Rich Boy Poor Boy

By Ryan White

Published on May 21, 2022



THANK YOU for each and every one who sent me some feedback from the third chapter!! It was greatly appreciated!! I'll try and reply to all of you, I promise xx

Hope you enjoy, I certainly did in writing it.

If yall wanna email me about the story, of any of my other stories on Nifty, feel free xx

Peace and Love, Ryan


"What the fuck am I doing...I'm about to bring a homeless gay dude that I barely know, but it's the same one that I get super-duper ass hard for whenever I think about him, into our house for the weekend with my conservative parents away on their anniversary...shoot me now, but I don't wanna stop this...I really, really wanna see him..."

Kieran, not so patiently, tapped his fingers restlessly against the closed window of his mother's car and he smirked slyly, when he thought that if she knew where her pride and joy was at this moment and time, she would most probably have had a heart attack. Kieran breathed in and out, gently at first, but his heart was racing.

He saw Gizmo standing at the door of the soup kitchen with that looked like an overnight bag, along with the elder lady called the Mother Superior, who was in charge of this whole shin dig, and they were looking right at him whilst they were talking, in fact more once or twice the sixteen-year-old Kieran saw Gizmo pointing his finger towards him and then it seemed like he was busy explaining something to the nun, which Kieran knew wasn't much of a surprise. The Mother Superior, in all the time that he has been doing community service here in this godforsaken homeless little village, he fully knew that she took responsibility for Gizmo and of course, what trouble he got up to, so in trying to explain that Kieran, although not a complete stranger, but still, had invited him to spend the weekend at his house, probably sounded a little farfetched to be real.

Kieran sighed and shook his head as there was finally some movement from the door area, as he saw the elder nun and a very gloomy, very sulky Gizmo both make their way towards him. Oh boy...there was probably going to be questions now about why Kieran would want Gizmo at his place for the entire weekend, and given the stories that went around about Gizmo at this place, how he sleeps with every guy he sees, with absolutely no moral values, he forced himself to be neutral, if that was at all possible.

Gizmo did something to him that Kieran yet couldn't fully understand. They had an instant click, an instant bond, if you would, and a couple of days ago, Gizmo had sucked off his teenage cock for the very first time and quite frankly, he had been dreaming of the guy every night since he first met him. Unable to put said feelings into words, all that he knew was that he desperately wanted to be with Gizmo, he wanted to be near him, he wanted to caress him, kiss him, laugh and shoot the shit with him, all and all, he...he just really missed him.


The latter rolled down the window of the driver's side of the car and smiled as friendly as he could towards the old lady. Inside, he was shaking, and he felt that she could read his mind at that moment. Right behind her, Gizmo rolled his eyes but he smiled happily when he saw Kieran's eyes flicker towards his own.

"Afternoon, Mam. I suppose Gizmo told you that I invited him to spend the weekend at my place? Hope everything is okay?" Kieran said, as politely as he could. He could have sworn he saw the wise old nun's eyes narrow just a tad, before she glanced towards Gizmo, and then finally back to him.

"My dear boy, are you quite sure what you are letting yourself in for? I care about Gizmo deeply, but he can be quite a handful, you know."

Behind her Gizmo was folding his arms and pretended to vomit.

Kieran nodded, whilst trying his best not to laugh at his buddy's antics, before looking the Mother Superior in the eye.

"I know, Mam. And I kinda feel sorry for Gizmo...there are not a lot of kids here our age and we have always gotten on well ever since we met...and as you know my dad had gotten a restraining order against my former best friend Andy, so it's not like we can really hang out."

The Mother Superior swung her neck back towards Gizmo, who immediately stopped his mocking of her and nodded what he hoped would be to confirming everything that Kieran was saying. With a sigh and with a look towards the heavens she smiled and signalled Gizmo to get into the car. The latter smile widened happily instantly, as if he had woken up with a hanger in his mouth, before gently opening up the passenger side of the expensive BMW and getting inside.

Kieran breathed, and was about to turn the key into the engine when...

"Kieran, a moment, please? Outside."

Kieran frowned and looked at Gizmo, confused as fuck, but the latter just shrugged his shoulders and altered his attention to the car's sound system. Nervous as hell, Kieran got out of the car and felt like he was walking on egg shells, whilst making her way over to the Mother Superior.

"Now Kieran, I expect that you have invited Gizmo to your home, because your parents won't be there this weekend?"

Kieran, suddenly and severely, turned several blushes of red before he slowly, and embarrassingly, nodded, his eyes everywhere except facing the lady herself.

"I thought so. Look, my boy, the Lord made everyone with tender, love and care in this world and that is why we don't discriminate...but sadly, I do know that your parents would not be as welcoming to having Gizmo there, as you clearly are."

Kieran looked back at Gizmo, who was rocking his head to some kind of music that he probably had gotten from the car's radio, before turning his eyes back to the nun.

"They aren't gonna be home, Mam. It's their anniversary. So, I just thought..."

"Look, Kieran, just as I have come to care for Gizmo like he was my own son, I have come to care about you as well. Your outburst towards Carla the other day, the whole way you went above and beyond to protect and defend him, well, it made a lot of things rather crystal clear...I'm gonna ask you one question and I'll expect an honest answer. Am I correct in saying that you feel more towards that boy in your car, than just pure friendship?"

If Kieran had been red in his face before, he was God damn glowing like a pregnant woman right now. His eyes widened as his hands were suddenly all clammy and sweaty. His chest heaved slightly, because he all of a sudden couldn't breathe on his own. He reached up and clutched his chest through his t-shirt before stuttering what he felt was a decent reply, but before he could, the nun took him in her arms.

Kieran gasped as he felt her arms around him, and it wasn't a stronghold of anger, or of disgust either. It was nothing but love in its purest form, as the Mother Superior held him towards her.

"It's okay, my boy. It's okay. I old woman knows these things," she whispered before she let him go.

Kieran's eyes were bloodshot, but he was breathing normally more and more, finally calming down to the fact that someone out there knew his deepest, darkest that he frankly, thought would be hidden forever, what with the deeply religious parents that he had to endure.

He sniffed a couple of times before he laid his eyes on Gizmo one more time.

"I...I can't help it...I tried...but I just can't..."

The nun smiled at him and patted Kieran on his shoulder.

"Go to him, then. Enjoy the weekend. And DO NOT get into any more trouble! You hear?"

"Yes Mam!" Kieran said, with a genuine smile and happily returned to his mother's car.

"What did Batwoman want?" Gizmo asked as he immediately turned the noise down the moment Kieran got into the car.

"Nah, it was nothing. Relax. Can we go now? Or you wanna stay here for the weekend?"

He shuddered as he felt Gizmo's hand, quite suddenly being placed onto his own, demanding entry. With a warm feeling streaking across his chest and even more so, his heart, Kieran blinked a couple of times, just at the innocence, the rawness of the gesture, and he immediately allowed their hands to join together, at last becoming one.

"Drive on, Rich Boy," came the snickering laughter from right next to him.



Kieran drove his mother's car into their property, where the double story house was situated right in the most expensive part inside the democratic town of Freedom. It towered above all the other homes within the nearby vicinity, and from what Kieran had heard his parents talk and brag about over the years, it certainly was the biggest establishment within the small town.

He laughed as he saw Gizmo's eyes flashing and devouring all of such riches, him seeing such luxury in person, probably for the very first time in his sixteen-year-old life, before parking the car in front of the garage and switching off the engine.

"Close your mouth, or do you want your face to get fucking stuck that way," he giggled as Gizmo finally closed his gob and looked back at Kieran with a mixture of disbelief as well as being severely impressed slashed all over his beautiful, boyish facial features.

"All of yours?" he said, awe inside his voice was clear for everyone to hear.

"Not my house. Not my money. I'm not rich, my parents are rich," Kieran said with a smirk.

"Shut up, Rich Boy. Dude, you know, I'm not sure about this, for real, what if I break something in there or I spill something on some carpet, or what if I make a mess in the bathroom, probably comes with golden taps and some shit..."

"WILL YOU RELAX? Gizmo look...I really...I mean...I want you here. I mess and spill stuff like all the time, and my parents has never killed me or kicked me out..."

"Yeah, but you're like their son!"

"And I wish sometimes that I wasn't! Dude...I...I can't stop thinking about you, okay? Tell me to stop, tell me to grow the fuck up, anything, but I can't help it. Ever know..."

The worry on Gizmo's stunning face made way for what could only be described as a cunning ass smirk. His beautiful blue eyes rolled playfully, before it roamed all over Kieran's muscled arms, his ripped teenage chest that came from playing soccer, his good-looking face with those dark brown eyes which has, just like Kieran it seems, dwarfed his own dreams that he had about the boy.

He couldn't believe that someone like Kieran...popular, clearly handsome and full of life, rich beyond belief, living in this huge ass mansion of a house, was into him. It just didn't make sense! But when he looked into Kieran's eyes, it was like all doubt just...just vanished from every part of that was still full of worry and cautiousness.

"You mean, ever since I had your big cock in my mouth?"

Kieran blushed one more time and his teenage dick lunged with lust and anticipation.

"Let's just get inside, okay? See what you fucking do to me..." he giggled before he got out of the car, with Gizmo following in quick succession.


"Dude! FUCK! You've got a big ass pool! What the hell do you guys use it for, training for the fucking Olympics?"

Kieran walked over towards where Gizmo was standing and wondered how far he could try his luck...he really, quite frankly, he was craving, to show some affection towards the boy but he just didn't know how comfortable Gizmo was with that.

Yeah, they had their sperm swallowing session the other day, but that was on Gizmo's turf. This, inside this big old house, riches and style which Gizmo clearly didn't know, it was a whole different ball game.


He took a deep breath, and stood next to Gizmo, and together for two boys were quiet for a moment, just allowing Gizmo to take all of this in. Hoping to God that he wasn't making a big ass mistake, he reached upwards and gently placed his arms around his buddy's shoulders. He could have sworn he heard Gizmo gasping for air, just a little, and he pulled the boy into his embrace.

"What are you doing..."

"Sorry...I didn't mean..."

"No, numb nuts! I don't care what you do...this is your house and all...I just...are there like, cameras here?"

Kieran chuckled and shook his head.

"If there are, then I don't even know about them. Baby, please. Just relax, will you?"

Gizmo stiffened, almost immediately, and Kieran could sense at once that something was terribly, terribly wrong right then. Gizmo sniffed a few times, before Kieran shocking realised that the boy was crying.

"Jesus...dude...what did I do? What did I say?"

Gizmo angrily wiped his tears with the back of his elbow, before grabbing Kieran so tightly that he almost squeezed the living bejeezus out of him. Shocked at the boy's behaviour, Kieran held Gizmo to his chest, to his body, and to his heart. Soft, soft sobs was wrecking through Gizmo's body and Kieran was powerless to help him, it seemed.

Kieran gently buried his face in the crook of Gizmo's neck...and held him even closer, more than before. He could feel Gizmo calming down, as he was continuing to caress his back and kissing his temple. His lips on Gizmo's skin felt fantastic, as if they belonged there, as if it was meant to be this particular way, as if it was destined to have happened.

"That's what my Mom used to call me..."

"Sorry, what?"

"That...that word, Babe...that's what my mom used to call me. My dad hated it; he made her stop eventually. You're the first person other than her know..." Gizmo said, trembling as he did.

Gizmo, still holding Kieran close, looked up towards his buddy, and his beautiful brown eyes...and licking his lips, he couldn't look god, Kieran was the sexiest, most delicious boy he had ever seen...

Slowly but surely, Gizmo felt like he was being pushed back gently onto the sofa behind him. All thoughts that perhaps, more likely than not, these clothes were way too dirty and way to see though to even remotely be on a leather couch this valuable, but that was far out of his thoughts at that moment and time. To his surprise, Kieran had nothing but care in his eyes for him...FOR HIM, the homeless boy from the homeless village.

Kieran leaned down and kissed Gizmo's neck, hungrily, like a lion cub would attack a piece of raw meat, so much so, that the latter boy growled in pure pleasure. Four sets of hands travelled all over the place, grabbing, caressing whatever pieces of flesh and hair they could find, they bodies were like bunny rabbits to an outsider...they were horny as hell and their partner was ready and available.

Kieran, with a crazed look inside his brown eyes, ripped Gizmo's t-shirt apart, completely destroying the scantily piece of clothing that was already full of so much holes that it really didn't matter...and dived in to pleasure the boy he cared about so much, even more. Kisses, raw, hungry, starving, was planted all over Gizmo's skinny white torso, his tongue felt like it was on fucking fire...the last time they did anything sexual, it was Gizmo who had pleasured him to the moon and back.

It was about time to return the favour.

Gizmo grabbed the back of Kieran's head, and caressed the back hairs that he found onto to launch his groin area upwards as he felt Kieran's hands roughly pulling at his six-and-a-half-inch teenage dick. The blond boy was heaving pretty damn serious right now, at the complete and utter sight of this rich, posh, handsome fella who was about to make all his wet dreams come the fuck true.

Kieran smiled towards Gizmo and leaned down to kiss the fabric of the shorts that the boy was wearing, which as covering his dick, before he urgently grabbed it at the seams and pulled it off like a fucking maniac. To his surprise, the boy was going commando all this time, and that homeless stiff as a nail, six incher looked good enough to devour. He carefully wrapped his clammy fist around the kid's organ, and he hissed as he did so...all his life, he wanted this to happen, this particular moment where he would finally have another boy's pride and joy inside the palm of his hands, and pretty soon, inside his mouth.

"Are you just wanna watch it, or you're gonna suck it, Rich Boy?"

Kieran licked his lips...jesus christ, there was even pre cum dripping from the flaring red piss slit...he gave the cock one more tug, once more jerk, removing its tight foreskin and then he dove in.

Gizmo yelped like an injured kitten as he felt his cock enveloped by the virgin mouth of the one boy who had come to be so damn important to him, more than any other. Kieran's sexual experience was thus far totally limited to muffing and fucking girls so he basically was a complete and utter virgin when it came to sucking a cock, but he wanted it, he needed this! He had watch enough gay porn in the past to know exactly what had to be done, and also, what he would want his own seven incher to be treated as, therefore, doing the same to Gizmo's.

He nearly ovulated, if that was at all possible, with the sheer taste of this boy's dick...he might have been homeless and living in squalor, but he was clean as a whistle...the little shit must have known what laid in wait for him this weekend, Kieran was sure of that. He glided his tongue up and down the stiff cock, amazed at the taste and flavour that seemed to just radiate from the pulsing teenage organ.

Above him Gizmo was going absolutely ballistic at what Kieran was doing, the warm, wet snake skating across his young, boyish fuck stick, simmering over that big vein that seemed to THROB by itself every time it was enveloped by hot, sticky wet goodness. Kieran, with hormones flooding through him, gobbled up the dick faster and faster until Gizmo eventually started to fuck his mouth, over and over, harder and harder until he was screaming out Kieran's name in pure sexual desire.

Kieran took the dick out of his mouth in order to get some air, before Gizmo signalled at him to come closer, upwards towards himself. He pulled Kieran to him by his shirt, as if he was taking too long to heed the command, before slamming his lips onto Kieran's when he was close enough. Together, the two boys felt like they were inside a real-life orgy, it felt, there was literally limbs everywhere they looked.

Gizmo pulled back, and he looked severely serious for a moment, before caressing the side of Kieran's handsome face.

"You're so're so hot..."

"You're more...Jesus, when last did you look inside a mirror...?

Gizmo smashed his lips onto his buddy's one more time, but this time it was different. Something had changed, it felt, inside both boys. The kisses were less frantic, more intense, more passionate. Their hearts were in sync at full speed, their emotions all over the place, but both boys instinctively knew, somewhere in the back of their testosterone filled minds, that they needed to be together...that life in general was more happier, more prettier, and most that moment neither boy wanted to be without the other.

Kieran released the kiss one more time, pressing his forehead to Gizmo's, to allow them to share a bit of much needed air.

"Gotta finish the job..." he whispered, smilingly slowly, before playfully kissing Gizmo's nose, before leaning down onto his knees, and facing that delicious teenage dick one final time.

The steel like six incher stiffened even more, before Kieran bravely took another swipe at the melting piss slit, eliciting another inward grown by Gizmo himself. Slowly he took the dick into his mouth before really going to town. He knew what he wanted and he wanted it now. He wanted Gizmo's sperm. His cum...his motherfucking ball juice...there was a deep, deep desire within his soul to wanna taste swallow it...he was so delirious, he wanted to fucking BATHE in it.

He concentrated on the boy's cockhead, stimulating it with his wet, warm tongue like never before, he felt Gizmo's lower tummy lunged in sheer exhaustion, but he couldn't care less. He caressed that hard cock with a mad man's rejoice, the taste was indescribable.

That dick was leaking so much damn pre cum right then, he was amazed that Gizmo even had fluids left inside his sexy ass boy body. Gizmo tapped the side of his face and Kieran knew that meant he as close...thus he doubled his efforts.

Above him Gizmo's eyes seemed to roll back into his sockets as he felt nothing but warmth and love spread form his groin his cockhead as sucked and chewed over and over by an even more horny Kieran, desperate for Mario and Luigi to present him with that potent, white teenage boy sperm he craved so fucking much.

Gizmo's hands were balled into stiff fists and he was pounding the expensive leather couch like he wasn't having a care in the world, before it felt like his cockhead had exploded.

There was sperm absolutely everywhere and Kieran, with his limited experience in gay porn, was of course caught completely off-guard. He had no idea how much Gizmo could cum, and he had a feeling he now knew where the boy had gotten than nickname from...God, it was all over the place, on his face, in his mouth, there were strings of sperm dangling from his lips, forget the couch that was covered in an even bigger white, watery mess...

Gizmo was tired as hell, it felt like his soul had just been ripped out of his body through his dick. He slumped forwards, but Kieran caught him just in time.

"I got you...I got you...I won't let you go..." he whispered in Gizmo's ear as he did so, before he felt two tired and heavy arms reach around his neck.

"I know...I know, man...I trust you...I trust you..." Gizmo said, his eyes only full of tenderness and emotion as he took in Kieran's handsome features, before landing one more gentle kiss on the boy's lips.


Kieran got the feeling that Gizmo wanted to be left alone for a while after their session, he couldn't place his finger on it, but there was something upsetting his friend, and he desperately wanted to know why, not for gossip, not at all, but if he could help Gizmo in any shape or form...with whatever he was going through, then why not?

With having ruined Gizmo's shirt, Kieran told him that he could choose any shirt from his cupboard upstairs after both boys had taken a shower, separately unfortunately, and he was patiently wating for the boy to come back down. When he finally did, it was as if Kieran was really seeing him for the first time...dressed in clothes that actually seemed to fit him, clothes that didn't have any holes in them...his blond hair still wet from his shower, so freshly washed that it fucking shone in the late afternoon sunlight, he looked so handsome, it was insane!

Gizmo walked up to Kieran and sat down next to him, before leaning into the latter boy and placed his head on his shoulder. Without even thinking, or in fact blinking, Kieran returned the gesture and placed his arm around Gizmo. For a while the two of them sat in total silence before Kieran heard Gizmo clear his throat...

"I...uh...I was twelve when, you dad found out about me. I was so stupid, so naive, I mean, every little thing that I was feeling, I wrote down in my diary. My dad always used to say, our family might be poor, but we were decent, hard-working people. No one would be able to point a finger to us. And day this new boy came into our 6th grade class. There was just something about him, I couldn't fucking understand it. All I knew was, I wanted to be his friend. I liked him. I wanted to be with him, geez, not in THAT way, with him."

Gizmo took a long breath and Kieran caressed his skinny shoulders that seemed to shudder underneath his very touch, waiting for him to go on.

"My mom...she was a fucking angel. When you called me Babe..."

"...I'm so sorry about that..."

"Can I finish? When you called me that, it felt like my mother was still here, the only person who had ever loved me. I know what you're thinking, and yes, I suppose my dad probably loved me at some point, but considering what he did... When she died, my father fell apart and I had to keep things going, only child and a boy too, what did I know about cooking and cleaning...anyway, he found my diary one afternoon...and you gotta know that I wrote EVERYTHING down, how I felt about that boy. He...oh fuck Kieran, he was so angry. I thought he was gonna have a heart attack, he was so way out of it. He told me to get out and never come back, and that he was ashamed to be my dad. I've been on the streets ever since."

Kieran gripped Gizmo's shoulders tighter, and pulled him closer, so that his head was resting on his upper chest.

"You don't have to go on..."

"I do. You mean everything to me, if you didn't already fucking realise it. I can't explain it, but when I'm with you, I feel like I can go on. It feels like I'm fucking flying on a broomstick and I can't stop, won't stop. I've never, ever felt this way before, you gotta believe me."

Kieran leaned down and kissed the top of Gizmo's head, to which the latter responded by snuggling ever closer.

"And to think, if me and my ex-buddy Andy hadn't stolen that car, I wouldn't have been given community service and me and you wouldn't ever have met," he said, kissing Gizmo's forehead one more time.

He could hear Gizmo sniff one more time, and he felt the boy kiss his shoulder.

"I've done stuff, Kieran. Stuff that if you knew, you wouldn't wanna have anything to do with me. I had to. You don't understand what it's like out there! You're living on the streets, anything can happen. You need to make deals; you need to have someone protect you. To have your back! And unfortunately...some of those things can't be paid with money..."

Kieran stiffened, and Gizmo felt it. The latter sat upright and took both of Kieran's hands inside his own. Kieran he realised that this was the first time that Gizmo had EVER called him by his real name, and not simply "Rich Boy" ...this had to be serious.

"You don't have to tell me, honestly..."

"You don't care that I've probably had the entire village fuck me in the ass?"

Kieran closed his eyes and sighed. Jesus, that's what he was afraid of.

He knew that there was some truth to what people were saying, before they became close, Gizmo's entire cocky attitude and mannerisms had shown what he was all about. He somehow hoped that it wasn't true, and now he had to decide if he could stomach being with someone that had been with so many people...

Gizmo probably saw the sudden doubt in his eyes, because he jumped up and wiped his eyes.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, look, I'll just go, I'll get my things and go back to the village, dunno what the fuck I was thinking, you and this house and I can never fucking mix..."

Kieran jumped up and kissed Gizmo.

It was soft, tender, simple, innocent and full of passion. That time, it wasn't about sex for either boy. That wasn't needed, but intimacy was. Both boys gasped for air once they finally allowed their lips to separate, and Gizmo was clinging to Kieran's t-shirt like his left depended on it. He swallowed a fair few times, before shaking his head...

"Dude...I'm nothing but a slut..."

Something within Kieran BROKE right there and then...

"Will you shut the fuck up? Don't you get it, you idiot? I love you!"

Gizmo's eyes bulged out of its sockets, his mouth hung open and his eyes were piecing through those of Kieran's...

"What did you say?" he croaked out, still holding onto to Kieran's shirt.

There was no turning back now...he said it.

He finally said it and he meant it. He didn't know what he was feeling towards Gizmo until now...until he had called himself a slut, that was it. That was when Kieran Smith knew. That's when he knew why he missed Gizmo beyond belief when they were separated, why he often thought about him, but he couldn't care to have Carla say all that shit about him.

What he previously didn't have a name for was suddenly wide open before his eyes.

Jesus Christ...he loved him! He loved Gizmo!

"I...I said...fuck this, man...I love you, dude! I really do, I...I just didn't realise it, but I do...oh god, I'm probably freaking you out so badly right now..."

Gizmo finally managed, it seems, to regain control over his emotions and over his body, because Kieran felt a single finger underneath his chin, gently moving his face upwards to look at him.

"Are you blind, man?" he softly whispered, caressing Kieran's face one more time.

"Seriously, do I have to spell it out? I fucking worship you, man!" he said once more, tears rolling down his eyes.

Kieran's heart lunged inside his chest. Jesus.

"I love you so much..." he croaked out before he leaned in for another kiss, what felt like the millionth one they had shared, but it was also by far the most important.

Neither of the two boys noticed a key turning in the lock of the front door, the magic of both admitting that they loved each other was way too much to worry about normal things like that...

"I still cannot believe they double booked us with another couple...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?"


Kieran and Gizmo came apart from each other quicker than you could say "busted". Kieran's eyes were as wide as saucers...perhaps his father hadn't seen them kissing...?

No such luck.

Gordon Smith looked like he was suffering from a mini stroke. His face was as red as blood, his fists were balled and his eyes were ready to kill.


"Dad, please..."




Oh Kieran's dad knows...what the heck is gonna happen to the two teenage lovers now??

Also, thanks a bunch for being so patient with me, all the emails asking for more chapters, I appreciate y'all sticking with the story xx

Any feedback, positive or negative, can as always be sent to

Next: Chapter 5

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