Rich Boy Poor Boy

By Ryan White

Published on Apr 30, 2022



THANK YOU for each and every one who sent me some feedback from the second chapter!! It was greatly appreciated!! I'll try and reply to all of you, I promise xx

Hope you enjoy, I certainly did in writing it.

If yall wanna email me about the story, of any of my other stories on Nifty, feel free xx

Peace and Love, Ryan


Kieran could feel every piece, every corner, every inch of Gizmo's skinny ass body withering underneath him.

The two boys were making out like they had literally been STARVED of each other's presence, sexuality and aura for decades, there were hands, feet, lips and tongues were all over the place, they couldn't stop, even if they would have wanted to.

Kieran could feel Gizmo's equal teenage cock grind and tear against his own from where they were on his bed, inside of his room, making out like there was no tomorrow. He groaned silently and his eyes rolled back inside their cages when he felt Gizmo's hand touch his stiff boner. Not only touched however, he bloody well caressed the six-inch rock-hard organ to such an extent that Kieran felt he might blow at any given moment.

He leaned down and kissed Gizmo's neck with such a fiery passion that he was sure that it would leave a hickey on the homeless boy, something that turned Kieran on even more. His cock was now out of his underwear, and the slippery batch of pre cum goodness was already spreading over and across Gizmo's palm, which was still busy exploring what Kieran had to offer.

Gizmo pulled Kieran upwards and together the boys smashed their lips together once more in total and utter unison. Their testosterone and hormones were both shot right through the roof, as Kieran started to viciously buckle under the pressure. He grinded into Gizmo as if his life depended on it. Funnily enough, he could see Gizmo underneath him, but this while entire time, he couldn't hear him.

Kieran buried his head inside the crook of Gizmo's neck, yelling and moaning out the utterly ecstatic, god damn pleasure and sexual feelings that cascaded through his sixteen year old ripped soccer player body, he kissed Gizmo's cheek and held onto him for dear life.


Finally, he heard him speak! About fucking time, Kieran was starting to ponder his kissing credentials...But somehow, the voice he was hearing what NOT that of Gizmo's...


Kieran looked down at where Gizmo was, the last time he had seen him, but instead of the boy who turned him on like no other being ever had, male or female, there was just a white sheet...covered with blood.

"NO!!! GIZMO!!"


Kieran sat up inside his bed, with the speed of a lightning bolt, his chest heaving up and down at a ferocious pace, his eyes and hands were all over the place as he frantically searched for Gizmo, and where he possibly would have disappeared to...only to stop as the dream dog started to disappear...he shook his head...and realised that he had woken up...and Gizmo wasn't there...he never had fucking been. It was all just a dream.

"KIERAN? GET UP! YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" thundered his father's voice through the other side of the door, and now Kieran understood how that voice inside his subconscious, didn't sound anything that Gizmo's. Sigh.

Sometimes, he really hated his father. It felt wrong as hell, but then again, his parents were both VERY, VERY strict Catholics, and there was no grey view from them inside any situation. Something was always white, or black, or either right, or wrong, nothing else, nothing in between. He still flinched in sheer awkwardness, when he remembered how his own mother had spoken to Gizmo the last time, they were there at the soup kitchen, just because of where he lived, and how he looked.

He smirked and snickered at the same time, as he wondered how his mom would react if she knew her darling boy KISSED that same exact boy that she was so disgusted by...that would be something for a reveal at one of her future Tupperware parties!

Running his fingers through his clean black hair, he laid back onto the bed...and within thought, his heart still pounding from the horrible dream he had, he reached upwards with his right hand and he gently touched his lips. That dream...Jesus, it felt like, so real. So incredibly real. Who would have thought that he would EVER fantasize over a boy who was homeless...but there you were.

From the first moment that Kieran had laid eyes on Gizmo, and vice versa, over at the small homeless village where the latter resided with the nuns that operated the place...from that very first moment, there was something between them. That feeling had come to full fruidity when the two of them had kissed, for real that time...inside the bathroom of said establishment a few days ago.

Kieran smiled absentmindedly, and reached down to fondle his still wet cock. He brought his hand back up and saw the dried cum stuck to his fingers...what if he imagined that it was Gizmo's...

The sun was steaming through his bedroom window on this glorious Friday morning, the day before the big match his school, Freedom High, had to play against their bitter rivals Edgemead Private. That was the one fucking match which they couldn't lose, the entire championship rested on that result...and as Kieran got his bearings one by one, he frowned, and finally realised that his groin was wet...incredibly wet, that was.

Oh Jesus...a fucking wet dream? Seriously?

What with all the sex that Kieran had gotten during his sixteen years of age, being who he was, the one and only Kieran Smith, captain of his school's star-studded soccer team, and the most popular kid in school, he had gotten his fair share of pussy over the years, but what NO one knew, and what NO one could ever find out, was that same seemingly perfect boy with the seemingly perfect life, was actually gay...and he was living inside a town as well as a society that would NEVER accept that.

He rolled his eyes as his alarm suddenly shrilled with the purpose of waking him up for school and killed the buzzer instantly. He couldn't wait until this afternoon, really, when he would be seeing Gizmo again. If you would have told a sixteen-year-old that he would get excited as fuck to be driven to the outskirts of town, to the small village to which so many people, his parents included, looked down upon as being scum or filth...but then again, he didn't know what he would get to meet such an awesome guy as Gizmo, did he?

His phone peeped and Kieran picked it up from his bedside table. Oh geez, it was a WhatsApp message from Lucy Rae, the girl he was supposed to be dating. He sighed out loud and opened it up.

"Can I just ask you to give me a little attention today because everyone is saying that I don't appreciate you enough and I've heard from so many people yesterday that girls are actually throwing themselves at you. You don't want me to tell everyone your big, bad secret, do ya?"

"FUCK!" Kieran hissed underneath his breath and toiled with the idea of throwing this phone with such a force that it would shatter into a million pieces somewhere, but as coach always told them before a big match...just breathe...breathe...and then breathe some more. It actually worked, he felt a little calmer after a while, and speedily jumped out of bed in order to get dressed. He could KILL himself for what had happened a few days before, when himself and Lucy Rae were getting hard and heavy on his bed when his parents were out.

The only problem with that was, the only thing that DIDN'T get hard and heavy on that afternoon, was his dick.

And being the bitch that she was, Lucy Rae held it over his head like a hard cock about to spurt all over your face. At first, he thought that with his stunning street cred at school, who the hell would believe her, that Kieran Smith of all people couldn't get it up...but now it was worrying him. There was always someone that could make a big deal if this, if it spreads around and he had worked too hard on his reputation at school to fuck everything up just because his cock let him down ONCE!

"Sure," was all he typed back before grabbing his backpack and heading out of his bedroom door.


"Get yourself something to eat, there are sandwiches in the kitchen, and then you get your backside into the car. I'm taking you to that community service village today."

Kieran froze.

His dad hadn't spoken to him much ever since that incident where he and his former BFF Andy had stolen his soccer team mate Dylan's car in order to get home, that night when Kieran was drunk. Both Andy and himself had gotten community service, but since his father had gotten a restraining order against Andy and with that, damaged their friendship beyond belief, so much so, that Andy refused to have anything to do with Kieran any more...

"Why you? Why can't Mom do it?" he asked tentatively.

Gordon Smith took off his reading glasses, and placed the Holy Bible he had been reading down onto the coffee table, before he sat back in his chair and gazed at his only son.

"Because I want to see where you are learning your lesson at. Where you are redeeming yourself. Your mother has been telling me awful things about the environment there and of course, it being a homeless shelter, it's wouldn't have been my first choice to send you there, but she did also say that it was being operated by nuns. And since they do the Lord's work with such noble manner, I would like to meet them and thank you for getting your head straight. Finish up that sandwich, so we can go."

Of fucking always, it wasn't about him. It was about how it LOOKED to other people. Why was he even surprised...?

After finishing his mediocre meal, he got everything ready for the next four hours that he had to work at the soup kitchen. He secretly popped into their pantry and gotten two packets of salt and vinegar crips as well as a 500ml bottle of Coke, for Gizmo, thinking that he might be hungry by the time they got there. Kieran honestly didn't know why he was doing all of this; he just knew that he WANTED to.

"Okay Dad, we can go..." Kieran called out to his father, but he was stopped in his tracks by the ringing of the doorbell.

"You expecting anyone?" Gordon demanded, to which Kieran quickly shook his head in denial.

His father opened the front door, and out of nowhere, there was Andy...oh geez...alongside his mother, Mrs Harding, or Sarah, as his parents knew of her. His father hated them...this was NOT good, not good at all, what was Andy thinking coming over here?

"Gordon...Kieran...long time no see," Mrs Harding started off, with a genuine friendly smile and manner, but she was soon interrupted.

"You and your homo son have exactly one minute to get off my damn property. How DARE you bring him here? How DARE he soil my home with his devil urges! Tell me, Sarah, what do we possibly still have to say to each other?"

Mrs Harding swallowed slowly over the wrath that Gordon was giving out and Andy looked like he was going to be pissing himself at any moment. Kieran tried his best to catch his former friend's eye and to signal at him to meet him at the back or something, so he doesn't have to hear all of this but the latter didn't even once so much as LOOK at him.

"Please, Gordon, we have been friends, you, me and Mary, for as long as these kids are alive! Why does it all have to change just because my son is a little different than his peers? Can't we please, please, sort this out like adults?" Mrs Harding spoke calmly and quietly, but it seemed to rile up Gordon Smith even more.

"A little different? Sarah, do you hear yourself? YOUR SON IS HOMOSEXUAL! He's not blind or deaf, or something that we could have still pitied him for! I refuse to have this...this satanic order in my house! And Kieran would stay away from that degenerate for as long as he lives under MY roof!"

Kieran felt as if his wind was being hit out of his stomach with his father's harsh words. He was gay himself...and if Andy wanted to be spiteful or even mean enough, he could have told Gordon that Kieran had allowed him to suck his dick a couple of times that they had been alone before...

...but Andy simply stood there, next to his mother, eyes to the floor, not moving an inch, even with hearing all of this. It warmed Kieran's heart that even what had happened to them, and what was taking place now, that Andy refused to throw him under the bus.

Mrs Harding took a deep breath, and looked Gordon directly in his eyes one more time.

"Gordon...I beg you. Me and Mary met the day were gave birth...we had been there for each other ever since, these boys have literally grown up together, my goodness, they even share the same birthday! Our families have always done things together! Why do you want to throw this all away? And it's going to be the boys who suffers, you remember that!"

Gordon took a few steps towards Mrs Harding, Andy's eyes wide as saucers by now...and he gently held her at her shoulders. Kieran walked closer, although he really didn't want to...but he had to see what was happening.

"Sarah...I'm only going to say this once, before I call the cops. I don't want you here. I don't want your son here. I don't want any god damn homosexual person in here, or near me, or my wife, or my son. Those kinds of people should burn in the fires of hell for eternity. SO, GET OFF MY PROPERTY!"

In saying all of that, Gordon, still with his hands on both of Sarah's shoulders, pushed her towards her car, and in doing so, Mrs Harding fell backwards and landed on the concrete driveway where her car was still standing, and parked.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Andy shouted and knelt down to where his mother was.

Kieran was watching everything in slow motion, he felt, unable to move, unable to speak...unable to process what he was just forced to even witness. He knew his dad was homophobic as hell, but he NEVER expected him to actually say all that he did. Or even injure Andy's mom just to prove a point. Mrs Harding hissed as she stood up with Andy's help as she tried to stand on her left foot but it was clear that her ankle had been sprained, or even broken. The pain inside her eyes, was way more emotional that physical.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you sick son of a bitch?" Andy bolted out of nowhere, in Gordon's direction.

He had his arm around his mother to help her keep upwards and standing, before his mom quickly signalled at him to stay quiet, before handing him the keys to their car. She then turned back towards Gordon, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, as if he really, honest to God thought that he had done nothing wrong whatsoever.

"You, and your wife, you are both cruel beyond imagining! It's Kieran I feel sorry for!" she shouted towards him before Andy was there once more to help his mother to their car.

"At least my son is not a flaming homo!" Gordon thundered back towards her, before signalling to Kieran to get into their own car, so that they could get to the soup kitchen.

Kieran looked down...he was trying very hard, so hard, after ALL of that... not to cry, because if his father would see that he was showing any kind of weakness...he'll get sussed out immediately and then his secret would be out. If only his father knew that he...his only son...was just as gay as Andy was. He felt such a COWARD for not saying anything! For not even trying in stopping his dad! For letting him get away with hurting Mrs Harding!

"If they try and sue me for this, you just say you don't know what they're talking about, okay? Got that?" Gordon ordered hastily as Kieran finally got into the car. THAT was what his dad was worried about? He didn't even ask how Mrs Harding was or if her ankle was, okay?

Gordon rolled his eyes as they pulled out from the drive way, at the look Kieran was giving him, very much the same way his son always does, and patted Kieran's knee reassuringly.

"She deserved it, my boy. People like them, and people who protect them, all deserve everything they're getting..." he rambled on as they were finally on their way.


"Oh, for God's sake, Kieran, grow up! You have to talk to me sometime, I'm still your father!"

They had finally arrived at the soup kitchen, where for the next four hours, Kieran was on shift to work and feed the homeless and to help with whatever duties there was to take care of, but in this entire fifteen-minute drive, he had not spoke one word to Gordon. Honestly, he didn't know what to say, or even how to say it.

Kieran was gay. He was GAY! And to hear all of his father's insane ramblings about how gay people should be shot and killed and rid of this earth...he just wasn't in a good place right now and certainly not in the mood to talk to him either. Understandable, but his father didn't know just how much those words actually affected him as he had no idea Kieran was gay. The latter rolled his eyes once more and pushed his hair back before it once more fell across his eyes.

"Dad, what if I was gay?"

Kieran regretted it the moment he had said the words. Immediately. The look on Gordon's faced spoke volumes. But he had to know...he just had to know.

Gordon's chest heaved for a moment but he stayed calm, or it looked like he was trying his best to.

"Not sure I understand you, my boy..." he said, a more than subtle meaning and warning behind those words.

Kieran blinked. He started this, and he guessed now he had to go through with it.

"What if I was gay, Dad? All that holier than thou shit you shouted and screamed this afternoon to Andy and Mrs Harding...what if I was gay? Would you disown me too? Throw me out of the house like you and Mom want her to do with Andy? Tell me, Dad, I wanna know!"

Kieran's chest bounced up and down with the sheer intensity that he had spoken with. His father's eyes were blood shot by now, but he still kept calm beyond belief and turned his gaze away from his son, his eyes wandering, pandering over the utter poverty and homelessness he was seeing before him. He tapped the steering wheel with his fingers before eventually saying...

"Well,'re my blood. My first born. My son. But if you are gay..."

"...Dad, I'm not..."

"...if you are gay, then you can bloody well go and ask those nuns inside there right now for a place to live, because you would no longer be any kin to me. You think about that."

Kieran's eyes hardened, and he swallowed slowly. He wasn't going to give his father any more satisfaction of looking weak before him. Not any more and definitely not here. With determined eyes he got out of the car and before closing he told Gordon that he'll WhatsApp him if it was time to come and fetch him after his shift was done.


Another disaster hit Kieran the moment he had entered the soup kitchen.

Gizmo wasn't there. The Mother Superior admitted that she had last seen him earlier that morning, and definitely not for a fair few hours.

This was just great...fucking worst start to a weekend, ever...Kieran muttered to himself as he prepared slice after slice, one cup of soup after the other, for the homeless folk who turned up for some warm food, for many of them the first edible commodity they would have eaten that entire day, Kieran was aware of that by now. Majority came back for seconds, and since it was Friday, there was more people there than usual, according to the Mother Superior, as well as Carla Jennings, the nineteen-year-old volunteer studying to be a social worker.

This, for Kieran, was the most depressing shift he had done since he started his hours there, simply because he had been so excited to see Gizmo after their kiss the previous time, that he was in such a foul mood, and he couldn't help it. Where was he? He honestly thought Gizmo would have been back by now, he knew exactly of Kieran's working hours!

Or perhaps, perhaps that kiss they shared had meant way more to Kieran than it did to Gizmo? He suddenly and horribly remembered Carla saying that Gizmo had a reputation for trying it on with all the homeless men in the area...he simply refused to believe that! But then again...Gizmo had been living on the streets for close to four years...and people do crazy shit to survive. His father's devastating words were still ringing in his ear, he didn't think that he would ever forget what was said to Mrs Harding that afternoon, or to him in the car when they had arrived.

He couldn't come out. He just couldn't. Just where would he go? His dad wasn't kidding, that he knew. He would literally throw him out of his house. Kieran shook his was better living a lie, than living on the streets. At least until he had a proper job. Before then...he didn't stand a chance.

Just about fifty minutes before his shift ended, Kieran heard the backdoor, which lead to the vegetable garden, open and his heart literally lurched when he saw Gizmo slipping inside, rubbing his stomach in the process.

The latter boy's eyes were scattered all over the place and it eventually landed on Kieran's. His eyes actually lit up in seeing him, and he immediately pulled a cocky, yet happy smile on his dial, clearly happy to see Kieran, as was Kieran himself, as a warm bunch of feelings he didn't even know the name of, seemingly spread through his chest area, his smile as wide as the Sahara Desert.

"Wanna go to my room? It's just at the back here," Gizmo whispered as he neared Kieran, the latter still busy washing the dishes, and he lingered his hand around the boy's midriff.

Kieran smiled and smirked, because there was nothing, he would literally wanna do more right then, but his heart and his dick sank as he realised that he still had a mountain of dishes left to do and the time was not at all on their side.

"Where were you? My dad is coming to fetch me soon, and I still have to do all of this..." he hissed back towards Gizmo, who's smile fell a little as he realised just how much Kieran still had to do.

"Yo, Carla! Wanna help us out with the dishes here?" Gizmo then proceeded to yell over to the older girl as she approached them with an iron board and some freshly washed clothes. Carla smiled slightly at Kieran, before looking at Gizmo like something the proverbial cat had dragged in before she shook her head.

"I have my own work to do, thank you. And for future reference, I'd appreciate it if you didn't speak to me. At all. No offence but you lot make me sick."

Gizmo turned around and faced her directly, her arms folded Infront of his chest, much like Gordon Smith's was earlier in the day.

"What's that supposed to mean, bitch?" he asked with venom in his eyes.

"Gizmo! Stop it!" Kieran hissed towards his new friend but Carla signalled at him to be quiet.

"No, let him speak. I might be a bitch according to you, but at least I don't sleep with every man I see, nor will I be going to straight to hell for being a vile, blasted faggot!"

That was it. Kieran had had enough.

He dropped everything that he was busy washing right into the warm soapy water, one of the plates hitting the sink below and splattering into a million pieces...but Kieran REALLY couldn't care less.

He walked right up to Carla, who took a few steps back at his sudden change of demeanour, clearly frightened. He was sick and tired of people's judgement and their fucking stuck up religious crap, he could SCREAM! He pointed his index finger at the older girl and blocked her from seeing Gizmo with his entire body.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Nah really? Who are you to fucking judge? Gizmo is a person, he's not a fucking faggot, get that into your bleached up head!"

The entire soup kitchen grinded to a halt, at hearing what Kieran had shouted to Carla. The latter girl stood silent in complete and utter shock, probably never in her life having been spoken to, or treated like this. The Mother Superior had a strict look on her face, and if that wasn't enough, she's gonna have to report all of this back to the court...oh Jesus, what has he done...

"Okay people, just a little argument...what are ya'll looking it? What a bunch of wankers...nothing to see here! Mother Super, I'm taking Kieran to my room to calm down. Come and call us when his dad's here, pretty please with sugar on it?"

Kieran felt his numb body being pushed backwards and finally towards the door of the back garden that Kieran had seen him come into the soup kitchen from so many times.

In reality, he had never been here, the garden was looking lovely, beautiful in fact, as the tiny crops of fresh veggies such as carrots, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, beetroot an several more were looking mighty fine and heartly in the late afternoon sun. Gizmo placed his arm around Kieran and gently guided him towards a small room at the back of the soup kitchen. There wasn't many furniture or things inside really, only a bed, an average sized wooden desk and a small TV, complete with some old-fashioned NES Games and machine, but everything was clean as a whistle and neat.

"What, are you just gonna stand there? Sit your ass down, Rich boy!" Gizmo said jokingly but his eyes were worried, as Kieran just plonked himself down onto Gizmo's bed, suddenly busy fiddling with his hands.

Gizmo poured Kieran a glass of water from the outside tap and handed it over to him.

"The cup is clean, don't worry..." he said before sitting back down next to Kieran on the bed.

Kieran swallowed the cold liquid down and took a deep breath, immediately calming down and feeling a bit better. Still, what he had shouted out there inside the kitchen...the Mother Superior would most probably end his shifts here immediately because of his behaviour and that meant he would never see Gizmo ever again...

A tear escaped his right eye and rolled down his cheek. He felt Gizmo's arm around him once more as the latter pulled him into his embrace. Kieran sniffed and tried not to cry in front of his new friend, but in the end, he was fighting a losing battle.

Tears were now streaming down his face, his body WREAKED with violent sobs. Gizmo held him close to his body, caressing his shoulders and his back, as best he could. At some point Kieran had his face literally buried inside the crook of Gizmo's neck, much like in the dream he had, and his entire body shuddered with pleasure as he felt Gizmo do the same, simply leaning into him, his face buried in Kieran's neck area, even though he felt as if his heart had just been ripped out.

"This, all of this, it can't be just because of Carla. She's a total bitch but not on this level. What the fuck happened? Tell me...' Gizmo whispered, which made Kieran sob even harder.

Eventually the latter had calmed down, and he regained the function of actually being able to speak. He wiped his eyes, and it didn't dawn on either of them that they were still holding each other's hands. In short, Kieran told Gizmo everything that had happened, even the bit where his father had pushed Mrs Harding physically, to injure her ankle. And then when Carla had a go at Gizmo, not knowing what she was saying, was fully directed at Kieran as well, everything just turned to shit.

"Your dad is really that bad, huh? And here I thought your mom was the villain here," Gizmo said softly, and as if on pure instinct, he squeezed Kieran's hand.

Kieran nodded and then looked over towards Gizmo. His eyes flickered downwards at them holding hands and then back up towards the most gorgeous, unbelievably sexy boy he had ever seen in his entire life.

God knows he saw sexy, ripped teenage boys naked on a daily basis in the locker room but NONE of them had ever affected him the way that Gizmo does. Gizmo must have felt it too, because he was visibly nervous, his Adam's apple was moving slowly up and down, his eyes had lost all on the previous cockiness and that moment there was no one else on these green god's earths other then the two of them.

As if they were magnets coming from the opposite directions, both boys slowly moved towards each other with an unstoppable, unseeable force. This time, it was Gizmo who reached out first and caressed Kieran's cheek, the latter sighing happily and leaning into his touch.

They came ever so closer, and closer and closer, until their foreheads were actually touching. They could feel the other's warm breath cascading onto their own faces. Both boys embraced slowly, carefully, as if they were scared of actually doing it, until they were both wrapped entirely in each other's arms.

"Make it go away...make it all go away..." Kieran whispered, hoarsely.

Kieran gasped loudly for breath as he felt Gizmo softly, barely touching him, kiss his forehead. He shivered complete with utter sexual delight as he felt Gizmo livingly cradle his face inside both of his hands, looking him in his eyes, before leaning down and gently, ever so softly, flicking his lips over his left eye lid, his touch as light as a feather, before moving over to the right eye and doing the same, and finally, the boy kissed his nose, his eyes...oh my God...he had such beautiful eyes and they were coming ever closer...

Kieran grabbed Gizmo's skinny torso and pulled it towards him before the two boys smashed lips like two hungry wild lions in such same desperate need of raw, red flesh.

Gizmo gently pushed Kieran backwards on the bed so that he was lying down and the former boy was towering over him. Kieran's eyes were now wide open, knowing what was about to happen. Firstly, Gizmo gave Kieran one of his award-winning sexy smiles, before he reached down and pulled at the t-shirt Kieran was wearing. The latter immediately understood what Gizmo meant, wanted...perhaps even needed, and he quickly and efficient got rid of said t-shirt to be fully care chested before Gizmo...who softly whistled as he finally saw Kieran fully shirtless before him.

He knew that from Kieran's build and his overall physicality, that he had to have a good body but this...Jesus...he leaned down and casually, as if in sheer wonder, allowed his hands to caress the rock-hard stomach muscles he felt underneath his curious touch. He felt Kieran sigh and stiffen up with all of this, and so Gizmo once more leaned over, cupped Kieran's face inside the palm of his hand, and leaned down to kiss him, which was met with the same enthusiasm from the latter boy.

"I won't hurt you. I promise..." Gizmo croaked out; his voice shot to fuck with all the emotions flooding through him.

"I know you won't, I trust you...Jesus, I can't stop thinking about you..." Kieran whispered back, pulling Gizmo in for another earth-shattering kiss, just like only two horny teenagers can produce between them and literally no one else.

Gizmo released the kiss and quickly manoeuvred his way down so that he was laying on his stomach, the small bed creaking and croaking, not use to carrying the weight of two sixteen-year-old boys. He then leaned down, winked at Kieran, smilingly as he did so, and before the latter boy completely knew what had hit him, Gizmo kissed his stomach.

Kieran sunk back into the mattress as far as he could, feeling the boy he was beginning to have very, very, strong feelings for, kissing and worshipping his rock-hard abs. Gizmo's lips were fucking everywhere, it was like a kid in a candy store, with as many delectable on offer that he didn't quite know where to start or to stop.

He made sure to taste and savour the skin, the flavour of Kieran, his strong masculinity shining out of him like a lighthouse out in thick fog. He held his head lovingly towards Kieran's groin and kept kissing, licking, tasting what he found there, the soft skin going downwards into his well-formed V-line, which by so doing, Kieran was now going ballistic above him.

Gizmo gently placed his fingers on the inside the of shorts that Kieran was wearing and before he went over to action, he looked up at him, asking with his eyes, if what he was doing was okay. Kieran responded by reaching down and caressing Gizmo's surprisingly clean blond hair, before Gizmo himself licked his already hungry lips and at once, that mischievous grin was back.

"Oh god...oh god...oh my god..." Kieran whispered softly to himself as he felt his shorts being dragged down as slowly as humanly possible, and finally, he was naked as the day he was born in front of Gizmo. He felt his steel hard six incher carefully being handled as he nearly came at once, which would have been embarrassing as fuck.

"You remember that time when we kissed before, in that bathroom, you said I was beautiful..." came the quiet voice from down below.

"Yeah...yeah..." was all that he could muster, as Gizmo's palm curled around his length and started to stroke it gently, almost as if he was curious, slowly up and down, allowing the shivering cockhead to make its appearance out of the thick foreskin that Kieran so loved.

Gizmo leaned upwards with his skinny frame and kissed Kieran one more time...

"Just wanna say if that if I'm beautiful, then you're a fucking work of art, Rich boy..."

"JESUS!" Kieran hissed and his fingers were balled into fists as he felt Gizmo FINALLY envelop his cockhead inside of that warm, wet, homeless mouth.

It was seriously like nothing he had ever felt! That dick of his had been in the mouths of so many girls, and even inside Andy's once or twice, but THIS was one a whole new kind of level! Gizmo traced the thick vein inside the hard organ with his slick tongue, making Kieran receive goosebumps on both his arms. His legs stiffened and his groin pushed itself, it seemed, further and further into Gizmo's warm lava-like caresses.

He nearly came when Gizmo licked and slurped across his exposed piss slit several times and knowing how much pre cum he usually produced, he could understand why the boy's cheeks were actually sucked in with the intensity of getting it all intro his needy, hungry gullet. Gizmo began to suck in all sorts of urgency, probably knowing that Kieran's father would be here any moment, and he wanted to get that pure and potent bro-juice before it was too late.

Up, down...up, down...Kieran still had his hand at the back of Gizmo's head, encouraging him without even realising it, his balls boiling by now in their hanging sack, and he knew, that he never wanted this to end. Ever. Even if it had to. Gizmo came up for some much-needed air, jacking the red, angry looking teenage cock with vision and gusto, licking his lips and smiling as if he had just won a million bucks.

"You're so fucking know that?" he shrieked, and dove back onto Kieran's stiff organ, this time concentrating on the head itself, instead of the entire shaft.

He used his right hand to stimulate the rest of the shaft in the classic jacking off mode, but he wanted Kieran's cum and he wanted it right now. He sucked so hard on the cock head that Kieran actually yelped with pleasure. Over and over, and over again until his Gizmo's lips were slick and flavoured in its totality with all of Kieran's teen boy juices.

"Gizmo...Jesus dude, I'm gonna blow..."

Music to Gizmo's ears!

He doubled his efforts, if that was at all possible, and even leaned don and mashed his face right into Kieran's balls. Sucking one ball ferociously into his gullet, giving them a quick but thorough work out, followed by the other, all in all to get that baby batter that he so much wanted. All this was way to hard for a mere sixteen-year-old to resist, there was just no way Kieran could have lasted all of this attention, his cock on fucking red alert with anger and need to blow.

A splurge of warm ball juice came FLOODING out of that teenage dick faster than you could say blowjob.

Poor Gizmo tried his level best to get everything that came out inside his mouth but it was impossible. There was cum, spills and spills of wetness and GLOBS of the stuff everywhere you looked, Gizmo's mouth was absolutely drenched with the power boy protein. He swallowed what he could, more than savouring the taste of the boy batter, and finally, he took a deep breath, and gulped up everything that had been splattered across Kieran's six pack. Kieran moaned as Gizmo once more sucked on his cockhead, it was way too sensitive to withstand at that point.

There were a few moments of complete and utter silence, before Gizmo cleared his throat, the last of Kieran's cum having been sent straight to his stomach before he lied next to his new found friend, and with his one hand outstretched and holding Kieran's face to his own, he softly leaned down, as the two boys kissed once more.

It started off as a powerful, boisterous kiss, in which Kieran and Gizmo tongue fucked each other until they felt too tired to carry on, and that left the boys with simple, gentle, playful kisses, on cheeks, on lips...and even on noses.

Kieran's phone beeped.

"Fuck, my dad!" he said urgently, grabbed said phone and read the message...sure enough, Gordon was waiting outside the soup kitchen and he explicitly told Kieran in the message NOT to let him wait.

"I gotta go, I'm so sorry about this," Kieran muttered, as he grabbed his clothes from the floor and hastily tried to put them on, as quick as possible. The shorts weren't a problem, but in his sheer hurry, the t-shirt didn't want to fit over his head, his arms getting totally lost and entangled inside the sleeves, and it took a snickering Gizmo help eventually help him. The two boys stared at each other as if they were the last two people on this earth.

"I...I don't wanna leave..." Kieran said, tearing up as he did.

"Yeah...well, what can you live in mansion on the other side of town probably and this...this is me," Gizmo said, waving his arms dramatically around the small space they were in.

Kieran suddenly blinked as he remembered something important and quickly grabbed Gizmo by his neck.

"Dude! Why didn't I think of this parents' anniversary is next week Saturday and they were planning to go away for the weekend, the last time heard. Do you...I mean, I'll be there alone and if you want, I can come and pick you up maybe..."

Gizmo's eyes blinked as he gently caressed Kieran's fingers with his own. His smile was back in full force, leaning in so that their noses playfully touched, before wickedly, yet softly biting Kieran's lower lip.

"ME? Little old me? Living it up for a weekend in a giant mansion with a hot ass guy?"

He smiled once more, Kieran's chest swelled with how gorgeous he really was... and placed another deep kiss onto Kieran's lips, the latter returning it emphatically.

"Try and keep me away!" Gizmo whispered, sealing the deal with another lip lock.



If by any chance, you liked what you just read and wanna read some more, to see how this all turns out, please feel free to email me xx

Next: Chapter 4

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