Rian and Slick Di_k

By Timothy J Dumas

Published on Sep 29, 2007


This is a story involving gay males and may include sexually explicit content and adult language. If this kind of material is offensive to you, you are under the age of 18, or is illegal in the area where you live, do not read any further.

Please feel free to send me comments and story ideas... garyblowsgoats69@wowway.com

Rian and Slick Di_k

Chapter 1

Friday, 7:18 a.m.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I reached my left arm out from under the covers of my warm waterbed and fumbled around the night stand for the snooze button on my alarm clock.

Whack. Silence. I had found it on the first try.

Lately I have become what you would call a night owl. Going out with one person or another, to this club and that one. Getting home around three or four in the morning and having to get up around seven for work.

But before I get too far ahead of myself, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rian, I am 24 years old. I am 5'11" tall with green eyes, and sandy blonde hair. I am slightly defined with an awesome six pack of abs. My dick is nine inches long by five and a half inches around, and it is currently standing up. I hate having morning wood, I don't get up early enough to take care of it before going to work, which is probably why I am horny all day long.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Whack.

I threw back the covers and let the cold air hit me before getting out of bed. I put both feet on floor, stand up, stretch, and yawn.. I look down at my body and my raging hard-on and thought to myself that it should be tired after all the sex it had the night before.

I grabbed the towel off the back of the door and headed for the bathroom for the daily morning ritual. Shit, shower, shave, brush, and spike.

My room has all the standard pieces of furniture in it. The bed is placed on the longest wall with the night stand to the right of it. The dresser is located in the closet on the left side of the bed, out of the way. The entertainment center, along with my tv, vcr, dvd player and stereo are on the wall opposite the bed. Next to the bed on the left side I have one of those mint candy butlers things that you see when you are leaving the movie theaters. I "borrowed" mine from the local theater where I used to work. Only mine doesn't exactly have mints in it, mine has condoms and small packets of lube in it. There might be a mint condom or two in it, I am not sure, but it does make for a great conversation piece.

I returned to the bedroom and opened the closet. I grabbed a pair of red silk boxers out of my under ware drawer, then grabbed a pair of white ankle socks, and a skin tight orange wife beater. I put them on then went back to the closet to pick out the rest of my wardrobe and decided on a black silk button front shirt with red and orange flames on it. I grabbed a pair of black cords off the top of the dresser, and jumped into them.

I went over to the night stand and grabbed my wallet, cell phone, money, watch, work keys, and name badge off the top. I reached into the butler bowl, grabbed out two condoms and put them in my back pocket. You just have to be ready for anything these days, and I always am.

I sat on the bed and put on my black sneakers, and checked the time, 7:35am. I was running behind. I sat there for another second and thought to myself that maybe I shouldn't have hit the snooze bar twice.

I put the sweatshirt on while heading for the kitchen to grab some strawberry frosted Pop Tarts from the cupboard. I stopped in the front hallway to grab my backpack and green skateboard before heading out the front door.

I opened the front door, stepped out onto the sidewalk, dropped the skateboard, wheel side down of course. I grabbed my iPod out of one of the side pockets of my backpack, then flung it over my shoulder. I stepped onto the skateboard with one foot and pushed off with the other. I skated down the sideway as I put the ear buds into my ears and turned it on.

I had about a 20 minute ride across campus to the record store that I co-managed, Slick Disk. Or as the broken neon side on the building reads, Slick Di k.

When I arrived at the Di_k, my friend, co-worker and resident carpet muncher, Rachel was already there. As she started opening her mouth I shoved the rest of my uneaten Pop Tart into it. That shut her up long enough for me to get the door opened and the alarm turned off. She followed me inside and locked the door behind her. We headed to the back of the store to the employee break room and the office. I put my backpack and skateboard in it's usual place, underneath the time clock for those quick escapes when my shift was over.

Rachel headed for the coffee machine, I headed for the office. As I was getting the tills ready for the registers, Rachel made the coffee and brought it into the office. And believe me I needed it this morning.. I drank it quickly while finishing counting in the tills.

We exited the office and headed for the sales floor with the tills. I placed them into the registers as Rachel put some dance music on the stereo system and cranked the volume up a little. I then headed for the front door, unlocked it, and switched on the lights. It was 8:55am, five minutes ahead of schedule, not bad I thought to myself for being behind while I was at home.

The morning was going pretty slowly, the customers buying the standard musical fare, looking for this and that. Nothing that really stood out as good music to the employees that worked there. It was your typical Friday morning, that is until the delivery truck showed up. I left Rachel to deal with the customers as I went to the back room. I unlocked and opened the receiving door, and waited for the driver to get out of the truck.

A few minutes later Jase jumped out of the delivery truck. 6'1", blonde spikey hair, electric blue eyes, extremely toned and tan. He was wearing a tight purple Speedo shirt, a tan pair of Docker cargo shorts, and some Nike's. I loved it when Jase came to deliver because it meant only one thing. He was horny. We exchanged the usual "straight" greetings before unloading the truck.

We unloaded the 30 plus boxes onto the conveyor belt that shuttled the boxes up to the storage room on the second floor. After I placed the last box onto the belt I jumped on it and got a free ride upstairs. Jase followed a couple of minutes later after closed up the truck and shut the receiving door.

I was putting a box on top of one of the sorting tables when Jase got upstairs, . He came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my chest and ground his groin against my ass. I could feel him starting to get hard through our clothes. He removed his arms from around me as I turned around and looked into his eyes. There was a fire in them that I knew had to be quenched before he would be satisfied. Our lips meet in a slow passionate kiss that let your tongues explore each others mouths. I slowly worked my hands underneath his shirts. I explored his abs like I was going to sculpt them. Jase reached up and unbuttoned my shirt as our tongues kept playing tonsil hockey. I started pushing his shirt up as he pulled mine off my shoulders. He let my shirt fall to the floor, I pulled his up to expose his pectorals, and found his nipples, they were standing straight out.

I grabbed hit right one with my left thumb and index finger, he moaned. We broke our kiss as he put his head back, I moved in to kiss and lick his neck. While I was kissing and licking his neck, from his collar bone up to his ears, on both sides I was alternating which of his nipples I was playing with.. This was really getting him hot. I stopped my assault on his neck, pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it on the floor with mine.

We resumed the assault on each others tonsils. He slid his hand under my wife beater, and started to explore my abs. He pushed it up under my arm pits and found my pierced nipples. He started rubbing them and I let out a moan of pleasure. We broke our kiss while he pulled my wife beater over my head. We then resumed our game of tonsil hockey, I was letting him win.

We broke our kiss and I started to kiss and lick his neck again. I started to slowly move down his body kissing and licking all of the sensitive spots along his neck. He would let out a moan or a groan whenever I hit one of them. After a few minutes of working on his neck I let my mouth trail to his right nipple and began licking, sucking, and gently biting it. My tongue made him squirm for a couple of minutes before I made my way over to assault his left nipple. Jase loved to have his nipples played with so I made sure that I worked them over really good.

I started to make my way down his chest, but Jase grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back up our mouths met again. After a few minutes of exploring each others dental work, Jase started working his way down my neck. Gently twirling his tongue in circles as he working up one side then down the other. I was letting out small groans as he was worked my sensitive areas.

He moved down onto my chest and found my left nipple. He started flicking the horseshoe shaped piercing with his tongue, sending mini shock waves through me. He kept up his assault on my left nipple until I was squirming and moaning pretty loudly. He then licked his way over to the right nipple and started working that one over as well. After he expertly worked the right nipple for a few minutes, I grabbed his ears and moved him back over to my more sensitive nipple, the left one, where he continued.

A few minutes later, and several moans of pleasure, he started moving down from my chest and onto my abs. He traced the outline of each one of my abs several times while make me tingle with pleasure. He also paid special attention to my navel with licks and kisses before going back to my abs.

I couldn't take much more of his expert tongue use before my hard-on would pop and fill my silk boxers with a big load of cum. I grabbed his ears and started slowly pulling him back up, his tongue traced a line from my navel all the way back up to my mouth.

A few minutes later I broke our kiss and headed straight for his right nipple, sucking, licking and biting it until he was moaning. Being satisfied that I gave it a good work out I began my descent onto his abs. I stopped at the first set of abs I came to and began kissing and licking them, when he began to moan loudly, I moved to the next set, and continued my way down until I had worked all eight of his abs. I slowly worked my way to his navel and licked it for a few seconds before continuing my ascent back up to his nipples.

I turned us around so that his back was to the table, then knelt down in front of him and look directly into his eyes. I started rubbing my hands across the bulge created by his aching cock, waiting to be released from being pent up inside hit Dockers. I untied the drawstrings of his Dockers and undid the button using my teeth. I then licked from the top of his waistband all the way up to his mouth to kiss him for another few minutes. My hands moved back to his nipples and started playing with them again. I released his zipper from my teeth and his shorts dropped to the floor revealing an orange jockstrap which was filled almost to the breaking point by his bulging cock.

I let go of his left nipple and dropped my hand to massage his jock encased bulge, the right hand continued to work over both of his nipples. He was moaning with pleasure so load that I thought the customers downstairs could hear him. Within a few minutes of massaging his bulge I noticed that Jase was leaking pre-cum from his confined cock to form of a nice wet spot. I knew that I had to stop massaging his jock encased cock before it popped, because it was too soon for it to be over.

I stood up and he resumed his assault of my nipples starting with the left one first. He licked, sucked and flicked my pierced nipple, then moved to the other one and repeated his motions. Jase then dropped to his knees and didn't waste any time getting my pants undone and pushed down to my ankles. He grabbed the waistband of my boxers with his teeth and began to pull them down. A couple of tugs with his teeth and my engorged cock swung free from the confines of my red silk boxers.

Jase looked up at me with a smile on his face and I knew that he had found the object of his desire. He took hold of my shaft with his right hand and gave it a couple of slow strokes until a drop of pre-cum oozed out of the slit. He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked the pre-cum off my slit before he closed his mouth around my cock head. I could feel the warmth of his mouth as he engulfed my head, his tongue roamed over the underside of my head.

I let out a soft moan as Jase opened him mouth wider and started working my shaft all the way into his mouth. He didn't stop until he had all nine inches of my in his mouth and throat and his nose embedded in my pubic hair. He slowly slid me out of his mouth, my cock glistened from his saliva.

Jase jerked me a few more times with his right hand before putting it back into his throat. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back enjoying the pleasure his mouth was giving me. He kept throating my cock for a few seconds then would suck on just the bulbous head. With each stroke of his mouth his tempo increased. He would take my cock out of his mouth, and lick the entire shaft from the head to my balls, then return to keep licking the slit and head. He continued working my cock with his mouth, throat and tongue until I was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum.

He took his mouth off my cock, stood up and we kissed, I could taste my cock on his lips, and my pre-cum in his mouth. He broke the kiss, reached down, grabbed my cock, and looked me directly in the eyes.

"I want this big cock up my ass. I want you to fuck me hard while I am wearing my jock." He said then continued our kiss. I wrapped my hands around his waist, grabbed his ass cheeks, and gave them a big squeeze. He moaned and kept on kissing. I moved my hands to his big bulge and the increasing wet spot on his jock strap. He broke the kiss and laid back on top of the sorting table, I started to remove his bulging cock from his jock, but he stopped me.

"I want to cum in my jock without you touching it." he gasped, then lifted his legs into the air exposing his sphincter to me. I dropped to my knees and began licking his ass hole, he moaned, I continued licking and kissed the outside, as his sphincter relaxed and contracted inviting me inside of it.

He grabbed my ears and pushed my head into his ass. I picked up the pace with my tongue, and started pushing it in and out of his hole. He would relax his sphincter and let me slide my tongue in, then he would tighten it up as I was pulling my tongue out. His sphincter was loosening up real nicely for me. Since neither of us had any lube with us I knew that I had to get him nice and wet, inside and out, in order for me to slide my cock into him. Jase let go of my ears and I continued jamming my tongue as far into him as I could get it.

I kept sliding my tongue back out of his hole and would lick around the hole as it would open and close begging me to put my tongue back into it. He kept moaning as I would slide my tongue in quickly and remove it again. I kept this up for several minutes, occasionally I would replace my tongue with one or two of my fingers. He let out a loud moan and I knew he was ready for my big cock.

I stood up and grabbed for my cords that were on the table next to Jase. I fished around in the back pocket for a condom and pulled one out. Jase grabbed the condom out of my hand, pushed me back from the table and jumped off of it. He tore the wrapper open with his teeth like an animal in heat. He turned me around and pushed me onto my back on the table, he then engulfed my cock once more with his hungry mouth. He sucked on me for several minutes to make sure that I was good and wet with his saliva. He took the condom and placed it on my cock head, then using his mouth he finished unrolling it down the length of my shaft. He kept sucking on my now condom covered cock until he was satisfied it was wet enough for his hot hole.

He removed my cock from his mouth and jumped up onto the table. He knelt down and straddled my chest, one knee on each side of me. He leaned forward and stuck his jock encased cock into my face. I stuck out my tongue and licked at the wet spot, his taste was awesome.

He moved back from my face and stuck his ass against my encased cock. He leaned forward and kissed me while moving his ass up and down against my cock, he was ready. He sat up, reached behind him, grabbed my cock, raised his hips, aimed my cock for his wet hole and began to lower himself onto it. He slowly eased my cock head into his ass as his sphincter relaxed to let me pass further into him.

His hand let go of my cock as he continued lowering himself slowly down onto me. He let out a moan and took a deep breath as he reached the base of my cock. He has all nine inches of me up his ass, and you could clearly see that he was enjoying it being in there.

He started raising his hips up my shaft until only the head was left inside him. He would then plunge back down on it and let out another moan of pleasure as he would hit bottom again. He did it slowly for a couple more minutes until he got used to it, then quickened the pace, each time driving the entire length of my cock all way up into him.

I reached my hands for his jock encased cock but he grabbed my hands and directed them up to his nipples. I began squeezing and rubbing them in rhythm with his movements. He tilted his head back and continued riding me while he moaned with pleasure, I began panting. He slid all the way off my dick and leaned down to kiss me again.

He jumped off the table and pulled me after him. He said that he wanted to try something that he had seen in a porn movie. He walked over to face the wall, spread his legs, and bent down putting his head down near his feet folding himself in half. This opened his hole wide and allowed him to easy access to his ass. I smiled wide, and twitched my cock up and down as I though to myself how much I liked the flexibility of swimmers.

"Come on, stick that big cock in me." he said from his half upside down position. I walked up behind him, grabbed my cock and shoved it all the way into him in one quick motion. He gasped for air as he watched my cock disappear inside of him. I grabbed the waistband of his jock with both hands, pulled my cock out to the head then slammed it back in. I was must be doing something to him that he really enjoyed, the length of my cock was rubbing against his prostrate, and sending shockwaves through him.

I quickened the pace, and kept changing the length of my strokes. Some were long strokes all the way out to the head then back in, others were mid-shaft strokes. The heat of our passion was causing both of us to sweat.

Jase reached up and started playing with my balls as they slapped against the pouch of his jock and his bulging cock inside. He tugged on them, rolled them around in his hands, and squeezed them. His moans were increasing in intensity, I slowed down to a grind as I was pushing my cock as far into him as I could. He had his eyes closed and you could tell by his breathing that he was getting close to shooting his wad into his jock. I wasn't ready for it to be over just yet, so I stopped my thrusting and pulled out of him. He straightened back up, turned around and pushed me back to the table while we were kissing. He turned and faced the table, then threw his left leg up onto the table which opened the gap between his legs exposing his hungry hole to me.

I moved up behind him and inserted my cock into his loosened hole, I wrapped my arms around him and found his nipples with my hands. I started playing with his nipples as I bent my head forward and started kissing and licking his neck. I began moving my hips, thrusting my cock in and out of his ass, making sure to hit his prostrate with each thrust. I kept licking his neck, stopping every once in a while to nibble on one of his ears, his moaning increased and I could feel his sphincter start to tighten. I knew it wouldn't be long before he filled the pouch of his jock with a big load of cum. I could feel my sac starting to tighten as well and knew that Jase wouldn't be the only one shooting a load soon.

I quickened the pace and concentrated my thrusts on his prostrate, Jase leaned forward onto the table and began to tremble. His sphincter tightened up and he began moaning and screaming again and again with pleasure, as his cum coursed through him, out his cock and into his jock. I continued thrusting my cock in and out of him while he filled his jockstrap with his thick load of cum. Wave after wave shot through him as he continued to tremble, moan and scream, his sphincter started to relax as he shot the last few spurts of his wad.

He was panting and trembling heavily face down on the table, I thrust a few more times, then pulled out of his loosened ass, I was ready to shoot. I pulled the condom off my ready to explode cock, and threw it onto the floor. I grabbed the bottom of his jock pouch below his drained balls and pull it down enough to stick my cock inside it with his. I could feel his massive load on my cock as I thrust against his cock. I started to moan as my balls tightened up and started to pump wave after wave of my thick cum into his already filled jock strap, mixing with his wad already in there. I tensed up and forced what seemed like all of my cum out of me in four hard thrusts.

After the last spurts of my cum joined his, I pulled my cock out of his jock. Jase got up off the table, knelt down before me and started sucking my cock clean. His tongue sent shock waves through my entire spent body as he made sure that my now sensitive cock was clean. When he was satisfied that my cock was clean he started working on my balls, he took each one into his mouth one at a time and sucked them clean. He returned to my cock which was starting to go limp and put it back into his mouth for another cleanliness check of it. When he was satisfied that he had done a through job of cleaning my cock and balls, he stood up. We hugged and began kissing again, I could taste my cock, my cum, and his cum on his lips and in his mouth. I reached down and gave his completely soaked jock a squeeze, his cock was spent and limp inside the jock.

We broke out kiss and I grabbed some paper towels off the other sorting table so that we could wipe the sweat off ourselves. I helped Jase with his back and he helped me with mine. We handed each other our clothes and got dressed in silence, savoring the awesome sex that we had just had. Before we went back downstairs, we kissed again for another few moments and just held each other in our arms. I let him go down the stairs in front of me so that I could watch his ass and calves as he took each step. Once downstairs Jase exited out the receiving door and proceeded to the drivers door of the delivery truck, I followed him out.

"I'll catch ya next time." he said with a completely satisfied look on his face as he jumped into the truck. He started the engine and pulled away. I waved to him with a big smile on my face and watched him leave the back of the building. I headed back inside the store, and proceeded out to the sales floor. I headed up to the registers where Rachel was waiting to give me the third degree about the fun that had just happened upstairs between us.

"Wow. One hour and forty minutes. I am impressed. And I only heard you guys sever or eight times. Sounded like you guys were getting it on like some sex starved animals up there." she said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah we were, and just think, it isn't even noon yet."

Next: Chapter 2

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