Rian and Slick Di_k

By Timothy J Dumas

Published on Oct 5, 2007


This is a story involving teenage gay males and may include sexually explicit content, adult language, and/or violence. If this kind of material is offensive to you, you are under the age of 18, or is illegal in the area where you live, do not read any further.

Please feel free to send me comments and story ideas... garyblowsgoats69@wowway.com

Rian and the Slick Di_k

** Chapter 2 **

The closing shift came into work around 1pm, Michelle, James, Todd and Christine. Christine took over for Rachel on register, so that Rachel could take her lunch. Todd went upstairs and began sorting out the delivery that I received earlier in the day. Michelle went to work going through the sales floor, putting back all of the merchandise that was out of place. James helped me change out the window display and put up the new releases that we received in the previous delivery.

Me and James worked on the window for about two hours before I decided that I had better go and check on Todd since no one had seen him since he came in. I went into the backroom and crept up the stairs, I wanted to scare Todd and make him jump. We had this little game between us, he would sneak up behind me and make me jump, then it was my turn to get him back.

I crept up the stairs and peered around the corner. There was Todd, pants around his ankles, leaning against the wall, eyes closed, jerking off with his left hand. He was rolling around the condom I used earlier in his right hand. I stood there in silence, watching him for a several minutes.

Todd was 19 years old, a recent graduate of the local high school, about 5'6" tall, blonde hair, blue eyes that were always hidden behind his glasses. Todd was a wrestler in high school so to say that he was toned would be an understatement, he was chiseled. His legs weren't too big but you could see his muscles when he walked, his arms were muscular, but not bulging. His chest was hard as a rock, and his abs looked like a washboard that you could beat clothes on all day long and they would still be that way. His cock looked to be about seven inches long, and pretty damn thick. I had to get a closer look at it, I crept closer to him.

His left hand would take a couple of fast short strokes, then take a few long strokes, then turn his hand palm down and repeat the same stroke pattern before turning his hand palm up and repeating. He kept rolling the used condom around in his right hand and I could only imagine what he was fantasizing about. He was starting to moan softly, he was obviously enjoying himself, I was enjoying myself also as I began to rub my cock through my clothes, the sight of Todd jerking off holding my used condom was getting me pretty hard again.

I crept up to him and was standing about 5 feet away from him when he opened his eyes. He froze right in mid stroke, he was caught. He didn't say anything, and neither did I. My eyes kept going from his eyes down to his cock, his eyes were doing the same thing. I reached down and undid my pants, Todd resumed jerking off. His eyes were glued to my bulge as he watched my hands work me up to full hardness again. I dropped my pants and let them fall to the floor. Todd was stroking quicker than he was when I first spotted him. He was starting to pant, and I knew that I was helping him get off even without touching him.

I slowly dropped my boxers and released my cock, it sprung up and was pointing directly up at Todd`s face. Todd gasped at the sight of it, then looked at the condom in his hand. I started jerking my cock off while watching him do the same thing. We jerked together for about five minutes when he started to stiffen up. Todd groaned and a couple of strokes later shot his wad all over the floor between us. He shot a big thick load, about 12 spurts of cum came from his cock head. He finished shooting and dropped to his knees, panting heavily. He looked up at me, a few minutes later I pulled up my boxers and pants, he was still kneeling there on the floor.

"So did you find anything new today that you liked?" I asked him with a big smile on my face.

"I, I , I" stuttered Todd. "I'm sorry, but I had to do that." he said as he held up the used condom. I smiled.

"Don't be sorry. You have a nice dick there. And you don't have to be ashamed of jerking off, everyone does it.. Just be glad that I came up here instead of Michelle or you probably would have been fired." I said. Todd began to get up and put his now limp cock back into his pants.

"I am glad about that," he said as he finished stuffing his cock into his pants. He stuffed my used condom into one of the pockets of his jeans, while looking at me and smiling. I smiled back at him with a confident look on my face.

"Rian," he said and paused. "How does someone know if they are gay or not?" he asked. I stood there and looked at him for a few seconds before starting to speak.

"That is a question that you alone must figure out the answer to. But if you need help figuring it out, just ask me. I'm gay, and everyone knows it."

"I am attracted to other guys. I don't want to date girls. I fantasize about having sex with guys." He said. "So I think that would qualify me as being gay."

"Have you been on dates with girls before?" I asked.

"Yeah a couple of times."

"Did you feel anything for them?" I inquired moving to lean against the wall next to him.

"No. I didn't feel anything for them when I was with them." He said and hung his head.

"Don't be ashamed. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Not everyone in this world is straight. Besides, you are the one that has to make that choice." I said and I moved next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks," he said. "When I was wrestling in high school, I would wear 2 jock straps to keep from getting a hard-on while wrestling. I loved rolling around on the mats with the other guys. Some of us used to have weekly jerk off sessions after practice. I would always be there and would get off just seeing the other guys dicks."

"Well, it sounds to me that you have already made up your mind." I said. He nodded his head. "I think it is awesome that you are gay, if you ever need to talk you can always talk to me."

"Thanks. I do have one question."

"Ask away." I said.

"What is sex like? I am still a virgin, I haven't done anything besides jerking off." he said as his face turned several shades of red.

"Just like the song says. Sex is natural, sex is fun, sex is best when it is one on one." I said as i giggled, Todd laughed also. "Sex is something that you will have to experience, just go slow. Don't jump into anything that you don't want to do. Let it happen when you want it to." I said and I lowered my hand and patted him on the butt. He turned to me and smiled. Todd then stepped to the sorting table.

"Want to give me a hand taking some of these down stairs?"

"Sure, I can do that. Load me up." I stuck my arms out and he piled about 100 new discs onto them. He then picked up a stack for himself and we headed downstairs. We walked out onto the sales floor and piled the discs onto a cart. Rachel was standing up at the registers and gave up a dirty look, I smiled at her while Todd stuck his tongue out at her. We both laughed, as she shook her head. Todd pushed the cart to the alternative section on the far side of the store, and started putting the discs in the racks at their appropriate places.

I looked at my watch, 3:30pm, thirty minutes left for this shift. I couldn't wait to get out of the store, today was a workout day at the gym. I usually work out about 3 times a week to keep myself in shape, weights, sauna and shower. Sometimes I would swim laps in the pool. I worked on a few small projects to kill off the remaining 30 minutes of my shift.

At 4:00pm, I grabbed my backpack and skateboard from underneath the time clock, waved to the rest of the employees on the headed out the front door. I dropped the skateboard onto the sidewalk, flung the backpack over my shoulder, and push off down the sidewalk. The gym was on the other side of campus near my apartment. It took me a little bit longer to get home than it did to get to work with all the traffic. I arrived at my apartment about 40 minutes later. I picked up the skateboard, walked up the steps, and opened the door. Once inside I propped the skateboard up against the wall next to the front door. Grabbed the mail that was on the door mat which was put through the mail slot in the door and headed for the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen and went straight for the answering machine like I always do when I get home, but there were no messages. I dropped my backpack on the kitchen table, walked over to the freezer, grabbed a couple of water bottles out of it and set them on the counter.

I headed for the bedroom and grabbed my gym bag that was on the floor in front of the dresser. I opened it up and put the towel that I had used this morning into it. I picked up the bag, headed back to the kitchen to grab the water bottles and put them in the bag as well. I was ready to go to the gym and pump some iron. I went out the front door and headed down the sidewalk, I always walked to the gym since it was only three block over. I arrive at the gym at about 5:20 pm, went inside and up to the counter to check in.

"Hey Rian." said Damian, the attendant.

"Damian, How's it hanging?" I said to him as I finished signing in.

"Not too bad today. It is kinda quiet in here for a Thursday afternoon. I think there are only about six or seven members here. About 3 or 4 guys and a couple of women. You shouldn't have to wait long to get a machine today." he said.

"That's always a plus around here. Are you gonna join me today for my workout?" I asked.

"Not today man, I am on desk duty tonight. Have a good workout." he said.

"Okay, maybe next time?" I said as I entered into the locker room. Damian is about 6'4" tall, and extremely muscled. He looks like he spends all of his time under a weight bar someplace. I have seen him working out at the gym before, he packs the weight onto the bars, he probably does double the weight that I do.

I went inside the locker room and headed for a locker on the back line, these were the ones that were right outside of the showers so that I wouldn't have to worry about trying to keep my towel dry while I was taking a shower later. Also so that I could see if there was anyone in them and watch them as they showered. I put my gym bag down on the bench in the center of the aisle and opened a locker. As luck would have it, someone left their diet pop can and three wrappers from their nutrition bars in the bottom. I closed that locker and opened the next one over. This one was empty, so I decided to claim it for myself. I opened my gym back and put my water bottles on the bench. I hung my towel up on the hook mounted to the inside of the locker door. I took my gym shoes out of the bag and dropped them on the floor. I took off my shirt and wife beater and hung them inside the locker. I reached inside my gym bag, took out my muscle shirt, my jock strap, and basketball style shorts and placed them on the bench. I kicked off my sneakers and put them in the bottom of the locker. I undid my pants, let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them then hung them on another hook inside the locker.

I heard one of the showers in the shower room turn on. I casually turned around to see who it was and more importantly what they looked like. To my disappointment it was one of the older guys of the gym, everyone called him Gramps. He was in his mid to late 60s, but had the body of a 30 year old. Since he wasn't my type I turned around and went back to getting dressed. I grabbed the waistband of my boxers and pushing then to the floor, I stepped out of them, bent over, picked them up and tossed them into the locker.

I reached down to grab my jockstrap when I heard a locker open down the row from me. I glanced up to see if I knew who it was, I did recognize him but wasn't sure of his name. He was about 6' tall, with big broad shoulders. He must have been from the south because he was wearing a pair of cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. He had on a pair of jeans and a pocket t-shirt. He took his hat off and exposed his short brown hair. I was just standing there looking at him with my jock in hand and my cock dangling between my legs. He took off his shirt and threw it into his locker. I took a quick look at his chest and abs, I started getting hard. He was in pretty good shape, not as well defined as I was, but still in good shape.

"Howdy." he said with a slight southern accent as he turned and faced me.

"How's it hanging?" I said to him as I bent over and finished putting my jock on quickly in order to hide my rapidly hardening cock.

"From the looks of it, pretty damn good." he said as he undid his belt, and started to unbutton his button-fly jeans. He sat down on the bench and started taking off his boots, throwing them into his locker. I still wasn't sure what to say from his previous comment which had startled me a little.

"I'm Chase, a new freshmen here from Dallas, Texas." He said.

"I'm Rian." I said to him as I adjusted my hardening cock inside my jock. I am not sure if I was teasing him with it or just trying to keep from getting completely hard right there in front of him. "So do you work out on a regular basis?" I asked him

"I try to get to the gym once or twice a week. Hopefully I will be able to get in here more now that I am up here at school and not back down on the farm." he said as he stood up and started taking his pants off, he was wearing a blue colored jock strap. I grabbed my basketball style shorts from the bench and started putting them on, so that he wouldn't see my now hard cock.

"So you are from a farm, what kind of farm?" I asked trying to get a little more information about him.

"My family has a cattle farm, about 150 head." he said as he turned towards me and I could see a huge bulge in the from of his jock. Not only was he very good looking, a southern boy, but he looked to be well hung also.

"Dairy or beef cattle?" I asked him as he stood there in just his jock.

"Dairy cattle." He said as he hooked his fingers inside his jock and dropped it to the floor. I was correct, he was hung. He looked to be about 6 inches soft with big balls that hung down to about half of the length of his limp dick. I also noticed that he had a pride flag tattooed right above his pubic hair line. He was gay, and a cowboy. Two of my fantasies were standing about 10 feet from me. I must have been staring at his cock because he grabbed it in his right hand and shook it at me. "So, how do you think I am hanging?" he said.

"You are hanging really well. Nice tattoo." I said as I adjusted my now hardening cock inside my shorts and jock. He gave me a shy smile then turned around and grabbed a pair of shorts out of his gym back and bent down to put them of. He had a nice ass to go along with that big cock of his. I grabbed my shirt and water bottles off the bench, threw my bag inside my locker and slammed it. I headed out of the locker room as quickly as I could so that I could get started on my work out before I got too excited. "See ya out there." I said to him as I passed him on the way to the weight room.

Once inside the weight room I found a weight bench in the back corner, threw my water bottles on the floor beneath it, and started putting 80 pounds of weight onto the bar. I didn't want to get my muscles too big but I did want to keep them nicely toned and defined. I finished setting up the bar and then laid down on my back on the bench. I positioned my hands on the bar and lifted it up off the resting pegs. I lowered the bar to my chest, then pushed it back up, then lowered it again. I did this twenty times, then placed it back on the pegs. I sat up on the bench and glanced around, I didn't see Chase in this part of the gym. I wondered if he was still in the locker room, I felt bad about rushing out of there but I didn't want to lead him on either. Well not this soon after meeting him.

I laid back down on the bench and grabbed the bar again and began my next set. I had just completed the fifth one when Chase stepped up to the bench and was standing right above me. He put his hands out to spot the bar for me. I did a few more reps when I noticed that he wasn't wearing anything under his shorts and I could see his cock all the way up his loose fitting short. I closed my eyes and continued to do my reps. Before I knew it I had completed the set again. I put the bar back on the pegs and sat up.

"I had wondered where you had run off to." Chase said. "I was going to ask you if I could work out with you tonight."

"I usually work out alone. But you could work out with me if you wanted to." I said then realized what I had just said. That would mean that I would have to stare up the leg of his shorts the whole time we worked out. Not that I minded, but I was more concerned about him seeing my growing hard-on bulge on the front of my shorts.

"Okay cool.. You could give me some pointers on the sets and stuff." he said. "I used to have an old weight bench at the farm and would just do a few presses with some weight on them about three times a week. I wasn't really into starting out light or anything, but just more going for whatever feels good."

"Oh okay, well then. Do you want to be ripped like Damian is at the front desk or more toned like me?" I asked him wiping my forehead with my shirt that I still hadn't put on yet.

"Well, I think I would like to be nice and toned just like you. I think I would look good like that. I don't like it when guys look like they have been lifting up cars for a living." he said.

"Okay, well then. Why don't you give this weight a try. I will spot you." I said as I moved to the head of the bench. He took his place on the bench, and gripped the bar. He lowered the bar and began doing his reps. I watched him to see if he was doing it correctly or not. He was keeping the bar level and he was making sure to stop at the same bottom point every time. He was doing it just like he was supposed to. "Good, you're doing fine."

"It isn't hard to get it up." he said as he sat up on the bench after finishing the set. I just stood there silently wondering if he was talking about the bar or his dick.

"It is pretty easy to. It does get harder." I said as he turned to me with a shy grin on his face. He just stared at me for a second then laid back down on the bench and picked up the bar and continued. He finished that set then we switched places and it was my turn again. I laid on the bench and began my set, I closed my eyes again so that I wouldn't be distracted by his huge cock. I finished my set, and just laid there on the bench for a few second, when I opened my eyes and looked up at Chase's face I noticed that he was staring at my bulge. I sat up quickly to interrupt his view. He snapped back to reality, I turned and looked at him and his face was starting to turn red. It is hard to believe that with the size cock that this kid has that he is shy, I guessed that he just isn't all that experienced. He didn't say anything, just smiled. I smiled back and laid back down on the bench to finish my last set.

I kept my eyes open this time to see if I could catch him staring at my bulge again, this time he didn't. We were looking each other in the eyes. I finished the set and got up from the bench. Chase took his position on the bench and started his set. As he was there on the bench I took a quick look around the gym. I looked straight ahead of me and noticed that I could see straight up the leg of Chase's shorts in the mirror across the aisle from where we were. I kept looking at his face then back to the mirror. It was almost like he was publicly showing me his cock to see if I was interested. He finished his set and rested for a minute still lying on the bench.

"So what do we do next?" he asked since he didn't exactly know my routine. I looked around to see what machines were open, and spotted a leg press machine on the other end of the room not being used.

"We are going to do leg presses." I said then looked back at his face. He had a big smile on his face.

"Those shouldn't be too bad to do if you can keep it up." He said as he grabbed the bar and counted out his last set. When he finished the set he sat up, wiped his face off with his shirt and got up from the bench. I grabbed my water bottles and headed to the leg press machine.

"How much weight do you normally do?" he asked as he grabbed a 50 pound plate off the rack behind the machine.

"I usually start at 120 and work my way up from there." I said as I grabbed another 50 pound plate and put it on one side of the machine. Chase did the same to the other side. After adding a couple more plates the machine was set up and ready for use. I figured that I would go first and got on the machine with my back on the bench and pressed my feet up against the weight platform. After checking to make sure that my feet were properly in position I pushed the platform up, released the safety latch on the platform. I slowly lowered the platform towards me, then with my feet and legs I pushed the platform back up, then let it back down again. I did 20 reps for this set, then pushed the platform back up and latched the safety on it. I climbed off the machine and motioned for Chase to take over.

He climbed onto the machine and positioned his feet and started to do his reps. My eyes were focused on his feet and the platform for the first half of his reps, then my eyes wandered down to his crotch, he was hanging completely out of his shorts. His big cock was there for everyone to see. I glanced around and didn't see anyone in immediate range that could see it from where they were so I didn't worry too much about it. I waited for Chase to finish his set. He climbed off the machine and stood there looking at me.

"Well, how did I do?" he asked.

"Your form was great," I said, "but, you should really wear something under your shorts if you are going to be working out." He realized what I had just said and turned several shades of red again.

"Oh, well, I didn't bring anything to wear under them today, so I guess you will just have to help me make sure it is covered up then." He said with a smile on his face. I nodded and climbed on the machine for my next set. When my set was finished I climbed off and grabbed my shirt. He just looked at me for a second, then climbed onto the machine and positioned his feet. Before he could start I put my shirt over his crotch so that he wouldn't be giving the entire gym another free show.

Chase finished his set and thanked me for the shirt idea while climbing off the machine. We each had one more set to go so we knocked them out with out any trouble.

"What's next?" He asked.

"Time to do some squats." We headed over to the squat machine and put the same 140 pounds on it. I went first for a set of 20. Then chase followed. Together we did three sets on the machine. We finished the workout by doing leg curls, arm curls, and a couple of more exercises. We finished the workout at about 8:45 pm and headed into the locker room.

Chase stripped off his shorts, shoes, and socks threw them on the bench by his locker, grabbed his shower stuff from his gym bag and walked into the shower. I took my time getting ready for the shower because I knew that I would get hard watching him soap himself up. I opened the locker, took my shirt off and put it in my bag, took my shoes off and left them on the bench. I took my shorts and threw them into my gym bag. I could hear the shower running and Chase singing to himself some country song. They say everyone sounds better in the shower, but he shouldn't give up his day job. I waited for a few more minutes hoping that he would get done so that I could go on in there and not risk getting hard in front of him.

"Hey Rian. Are you gonna shower or what?" He called from under the showerhead. I paused for a moment and had a quick idea. I took off my jock and left it on the floor. Grabbed my towel, put it around me and walked past the shower room. I was going to hang out in the steam room for a while before showering.

"Actually I am gonna sit in the steam room for a while first.." I said as I was passing the shower room. I looked in and saw that Chase was fully hard, his cock must have been about 10 inches long. He didn't see me looking at him because he had his thinking head under the shower again, washing his face. I hurried past and got into the steam room, thankful that I had the towel around me because I was getting hard, quickly. I got inside the steam room and went to the far side of it and sat down on the bench in the corner. The temperature was perfect, I took the ladle and poured some water on the rocks to give the room a little more steam. I laid the towel across my lap, closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall. I tried to get the site of Chase's long cock out of my head but it wouldn't go away, and neither would my now fully hard cock. Thank god for towels.

A few minutes later the door to the steam room opened. I opened my eyes and standing there was Chase. His towel was flung over his shoulder and his cock was hanging limp. He came inside the steam room and sat on the bench across from me. I grabbed the ladle again and added more water. I was trying to get the steam so thick in there that he wouldn't be able to see me. He sat there in silence just enjoying the heat and the steam. I closed my eyes and put my head back. It was quiet in there and I just relaxed for a while. I think I might have drifted off to sleep for a few minutes and was awoken by the sound of the door opening again to the steam room as Damian stepped in.

"Hey Rian, It's 10:00pm and we are closing. I am gonna jet.. The doors are locked, you can get out but you can't get back in. You two are the only ones left. So take your time and enjoy the steam. I will see you guys later."

"Okay Damian, we will be leaving in a few." I said as he went back out the door and shut it. I looked over at Chase and could see that his towel was nicely tented in front of him. I stood up and let the towel fall to the floor to kinda tease him a little bit. He stood up also, his towel dropped and his hard cock stood straight out at me. The sight of his hard cock started to get mine hard again and within seconds we were both standing there will raging hard-ons.

"So now what do you want to do?" I asked Chase, looking directly into his eyes. His face was red, but I am not sure if it was from the steam or him just being shy again.

"I don't know. What would you like to do?" he said. My mind instantly raced through over 100 sexual positions that I would like to do with him.

"I am gonna go take another shower." he said as he turned and walked out of the steam room. I grabbed my towel and his and followed after him. A shower did sound good, and since we were the only ones still left at the gym, we could do whatever we wanted. Either alone or to each other. Chase stepped into the shower room and turned on one of the heads in the center of the room. He stood there and let the water flow over his chest, stomach, and cock. The water made his cock dance in it. I stepped in and stood next to him. He grabbed me and pulled me under the shower head and held me in his arms. Our cock were grinding together as we were staring into each others eyes.

"I have a better idea. Why don't we get out of here and go back to my place?" I said to him in a soft seductive tone of voice. He reached up and turned off the shower head. We exited out of the shower room and went to our lockers. We toweled off quickly, I put on my pants and wife beater, then threw the rest of my things into my gym bag. Chase put on his gym clothes then stuffed the rest of the stuff into his gym bag. We walked out the locker room door, through the main doors and made sure that they locked behind us. I turned towards my apartment when Chase stopped me.

"I have my truck in the parking lot, throw your ass in it. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out which one it is." He said with a smile on his face. It was pretty dark out and there was only one truck in the lot so it was easy to figure out. We hopped into his truck and in a matter of minutes we were at my apartment. We parked the truck and went up to the door, I opened it and we went inside. As soon as the door was shut Chase kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt. I could tell by the bulge in his shorts that he was ready to go.

End of Chapter 2

Next: Chapter 3

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