Rhys Rides

By Ray Writes

Published on May 30, 2014



This story contains sexually explicit content and is not intended for anyone under 18. If you are offended by gay male content, please redirect your attention elsewhere. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is unintended. This story may, at any time, contain urination, domination, or other fetishes. The characters portrayed in this story have unprotected sex, and in this fictional work, no diseases exist. Please remember to always use protection in real life sexual instances.

This is my first work of erotic fiction and my first submission to Nifty. This first chapter is basically just going to be some story-buildup so there won't be any sex but there are a few scenes with slight action. Please donate to Nifty to keep this wonderful site running. Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated and you can contact me with feedback at raywrites@yahoo.com. I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Rhys Rides - 1

Rhys Bowman parked his car in the spot designated for him and switched it off. He ran his hand through his sandy-blonde hair and looked towards the campus where he'd be attending school for the next four years. He had never been more than an hour away from the house where he grew up for the past 18 years, and he was ready to start a new chapter in his life. He glanced around to check out all of his potential peers, not so much looking at them as individuals, but rather as a whole group of people he could possibly call a friend in the years to come. He wondered if any of them would turn out to be his dormmate. All he knew of the guy he'd be sharing a room with was his name, Parker Flannery.

Rhys began to walk toward where the dorms were located, lugging the few possessions he chose to bring with him to school: a copy of his favorite book, his iPod, his brand new laptop, some clothes, and a few posters for decorations. After what seemed like hours, he finally located his dorm building and went inside. He went up to the third floor where his room is located and walked down the hall, voicing a friendly 'hello' to the guys he passed. When he got to room 314, he fished the key given to him out of his pocket and unlocked the door to find a typical dorm room containing two beds, two desks and two closets, with a window directly inbetween. He noted that there wasn't a bathroom, which meant he'd be using the communal to take care of his business, a prospect that filled him with mixed emotions.

It appeared as though Parker hadn't arrived yet, as the room was empty save for the furniture, so he decided he would wait for his roommate to arrive before choosing a side of the room, just in case Parker was picky about such things. He dropped his belongings in a corner by the door and thought that he would go check out the campus and come back later, hoping that Parker would have arrived by then. But just as he was turning to head back out the door, he was stopped by a figure in the doorway.

The young man had shoulder-length, black hair and the grayest eyes Rhys had ever seen. At about 6 foot tall, he was barely taller than Rhys, and had a wide grin set on his face.

"You must be Rhys," the figure said.

"And I take it you're Parker?" Rhys replied.

"The one and only." Parker said with a laugh.

"Nice to meet you," said Rhys, as he shook his roommate's hand. "I noticed you hadn't gotten here yet, so I was gonna come back later so you could have first pick of which side you want while I walked around campus."

"How polite of you, but I don't really have a preference," Parker said as he eyed each side of the room back and forth.

"Well, let's flip a coin then. Heads for the right side and tails for the left. You can call it," said Rhys as he pulled a quarter out of his pocket.

"Sounds good to me," replied Parker.

After the coin toss, the roommates began to unpack their belongings, Rhys on the right side and Parker on the left. Rhys noticed that Parker traveled fairly light as well. He made a note that they'd both have to go shopping for some bedsheets, and they couldn't fully settle in until then, so why not go ahead and get it done? Parker agreed and the two set out on a linen hunt.

"They might sell them at the school store, but we'd probably have a better selection at an actual retailer. I think the bus that goes through the surrounding towns should be arriving in a few minutes," Parker noted.

"I have my car, it'd likely be easier to take it instead of waiting for the bus back and forth," Rhys replied.

Parker smiled his biggest smile yet and said "How lucky am I that my roommate has a car!" He gave Rhys a playful nudge and the two headed to the student parking lot. "Wow, Rhys. Nice ride!" he said as they came to Rhys' car.

"Yeah, it was a birthday/farewell gift from my parents. I told them I didn't really need a car since there's a bus system here that runs all-night, but they wouldn't take no for an answer," Rhys said, trying not to make himself sound spoiled. They hopped in the car and exited the parking lot, turning left off of the campus grounds and onto the highway. "So...where are we headed?" Rhys said as he plugged in his iPod and turned some music on.

"Maybe Target? The map of the towns around here said there should be one not too far away. I think it's a right turn at this next light and a few minutes down we should see it on the left." Parker said, bobbing his head to the music. "Nice tunes, man. I think I'm gonna love having you as a roommate."

All of a sudden, Rhys' heart began to beat slightly faster. Why did Parker saying what he did spark such a reaction? Sure, he had never been with a girl before, although he had plenty of chances in high school, but he'd never been with a guy, either. The thought never crossed his mind. So why, now, would a guy get his pulse going? He chalked it up as just being adrenaline from the new college experience and realizing he and his roommate would likely become good friends. There wasn't another possible explanation.

They arrived at Target after a few minutes and found a great parking spot. "You have reached your destination," Parker said in a mock-GPS tone. As the two shared a laugh, they got out of the car. Parker lit up a smoke as they made their way to the entrance. "Man, that 'no smoking on campus' rule is gonna kick my ass. You want one?"

"I don't smoke, but I appreciate the offer," Rhys said. His grandfather was a heavy smoker and died from lung cancer, but he usually didn't mettle in other people's affairs.

"Of course, man," Parker replied. "I'm gonna stand out here and finish this up. You go on ahead and scope out our selection. I'll be right behind you."

Rhys entered the crowded store and asked the attendent where the home supplies were. As he went towards the bedsheets, he got a random feeling of joy. He was really here, in a completely new town, attending a great school, with an awesome roommate. Things couldn't have turned out better for him. As he was browsing the linens, he saw Parker walking down the aisle with a guy a little taller than him with light brown hair and a sports jacket on.

"Hey Rhys, this is Kellam Barnes. He got a smoke from me out front and we started talking. Turns out he goes to school with us, and actually lives right down the hall. Said he was here for some supplies too, so I told him he could join us. That alright?"

"Fine with me. Nice to meet you, Kellam. I'm Rhys," he said as he shook the new guy's hand.

"Thanks for letting me tag along. I didn't see my roommate on campus so I thought I'd go ahead and get the shopping out of the way. I got here and saw Parker out front with a smoke and bummed one from him. It's refreshing meeting people, I didn't get the chance to talk to anyone earlier," Kellam replied.

"Likewise. This bonehead is the only person I've talked to today," Rhys said jokingly with a nudge at Parker.

"You wound me, darling," Parker said in an exaggerated, melodramatic voice. The three shared a laugh and continued their shopping. They each got a bed set, some hygenic neccessities, and some notebooks and pens for their classes.

As they were wrapping up their shopping, Kellam spoke up. "Did you guys drive here or take the bus? I don't remember seeing you guys on it."

"Mr. Fancy Pants over here has a car," Parker said with a wink at Rhys.

"You mind if I bum a ride back to campus? That bus was way crowded. It'll probably lessen as the semester goes on, but I'm not looking forward to catching it on the way back."

"Sure, no problem," Rhys said.

As they were loading up the car, Parker called out 'shotgun' and jumped in the passenger seat. Rhys loaded his iPod back into the car radio and they shared an '80s jam session on the way back to campus. When they arrived back at the dorm, Rhys and Parker said goodbye to Kellam with the promise of seeing him around, then went back to their room.

After they were done setting up their new bedsheets, they both plopped down on their beds. Rhys grabbed his laptop and logged on, looking up things to do in the vicinity of the campus. "You up for anything tonight?" he said to Parker.

"Eh, not really. I'm kinda worn out," Parker replied with a sigh. "All the excitement of the day got to me. I think I'm ready to hit the sheets and go to sleep. I'm anxious to start my classes tomorrow. Might have a shower first, though."

"Yeah a shower does sound pretty good," Rhys agreed.

"Last one there has to scrub the other's back!" Parker exclaimed with a laugh as he ran for the door.

"Hey, not fair! You got a head start!" Rhys said back. Even considering that, it was a pretty close call, and they chalked it up as a tie. They stepped into the communal bath and glanced around. There weren't too many guys in right now, so they headed grabbed a towel and headed towards the showers.

Parker got undressed at the speed of light and noticed that Rhys was going pretty slow. "You're not shy, are you?" he said to his roommate. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, you've got exactly what every other guy has." This made Rhys relax a bit, and he finally finished undressing and walked under the showerhead. "I take that back," Parker said, "You've got more than what some of these guys have." Rhys had never seen another guy's penis before, so he didn't know if his was above average or if Parker was just teasing him. But as he looked down, he noticed that Parker's actually was a bit shorter than his own. "Hey, I'm a grower, not a shower," Parker said with a chuckle when he noticed Rhys looking.

Rhys felt a surge of electricity run through his entire body at the sight of Parker's cock. Before he knew it, he had a hard-on. How embarrassing! What the hell was happening? Rhys never though about a guy like that before, but maybe seeing one other than his own in person made him realize something. Was he gay? It would explain his general uninterest in the girls at his high school, but he'd had plenty of guy friends that he never felt anything for, either. This couldn't just be chalked up to college adrenaline.

Parker noticed Rhys' stiff cock and noted "Well, well, well. Looks like someone is joining the party."

"I'm sorry, I don't know why this is happening. I'm not gay or anything. At least, I never thought I was. I've never had sex with a girl before, but I haven't done anything with a guy either. If whatever is going on with me, I understand if it makes you uncomfortable and you wanna get another roommate..." Rhys said with embarrassment.

"Dude, chill. It's alright. It's a natural occurence, and God knows it always happens at the most awkward times. Don't stress it. I don't think any less of you, whether you're gay or straight or whatever. None of that shit really matters to me. People like what the like, who am I or anyone else to tell someone what's wrong?" Parker said in an attempt to calm his friend.

"I've never really thought of it like that. Thanks, Parker. You're a really cool dude," Rhys said in reply. The friendly, although awkward, conversation made Rhys slowly lose his hard-on, and the two continued with their shower. After a few more minutes of casual conversation, they turned off the water and got dressed and headed back to their room.

When they returned, they sat on their beds and observed the room. "The room really filled out. It was a good idea to get the shopping out of the way early. If we had waited, we probably wouldn't have gotten the great selection we did," Parker noted.

"Yeah, I could really get used to living here with you," Rhys said in reply. They flashed a friendly smile at each other and laid back on their beds.

"So..." Parker said, "You've never been with a girl before?"

"No...I had opportunites in high school but...it never really felt right," Rhys answered.

"No shame in that. Rushing into something like that just for the hell of it or because you wanna keep up with your friends could really mess up the way you see relationships," Parker said with a somber look.

"I'm guessing that's what you did?" asked Rhys.

"Pretty much. I lived with my dad and two older brothers. My mom died when I was younger so there was always a lot of testosterone in the air. Plus my friends at school were all dating, so I didn't want to be left out. I asked out this girl in my class, thinking it would be a nice date or whatever. And it was, don't get me wrong, but afterward she wanted to go to a hotel. I said 'okay', so we went and we fucked. It wasn't all fireworks and orchestra-playing or whatever the movies make it out to be, but it was nice. We dated for a few months, and I thought I was really falling for her, but just when I was gonna tell her I loved her, she dumped me. Said she just wanted someone to give her some sexual experience so she wouldn't be an amateur when she hooked up with the guy she really wanted. It hurt bad, man. I really loved this girl, and she was just using me. I didn't date anyone else while I was in high school out of fear that they'd just use me too."

"Wow, that's awful, Parker," Rhys said, moving from his bed to Parker's. "Well I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities here at college. And you don't have to worry about them using you for experience, I'm sure they're all well versed in that aspect," Rhys said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah," Parker said as he sat up and looked Rhys in the eye. "Hey listen man...about what happened in the shower..."

Rhys looked down at his feet as his face started to redden. "...What about it? You said it was no big deal."

"It totally isn't a big deal, man, I just...I just wanted to ask you something. You said you've never been with a guy, right? Well...have you thought about it before? I mean...I don't know, forget it," Parker said as he turned away.

"No," Rhys replied, "I haven't thought about it before...Have you?"

"...Once or twice. I've never done anything either, though. To be honest...I was kinda hoping I'd get the chance while here at school. You know how they say college is all about experimenting or whatever. 'Finding yourself' and all that jazz."

"Oh..." was all Rhys could say. He was taken aback by his roommate's reply and didn't know what to think of it. Was Parker suggesting something? And why was Rhys' heart starting to beat uncontrollably in that moment?

"So I just thought that maybe...considering what happened in the shower...maybe I'd get the chance sooner than expected...with someone I've already established a friendship with..."

It clicked in Rhys' mind. Parker wanted to experiment with him. A whirlwind of emotions raced through Rhys' head. He couldn't decided what he should do, but he stood up to try to steady his thoughts.

"Woah, man, I'm sorry, please don't freak out, just forget I even mentioned anything about it, please. I don't want to make thin-"

Before Parker could finish his sentence, Rhys grabbed hold of him and pulled him to his feet so that they were almost eye to eye. At that moment, Rhys decided what he would do. He curled one arm around Parker's lower back and held the other up to Parker's cheek. As he slowly leaned closer to Parker, overcome by a formerly hidden desire for his roommate, he noticed a twinkle in Parker's eye right before their lips met in a beautiful, intimate kiss that seemed to last forever. Fireworks flew and the orchestra played.

Well guys, that's the first installment of Rhys Rides. Sorry there wasn't any hot action, I just mainly wanted to get the story built up first in this chapter, but if you guys liked it, send me some feedback letting me know and I'll work on more chapters! Planning on bringing Kellam back as well as introducing some more characters. Maybe even a steamy professor ;) My email is located at the top of the document. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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