
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 20, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here then good-bye. As a responsible participant I ask that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

If you feel a need to correct my grammar or writing skills, I'll answer your criticism politely, but I'm not looking for a good grade from you, only a smile. If you want to copy of redistribute my work the answer is no, Nifty is the only choice of venue.

The second most enjoyment to making this crap up is hearing from you. Thank you.

Rex Part One

Rain, like a drum beating on the windows, puddles washing up splashing against the wheels and I'm running low on gas. I don't normally stop at those cheep Pump & Runs, but in this weather I figured it was better than going empty.

I didn't see him when I went in, heck everyone was wet and running from their vehicles to the door to pay and get out of there. It was actually after I paid that we embraced. Maybe that's too strong of a word for what really happened, but looking back it's just how I'd like to remember it.

How it really happened was I filled the van, no I'm not some soccer mom or anything, and it's my dad's van or really his companies van. I work for him part time during high school and now with summer upon us I work more. Anyway after I got the gas, I ran in and paid. This is one of those independent gas & grocery places where people stand around and talk. I always feel weird in those places, not that I have an ethnic problem, but when you're the only guy speaking English without a three day growth of hair on your face, well. Besides did you ever notice they're always smoking something that you've never tried, and sure you don't want to? Anyway

I headed out and stopped before I made a run back to the van. I'm already wet, but not soaked, and there is a kid on the edges of my sight and he is completely drenched. His hair is matted and hanging over his eyes, His shirt is stuck to his skin and almost opaque. His jeans cling to his legs like they have been painted there. He is shorter and younger than me. I moved in front of him to step away from next wet gasser, just then the cashier banged on the glass and the boy jumped forward and I caught him propelling against me. Now we're both soaked.

I don't know why, I never do this. I never offer rides, I never pick up strangers, I never ever allow anyone in my van, but on this day I did.

In my arms his head hung low, no eyes, just wet matted hair, he seemed small and light as a feather. We didn't really speak, I just told him, come on let's get out of here.

Okay let's make it clear, I like Ginny. She's been my girl forever. Well truth be told, we broke up a few weeks back. She just told me, "Brian this isn't working," gave back my gold cross and walked away. She won't return my calls, won't sit with me at school and hell I don't know what to do, but I never ever intended for this to happen.

Somehow I got him to let go and placed him in the passenger's seat. I still had not seen his face, but I knew there was something about him that made me want him with me. I ran around and jumped in behind the wheel and started the engine. Looking over, I saw his slim body shaking as water fell to the floor and seat around him, I turned up the heat and headed out into traffic. It was difficult to see as I drove through the rain. The heater, windshield wipers, driving rain made it difficult to talk, or at least for me to hear his answer to;

"Live near here?"


"My names Brian, what's yours?"

"I didn't hear you, I'm Brian, what's your name?"


Okay, my boy knows his name things are looking up. We take the right to my street and pull up and into the garage of our house.

Mom's gone for three weeks helping Gram after her hip surgery. Andrew, my younger brother is hanging with friends for the day and in this rain won't be around. Dad is at work. I ask myself why I make this mental list. I'm not sure I want the answer.

I'm out of the van and move around to his door, opened he holds his head low, hair still dripping, and body still shaking. Thunder moves us together, I see his eyes, they are blue no hazel I guess. They are deep and clear, his facial skin looks soft and his nose is just small and why I'm thinking cute scares me.

He is making no effort to move, something inside of me guides my hand to the top button of his shirt. He shakes a little, but does not pull away. The shirt is like a second layer of skin; I see two small dark rings outlining his nipples. The button fights me at first, and then they each move easily to open a view of a hairless chest and the beginning of a defined small six-pack. I pull the shirt up and away dragging the tail from within his jeans. Below a pink skinny belly is the defining print belting his waste, proclaiming Jockeys, Jockeys, Jockeys.

The hair has fallen again over his eyes, but I'm not necessarily looking at his face. His navel is shallow and I can make out the knot made from the umbilical cord, there is not hair to hide the beauty of this boy. I wonder what the hell I am doing. I move on.

Pulling the shirt back I peel it off his arms. Is that hair? Yeah, I was beginning to wonder. I think he must be at about fifteen; I'm seventeen and remember having armpit hair at his age.

I take the shirt and toss it across the garage towards the washing machine; it lands on top and starts small streams traveling down the front.

His skin is cold, I rub his arms and they redden while his veins appear beneath like blue webs. His arms have definition, muscle but not a strong weightlifter here. I step back and find a leg, the jeans drip and splash at my feet as I pull the first sneaker off his foot. My hand moves below the cuff on his wet Wranglers where small hairs tickle as I de-sock him. The first sock flies through the air sticking to the front of the dryer, I laugh at the sight of it and his head turns to see the silliness. I think I hear a giggle. His foot is small; I rub his toes, what am I doing. I stop and drop the leg. Something moves me forward. I find his left leg and remove that shoe. Again the sock, but this one hit the dryer and falls to its own puddle, he is watching now and interested in what I do next, I am as well

Bare feet and a nude chest lead me to the jeans. His diaphragm pulls in as my hand reaches for his belt. The leather is moist and unwilling to make my task easy. I pull against it and he almost falls from his seat. His wet hair touches my shirt and the moisture is transferred. He leans back and looks up watching me as I pull open his belt and release the snap. Now the Jockey's show he is soaked clear through. The zipper comes down. I try not to touch his private area although I now know I want to. He pushes up his slight frame allowing me to take his jeans and yank them away from his wet legs. Reaching the knees I dare to take a look straight at his package. The goods are buried under his Jockey's but defined thanks to the dampness. He no longer seems so small.

I finally get the jeans to exit from his feet. Again a toss, but not quite completely into the washer, another smile and small giggle can be heard. He sits there for a moment me looking at him looking at me. The underwear needs to go, we both know it, I move my arms towards him and he stands for the first time. In the garage next to the wet van forming a little lake around our feet he is so close. He stands near me; I smell the odor of damp hair. I reach again for his Jockey's; he pulls away and turns towards the washer. I step back and give him room. His hands go to his hips and he slips them under the band. The Jockey logo is rolled down and gone. He is facing away from me as he peels the underwear down his legs. He bends forward and I cannot help but look. There is a hairless pucker, between two clouded cheeks. Each foot is lifted one and then the other. He takes aim with the Jockey's and they fly slam-dunk into the washer. He turns his head looking for my approval; my eyes are on his body. I know he can see that I am looking at his small patch of hair shading the base of his dick that hangs slightly to the left over his soft hairless balls. He takes my hand and together we move into the house. I lead him to my room crossing the kitchen; his feet make squeaky noises on the tile floor. We make it to the bathroom and I turn the shower on. The water flows out cold, I hate that when you need it warm right now.

He lets go of my hand and steps back, his look says it all. I remove my wet shirt. It drops to the floor. Each foot pushes at the heel of my shoes and they clunk and roll towards the closet. A quick balancing act removes my socks; he watches my striptease from the front of me while my eyes take him in. My jeans push off without unsnapping or belting. My boxers are blue and I know it is hopeless to cover my advancing dick.

We are naked together and move under the warm water. Yeah I've been naked in the shower with other guys before, but it was in gym class or during a Scout campout. I have never done this, I have never been so close, felt so weird, or wanted to touch someone so much.

I grabbed another towel so we could dry each other. His hand brushed my chest and my thoughts went back to just moments ago as the water came down upon us. I don't know who touched first, but all at once his hand folded around my dick and I grew to beyond my most recent measurement. I took him in my hand and the head gave me its best vertical smile. I balanced his balls in my palm; his fingers separated mine and flicked them into a hop fest. I reached around him and brought his body to mine. My lips found his forehead and touched again when his wink brushed my nose. I found his lips. I had not kissed since mom said goodbye and we all know that doesn't count. I wanted so much to feel the moisture of other lips touching mine. My arms around him, his fingers moving along the lobs of my ass, we merged as one. Our tongues touch and this was nothing like with Ginny, this was better and that really scared me. Our embrace gave way to our dicks dancing and flipping sides as they played in the tangled pubic hairs of one another. The look in his eyes told me that this was a moment he needed as much as I. Why it happened, how it happened didn't matter at this point, we were together.

Next: Chapter 2

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