
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 24, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here then good-bye. As a responsible participant I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

If you feel a need to correct my grammar or writing skills, okay, but I'm not looking for a good grade from you, only a smile. If you want to copy or redistribute my work the answer is no, Nifty is my only choice of venue. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

Rex Part Two

Still standing close enough to touch, Rex and I toss our towels aside. I realize no words had been spoken and none seemed needed, but I had to break the ice.

"That was fun"


"Are you hungry?"


Okay we have an expanded vocabulary.

We walked together to the bedside and I kissed him again. He moved onto the bed. I grabbed some shorts pulling them up and getting my dick back under control. First I started a wash of his wet stuff and then to the kitchen to find my boy some food.

My room was on one side of the house and the rest were down a hall on the other. My brother Andrew and I shared a room until I reached puberty and he refused to be naked in front of me. I think he was eight at the time. Dad said the best way to keep us together was to allow us to be apart, so he built this room for me. He is a wise man and I love having a room away from the rest of the family.

I could see my bed as Rex lay on it and I heated some soup. He was on top of the covers just lying there naked and soft. I turned the heat down and headed back to the bedroom.

His eyes were closed and he was breathing slowly. I sat next to him and my hand glided over his smooth skin. The hairs above his dick curled under my touch and I held him again. The head of his dick was light red and looked like a dome peeking out of a turtleneck sweater. A few pulls and the sweater became more skin as he stretched out to his full five inches. Still soft, yet hard I had to know. I had to know what it would be like. I had never done this, never thought I would. I hoped Ginny would for me, but never thought I would be the one to do it to anyone else.

I kissed his head, I licked his shaft, and I took him into my mouth. I sucked, I licked, I blew; I pulled him in until my nose nestled deep into his blonde pubes. I tasted the slime of his pre-cum and kept on. I wanted him, I wanted to taste it all and soon he let go. His cream filled my mouth and covered my teeth. It trickled down my throat. Rex was mine.

We lay together for a few minutes and then I remember the soup. I searched for something for him to put on and he grabbed a long football jersey from the drawer. He pulled it over his head and the tail just covered his privates. Funny though was the fact that the jersey was mess and looking down into it I could see him anyway. He left the bedroom before me and the back wagged just below his ass. He looked cute and I wanted him again, first feed him, give him strength I thought.

I switched the wash to the dryer and then watched Rex eat. I couldn't help but check out this boy's body. His arms were smooth with just the smallest of hairs along the forearms. When he smiled his cheeks produced two dimples that needed to be kissed. His shoulders not broad, but defined and strong, leading to a neck where the Adams apple protruded like a young man fresh into puberty. His ears partially covered by his straw colored hair closely framed a rounded face, tanned and so cute. His voice had just a crack and a southern drawl when he used it, not often. Rex was a man of few words. His eyes were all he needed to express his thoughts, and when I looked into them I got hard and wanted more of him. He smiled when my hand moved into his lap and pushed the jersey away from his already growing dick. I held him and rubbed as he finished the last of his soup.

Rex pushed away from the table after pushing away his empty bowl. His look told me I was going to be happy. Right there in the kitchen he pushed my shorts down and found my harden dick. His right hand moved the head in place so it almost floated into place. I felt his moist lips up against my head, his tongue moving around the crown and then like a Hoover he sucked me in.

You hear other boys talk about it. You make up a few of your own stories just to keep up. You think you know how it will feel, but there is nothing like a blowjob. Nothing that brings all the nerves along the staff of your dick to their peak, nothing like having lips pushing down on it, while the tongue licks and the throat gurgles producing warm liquid to wash against the most sensitive skin on your body. Nothing can feel like this. No other part of any body has the equipment to do all the things a mouth can do when your dick is in it.

Rex knew what he was doing and he did it well. I warned him and he pushed deeper and sucked harder. I exploded and he kept every drop, sucking up the dribble as the end popped out of his mouth. I felt like dropping to the floor, but I heard a key in the front door.

Rex knew what he was doing and he did it well. I warned him and he pushed deeper and sucked harder. I exploded and he kept every drop, sucking up the dribble as the end popped out of his mouth. I felt like dropping to the floor, but I heard a key in the front door.

Andrew and Ricky had been friends since first grade. They both turned thirteen a week apart in March of this year. They are both full of their new manhood and it's fun to watch them in this new awkward state.

At times Ricky can be a little smart-ass, but then he is as sweet as pie when the `rents come home. Ricky is darker and a little taller than Andrew, he keeps his hair short due to sports, and he is very athletically inclined. His dark eyes always show a little mischief and I catch him looking at me from time to time, I guess because I'm older or bigger, don't know. Like Andrew he enjoys the comforts of a nice home, good family, great parents and two little sisters who adore him.

My brother holds his own against Ricky or any of the kids he hangs with. Actually Andrew is a smaller image of me. With light brown hair, fair skin and a killer smile, like me he moves easily in any crowd. He likes sports, but doesn't excel in any one area. I'd say he's about five four a few inches shorter than Rex and six inches less than I. Our folks allow us both to choose our own style of clothing. Andrew is currently going through a street skater phase, baggy long shorts and a baggy shirt, hat on backwards. He'll grow out of it, I did.

The scene would have been funny if I hadn't been in it. Fortunately the guys stopped with the door half open to slug each other's arm before moving into the house. Imagine me with nothing on except a pair of shorts and they are around my ankles. Rex on his knees with my cum on his chin, his dick at its full hardness pointing up and out in front of his jersey. I quickly grabbed him, moving through the kitchen, taking the largest steps my shorts would allow. As Ricky and Andrew walked into the kitchen I closed my bedroom door. My heart was pumping fast and just what I needed Rex decides it was time to kiss.

Andrew knocking at my door, the taste of my cum transferring as Rex moved his tongue around my teeth and Ricky singing my name in a falsetto.

I pulled up my shorts and told Rex to wait there I would go get his clothes. I moved out the door partially falling over Andrew and trying to smile when Ricky said

"Hey Brian, did we catch you jacking off?"

Oh my god, is it written on my chest or something? I actually look down to check when Andrew asked

"Where's your clothes, why are you almost naked?"

Okay why am I almost naked? Oh yeah I return

"Oh we got caught in that storm and were soaked, so I just threw these shorts on."

"We? Says Ricky, who you hiding in there? Ginny is that you?" (Again in falsetto)

Let's see, murder in this state gets you twenty-five years, but I think the judge would understand.

"Guys, I was caught in the storm and there was this kid who had nowhere to go, he was soaked, I let him come here to clean up and dry off okay?"

Wow, that flowed easily I think. I get a look from Andrew and a cock of the head from Ricky, (think fast Brian just keep talking.)

"Okay guys go chill out in your room or something, I've got to get this kid some dry clothes and then I'll bring him in to introduce you all."

"Come on Andy, let's go play some games, I'm ready to kick your ass on that new racing one" Ricky said and they headed away.

This gave me a break and I grabbed the stuff Rex was wearing and returned to the room. When I walked in Rex was standing there nude.

"What are you doing?"

"Waitin like you said"

Okay, we decide it's too warm to put the jeans back on and I hang them and his clean shirt in my closet. I looked in my bottom drawer and found some shorts and a shirt from about a year past. The shirt is an advertisement from a beer company. "Great Taste, Less Filling" I smile.

I hand Rex his jockeys and watch as they are pulled up and over that fine dick. I am saddened to watch my new toy being tucked away. I explain his shoes are still too wet and he tells me he likes going barefoot. Yeah and bare-ass too I think to myself.

I explain to him who he's about to meet and tell him to let me do all the talking, like that would be a problem.

We arrive at Andrew's door and see he and Ricky lying on their stomachs bare feet in the air staring into the illumined box called TV. The colors and sounds draw you in and make you think you're truly watching cars racing around the track. I bet the makers of "Pong" would not believe how far we have come. Ricky's keen peripheral vision catches our movement and the game is paused. Andrew and Ricky look and smile accepting Rex before they meet, Kids.

"Guys this is Rex, Rex that's my brother Andrew and his pal Ricky"

Hand jars and thumb dancing take place and he is now one of them. A new car is added to the race, a third controller appears and they are off together.

I am off to fill my dad in on what I've been doing. No, not that stuff, just the things you'd tell your parents!

Dad is too cool. He listens and accepts the facts as presented and reply's

"Okay, well put out some more chicken and set an extra plate, ask Rick if he's staying." Finished with my duties I check on the boys. Some how Rex has found a place between them and the three are kind of cute. Man I need to call Ginny!

As I finish up the paperwork from my daily deliveries Andrew comes out for sodas.

"Man Rex is cool Bri, did you know he's from Alabama and came all this way by himself looking for his mother, but he has no idea if she's here or even in the state, on the way he lost everything, but the clothes on his back and if it weren't for you he would be stuck out in that storm all cold and damp with nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat?"

I am speechless.

"How did you find all that out?"

"Oh, Rex told us everything."


"Yeah he says you're the best and I should be proud to call you my brother, you know I am Bri." With a hug

Okay I guess I should stop sitting here with my jaw dropped, dad has just pulled up.

Before I can say a thing, Andrew runs out and meets him repeating the story of Rex, which he knows far better than I. Well except for all the good parts.

Dad settles in behind a cold beer as I repeat how I found Rex and knew I had to help him. Rex comes out hair over eyes until he steps in front of Dad. Then he brushes his hair back smiles, shakes the man's hand and introduces himself.

I here more words from him in a few seconds than he had spoken all afternoon. Ricky's mom calls, he has to head home, but not before the three friends make plans for the next day. I hadn't even thought about that. What now? What happens now? My family is here I can't just pull Rex to floor and lip-lock him, or worse.

Dinner is served, Rex sitting next to me rubs his leg against mine throughout the all meal. I have to figure away to get up from the table without the world learning that I have a ragging hard on. Look, Haley's Comet! No that won't work. Rex spills his milk, Dad and Andrew look for something to catch the mess, Rex reaches over and gives my dick a squeeze like he knows what I thinking, I pull away and head for my bedroom saying I'll grab a towel. As I back out of the closet towel in hand, Rex puts his arms around me and his hand slips into my shorts to grab my dick. No one can see us, but I feel weird knowing they are here. I pull away and we go out together, he with the towel me comfortably adjusted.

We all clean up the kitchen and the boy's head back in to play. The evening drags on as I try to figure out what I'm going to do come bed time. Just then Andrew comes out and announces that Rex is sleeping with him. I see the look coming from Rex and way to loudly I say,


Dad gives me strange look and says,

"Brian, you don't want some kid rolling around your bed with you, he can use the sleeping bag and stay with Andy its alright"

"Wrong Dad I do want this kid rolling around the bed with me" No let's not say that.

Andrew is trilled, he sees he has won and Rex just smiles at me.

Not normal, but I go in to say good night. There is Rex in just his jockeys and Andrew in his boxers. I freeze until Andrew pushes me out the door. Is his boxers tenting?

Next: Chapter 3

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