Rich Boy Poor Boy

By Ryan White

Published on Apr 23, 2022



THANK YOU for each and every one who sent me some feedback from the first chapter!! It was greatly appreciated!! I'll try and reply to all of you, I promise xx

Hope you enjoy, I certainly did in writing it.

If yall wanna email me about the story, of any of my other stories on Nifty, feel free xx

Peace and Love, Ryan


"Are you kidding me right now?"

Lucy Rae covered up her naked boobs in front of Kieran and stared in sheer disbelief at the sixteen-year old's more than limp cock, shiny as the morning dew by now, what with all the saliva and sucking she had done these past few minutes, only to have the teenage organ refuse to get any kind of hard. It hung limply beneath its owner's groin area in total and utter humiliation to the captain of the school's soccer team and to the sheer embarrassment of Kieran himself...because this was the first ever time that something like this has ever happened to him.

Normally, his six inch dick was up and flirting bullets by now...usually it was straight into Lucy Rae's cum hungry mouth, as he liked to call it when they were fucking in literally every sexual position that one could think of. However, after his non-existent friendship with Andy, as well as thinking about that motherfuckingly gorgeous boy back at the soup kitchen where he was forced to do his community service...yeah well, let's just say this afternoon something had refused to RISE to the occasion. At all.

"Lu, I really dunno what the fuck just happened..."

"You have another girl on standby? You're tired of me, so you can't get it up? Is that it?" Lucy Rae asked with ice cold daggers thrown to Kieran in her eyes as well as her voice.

Make no mistake here, she knew that he was one of the, if not most popular kid in school and he could literally pick and choose any girl, younger or older if he wanted to and they'll open their legs willingly...I mean, that was just the way things were at Freedom High, but if he really couldn't get it up, she might have some decent ammunition to make his life really, really hell.

Kieran sighed...She wouldn't believe him ever if he did tell her the truth. But usually, he could get hard in an instant by simply thinking of hot guys when they were fucking...he was literally at a total loss for words as to what happened...she must have sucked his cock for over twenty minutes but it just refused to do anything other than puffing up a wee little bit. He closed his eyes, tired as hell.

"Lu, I'm not saying anyone else. Okay? Maybe its something I ate..."

Lucy Rae rolled her eyes, jumped off the bed and angrily started to get dressed as a reply to THAT.


"You better not make me more pissed off that I am right now, dude...I swear, if I spread the news that the soccer captain can't get it up, then you're fucking finished!"

Kieran stood up and held his hands upwards in a show of waving the proverbial white flag. He knew Lucy Rae had a nasty streak in her, but usually he didn't give her a reason to be that way with him. He always thought, in his entitled rich ass little mind, that girls at school should be happy that he ever gave them so much as a glance...but now with this...his cock refusing to get hard...that could CRUSH his street cred at school good and proper.

"Come on, Lu...we always have a good time and you as hell know it's the first time this has happened. I remember you shouting my name over and over only last week, babe...come really wanna do this to me?"

Lucy Rae sniffed and put on her coat whilst she stared at the naked soccer stud in front of her.

Kieran's abs alone had been the sole cause for numerous girls...and guys to get wet as rain between their legs. He worked out so God damn hard, his six pack was glimmering with the sweat he had worked up during their failed session on the bed...his powerful teenage chest was ripped and heaving up and down, and don't even mention his looks!

God must have been present that day when Kieran Smith was born because the dude was so incredibly beautiful that it actually made her teeth hurt. Even some of the guys at school had to reluctantly admit that he was a looker.

And with ALL of that in mind, plus the fact that absolutely no one would believe her even if she did spread this story...

"Fine, call me later. After I borrowed my sister's vibrator..." she said smugly, getting one last remaining shot in to Kieran's confidence before swinging around as dramatically as she can and hitting the door close behind her.

Kieran sunk down into his bed and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair.

"Jesus Christ..." he whispered, taking his dick in his hand.

Thank God his parents weren't home because with the scene that Lucy Rae had made, they would have demanded to know what was wrong. His dad had already gotten a restriction order against his best pal Andy, simply because he was gay, and that completely fucked up their friendship...he wasn't sure if he could stomach losing more people who actually MEANT something to him.

In thought, Kieran started to jack his teenage six incher up and down without even realising it. His mind wandered over to the boy he had met at the soup kitchens a few days ago...Gizmo.

Ahh Gizmo...poor dude had been attacked by vicious thugs and all that day, and for what... all for a cup of soup and two slices of bread. Okay...the area where they lived was a world apart and removed from where Kieran was residing...never in his entire life had he known being poor, not having money, or a place to sleep, or not having any food for days, just relying on the good doings of others to survive.

His mom kept saying that THAT, was exactly why the judge had sentenced Kieran to do his community service make an example out of him.

Still tossing off his cock absentmindedly, Kieran closed his eyes and laid back onto his bed. Gizmo...he had another shift tomorrow afternoon after school down there and whereas he would have been miffed as hell as to wasting a perfectly good afternoon, he was kinda excited. He wondered if Gizmo had recovered from being attacked...he was looking quite worse for wear the last time he saw him.

The way he spoke, that confidant, cocky attitude to go with his beautiful blue sapphire eyes and great looks...his blond hair just starting to grow out from his previous buzz cut. Genuinely one of the sexiest boys he had ever seen in his entire life...and he was living on the streets!

Hardness. Under his fingers.


Kieran sat up and stared as if in sheer disbelief at his now, rock hard cock...fiery red and its head bulging with the blood streaming and PULSING through it. And all of this must have happened when he was just now thinking about Gizmo...

Kieran grasped his dick in his right hand and allowed the foreskin to slide off and over his raging dickhead. Over and over until his balls were aching with desire and down right lust. He laid back down... his dick as hard as it ever was...and all if could see inside his mind's eye was Gizmo.

The kid lived and breathed rawness and that turned Kieran on like it had never before. His fingers flew across his cock as his pre cum was seeping out of the piss slit like freshly squeezed orange juice. He moaned as all the classic feel-good emotional hormones ripped through his young body as he relived Gizmo talking to him, winking at him, the way he joked around with Kieran having a rich family, saying he didn't belong there, but his smile gave it away that he was only shooting the shit...his biceps fit, strong and healthy, the way a sixteen-year-old boys's should be...

"Gizmooooo" Kieran softly groaned as his balls contracted and pushed up his potent teenage boy lava and allowed it to spurt out of his dick with the force of a fucking tsunami.

The warm ball juice splattered all over his lower abdomen, whilst more and more streaks of sperm rushed their way out of his dick until it seemed like he had bathed inside an oracle of full cream milk. He looked down and his eyes widened, his chest still heaving from his massive orgasm. With shaking fingers, he drew a line in the rapidly cooling sperm on his washboard stomach and smiled, breathing a sigh of relief.

There was nothing wrong with his cock, clearly. It just didn't wanna perform when Lucy Rae handled it...and that was gonna become a problem. A fucking huge one.


"How many hours do you have left here?" Kieran's mom Mary asked whilst they were looking for a place to park the following afternoon, having just arrived at the soup kitchen.

Kieran just rolled his eyes as he always did when he didn't wanna answer a question...he had other things on his mind...his eyes flickering just about everywhere it could...looking...searching...

School was hell, Lucy Rae avoided him the entire day and he of course had to spin a story to his buddies and teammates about why his girlfriend was giving him, Kieran Smith, of all people attitude, when in their minds, she had to be on her knees thanking God that he was going out with her. He simply said they had a fight, which prompted several of the girls in school to actually throw themselves onto him, thinking he might be available.

He was quite sure that people would struggle to believe Lucy Rae if she decided to spread the word that he couldn't get it up during sex, his reputation stood out in front of him, he always made sure of that, but there was always that little chance that someone might...and get others to believe it as well.

Kieran rubbed his nose...Jesus Christ, it STANK around here, even worse than the last time he did his first bout of community service. If that wasn't enough, Andy had been ignoring him at school as well, despite several attempts from Kieran to actually make things right. Damn his dad for getting that restraining order, just because Andy was gay. Kieran rolled his eyes again, turning towards his mother. His father could pass for a trump ally.

"Uhm, I think it was ninety-six more hours...fucking shoot me," he said without thinking.

"Kieran, watch your mouth! Well, you decided to steal that Dylan boy's car and you have to live with the consequences, I'm afraid..."

"I didn't steal anything, Mom! I borrowed..."

"Doesn't matter. feel sorry for these people, don't get me wrong, but it is NOT a place where I want to be seen. So, just keep your head down and make sure after all of this that we don't need to be here ever again. Okay?"

Kieran rolled his eyes and after kissing his mother on her cheek, he carefully got out and surveyed the area. The almost made him double over in nausea, as he walked towards the soup kitchen that was situated in the middle of the small village. Some of the people he passed on the way waved at him, happy to see him, remembering him from the previous shift he had worked. Once he entered the kitchen, he saw the Mother Superior, the elder nun, as she was called and walked over to her.

"Afternoon, Mam. Anything I can help you with?"

The Mother Superior smiled and wiped her hands, pointing, signalling over to the bathroom area of the small kitchen.

"Well, wonder's never cease! Good to see you again, son. Well, I suppose you can start with mopping the floor and then try to unblock the toilet, if you would be so kind. There are always fewer people here on a Wednesday than usual, so we'll start with the dishing up of the food a little later than we did on Monday."

Kieran stiffened.

" the...doing the what now?"

Mother Superior's face hardened as she stared at Kieran as if seeing him for the first time.

"My dear boy, forgive me, but do you even know how to use a mop?"

Kieran blushed, but before he could answer, he saw movement coming in from the vegetable garden out back.

"Yo! Rich boy! You actually came back...didn't think you had it in ya!"'s Gizmo!

Kieran's heart fluttered. He was powerless to stop it. The boy was wearing a black t-shirt that seemed two sizes too small for him and many small holes that was simply scattered across the thin material, as well as some skinny jeans that he must have gotten anywhere apart from an actual clothing store.

Still...Kieran couldn't...COULD NOT take his eyes off of him. He was so was hard to describe...just how much of a looker he was...Kieran shook his head...GET A FUCKING GRIP!

Mother Superior patted a wet cloth in the latter's direction whilst taking hold of a dirty, wet, smelly mop as well as an empty bucket and placing it neatly in front of Kieran.

"Just pour in some water from the outside, and off you go. You only have an hour, until we serve the food. Chop-chop!"


"Fucking hell...this is so gross...urgh Jesus..." Kieran whispered underneath his breath as he poured more and more liquid in the toilet basin before giving up a few more pumps with the plunger, but whatever was causing the blockage, it just refused to give away.

Kieran wiped the sweat off his forehead before trying again, to no avail. It still didn't do the job when he flushed the fucking thing and by the looks of things, this was going to take him the whole bloody afternoon, because he just didn't have a clue what he was doing.

There were so many shits and stuffed up pieces of soiled toilet paper and all kinds of rubbish, even some used condoms, that had come out of the blocked toilet so far, that it had really been a superhuman effort from the sixteen-year-old not to actually add his vomit to everything floating around in there as well. Just as he plunged one more time, and he groaned with frustration, he felt an arm around his shoulders.

Jumping with fright, considering where he was, he got ready to hit who ever as attacking him with said plunger, but when he saw that it was Gizmo, he visibly relaxed and blushed even more than he did before with the Mother Superior.

"You really don't know what you're doing, do ya, Rich Boy?" Gizmo whispered with a huge ass smile on his dial, flickering his eyes over to where the nuns were busy preparing the soup as well as the several slices of bread for the hungry homeless folk.

Kieran wanted to lodge back a counter attack, as he always did at school when his pride was hurt, but he seemed lost for words. Gizmo hit the nail right on the head with this one.

"I should be able to fucking do this..." he whispered back before taking another look at the insides of the toilet.

"Bet ya'll have servants who do this kinda stuff for ya'll at home. Am I right, or am I right?"

"Piss off, okay? I'm trying my hardest here and you giving me attitude over being rich is not gogga help me do it faster. And why do you always call me Rich Boy? I'm not rich, my parents are rich," Kieran spat out and angrily so.

He really liked and perhaps, probably, maybe, even fancied Gizmo just a little but this Rich Boy crap was getting really old. He didn't need this. Not now, and definitely not here.

Gizmo pulled a face at Kieran's words before pulling his shoulders up in defiance.

"That's just something rich people say."

Before Kieran could fight back, Gizmo grabbed the plunger as well as the Jeyes Fluid that Kieran had been using and manoeuvred his way to the other side of the small toilet area. At that moment they were standing so close together, that their arms were touching...something that Kieran noticed almost immediately with his dick betraying him in the worst god damn moment.

"What the hell are you doing? I gotta finish this!" Kieran hissed at the blond boy who by then had a more than mischievous look in his sapphire blue eyes.

"Can you stand close by the door and close it a little? I don't want them to see me."

"For the hell for?" Kieran demanded, wo which Gizmo shot him an irritated look.

"Look here, Rich Boy, I'm hungry as well, not like you who probably had a T-bone steak for breakfast, so I need to eat, and we won't eat until you fucking fix this toilet, you heard the Mother Superior. So, either I fix this and you thank me, or I fuck YOU up for me not eating, what's your choice?"

Although he kinda got the feeling that Gizmo wouldn't actually, physically hurt him, the way he said those words made Kieran shudder...but there was also a part of him that was again, turned on by the fear, the unknown elements that came with this gorgeous teenage boy before him...and he could imagine himself all sorts of things right now with Gizmo on his knees before him...trying hard as a dick not to.

"Yeah...if you're offering...yeah, thanks. And I didn't eat fucking steak for breakfast, it was good old corn flakes," Kieran said dryly and turned away, after enduring another snickering laughter from the boy underneath him, to make sure the nuns on site didn't realise that it wasn't him doing the job.

Within a few minutes of silence between the two boys, Gizmo stood up, with a huge ass smile on his handsome face, and flushed the toilet. Kieran's mouth opened in complete and utter shock as it was working just fine then, one hundred percent...his eyes flickering from said toilet bowl to that of Gizmo was so beautiful...

" I...I dunno..."

Gizmo winked at Kieran and then...ever so slowly, reached out and carefully placed the palm of his hand on Kieran's flat, muscled stomach.

"Jesus..." Kieran whispered, more out of shock than anything else, before he could ever stop himself. Gizmo's smiled widened even more, as he closed his eyes and looked like he was savouring the crap out of this moment.

"Aren't you gonna stop me, Rich Boy?" came the whisper, so soft that Kieran could barely hear him.

Kieran felt the shivers go through his teenage body having his stomach near damn caressed by Gizmo so that he could only shake his head in utter denial. He flinched as the latter boy went even further, and lifted up the shirt he was wearing to feel his hand palm on skin-to-skin contact. Both boys were breathing heavy right now, with Gizmo caressing and worshiping his rock hard abs, and as Kieran looked downwards involuntarily, his heart pounded when he saw that Gizmo was just as hard as he was right then.

"You know what, Rich Boy...? You know what I think?" Gizmo whispered one more time, leaning forward and allowing the boys to share some much-needed oxygen, he was so damn close to Kieran's lips.

Kieran stood back a few centimetres, before his back touched the wall of the little bathroom. His eyes narrowed...Jesus...was Gizmo actually gonna kiss him?

The latter's nose touched his own and his eyes sparkled.

"I smell queer..." Gizmo said, smiling as he did, and withdrew his hand from the inside of Kieran's shirt, leaving the latter to breathe out in quick succession. Gizmo patted him on the shoulder and leaned in again...

" and you...we're not so different after all...ya know what I'm sayin?"


After everyone that came to the soup kitchen starving had been fed to their satisfaction, Kieran and another volunteer girl of about nineteen, named Carla, were busy washing the dishes and getting ready to leave for home, when they were surprised as a very worried looking and rushed off her feet, Mother Superior entered the kitchen in a wrap of total anxiety. Kieran nearly allowed a wet coffee cup slip out of his hands before she spoke.

"Has any of you seen that Gizmo boy?"

Carla shook her head, and Kieran told her that he had been here earlier but now, come to think of it, he hasn't seen him in quite a while. The elder nun sighed and wiped her brow with a white tissue.

"That rascal! He has been accused of stealing, again! Miss Laversham over at the jewellery store knows very well that he is in our care and every single time something goes missing over there, she's on her fancy cell phone to me and the police, accusing Gizmo of theft! Without a SHRED of proof! Getting quite sick of this, to be honest, and if one of you so much as SMELL him, you tell him to get his young backside to my office, pronto!"

Carla shook her head several times after the old lady had left room, whilst turning back to drying off the dishes that Kieran had already done.

"I told her several times to take that menace to a shelter, but she refuses to listen," she said, pulling a face that only resembled pure disgust.

"Why? Is that Gizmo dude that much to deal with?" Kieran asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. Carla nodded and her eyes hardened.

"Look, I can understand a boy being banished from his home at the age of twelve when his father doing out that he was...that he was...well, homosexual..." she uttered, the last word more of a whisper than anything else, almost as if she was afraid to say the word.

Kieran swallowed. Slowly. Very slowly. Geez, poor dude...

"Surely being gay in this day and age is not so bad?" he asked tentatively, getting a rude and disgusted look from Carla for his troubles.

"That...that stuff should not be allowed in this world not matter what ANYONE say. If Gizmo only had shown remorse, or that he was willing to change, but he's been having...lets call it relations, with so many of the homeless young men around here, we have heard all the stories. He's a twisted, satanic leach on society and you'll do well to stay away from him!"


"Yo, Rich Boy!"

Kieran saw his mother's expensive BMW arrive just on time, remembering the WhatsApp message she sent him literally five minutes before, to please not have her wait too long in case one of these homeless folk "got ideas" and attacked her or even tried to steal the car.


He saw Gizmo walking towards him with a packet of potato chips in his hand, stuffing his face all the way until he had reached him.

"You're still here. Missed me? You want some?" he asked, all in one nuance, holding the packet towards Kieran, who saw it was his favourite...Salt and Vinegar flavour.

"No thanks, really, but my mom is waiting just out there and I'm sure she'll..."

"Oh right, I get it. Sure, she probably has some fancy ass seafood or prime rib shit waiting for you at your mansion and you don't want me to give your ass food poisoning, something, right? Got it. Sorry I even asked..." Gizmo sneered sarcastically, and turned away from him.

That was it. Kieran couldn't take it anymore.

He had just about enough of this sexy little shit. He emphatically grabbed Gizmo, by his dirty, holes just about everywhere shirt, allowing the packet of crisps to fall out of his hands and onto the floor, but Kieran was so God damn angry that he didn't give a flying fuck.

He pushed him to the direction of the same small bathroom that Gizmo had helped him fix the toilet earlier. He pushed the skinny boy inside and slammed closed the door behind him, turning towards the latter with fire inside his eyes.

"This is cosy..."

"Shut up! SHUT UP! You keep going at me, you keep taunting me, calling me fucking Rich Boy and saying all this crap about me having money, and I'm telling you now, this stops HERE! Done, finito! I aint dealing with your crap any longer! So, while I'm here you stay out of my way! YOU GOT THAT?"

Kieran was so incredibly angry, and why, he didn't even know... the heat and the testosterone simply POURED from his core as he completely lost control. He couldn't cope with what was happening. He really liked Gizmo, the dude was handsome as fuck, but he was obviously one of those guys who were good looking and jerks, and they fucking KNEW it! His fists were bawled up, ready to strike if needed, his eyes were tearing up.

Gizmo just...stood there, almost pathetically, as if he was waiting for blow to the face, which never came... before he slowly took a step forward and looked Kieran straight in the eyes.

"Make me..." he hissed, licking his lips in the process.

Kieran didn't know what had possessed him. This kid was smelly, he was dirty, he was literally the complete and total opposite of EVERYTHING Kieran himself was...but at that moment...he had lost the entirety of control he had.

Slowly, he reached up with his right hand, and softly touched Gizmo's face. He could hear the boy sigh slightly, as if to say...go on, it's okay...he then, slowly, as if seeing himself do this inside a very, vivid dream, he took hold of the kid's neck...and before he knew what was happening...the last thing he remembered was seeing those god damn blue eyes...

"You're so beautiful..."

...and Kieran kissed Gizmo.

The first boy he ever kissed.

Both boys groaned inwardly as their lips touched, for Kieran, a lifelong dream come true...he never ever thought, it was possible that it would FINALLY be happening.

His heart thumped faster than that of a hamster, his pulse quickened, and his blood CASCADED through his body...his upper lip held Gizmo's bottom lip in its grasp before it was released. He looked at Gizmo...his eyes were closed and he seemed a lot more vulnerable that what his usual demeanour gave away. He wasn't cocky or joking or just being a goof now...

Gizmo, from nowhere, all too suddenly, placed both arms around Kieran's neck and pulled him closer...their noses touched and both boys were breathing faster and was Gizmo who initiated another deep kiss, this time deeper and more intense, much more intense than the first. The two boys held onto each other for real fucking life, and without even realising it, pushing, and near grinding their rock-hard teenage boners against each other as they tongue fucked each other...all inside their little world where there resided no one else but them.

"Dude...Jesus..." Kieran croaked when he felt Gizmo reaching down and roughly caressing his boner, but it all turned to shit when...


Gizmo, almost pleadingly, his blue eyes now full of emotion and lust, hugged Kieran to him, and the latter's first instinct was to hug him back. Together the two sixteen-year-olds stood inside that small itty-bitty room, until Kieran made the first move and broke the contact.

Suddenly there was nothing but silence, as neither knew what to say, to be honest. Kieran sighed, straightened out his clothes and reached for the bathroom door.

"Rich Boy..." came the soft whisper.

Kieran stopped, but didn't turn around.

"Yeah?" he whispered back.

Another few seconds of silence.

"You'll come back...won't you?"

A tear dripped down Kieran's cheek. He sniffed and cleared his throat.

"Course I will," he managed to squeeze out before he left the bathroom.


"What kept you so long? You expect me to stand in the middle of...THIS PLACE for more than a few minutes?" Mary shrieked as Kieran finally made his appearance. He blushed as he saw that Carla as well as the Mother Superior was looking straight at them, and had most probably heard everything that his mother had just said.

"I told you I was on my way, for Heaven's sake, Kieran, lets get you home and into the shower, what did they do to you, my god!" she rambled on further and further to the point where Kieran couldn't look the two ladies in the eye anymore. He'd rather die of embarrassment!

"MOM! Stop this!" he hissed before turning her around and nearly pushing her outside and way from where they were. Just as they were about to leave through the exit door, they ran into Gizmo...

Kieran froze and frowned at the same did he get outside...wait a minute, of course...the window...Gizmo must have climbed through the window in order to avoid suspicion of them both inside there...damn...that's the second time today that beautiful guy has saved his ass...

"Evening, Mam," Gizmo said half-heartedly, once more, his eyes flickered towards Kieran's.

Mary looked Gizmo up and down as something that the cat had dragged in to eat, before holding her handbag close to her chest.

"You...whoever you are, you don't get to talk to me. Out of our way..." she said softly, and walked straight past him as if he wasn't even there.

Kieran blinked, his eyes full of unexpected tears at the sheer rudeness and coldness of his own mother, and he faced Gizmo, mouthing "sorry" to him, to which the latter nodded and stood aside.

As Kieran got into the car, and they drive off home, he turned around one more time...he just...he felt like he had to see Gizmo one last time.

Sure enough, the boy was standing in front of the entrance of the soup kitchen...his t-shirt way too small and full of holes, his feet bare and dirty...

Why his chest was starting to ache, Kieran didn't know. Why he was having trouble to swallow, he didn't know. Why he was sadder with leaving Gizmo behind, than the pain of losing Andy's friendship...he didn't know.

"You keep away from people like that, my boy. You do your job and you get out of there. Don't mix with the likes of that!" came his mother's hard words.

Kieran leaned his head against the window of the BMW and closed his eyes. He relived that kiss...his first ever kiss with a boy.

He'll be damned if it was his last!



If you're still enjoying the story and wanna read some more, please feel free to send me an email xx its always much appreciated!!

Next: Chapter 3

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