Rian and Slick Di_k

By Timothy J Dumas

Published on Oct 20, 2007


This is a story involving teenage gay males and may include sexually explicit content, adult language, and/or violence. If this kind of material is offensive to you, you are under the age of 18, or is illegal in the area where you live, do not read any further.

Please feel free to send me comments and story ideas... garyblowsgoats69@wowway.com

Rian and Slick Di_k

Chapter 4

I put my arms around Chase neck and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and stood up with his cock still planted up my ass. He spun around and knelt down and set my back on the bench. He grabbed my legs and spread them wide above his head as he began thrusting his cock in and out of me.

I laid there on the bench and enjoyed the feeling of his huge cock rubbing across my prostrate with every stroke. He leaned forward and our lips meet, our tongues collided in a dance of passion. He continued his assault of my now well loosened up hole for several more minutes before he decided to change positions.

He pulled his throbbing cock out of my ass and laid down on his back on the shower floor. He motioned for me to get on top of him, I got up off the bench and stood straddling him again. I lowered myself onto my knees, knelt forward and kissed him again. He reached behind me grabbed his cock and pushed it into me again, I lowered completely down onto it. It felt like his cock was bigger in this position. I didn't complain, I just started thrusting my hips up and down on that thick cock of his.

The water from the shower was spraying both of us as we continued to have sex on the shower floor. He reached up towards the knobs to adjust the temp, but he couldn't reach it. I reached over and made the shower hotter. The room started to steam up, not sure if it was from the hot water or from out passionate sex.

I continued to ride him for several more minutes before changing positions. I stood up and walked to the wall. I leaned forward and put by back against the wall, keeping my ass up in the air. He stood up and moved behind me, I looked up between my legs and watch as his cock slid into my ass again. We both let out a moan. I kept watching his cock pounding my ass while wiping the water out of my face.

His pace quickened and I could feel him rubbing my prostrate with every stroke. I could feel my own climax growing inside of me and I knew it wouldn't be long before I would be shooting my cum all down my chest and face. Chase was thrusting his cock in and out of six or seven times a minute and I knew he was getting really close to shooting his spunk. He took a few more thrusts, then pulled out of me and quickly jerked the condom off of him. He grabbed his cock and started jerking himself quickly. He showed his cock under my balls and began shooting his cum all over my chest and face. He shot stream after stream of his thick cum all over me before it slowed then stopped.

I was covered in his cum and was just about ready to stand back up but he stopped me. Chase knelt down behind my and began rimming my ass with his tongue while he jerked me off with his hands. He thrusts his tongue in and out of my ass and swirled around the hole while he quickened the pace on my cock. I was moaning and groaning with passion as he worked my hole over for several minutes before I shot my own load of cum all over my chest and face. I finished shooting my load, and Chase removed his tongue from my ass. I stood up, covered with our cum, turned and faced Chase still on his knees. He started licking his cum and mine off of my stomach, chest and face as he slowly stood up. Once he was on his feet our mouths meet again and I could taste the salty sweet flavors of our love on his lips and in his mouth. He pulled me under the shower head as we continued to kiss.

We let the warmth of the shower to soak our bodies before we broke our kiss. I reached for the scrubby and the shower gel applied a large amount of it to the scrubby. I pushed Chase towards the back wall of the shower and started to apply the soaped up scrubby to his chest. Chase stood there staring into my eyes as I soaped up his chest, along his arms and down to his stomach. I knelt down and started scrubbing his now limp cock and balls, making sure that all evidence of our sex play was cleaned off of him. I scrubbed down his legs and his feet before making him turn around to clean the other side of him.

I worked my way up the back of his legs, over his ass paying close attention to his hole before standing up and continuing up his back and across his shoulders. He turned around and grabbed the scrubby from my hand and began soaping me up. He cleaned my front side in the same manner that I had done to his. I turned around to let him start my back side, but instead of applying the scrubby he applied his tongue to my ass hole again and began rimming me again. I leaned forward and let him enjoy my ass for another few minutes before he started soaping up the back of my legs. He reached my ass and started soaping it up with the scrubby in one hand, and using one of his long fingers stuck it up my ass and twisted it around for a few minutes to make sure that the inside was as clean as the outside.

He removed his finger from my ass when I started moaning from the pleasure. He continued scrubbing up my back and across my chest. I turned around and our lips met again as we started to kiss and stepped under the spray of the shower to wash all the soap off. We broke the kiss and stood there in each others arms for several minutes, looking into each others eyes. We kept adjusting the water temperature as needed. We moved over to the bench and sat down on it as we held each other in our arms. After about 15 or 20 minutes the water started to turn cold and we decided to finally get out of the shower.

We shut off the water, pulled back the curtain, I reached out and grabbed a towel and handed it to him. He took the towel and started to dry me off with it, I stood there and let him dry me thoroughly before I reached for a towel to dry him off with. After we were both dry, we stepped out of the shower, dropped the towels on the floor and headed back to the bedroom.

I walked over to the nightstand and reached for the remote control for the television, Chase pulled back the covers on the bed and got in. I turned on the television the joined Chase in bed. I looked over to the clock and noticed that it was a little past two in the morning, we had been playing for over three hours, three hours that was well worth it. I turned onto one of the movie channels and snuggled up next to Chase. Within minutes I put my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Within minutes we were both sound asleep.

Saturday 10:30am.

I rolled over, opened my eyes, and realized that Chase wasn't in the bed with me. I sat up and looked around, then the smell of eggs cooking filled my nostrils. I threw back the covers and got out of bed. I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen and there was Chase, dressed in only an apron, with his ass hanging out the back.

"Morning sexy," he said as he looked up and down my body. "Looks like Little Rian is ready for another round," he said as he pointed the spatula towards my erect cock.

"I don't know how it is even hard after last night. You were awesome." I said as I reached down with my left hand and shook my cock. Chase smiled and went back to cooking.

"Take a seat, breakfast will be ready in a minute." He said as he started putting plates down on the table. Homemade biscuits and gravy, pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. "Everything a growing boy needs for busy day." he said as he took off the apron and sat across from me at the table.

"Wow, this looks great, and it way more than I normally eat in the morning. How long have you been up in order to cook all of the food?" I asked as I helped myself to the biscuits and gravy, and some eggs.

"Well, when you are used to working on a farm, you are used to getting up at the crack of dawn, so I figured that I would make us breakfast." He said with a big smile on his face. "I got up early, got dressed, went to the store, came back, got undressed again, and started cooking for you. That is the least I could do after you helped me on my workout last night at the gym, then helping me even more with the workout back here." he said as he laughed. I just grinned and continued eating.

We kept eating until the plates were empty, we sat back in the chairs and relaxed while we let the food settle in our stomachs. We chatted for about 2 hours before we decided to clean up breakfast and jump into another shower. I let Chase shower first, before I jumped into. After about 15 minutes Chased called for me to join him in the shower, I entered the bathroom, and pulled the curtain back. Chase was sitting on the bench, his head leaned back, and his eyes closed. I entered the shower and pulled the curtain back. I started soaping myself up, Chase opened his eyes and sat there watching me as I soaped myself off and rinsed off. After I was all clean I just stood there in the shower spray enjoying the warm water. I looked over at Chase and he had a huge smile on his face. I asked him why he had the smile on his face.

"Because I have found someone that I can relate to and that is just as sexy as I am." He said as he stood up and joined me in under the spray. He put his arms around me and we just stood there in an each others arms for a few minutes before getting out of the shower.

We dried off, then went back to the bedroom, Chase grabbed his close and started getting dressed.

"I don't want to leave, but I have to get ready and go to work soon. I hope we can hang out together again soon. This time it will be at my place." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"I would like that." I said as he finished putting on his shirt and pants. He stood up, walked over to me, gave me a kiss, and headed for the front door. I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around him and followed him to the door. We reached the door, he turned around and hugged me, before he opened the door and headed out.

I watched him go down the stairs, out onto the sidewalk, towards his truck, jump in, and take off down the street with a honk of the horn. I closed the door, and stood there with a big smile on my face for a few seconds before heading back to the bedroom to get dressed. While I was getting dressed, my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it. "Hello."

"Hey Sexy."

"Hey Chase. How did you get my number?"

"I called my phone from yours when you were still sleeping this morning. I figured you wouldn't mind after the awesome sex we had last night. "

"I don't mind at all, just as long as I can have that cock again."

"Not a problem, you can have it whenever you want it. All you have to do is call." he said as he laughed.

"I will definitely give you a call, real soon" I said.

"Excellent. Well, I am going to let you go, I still have to go to my apartment and get my clothes for work and be there by 3. So I will chat with you later, and next time we meet, you get to fuck my ass anyway you want to." he said as he hung up the phone. I stood there with a big smile on my face, and the thought of getting to fuck his ass made my cock hard again. I hung up my phone and tossed it onto the bed and began getting dressed. I had to run a few errands, and stop by work to check the schedule for the upcoming week.

I walked into the front door and was almost run over by Rachel who threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug.

"So, what did you do last night? Or should I ask whom?" she said in her usual tone of voice like she was working for some newspaper.

"Good afternoon to you to." I said in a sarcastic tone of voice. "His name happens to be Chase and he is from Dallas, Texas. Where they grow everything big." I said as I pushed her off of me and headed to the back room.

I entered the back room and went over to the time clock to check out the schedule. Two open shifts and three close shifts, which was my normal schedule. I wrote it down so as not to miss a day, then I noticed an envelope on the board with my name on it. I removed it from the board and opened it up.


I would like to talk to you about what you saw the other day upstairs. I would like to have you teach me a couple of things. Give me a call, and let's see if we can't get something hooked up. 437 - 865- 6856


I put the note back in the envelope, and put it into my back pocket. I went back out onto the sales floor and searched out Michelle to see how everything was going. "Hey Michelle."

"What the hell are you doing here on your day off?"

"I just came in to check out the schedule and to be harassed by the welcoming committee." I said with a laugh. Michelle laughed also because she knew whom I was talking about.

"It is just your typical Saturday around here, all the usual high school kids coming in and putting things back everywhere they feel like it. I am just glad that it isn't a new release day."

"That is a good thing. But I don't think we will have too much of a problem this week. There isn't really anything all that good in the new releases."

"Oh, you mean that we will get a break, that is always welcomed."

"Yes it is. Well I am going to get out of here and go back home and relax for a the rest of the night. I had an awesome night last night."

"Oh, You will have to tell me all about it next time we work together. And make sure not to leave out any of the juicy details." She said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I can do that. I will chat with you later." I said as I turned and headed for the door. I reached the check outs where I grabbed the latest copy of Spin magazine. Rachel rang me up for it, I took my change and left the store. I began walking the few blocks back to my apartment while thinking what Todd wanted me to teach him. I figured that it wouldn't hurt giving him a call to find out. I removed the envelope from my pocket and dialed his number, it rang a few times before being answered.

"Hello." Todd said.

"Todd, it's Rian. I got your note, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, hearing your voice I am starting to get hard." he said.

"Oh really, well, you might just have to do something about that." I said in a seductive way.

"Well, I wrote you that note so that we could hang out and talk about be coming out of the closet and all. And hopefully you can teach me a couple of things about the whole gay scene and all."

"I could probably do that."

"Cool, could I come over to your place tonight?"

"Tonight? Wow, you really want to come out of the closet don't you? Well, I guess tonight would be okay, I don't have anything much planned."

"Great, I will see you at your place around 7 then. I will bring the movies, if you make the popcorn." he said.

"Okay, I can do that. Just remember to come on over in comfortable clothes, you don't have to get all dressed up for me." I said as I hung up the phone, and continued towards my apartment.

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