
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 30, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here then good-bye. As a responsible participant I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

If you feel a need to correct my grammar or writing skills, okay, but I'm not looking for a good grade from you, only a smile. If you want to copy or redistribute my work the answer is no, Nifty is my only choice of venue. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

Rex Part Four

Dad arrives finding the four of us playing in the pool. Rick keeps swim trucks at our house because he uses the pool almost as much as we do. Andy offers up a pair for Rex they're a bit tight, but nothing is showing we haven't seen before. We dive and swim, while Dad sits on the patio enjoying his beer and reading the mail.

Soon burgers are cooked and we all eat together at the patio table. After dinner our trucks dry we moved into the family room and like good little boys on Christmas Eve play a board game until a fitting time to go to bed.

Dad yawns, the sign the day is now over. He contemplates sleeping arrangements because Rick has decided to spend the night. I speak up declaring that Rex will share my bed. Dad has a look like he wants to speak, but stops and agrees that is just fine.

Rick and Andy head off to his room, a hand squeeze from Rick and a whisper telling me he'll see me later makes me wonder how this night will end.

Once in my room Rex and I hold each other in what can only be described as a tender embrace. We remove the others swim trucks, that being the only attire stopping our naked body from becoming one.

In bed Rex finally shares more than just his body. I get a real insight into the world according to Rex. I listen while he shares hushed whispers weaving the story of us and how we fit into the world.

As we lay together not in an effort of arousal, but just holding on tenderly as we messages and stimulate, he begins.

Man has been doing this for all time he explains. This is just another natural physical response to most animal species in the world. Canine Pups roll and toss and cuddle, they learn quickly that a quick sniff of the sexual organs can tell a story about the strangers you meet. He reminds me of the nature films I have seen, where bulls and deer, and rhinos mount each other in an effort of sexual relief.

Sea life enjoys same sex encounters. Bottleneck Dolphins actually use oral stimulations among young males running in groups. He says some who enjoy same sex experiences may not go on to find a mate of the opposite sex. Bands of wolves happily roam the forest never having the chance to reproduce, but live out full lives in dens of shared capitulation.

He points out that all males are born with breast and as our testosterone begins to diminish, or estuarine starts to grow. He believes that all young men have the desire to do what we are doing, and as old men, either have a secret memory of moments like this or of an opportunity lost.

Like a documentary he describes African Tribes who allow all boys our age to come together for a week each year and share the bodies of all their tribal brothers.

Their Elders say that once the experience has past and young warriors have seen and had all others around them; there is nothing more to look forward to but marriage to a tribal girl.

He expounds on those who find this to be abnormal by pointing out that if this was not a part of the grand plan of life's designer, then the act of men choosing men as their mates would have died off centuries ago. But in every country, every religion and every day in the time of this world, there are those who chose their lover to be one like themselves and they keep coming and will forever more.

When I think he must be almost finished, holding hands and with tender touches, he thanks me for bringing him into my family. He remarks how much love he has felt and shared in the short time we have been together.

He tells me that Andy and I are so alike. I gain more wisdom in this brief transfer about my brother and our relationship than I had ever considered.

Rex goes on and says he can see the affection growing between Rick and me. I love hearing that, but please understand it is not just what he is saying, but hearing him speak is like listening to songs sung by a choir; his voice is so sweat and resonates deep within my mind and sole.

I wonder why he doesn't speak more often, but Rex is still a man of few words and only the ones that need to be said are the ones you'll hear him say. In the end his words make me feel good about myself and who I am.

We make love. We do all the things we've done before and try new things that bring more arousals. I can't wait to try them on Rick.

Rex is tender, gentle, warm and kind as well as one hell of a lover. I have learned so much from him, mostly about myself.

Rex and I find sleep together and somewhere in the night he and Rick exchange places.

I wake to a hot naked body kissing me and rubbing our hard dicks together making us one. Rick acts like we have been apart forever. The passion in this boy is overwhelming. His ability to bring the very best out of me is outstanding.

Together again hands and lips all over each other bring us to another unison explosion.

I teach him my new tricks and he travels to another world. I have to reach up and hold his mouth in fear his screams will bring my dad running.

I find the best way to fill his mouth and he turns his body so we can satisfy each other together in a grand salute to the number sixty-nine.

Rick is like no other, not that I have tried them all, but of all I've tried we send each other to places no one else can go.

I don't know if this is love, I just know what I feel. I'll just let it take me where it wants to. Rick seems ready for the ride so why not go together?

The pounding rain and sound of thunder brings my eyes to a crusty opening. I squeeze my pillow, the first soft form I find and then see I am alone. An empty bed, yet I feel the present of another being in the room.

In the corner almost covered by the dark shadows rolling across the room from the storm, there he sits. Dressed in his blue jeans, long sleeve shirt, socks and sneakers, he looks like my first vision of him, only dryer.



Oh yeah Mr. Verbal is back.

"What's going on man? Come on over and keep me warm"

"It's time I should be leavin' Brian"

"Rex buddy its raining cats and dogs man, don't you want to wait until the storm passes?" In a warm bed I hold out hope

"Nope, need to leave now, I can walk, thanks anyway." Rex rises from the chair.

"No, no I'll take you, but where do you want to go?"


"Back, back to that old gas station?"


I find clothes get dressed and we head into the kitchen. The house is quiet, even Dad is sleeping because it's Saturday. We take my Chevy this time, better wipers and easier to drive.

I cross-town, and get about a hundred yards from the Pump & Run before the first word is spoken.

"Stop here"

I do as he wishes. Rex and I bump fist, that's just not enough for me. I hug him hard and feel his kiss against my skin for the last time before he opens his door and steps into the storm.

Out of the way of traffic and across from the Pump & Run I find a place to park and watch.

Rex is soaked by the time he reaches the front of the station. His shirt is stuck to his skin and almost opaque. His jeans cling to his legs like they have been painted there.

A young guy just a little older than me comes out the door and steps in front of Rex. I see the vibration from the store widow and Rex jumps forward into the waiting arms of his new protector. The guy almost carries Rex to his pick up truck, places him in the passenger seat and runs around to behind the wheel and in a moment they drive out into their storm.

The Rest of the Story:

Mom returned and most things went back to normal. From time to time I would see a shadow at my shower door, opening it to find Andy. We usually don't speak and never talk about it, but for a few minutes we allow ourselves to touch and hold and bring tenderness into each other's lives.

Whenever it rains, I find an excuse to drive by the Pump & Run. Once I thought I saw him there, but it was my minds eye recalling that first embrace.

Nothing ever happened between Ginny and I, but her brother Thomas is pretty hot.

Rick always finds away to come to my room during his visits. I can't get enough of him and he holds on to me like a lifeline, I don't know where this will go, but it's not just sex. There is more to us and if time will allow the opportunity, I think we can make this grow. I'll let you know.

Because of Rex, the relationship with my brother is so much closer and stronger. When we crossed over and opened ourselves to each other, we shared so much tenderness. I know him differently now and to me he is no longer young Andrew, but my dear and close companion and the little peephole into my past. I have always loved Andrew, but now I chariest my time with Andy.

Ricky grew stronger with surprising displays of maturity. His honesty and bravery showed by telling me his true feelings. I don't think I would have been able to do that at his age. I don't know if I could have admitted it to myself until that day.

I have cared for him and unknowingly communicated that to him for a while now. He was the one who was able to bring the truth out of me. He brings the best of me out and I am fortunate to have this young man to share my passion, my love, my Rick.

When I think about the changes Rex brought with him. I realize I am not the person I was before him and that those differences are going to ripple out into areas where I have never been and never thought about going. However I look forward to tomorrow knowing now who I am, I opened my mind and my heart and my world changed.

Thanks Rex for showing us the way

The End.

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