
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 27, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here then good-bye. As a responsible participant I hope you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

If you feel a need to point out errors in my work, okay, but I'm not looking for a good grade from you, only a smile. If you want to copy or redistribute my work the answer is no, Nifty is the only choice of venue. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

Rex Part Three

I cannot sleep, and yet somehow I wake hearing my dad leaving. He likes to get to work before anyone else and have some time to get organized. I remember I have a few deliveries today, but not a full load thank goodness.

I still have no clue what to do about Rex. I think about him and Andrew, I can't think about that. I decide I need to go and just take a peek into the room. I cross the house wearing just my boxers. I get to the door and there is no sound, that's good I guess.

I quietly open the door and first see that Andrew's bed is empty except for the boxers thrown against his pillow, on the floor next to the sleeping bag; the jockeys.

Rex is spooning my brother, I feel my face turning red, and I step into the room. Rex opens his eyes and sees me. First a smile and then he can see I am not returning a look of joy.

Rex moves out of the sleeping bag leaving Andrew alone and sleeping, Rex is nude and I can see down to Andrew's butt before the cover goes back up.

Rex follows me out to the family room. I turn as he comes up to me his dick rising, his arms out hoping for a hug, I step back and push him away. His eyes meet mine.

"What are you doing?" I direct to Rex

"I think you know what I'm doing," he tries a smile

"Rex you're having sex with a boy two years younger than you", I report

"So did you!" he reminds

Oh boy, my head is spinning; Rex sees his chance to take control. He moves in and pushes my boxers off my body. I miss him, I know I want him, I could stop him, but I don't.

His hands tickle my butt as he falls to his knees; I am in his mouth before I know what hits me. He is so hot, I am so horny, and I want him to take me to a point of sexual climax like never before. I close my eyes and feel his lips doing their duty. His nose pushes deep into my pubes. His hands are all over me, first on my ass then messaging my balls. My dick is responding. I hear a sound, my eye open and there in front of me is my little brother, totally naked watching me get a blowjob. I try to pull back, Rex senses that something has changed; he drops my dick and turns to see Andrew.

"Andrew I", stuttering

"Andy come on over I want you to be with us"

I can't believe what I'm hearing, what is Rex saying?

Andrew walks towards us, my eyes are tearing up I see his eyes, they are my eyes, but younger so innocent, bright and pure, looking at me doing this with Rex. My dick begins to diminish into my body. Andrew sees I am stressed and says

"Brian, its okay I want to do this, I've been with Rex too, now I want to be with you." His eyes are tearing

Rex is up and holding my brother's hand guiding him towards me. His smile tells me we're going somewhere I have never dreamt of, never thought of and not sure how to get out of.

Rex takes my hand and together the three of us walk towards my bedroom. He enters the bathroom and turns the water to warm. Andrew is looking at me; I at him, and my dick grows again.

It is amazing; like looking at yourself, only four years earlier. His dick is smaller, but so similar to mine. The circumcision scars are the same and for some reason I remember that mom said she had the same doctor for both of our births.

Rex takes us both into the warm water, Andrew moves forward and we hug. I feel his hard little dick pushing against my leg, my dick finds his naval, and we stay together as Rex kisses us both. Rex is hard and I watch him step onto the seat of my shower. This brings his dick to just below my face. I can't help it now I want him. I move in and begin to suck his dick, Andy goes down and I can't believe it, but he takes me into his mouth. This is so weird but I don't stop it.

Before long Andy and Rex change places and I find myself face first in my brothers groin, his four-inch hard on bonks my nose.

If your lips could reach your own dick, tell me you wouldn't try it. Here I was, in what seemed like sex with my younger self. My brother is most willing and ready to share a very special part of him self with me, how could I deny him? I took him in. His little sparse hairs tickled my nose, his ball sac so soft and smooth, wrinkling under the stream of warm water, his penis full and hard and between my lips. I knew I might be going to hell, but I was loving the trip.

All together we lay on the bed in a pile of sexual exhaustion. A few minutes ago three raging sexual organs spilled their seed and we became one. Now dry and just resting, our hearts still beating the dance we have just completed. Our hands hold on like we have just experienced the roller coaster of life. Our eyes meet and first Rex starts it with a smile. Andy moves in with a giggle and I roll on with a laugh. We all hold our sides and laugh and we laugh some more.

No crimes committed, no fire and brimstone, just joy and warmth and well, call it camaraderie. Life has few experiences like sex and now I know it is far better to share it with someone than to waste it isolated and alone.

There is still a lot of touching going on between us and I need to be the mature one here and break it up. I move to get up as I say

"I need to go to work"


The two pink-bodied boys jump me and pull me back down. I am assaulted with kisses and licking all over my body. I can't believe my dick can do it again and yet, youth is a wonderful resourceful time when one more time is never out of the question.

I get way too much help dressing and tell them to be good while I'm gone. The looks I get from both of them tell me they plan not to be good but to get a whole lot better.

In the van on the road after picking up my load I move through the day. Most of the morning passes without much effort. I drive by the Pump & Run, thinking back to the time before Rex. Was that just yesterday? Thoughts move through my mind of the events that have transpired. I wonder into the future but see no answer to my: what's next question The road ahead is no longer straight. I know there will be changes, curves, turns and switchbacks. I have hope for lots of joy, recognition of some pain, but move forward is all I can do and at seventeen, I cannot imagine or calculate the total sum of things to come.

I check back in at the shop and Dad says it cool if I head home to check on the boys. I wonder what I might walk into, but don't imagine what truly waits for me.

Pulling up, parking, I enter the house. At first just silents welcomes me, I walk into the family room when I hear the door to Andy's room open and close. From down the hall I see Ricky enter the room.

Ricky is dressed in shorts, barefoot and no shirt. I've seen him before in this state of undress, but he looks older today. I notice small patches of hair under his arms and the beginning of a trail developing from is navel down past the elastic band of his shorts.

I expect his normal smile or smart-ass remark. But instead there are tears running down his face. This catches me off guard. I always think of him as tough and here for the first time I see a look that requires a hug.

Ricky throws himself in my arms; his tears dampen my shirt upon contact. His uncontrolled breathing makes is difficult to understand the words he is trying to speak.

"Come on buddy, tell me what's wrong." I try to comfort.

"Andy has Rex" I think I hear

"Okay Andy has Rex and you're sad about that?" I communicate

He cries deeper and my hands rub his bare back feeling his soft skin, the muscles that are in full development there, the warmth repaying my caress. His hands go up under my shirt and to my back. I feel contact with this boy and for the first time I realize he too has needs. He buries his head into my chest, his arms pull my shirt up and we have skin contact in the front as well. His tears settle a bit and I do what would have been unthinkable just so many hours ago. I kiss Ricky and wipe his eyes with my lips.

His eyes open and teary, but now there is a smile.

"Andy has Rex and I want you"

"What? Why?"

Ricky's voice is shaky as he shares his confession.

"Andy and I have been messing around for about a year now, but when we do, we always imagine what it would be like to do it with you"

"Why me?" I stumble "Gosh, Brian don't you know you're hot"?

Wow, now I'm hot and the fodder of young boy's dreams, that's a change of perspective.

Rick finds my lips with his and our tongues have their first dance. He has pulled my shirt off and I feel his hard dick pushing against my leg. I have to see it.

My hands go down and push at his shorts; they glide down a smooth buttock in the rear. But become hung on Rick's enlarging dick in front. My right hand looks to release them and it is smothered in a surprising grove of pubic hair, so warm and silky they feel, protecting the object of my true desire.

His arms are not idle, but have been busily opening my belt and yanking on my zipper.

My left hand joins and the four arms cross and intermix like two sailors performing dual semaphore.

I find him at the same time his finds me. His shorts cradle his ankles; my jeans stubbornly stop downward traffic at my knees. We both suck in air taking our first look at the others hidden treasure.

Rick has much more hair than Andy or Rex. His slender protrusion is long and darker than the rest of his body. The head is almost purple and its sensitive goose bumps are ready for touch. I comply.

His hand wraps me like a bat; firm fingers must feel the flow of blood bringing me to maximum size. He pumps me with one hand and fondles my balls with the other. Some how we do all this while we kiss again.

I stop the action long enough to kick my shoes and allow my jeans to roll off my legs, my boxers stay within them and we are naked together for the first time.

This is not like Andy, it is more like Rex but because I have known Rick for ages, this is somehow different. I wonder if this would have happen if there never was a Rex and I lose the thought because it really doesn't matter. Here we are.

I take him to my room. We lay together exploring, learning the cures and angles of one another. I have had sex, a lot the last two days. This somehow is more like passion.

Rick seemed to change during our exchange. I no longer see him as my brother's little buddy. Somehow he has aged and is able to handle our love making with, I don't know, maturity. In my arms Rick is an equal, a partner in our joint obsession.

We are so close; he takes our dicks and matches them in his hand. Pressed together as one, almost equal in length their friction brings them to a simultaneous eruption. Our seed spills together making ponds of our navels and forging our groins together in a sticky mass. Wow, a feeling like never before, but what to call it?

No time to think, not when your breath is pushed from you lungs as flying naked boulders drop from the air. Rex and Andy, sticky skinned and full of sexual angst come calling.

Now it becomes a tickle fest and not quite like when we were kids. Body parts doing the prodding are not just fingers anymore.

The four of us giggle and play, naked wrestle and explore the wonders of one another. This is a different kind of fun, and I'm glad to be part of it. Finally we head for the shower. It is not built for four young men unless they desire the closeness it provides and we do. We wash one another and using mouth and hands bring each to a new arousal and wash each other again. We stay under the water until we are shivering and shrinking and that forces us to dry off and prepare for my dad who should be home soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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