Revenge on Step Dad

By Pete D

Published on Dec 14, 2012


This was probably the worse day in my obnoxious hot-shit step Dad's life. I was finally able to get revenge on him and his jock sons with the help of my karma amulet. I bet he was sorry now for all the abuse he had heaped on his "sissy step son" for the last few years. In the last 20 minutes, I made him strip naked in front of his sons and then I felt him up and fingered his ass while his sons were watching. But I wasn't, at all, finished. Now I was making him walk out into the yard, in the middle of day, to spank him just like he did to me a few months ago.

What a great sight, to see him at the door stark naked almost begging me not to make him go outside. Although he wasn't completely begging me. Still a bit too proud for that. He was more like negotiating with me. Well that had to be fixed. "Get outside!", I ordered. He opened the door and looked out furtively. There was no one immediately visible but the regular afternoon sounds of activity were in the air. He covered his groin, as best he could considering how well hung he was, and darted out out into the middle of the yard. When he got there I told him to stop and then I ordered his sons to go out sit down on the grass in front of him. I am not sure if it was the amulet or if they were just scared of me now, but they obeyed.

My jerk of a step dad finally didn't look so macho; standing there trying to cover himself glancing around nervously as his sons all took a seat in front of him. "Hey what are you guys doing?" a young voice asked. It was our neighbour's little boy propping himself up on the fence. "Hey why don't you have any clothes on?" he laughed innocently. My step Dad looked over and turned white. "Go in your house!", he half whispered trying to order the kid without attracting attention, but the kid thought this was some kind of game and just laughed.

I then made my step Dad to get down on all fours with his ass facing us. Again I was impressed by the shape of his manly hairy globes and spent a few seconds just looking at him like that. He was turning red again. Then comically our neighbours dog came into the yard. My step brothers tried to shoo him away but I told them not to; just for the humour of it all! The dog playfully bounded up and starting licking my step Dad's face. The man kept moving his face away to avoid getting tongued by the dog. The dog then darted around and starting sniffing my step dad's naked ass. "get the fuck away from me" he cried as he was trying to push away the dog by wiggling around but he stayed on all fours as the amulet compelled him to. This made his big ball sac and penis flop around. I started laughing hysterically as did the boy next door. My step Dad and his sons weren't laughing though. "Oh come on, I said, this is hilarious!" My 3 step brothers remained glumly sitting in silence. They looked like they might cry. Now the dog was really sniffing invasively his nose pushing around the man's dangling genitals. For a second I thought the dog would mount him but we were interrupted by Hank the man next door, the father of that little boy. He angrily called the dog away. My Dad hung his head down not daring to look up. His friend seeing him like this must have been more than he could bear and he couldn't say anything. Well, what could you say really? One of my step bros put his head in his hands. I was loving all this.

Hank, of course, demanded to know what was going on. "Well tell him!", I said in my most authoritative voice. "Go on tell the nice man why you are in this position". Hank now looked even more confused wondering why a tough guy like my step dad would let me speak to him like that. "I'm being punished" my step Dad spoke up, "I'm being punished for spanking my creepy fucking step son so now he is making me do this!" He was raising his voice angrily. Hank didn't get it. "Someone's going to call the police", Hank managed to say in his confusion. "Please don't" my step dad implored his friend. Hank didn't know how to answer but then suddenly noticed his teenaged daughter walking slowly to the fence as if in a trance with an incredulous expression. She then smiled widely and grabbed her phone. Now Hank really looked concerned.

All 3 of my step brothers were now covering their faces. I walked quickly up to my step dad on the ground. "Did you just call me creepy?" I asked. "Well now your going to get it even worse mister". I then raised my hand and brought it down against his right cheek as hard as I could. My macho step dad cried out. I was delighted to see that I left a red mark on his hairy butt cheek. I then did it again on his left cheek. This time he didn't make a noise. I guess he was ready for it and didn't wasn't to give me the satisfaction. I kept slapping his ass as hard as I could and it was turning red. My step dad was grunting but he wasn't giving me that satisfying scream that I wanted. I had to break this macho jerk!

Hank was screaming for his daughter to get away but she wouldn't listen. Instead she was watching with great delight. She was also on the her cell phone telling someone else that a dream had come true and her handsome neighbour was stark bullocks naked getting spanked in the yard and whoever she was talking with had to come "right now!" She then started to take pictures with her phone.

I was getting furious at the how stoic my macho step dad was; the way he was refusing to scream. I told one of the boys to fetch me a ping pong paddle. I then told the naked man at my feet to role over on his back and pull his legs up. so I could spank his ass while watching his face. Wow!; It was great seeing the intense humiliation on his face when he got into this position. Now his hairy asshole and cock and balls were on display to everyone. so was his beautifully muscular chest. I had to stare down at him and take the sight in. His eyes were clenched tightly as he held his legs bent to his chest. He couldn't bear to see anyone. I told him to look at me. He opened his eyes. "So how do you feel now?", I asked. "Do you still think it was right to spank me?" He looked up at me and didn't say anything. His face simply radiated shame and anger. I am sure that, if he could have, he would have killed me right there and then. I wanted to make more of a point so I put my finger in his face and told him to lick it. He grimaced tasting my finger which he knew was in his ass not long before. I could only imagine what his sons thought about that.

I then started whacking his exposed behind as hard as I could with the ping pong paddle. Over and over again. He was gritting his teeth and tears started to role down his face. I was finally getting to him. His ass was completely red and now getting raw. It was going to blister. Our neighbours were shocked into silence. Two other teenaged girls appeared in the audience. One looked shocked but the other had a huge smile on her face. My step brothers were shouting for me to stop. But I wouldn't. The paddling went on. "Please stop!" my no longer so macho step dad finally shouted. "For mercy sake, please stop!", he screamed. "Im sorry, Im so sorry, please." He was fully crying! That's it! he was finally begging. "Yeah, I think that's enough" Hank offered. I was so caught up in what I was doing that I almost forgot they were still there. I stopped and looked at my handy work, The muscular man lied on his back with his legs still pulled up to his chest, everything on display like a baby being diapered, and he was sobbing. Crying like a kid right there in front of his kids. "Well this was justice" I thought. Now I was going to give him a lecture, just like he did to me after he spanked me.

Suddenly, I was violently pushed. I flew into the air and fell to the ground with a thud. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" I heard. I was winded and gasped for air. I looked up at the oldest of my step bothers, Andy. He was standing above me rolling up his sleeves showing off his jock hardened biceps. "You fucking sick pervert, your fucking dead!" he shouted. His face was red with rage. The next oldest of my step brothers stood beside him. They moved towards me. I felt for the amulet which was still in my pocket.

(to be continued when I get some suggestions of what's next)

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