
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 20, 2009


RICARDO by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on on June 2, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Randhir


"RICARDO" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Marco uses only the wooden matches to light his cigarettes. Unlike other people, to ignite the match, he doesn't brush it from left to right nor does he strike it towards him, but he takes the box with his left hand holding it diagonally at forty-five degrees to the right and downwards, he then strikes the head of the match on the brown strip of the box, moving his hand from up to down.

When I asked him the reason for this unusual way to light a match, he explained to me that doing so, if a part of the burning match head would break off, it wouldn't fall on him or on others, but onto the ground.

When the match is lit, he waits for all the sulphur to ignite, keeping the match in front of him perfectly horizontal and only when the flame begins to consume the wood part does he raise the flame lightly upwards, moves it near the cigarette tip, inhales staring at the little flame while he moves the match and waiting for the flame on it to burn almost to his finger tips. He then blows on it a puff of smoke and puts the match end in the ashtray.

Laura instead uses a gold lighter, thin and long just the size of a cigarette. She lights the small flame with a light and measured stroke of her thumb on the small wheel, juts out a little her face to bring the cigarette tip in the flame, voluptuously inhales, then leaves the gas button, closes the thin and shining lighter and with a light, elegant, nice and almost discrete movement, slips it in her handbag.

If somebody offers her fire, she answers with a low and warm "thank you" and looks in his eyes, with a look that seems to hide a very light smile, you can't say if ironic or pleased, almost like that of the Mona Lisa. She then exhales the smoke with light tongue pushes so that from her lips rounded in an "O" come out a set of small, white smoke rings.

Marco inhales the smoke, not Laura - she just keeps it in the mouth, in fact the smoke coming out of Laura's lips is always perfectly pure white. Marco puffs it out both from his lips and nose at once and his smoke has a blond, amber colour.

Marco and Laura have some things in common but there are several differences.

Marco is slender, he has loose, soft, and elastic movements that make you think of a tennis player or of an athlete.

Laura is sinuous, quite feline, but more like a panther than a cat, she has flowing but controlled movements that make you think of a dancer.

Marco is an elegant, reserved, shy and gentle boy, and has deep thoughts.

Laura is sexy, extroverted without being pushy, brilliant, cunning, carefree and agreeably superficial.

Marco usually wears casual, sport clothes with hints of classic light colours, always not showy and perfectly matched, with a real good taste.

Laura always wears designer clothes, be it jeans or elegant dresses, always lightly shapely without being provocative, matched at times in an audacious and always original way, not really showy but such as to attract your glance.

I first met Laura - Aldo the professor introduced us. They were talking together in a coffee shop, standing near the counter, when I too entered. Laura asked him to introduce us. Laura then excused herself, said goodbye and went away. Then Aldo explained me she was the twin sister of a boy with whom he had had a short relationship a little more than one year before. I asked him if Laura knew about that. He giggled, somewhat embarrassed, but answered yes. The twins had absolutely no secrets with each other.

I didn't think about her at all, until I met her again in a disco. She was there with two or three boys hanging around her. As we saw each other we at once recognized each other and she came near me. She asked if she could be arm in arm with me to pretend I was her man, to get rid of those boys. I smiled and said yes. I asked why she was not interested in these boys, especially the one who seemed me really handsome.

She answered she preferred older men, not boys, "You would be perfect." she said.

I laughed and told her she would be safe with me, I would not molest her, as I am gay. Then she said me, with a glance just lightly cunning, that I could possibly be interesting for her brother, as he too preferred men of my age. I asked her if he was at that disco.

"No," she said, "he never comes out with me."

"Does he fear your competition?" I asked her, amused.

Laura answered with a silvery laughter, "It could be." she said.

After a while I saw Ricardo entering the disco so, excusing myself, I left her. I had just become aquainted with that splendid Brazilian boy and was already mad for him, even though I knew he did spend his nights at Aldo's place.

I met Marco about two months later. Aldo asked me if he could come to see me with one of his friends who had heard of me and desired to meet me. I said they would be welcome. They came some thirty minutes later and I received them in my kitchen, as Aldo was used to do. His friend was Marco. He told me he heard about me both from his sister and from Aldo, and he desired to finally meet me.

We chatted and I found Marco really agreeable, much more than his sister and not only because he was a boy and handsome. His conversation was agreeable, fascinating. I could understand that Aldo was attracted to him, and I asked myself why they split even though they were still friends. I saw them well together. The way Aldo was looking at Marco made me understand he was still attracted to the boy.

Then, at a certain point, Aldo said to Marco, "Well, then, you promised me you would tell him, that's why I brought you here."

I looked at them curious, without understanding - what could he desire to tell me?

Marco seemed hesitant, slightly embarrassed, then, looking straight in my eyes, he said, "Well, you see, Laura and I aren't really twinsÉ Laura and I areÉ Laura is me - I like to cross dress, at times."

I think that my amazed, unbelieving expression had to be a real show, because Marco felt he had to repeat the fact.

"WellÉ" I said. Then asked him, possibly silly, "But youÉ do you feel a woman?"

"No." he said.

He was a man, perfectly male, he was a gay man and happy with it. He just liked at times to interpret Laura's part, it amused him. It was just like a game, to him.

"A gameÉ" I commented, "And yet you are perfect, as Laura. A fascinating girl, and if it's me, a gay, to say soÉ I would never have suspectedÉ"

"In fact," he said, "nobody suspects it. None of the straight men I succeed to bring into my bed, at least until we are on the bed since at some point I have to undress."

"And what do they do when they discover they are in bed with a boy?" I asked, curious.

"The most of them at that point are so aroused and have no objection to go on. I would rather say that the thought of a transgression excites them. The thought to take another man, to top himÉ because when I'm Laura I'm only a bottom. Some leave, upset. But not so many. Some try it just once, like it, but then avoid me or anyway, when he meets me as Laura, greets me but doesn't try any moreÉ Others instead ask me we can meet again. The fact they see me dressed as a woman and that in bed I let them play the male role, in spite that my body is fully male, makes them feel safe, they don't consider themselves gay. They would never go to bed with a man, but with a transvestite they think it's different. They are funny, the straight men. I like the way they take me. I like the thought I quite often am their first man. But as Marco I like both being a top and a bottom, and I go in bed exclusively with gay men. It's convenient for me this game, as I can have both the gay and the straight men." he concluded with a smile.

I asked him how all this began, how did he get that idea. He told meÉ

He was fifteen years old. He loved the theatre and was a member of the theatre company "The Tumbler". They were preparing a new play and he, as he was used to do, learned by heart all the script, not only his parts but also all the parts of the other actors. He didn't have any difficulty in learning by heart an entire script. He always had a remarkable memory and he liked to know the entire play well.

It was the story of the secret passion between Tommaso, a young outskirts hooligan coming from the South, and Laura, a girl from Milan, the daughter of a judge. It was something halfway between West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet. Marco had to play a secondary part; he would be one of the boys of Tommaso's gang.

At the general rehearsing, the evening before the debut, the mother of the girl that had to play the part of Laura called telling that her daughter was in bed with a fierce fever and could not perform that evening nor the day after at the premiere. Everybody was agitated, desperate - especially the director - as to cancel at the last minute the show, for a company at its first steps, would have been a real disaster.

Somebody pointed out that Marco knew all the parts by heart, and that he was young, ephebic enough, and had enough gentle features to be able to pass, with a good make up, for a girl and play Laura's part. Marco at first hedged a bit, ashamed. But then, under the pressure from everybody, and when they promised him that nobody would ever know it was he who played Laura's part, he surrendered.

The make up artist did a careful job and, both at the general rehearsing and at the premiere, and then also until the real Laura was healed, Marco was a perfect Laura.

But already at the general rehearsing, when Danilo, the boy who played Tommaso's part, had to embrace a dying Laura and to hiss her swearing her eternal love, something happened. Danilo kissed Marco for real, an intimate, deep kiss, hugging him tightly. Marco became arousedÉ and soon after he felt pushing against him, clear and strong, Danilo's hard-on. After the general rehearsing nothing happened, both of them behaved as if nothing happened.

The accident happened again exactly the same during the premiere. After the show they all cleaned their make-up and went to a pub, all together to celebrate the success they got - thunderous applauses, reporter's flashes, and interviews. When they left the pub, Danilo offered Marco a lift home. But when he started his car, he didn't drive towards Marco's house, but to the countryside, and Marco at once understood the reason why. Danilo parked in the dark. He stretched out a hand. Marco let him do, let him touch him, let Danilo kiss him again, let him undress himÉ and at last let also Danilo take him there on the car seats.

And the youth, while taking him, was repeating, "Oh, Laura, Laura, you're mine!"

To Marco that was a first, until then he just touched mutually with two schoolmates, they masturbated each other, but nothing more. He enjoyed terribly feeling the impassioned virility of Danilo dance inside him.

Even when the girl playing Laura's part was back, Danilo after each show, drove him with his car out of the city, took him with passion and delight, then saw him home. Each time they stopped to talk as they left the town, and restarted only when they were in town again; they talked of this and that, but never about what they were going to do, or had just done.

But the plays were over and Marco thought that also the story with Danilo was over. An afternoon, just after lunch, the telephone rang and Marco went to answer. It was Danilo. They recognised each other immediately. Marco felt happy to hear him. When Danilo asked him if Laura was at home, he understood. Their parents were at home, but they would go out in a short time to go to work. He answered that Laura was not home, but would be back around four in the afternoon. Danilo called again at four p.m. and told him he would pass by and fetch him. He took him to his home, asked him to wear woman's clothes and this time, instead of taking him immediately, he caressed and kissed him for a long time - he really made love to him, and Marco liked that even more than the other times, even though Danilo kept calling him Laura while he was taking him.

They went on to meet for about one year. Now, when he was dressing like a girl at Danilo's, he also started to use make up, wore a wig that his friend bought for him, and before making love, they just sat together on the sofa to chat, to flirt, to touch each other as any couple would. To Marco it was a fascinating game, also because he knew it would culminate in a long session of agreeable and impassioned sex on the bed of the young man.

Once Danilo convinced him to go out together, Marco dressed as Laura and arm in arm, like two fiancŽes - they went out. Nobody suspected that Laura was in reality a boy.

Danilo introduced him to his friends, saying, "She is Laura, my girlfriend."

Marco thought it was amusing and exciting. They also went to dance together and many men, young and old, were doing the sweet eyes to Laura making her understand they desired her. A young man insistently asked him if he was free that night, Marco felt incredibly attracted to himÉ When he told Danilo this, his friend told him he could go, as he had found, that evening, a real girlÉ

When he was alone with that young man, in his bachelor's flat, the self-assured Laura directed the games. She got the young man aroused, undressing him, teasing him, sucking, kissing, until he wanted get to the pointÉ and discovered that Laura was a boy. At first he seemed nonplussed, but then, with an excited voice, said that he didn't give a shit, at that point he just needed a good fuck, and with a bawdy look took him, raised his legs and impaled him without the lesser hesitation, with gusto. Marco was happy, he felt almost like having passed a test. He could have any man, he told himself.

He met a girl who lived as a prostitute, and who helped, counselled him. She pushed him to become a streetwalker, but he didn't feel like. No, Laura would never sell herself, he decided. She was a free girl, not a prostitute. Anyway Marco could leave at her place the woman's clothes that Danilo had given him, as well as the wig, the make up case and go to change there his clothes.

One evening he was going to see her, and while he was waiting for the tramway, a car stopped in front of him and a man offered him a ride. It was the first time somebody approached Marco and not Laura. That man should evidently be a gay. He was quite a handsome man. Thus Marco accepted.

The man took him to his place, on his bed, and they had sex, and the man didn't pretend to be with a woman, he really wanted him as a male, and this pleased Marco very much. The man started giving him head then asked Marco to fuck him, and Marco enjoyed this very much. The man asked him if they could meet again. Marco was tempted to accept, but he was not really sure, he hesitated, so that man, misunderstanding his hesitation, slipped in his pocket a hundred thousand note and asked again to meet him.

Marco was about to refuse the money, but then thought that with it he could buy more clothes, cosmetics, perfumes for Laura, so he accepted. He met more gay men, some paid to have him, but he was always very selective in the choice of his partners - he had above all to like them. Laura instead never accepted money from her men, only gifts, like the gold lighter.

When he was eighteen, Marco left his home and found a mini-flat for himself. So Laura, that he had cared for in all those years, was now perfect and could live in the sun light.

His transformation was something incredible - as Laura he wants to conquer, as Marco he prefers to be conquered. As Laura he is only a bottom, even though in an aggressive way, and he leads the game. As Marco he is versatile, indifferently top or bottom, but leaves to the other to lead the game.

I became friends with Marco and we meet quite often, but some times I also go around with Laura, who is an agreeable company. Even though I like Marco better. Like Aldo, who split with Marco because he didn't like Laura.

I had just a couple of sexual encounters with Marco, very pleasurable. But I like him better as a friend. He too says he likes me better as just a friend.

Ricardo and Marco, even though they are not really friends, fit together quite well. But Ricardo doesn't like Laura.

"A man has to be a man," he told me once, "I don't like transvestites and transgendered people, especially transgender."

"But Marco is a cross dressing boy and yet you talk willingly with him." I objected.

"NoÉ Marco is Marco, an agreeable boy. It's Laura that I can't stand. Because she pretends to be a woman. Luckily, Marco has been able not to mix up with Laura; therefore I like him. If he likes so much impersonating Laura, this doesn't give me any problem - Marco feels to be a male, he doesn't reject his own sexual nature. Also the queens after all reject their sex and they become caricatures of women."

"Therefore you can't stand the Camilla." I asked him.

"Not very much. He too is just a caricature.

"And yet you are always kind, when we meet the Camilla."

"Of course. Why shouldn't I be, even if I don't like him."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 5

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