook with emotion. He had troubling swallowing, as his tongue for some reason felt like lead. He trembled and he knew Gizmo could feel every shudder, every nook and cranny of his body's reaction to his father's harsh words.

It might have been better if said words were screamed or yelled at him...having it said so softy, almost as if Gordon Smith had been defeated, was even worse than Kieran could ever imagine.

Together, as one, he gently pulled Gizmo towards the door, and they left the house, the door slamming closed HARD, the sheer finality of it all ripping through his heart, behind them.

And when Kieran would eventually sink to his knees outside of his lifelong home, overcome with emotion and his body wreaking with heavy, desperate sobs, it would be Gizmo...who was there and who had placed his arms around him, telling him over and over, that everything was going to be okay, and how loved he was.

If not for Gizmo, Kieran might not have mentally survived the last few hours. His heart swelled to its maximum potential every single time he heard Gizmo speak or when he was near the boy.

He loved him. He actually, truly loved Gizmo. It was weird, so incredibly insane that he was FINALLY allowed to be, truly who he was, who he was always meant to be.

His name was Kieran Smith, and he was gay.


"Someone, anyone, come and help me, quick! COME ON!"

At the soup kitchen where Gizmo lived and where Kieran had become so well known and loved where he was finishing his weeks of community service, and at the same place where he had first met Gizmo, the Mother Superior dropped everything that she was doing, and winked over to Carla, the resident social worker over to come with her.

All the while of this weekend, the elder nun had a terrible feeling that something was about to go wrong...she had given her blessing that Gizmo, of who she was responsible for, after his own father had thrown him out of his house and disowned him years ago, could go and spend the weekend with Kieran at his home, but she also knew that, Kieran's family, was as far off from mixing with the likes of them, as was Russia and the Ukraine.

The times that she had met Kieran's mother, the lady was down right disgusted with the homeless village they were forced to reside in and call was clear as day that both Kieran's parents, although Kieran himself was a sweetheart, but they were so above their own social class, it wasn't even remotely funny.

All weekend, she had prayed that Kieran and Gizmo would both be okay...she knew that both boys had feelings for the other, ones that far exceed that of pure boyish friendship... it was nearby impossible to mistake if you were as old and wise as she was.

As both the Mother Superior as well as Carla ran outside as quick as they could, they saw Gizmo, and in tears and in total panic, as he knelt urgently next to a boy who only could have been Kieran himself, the said boy laying down in a total exhausted heap on the filthy, muddy gravel area, and he was busy shaking him and ripping his body to pieces in an attempt to get him to stand up.

As the elder nun saw what was actually happening, it seemed as if Kieran was out cold, his face was sweaty and his chest was heaving slightly, as if he was struggling to breathe. Gizmo was going ballistic beneath her and she gently placed her arms around the boy and pulled him upwards.

"What happened here? Did someone attack you boys?" she asked, looking the scared blond boy straight in the eyes.

Gizmo shook his head and the tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

"No, nothing like that! His dad...that fucking pig kicked him out of his house! He has nowhere to go now, so I said we can come here and I don't think he realised how far it was to walk all this way...he just collapsed!"

Ignoring the state of his language, the Mother Superior's eyes widened as she looked down at the clearly, tired boy, with whom Carla was busy checking over.

"You two walked all the way from Freedom to here?" she asked Gizmo, in sheer disbelief, and the latter boy nodded, before wiping some sweat from his forehead.

"Yeah, and I told him he wouldn't be able to handle it, but he didn't wanna listen...he's totally out of it, and I can't get him to wake up!"

Gizmo was tearing up again and the elder nun felt a strong emotional pull at her own heart was clear as day...Gizmo loved Kieran. Love was love, after all, that she knew, no matter who of her colleagues said what, even with her chosen profession and her dedication to the Lord she knew that a love this innocent and this pure, couldn't possibly be wrong in the slightest.

She signalled one of the field workers to come over and she ordered them to take the exhausted Kieran to Gizmo's room and have lots of liquids ready for when he wakes up, as the poor boy must have gotten at least heatstroke, she guessed, from walking all this way in the middle of the South African summer.

Gizmo wanted to carry Kieran by himself, but THAT was when the elder nun put her foot down and refused point blank.

Gizmo himself, refused to leave Kieran's side for even one second it seemed, as he demanded to walk right beside the field worker carrying the boy, he loved more than anything else in this world.

The Mother Superior closed her eyes and hoped and prayed to the heavens, for those two boys...what Kieran must have gone through this afternoon...his father throwing him out of his home, just like Gizmo's did four years wonder they shared such a close and strong bond.


In the days that followed, Kieran quickly found out just how horrible Gordon Smith really was.

After giving him a few days to recover, the Mother Superior drove Kieran to school so that he didn't miss his classes and tuition, only to discover to both their horror, that his father had in fact informed Freedom High that Kieran would no longer be attending and he even stopped his debit order on paying his school fees. The principal had no other option but to refuse Kieran entry to the school and also, he was no longer on the soccer team as well.

Since he no longer had a phone to his name, he couldn't contact any of his teammates and explain what was going on either. Not even Lucy Rae, his supposed girlfriend, could have bothered to wonder what had happened to him. Kieran knew that he shouldn't cry...that was rule number one that his father had always planted into his brain ever since he could remember...boys don't cry and if they was a clear sign of weakness. And like so many things inside the Smith home, being weak was not going to be tolerated.

The Mother Superior kept her tongue to herself...she didn't know what was going on inside Gordon Smith's mind. She had half an idea why Kieran had been expelled from his home and why Gordon had disowned was pretty obvious if you thought about it.

She didn't have any qualms with having Kieran live with them for the time being but, dear God in heaven...they didn't really have enough money in the soup kitchen's budget in order to feed another kid. Especially one that had been so privileged his whole entire life, they were already stretching things as it is!

The whole entire way back to the soup kitchen and the homeless village, Kieran was deathly quiet, and the nun didn't force conversation either. She knew Kieran had a lot to deal, and come to terms with.

On the other hand, she was dreading the fact that Kieran might just decide that all of this wasn't worth it...that he would leave Gizmo, for a better life with his parents...he wasn't used to poverty, and being treated as such. And knowing what she knew...that boy's heart would never be healed as long as lived, if Kieran would leave him now.

Then again, she couldn't see that happening, not for one second. Those two boys...if ever she had seen love in its truest form in her lifetime, it was between Kieran and Gizmo.


" okay?"

Kieran, busy washing the evening's dinner dishes, wanted to turn around and face his boyfriend as he heard his voice, but before he could, he felt the latter's arm around his upper chest and shoulders, before he felt Gizmo's head resting gently inside the crook of his neck.

He really didn't know and really didn't care where the hell Gizmo had gotten the deodorant that he was smelling on the boy, it was delicious and welcoming at the same time.

"Yeah, I have to be, right? I kept some food for you, it's inside the oven over there," Kieran whispered back so that only himself and Gizmo could hear, before he reached up with his soapy hands and laughing smearing the latter boy full of the foamy goodness.

"Fuck!" Gizmo snickered and he tried his best to spat Kieran back with the same velocity of foam, but Kieran was way too quick.

"Boys! Calm down and behave!" cackled the Mother Superior, but not before the boys saw a gentle twinkle inside of her wise old eyes, and both cracked up silently, before Gizmo stood next to his boyfriend and proceeded to start drying the dishes that Kieran had already washed.

"Dude, you have to come with me tomorrow. I'm gonna have to try and get some or other job, we need the income," Kieran said as he placed a wet, clean coffee cup in front of Gizmo, who almost allowed it to slip out of his hands, catching it just in the nick of time.

"What? Seriously? Rich Boy wanna work?" he said with a such cute, dorky smile on his face on his face that Kieran burst out in laughter.

"Dude! Come on, it can't be cheap in having me here, along with all the others they have to feed. I don't know how or where tho...I was thinking a becoming a waiter maybe? You don't need like, papers for that. I'm sixteen, I'm surely old enough to work."

Gizmo continued drying the coffee cup, before placing it back on its rightful place, and his eyes were full of admiration and love for the boy next to him.

"I dunno how you've been coping with all of this. When I think what I did to survive four years ago..." he said, his voice hoarse with sudden emotion and memories.

Kieran pulled Gizmo closer to him and kissed his temple, making sure there was no one around to see them, before he did so. He affectionately rubbed the boy's right shoulder before he softly pressed their foreheads together in unison.

"Gotta say, I never wanted this to happen but I knew it probably would. I did everything I could to hide me being gay from my parents, but looking back now, of course it wouldn't have worked. I dated so many girls, and fucked a lot of them, but it never actually MEANT anything. It never felt right. I wanted more, I God damn needed more. Then you came along...and you were the sexiest bad ass fucker I had ever seen in my life. You changed me, Gizmo. You gave me the fucking courage and strength to stand up to my dad. To tell him what I wanted to SCREAM at him for years."

"Even though it was my fault you got kicked out of that mansion of yours..." came the sad, soft reply, to which Kieran only held Gizmo tighter than before.

"Not your fault my dad's a fucking lunatic. This was always gonna happen, I couldn't hide it anymore once I realised what I felt for you. And when you told me you felt the same, Jesus Christ, man! I was like...finally...there was someone who was just RIGHT for me. Don't you realise how much I fucking care for you?"

Gizmo smiled and launched himself at Kieran, both boys nearly choking in the other's rough, solid embrace. Kieran felt Gizmo's heart beating next to his own as he closed his eyes and a single tear escaped from his eyes.

"I fucking love you, Rich Boy..." Gizmo whispered as both remained in their embrace.


"Hi there guys, my name is Kieran and I'll be your server tonight. Anything to drink, perhaps?"


Kieran held his nerve, although he was on his fucking last one. In the two and a half weeks that he has worked for Bean Bag, the local coffee shop in the located right next to Freedom, he had suffered in ways that he never knew existed...especially when he was tired as a fucking dog and had to hold his face together when a new table arrived.

And they already looked like they would be taking AGES in ordering their meals, which meant that he would most likely get home around twelve, since it was nine now and Bean Bag only closed at 22:30. That still left the cleaning up to do, wiping tables and sweeping the floors underneath said tables before he could go home, and of course he had to walk there.

The joys of working...yeah right.

At least he knew what no matter how late he finished, Gizmo would always be waiting for him outside after his shift had finished, so that they could walk home together back to the soup kitchen, which always took a good thirty minutes or even more. Kieran knew that the Mother Superior had a car, but it badly needed a service, and they simply didn't have enough money to fix it, and still have some left for all the other basic needs within Smangaliso, the name of the homeless village.

Never in all this time as a soccer player at school, with all his training and all the exercises the coach forced them to do, was Kieran ever, EVER as tired as he was these days. Still, he desperately needed the money, and along with his salary, as well as the more than decent tips he was getting from especially the female customers, he was able to give the Mother Superior regular money for his stay there.

He knew how hard things were on her, and God knows, she was his fucking saving grace right now. He didn't know where he would be without her.

He had just punched in his table's order into the machine when a certain voice at the entrance turned his entire body in what felt like cold as ice. He would damn well recognize that voice anywhere.

No...please...anyone but her...

He dared look over to the front door of the coffee shop and he groaned internally. It was Lucy Rae and a couple of her friends...Jesus Christ, could this day get any worse!

Lucky for Kieran, the Front of House lady didn't set them at one of his tables, so he was at least spared that humiliation, however, he had to walk past their table in order to get to his own...and there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to get out of this Scott free, was he?

Of course, he could always pretend that he was invisible and that they wouldn't even see him...

"Kieran? Oh my god! Is that really you?"

Gritting his teeth, Kieran was forced to turn around and there she living breathing technicolour...his supposed girlfriend...and as usual looking all sorts of fly as always, in her expensive style of clothing that she always wore. Her eyes dwelled eagerly over his uniform, and especially his groin area, before she grabbed his hands and pulled him towards their table.

"Where the hell have you been all this time? Your dad was at school the other day, oh my god, it was so weird...he said that he didn't HAVE a son named Kieran! Seriously, does he have Alzheimer's or something? I've even asked that homo buddy of yours, Andy-something, and even he didn't know anything. The next thing we hear is that you left school and now I see you working here? You couldn't have called or shit?"

Kieran took a deep breath, whilst knowing his table was waiting for their drinks, before he carefully stood up and took the tray back into his hands.

"Can we talk after my shift? As you can see, I have an order to deliver."

"You have...wait what?" Lucy Rae shockingly said as she looked back towards her friends, all of the snickering and trying their best not to laugh at her expense, before she turned back and glared at Kieran. It was as if she had just now realised just WHAT he was wearing and just WHAT he was carrying.

"You' left school and you left me...for this? Are you fucking crazy? Dude, I dunno what the fuck is going on with you, but you ain't gonna embarrass me like this! You're gonna have to or this dead-end job!" she hissed towards him, all while trying her level best to keep her composure and to make sure that her friends saw her being in total control, grinning back at them whilst glaring at him.

Kieran rolled his eyes and took another breather...seriously was he this desperate to keep his secret before now, that he dated HER of all people...images of Gizmo, and how much love he had for him, passed through his brain before he looked her in the eyes, with daggers coming out of his own.

"Then I choose this. You're officially dumped. Bye bye!"

The table exploded with utter shocks and whispers among the teenagers, with Lucy Rae's body language quite frankly now resembling that of a cemented statue. Her eyes blitzed furiously and with Kieran having turned his back on her and walking towards his table to finally delivering their drinks, she took her handbag and stormed towards him.

Out of the corner of his eye Kieran felt something was about to happen, but with a tray full of drinks in his hands, he was powerless to stop she violently PUSHED him and the tray right into the people sitting at his table.

Poor Kieran solidly crashed into the table of people, and at once, the entire restaurant was on their feet, wanting to see what had just happened. The coffees, the cuppachino's and the two cream soda floats that they had ordered were flooded all over his table its customers, it felt like there was spillage every fucking where you looked, not even to mention the broken glass shards splattering in all directions and the sounds of expensive coffee cups being broken and shattered as they landed on the cold, hard floor of the restaurant.

Shocking screams and yells from the patrons with the hot coffees burning their hands, as well as flooding and soiling their clothes could be heard and Kieran knew as sure as Sam that his adventure in this establishment had all but ended...

"This isn't over! No one dumps me and gets way with it!" Lucy Rae screamed loud enough for the whole Bean Bag to hear, before she stormed out of the coffeeshop, her handbag still tailing after her.


"That bitch! URGH! Rich, I don't even know what to fucking say..." Gizmo muttered as they entered his room, which was of course situated at the back of the soup kitchen. It was small, with not many pieces of furniture, but it was more than adequate for them, and more importantly it was a roof over their heads.

Kieran sighed and took off his Bean Bag apron, which he threw into the bin next to the door. He wasn't gonna be using it any time soon. He started to unbutton his shirt before he realised that he was shaking. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, he was seriously struggling to breathe...he tried taking a few deep breaths, but he felt as if they were really helping him.

"Giz...Gizmo..." he croaked out, to which the latter swung around ad immediately saw that his boyfriend was in distress. His eyes immediately swept the inside of their room before he snapped his fingers and turned out towards the exit...

"Hold on!" he shouted, and ran out of the door as fast as his legs could carry him.

Kieran tried to sit down but that further inflamed the situation, his chest felt like tight as fuck, his breathing was slow and rigid, his eyes were bulging inside their sockets as his brain refused to understand just what the hell was going on...

"Here, breathe into this! Take it!" Gizmo shouted once more as he re-entered the small room, placing a paper bag into Kieran's hand.

For a moment, Kieran just STARED at the brown bag without knowing what to do, to which Gizmo came closer and gently took the bag from him, and placed it in front of Kieran's mouth, his hands softly caressing his upper back.

"Breathe in there, Rich Boy. Do it, now!" he ordered, firmly, but gently. Kieran did as he was told.

It took a fair few number of seconds, but in time, and with Gizmo's encouragement, he finally got his breathing under control and back what was deemed as normal.

Kieran breathed in, and out, in and out, before he sat down in sheer exhaustion and laid down on the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes before they cascaded down his cheeks, as the entirety of the situation seemed to suddenly engulf him...

Jesus Christ, he was homeless, he was living in the back of a room at a soup kitchen...he literally had nothing to his name but the clothes on his back and a few more that people had donated to the shelter next door...he had just HUMILIATED himself in front of Lucy Rae and her friends and she would god damn make sure the while Freedom High would hear about it, his parents had literally left him for just lost his job and the only income that both himself and Gizmo had...this was too much...this was WAY too much to endure.

He felt a presence next to him on the bed. The old and beaten down mattress squeaked under their weight. Suddenly there was a hand on his face, gently and carefully wiping away his tears. He turned his head to his left and there was was always Gizmo.

"You okay now? Can you hear me?""

Kieran nodded.

"Right then, now I'm gonna say something and you're gonna listen, okay? You got that?" Gizmo whispered, and Kieran, having finally gotten control over his senses after that devastating panic attack, nodded once more and looked Gizmo right in his beautiful blue eyes.

The latter boy took a deep breath, cleared his throat and placed his hand solemnly on Kieran's chest.

"Tomorrow morning, you are going to go home. You are going back to your parents and you're gonna tell them that you made a mistake. That you thought that you were gay, but you're not. They will take you back in a fucking heartbeat, you're their son, and they love you, I know that. I...dude, I love you way too much to see you like this. It's okay for me, but you don't deserve a life like this. So go and tell them you're healed or that Mother Superior prayed for your soul or some shit and they'll take you back. Okay?"

Kieran sat upright and frowned at his boyfriend. He actually couldn't believe what the hell he was hearing.

"You want me to go? Is that what you're saying? You don't want me around no more?"

A vicious punch against his shoulder was the reward for asking that question.

"Of course not, Jesus! But at least you won't be here suffering like this...please Kieran...go home! You don't need me here, babe...we can forget this ever happened! I'll be fine, and so will you. Please, just go home!"

Kieran sniffed and grabbed Gizmo by his shirt and pushed him down on the bed. He manoeuvred his body over the bed so that he was laying on top of the boy he loved. Both, together as one, they stared into the eyes of the other, before Kieran leaned down and softly kissed Gizmo. With a solid groan from somewhere deep inside his throat Gizmo reached up and grabbed the back of Kieran's head pulling him closer.

Kieran himself moaned emphatically into Gizmo's mouth as their kiss deepened, their love for each other shining bright as the moon did outside their door. Hands and fingers were touching everywhere they possibly could, stomachs were caressed, kisses were given, necks were bitten and sucked upon in total teenage euphoria. Their kisses were rough, sometimes slow and romantic, as they both tried to outdo the other in terms of sexual variety, so much so that their dicks were taking massive strain against their shorts, both organs were hard and ready for action, as Kieran felt more than once.

"Why would I go anywhere? Jesus, dude, I love you so much, my heart beats for you, only fucking you, don't you understand that by now?" he whispered into Gizmo's mouth after what felt like the millionth kiss that he planted on the boy's red-kissed lips.

"At least you will be safe..." came the desperate whisper, Gizmo's fingers running through Kieran's sweaty hair and pulled his boyfriend in for another earth-shattering kiss, which the latter more than reciprocated.

"But you won't be here with me...sorry, buddy, that's a fucking deal breaker..." Kieran muttered, his mouth leaving Gizmo's and trekking downwards, leaning to his right and kissing his neck, making Gizmo yelp with pure sexual pleasure.

"You mean that, Rich Boy? You wanna stay with me and this dump?" he asked in a tiny little voice, as if he was afraid of the answer.

Another kiss initiated by Kieran gave him as answer in more ways than one.

"I'm staying...with you," Kieran whispered back, caressing Gizmo's face before he crushed his lips with his own, one more time.



The next chapter, will be the FINAL chapter of this story, so I really hope you guys have enjoyed it until this far, and THANK YOU for all the feedback every time xx

What are YOU hoping to happen to end the story? Lemme know!

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Next: Chapter 6

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