Revenge on Step Dad

By Pete D

Published on Dec 1, 2012


Revenge on Step Dad Part 1

That swaggering macho hot shit step dad of mine had to be stopped. He had to be put into his place. Ever since him and his 3 equally obnoxious sons came into my life, its been nothing but hell. I don't know what my Mom sees in him. He is younger than her and never seems to have a regular job. I guess she likes him because he's so hot. In any case, he has always hated me. I was only a kid when they got married and even by then I was already too much on the effeminate side to fit in with my new "Dad" and my new jock "brothers". The fact that I have always been smart and have done well in school never earned me any points with any of my new "family".

I put up with their shit for the last few years, the constant humiliation, being picked on for not being good in sports or as cool as them; but this time he went too far. He spanked me again! And as usual in front of my step brothers. It was awful. It wasn't the first time he spanked me. He did quite a few times since I was a kid. And sometimes my brothers as well. He boasted to his friends about how only a tough guy like him could control a bunch like "his wild boys and that creepy step kid"

But this last time was the worse! One of my asshole brothers picked a fight with me for no good reason. It started when they burned "the faggot books" I treasured. I know my interest in the occult is a bit weird; but that didn't give them a right to burn my books. I tried to stop them. Then the fight happened. When "Dad" came to the yard. He demanded to know what was going on.

When they told him, he decided it was my fault. He grabbed me and put me over his knee. I was kicking and fighting him but he's way too strong. The fact that I'm definitely too old to be spanked like a little kid didn't seem to bother him. Once he had me secured over his knee he started pulling my pants down. I couldn't believe it! Right there outside in full view. My smirking step brothers all gathered around laughing. Even the little kid next door was standing a the fence looking at my humiliation. The kid's father came out and exchanged the some pleasantries with my step dad as I laid over his lap helpless. Then the smacks on my bare butt started. It stung like hell. The audience was cheering while my step dad lectured me on how I will never be as great a man as him if I didn't change my sissy ways.

I couldn't help starting to cry as the pain on my ass increased. When he finally let me go I stood up in front of him rubbing my backside with my pants and underwear at my feet. I tried to pull them up but he told me to stand like that while he continued to lecture me. All the while, the others were giggling and making fun of my manhood, or lack there of. A few more neighbours had gathered around adding to my embarrassment. I'll never forget how I felt standing there with my red ass on display covering my dick in my hands while he lectured me. Everyone was watching as I tried to stop crying. Im sure my jerk step dad was getting off on how tough an authority figure he must have seemed. I think I may even have seen a bulge is his pants. It was that day that I swore I would get even.

I continued my research into the occult intensely after that. Finally I created a an amulet that worked on the power of Karma. It allowed me to focus negative energies from someone back onto them. It was perfect for bullying those who like to bully. If I held that amulet, my orders directed at my victim could not be resisted. Now was time for revenge!

It was after school one day and my Mom was still at work. The rest of my "family" were watching the game in the living room. My step dad was wearing his wife beater which showed off the top of his hairy chest and muscular arms. Even with that powerful amulet clutched in my hand, it was hard for me to muster the courage to walk up in front of the TV and switch it off. I then boldly announced that I was sick of their bull shit and how things were going to change from now on.

They all started yelling at me and calling me fag. I picked up my step dad's beer and splashed some into his face. That silenced them all. All my step brothers shut their mouthes and with wide eyes looked at their father. Im sure they were happy thinking they were going to get to see me punished again. My step dad stood up menacingly, flushed with anger, "Now your going to get the spanking of your life". He lunged to grab me.

Stop right there I shouted , he stopped in his tracks and looked confused. He couldn't move his legs. My brothers stared at him in wonder. "What the fuck!" he said, looking down at his immobilized legs. "So you think it is fun to spank! You think its ok to humiliate others. Well now your going to see how it feels to be on the receiving end of that. Now your going to get a spanking. From now on I'm in charge!" They all stared at me with gapping mouthes. "Start stripping!", I shouted pointing at my hated step father. I sat down on the chair. "You little fucker!, he growled, "Who do you think your talking to?"; but even as he was saying that, his hands grabbed his wife beater and he pulled it off. What a great manly body! He had great muscular pecs covered in hair. His abdomen was flat and muscular and he had that line of hair running down fro his belly into his pants. "What are you doing Dad?" One of my bros asked. The macho adult stood there naked to waste wondering why he just listened to his little wimpy step son. "I don't know." he answered looking confused. "Keep going!", I ordered. He fumbled for his belt buckle. Now concern was appearing in his expression. He looked at his sons who were staring back in shock and then he peeled off his jeans revealing his hairy legs.

He then reached down and pulled of his socks. He was now standing only in his briefs. A surprised and worried look in his face. I couldn't help looking at his package outline in his briefs. Of course this jerk was well hung. He saw me staring. "Listen you little fag", he fumed, "I don't know what you are doing but you better stop now or I'm going to give you the walloping of your life". "Dad lets beat the shit out of him!", one of my brothers suggested. "What game are you playing Dad?", another asked, with a nervous laugh.

I pulled my eyes away from his package at looked at his angry handsome face. "I told you to strip and that means everything! Now get naked!" I could see him fighting with all his might. He was trying so hard not to obey me. His trembling hands went to the elastic of his underwear. "What are you doing Dad!", one of the boys shouted alarmed. He stood there for a second slightly bent over with his hands in his briefs and looked at his 3 aghast sons. He then pulled down his underwear. His large dick and balls swung free as he stepped out of his underwear and threw down with the rest of his discarded clothes. He stood up and looked at me in shock. He didn't try to cover anything, he was too manly for that, but instead pointed at me violently and asked what the fuck was going on.

"Put your hands on your head." I ordered. He complied. He looked so good standing helpless like that in front of me. His great hunky body was sweating. Some beads of sweat were starting to drip down from his hairy pits. I could actually smell his musky odour from where I was sitting. I looked him up and down. I had had caught glimpses of him naked before but I could never let my eyes feast on him like I was doing now. I couldn't help from looking back at his big limp dick framed by that mass of pubes. He was a real man's man and never would entertain the art of "manscaping". He started blushing profusely. I wasn't sure what was worse for him, my lustful stares or his 3 sons watching. I didn't care.

"Very good, now spread your legs", he did so. "Wider!", he now moved them far apart so it was hard for him to keep balance. This made his dick and balls look even bigger as they hung pendulously in between his muscular thighs. "Now I see why mom lets you keep living here while she's doing all the work and you sit around all day". I said, looking directly at his package. "How... How are you doing this?", He stammered with a worried tone. He was finally realizing how little control he now had. I casually reached over and put my hand around his penis. He cringed at my touch. His sons all jumped from their seats. "I think you guys better just sit back down." I said, "If you upset me, you will all get punished instead of just your dad". I was now rolling his balls in my hand. I was amazed at the size of his genitals compared to my own. "Yea guys better do as he says", my step dad managed to say as I fondled him. They sat down reluctantly not sure how to process what they were witnessing. I felt around between his legs playing with hairy area between his balls and his asshole. His was contorting his beet red face as I explored his most private areas. I tried to play with his dick a little to see if he would get hard but I think he was too overwhelmingly humiliated. I then had him turn around and touch the floor. He bent over with his ass in my face. I gently pulled his butt cheeks apart and spread his hairy crack so I could look at his hole. I could see he was instinctively clenching it. While he was bent over like that he looked up into the faces of his mortified sons. I couldn't see his expression at that moment but i'm sure it was priceless. Theirs' was.

"So you think its ok to spank guys even when they're older", I asked, still playing with the hairs around his ass and balls. "No, no i don't" he squeaked as I tapped on his puckered anus. "But you did that to me. Remember that?". "I was just trying to teach you a lesson", he managed to say as my finger entered him. He yelped and stood up on his toes as I wiggled it around. "I was trying to help you" he moaned against gritted teeth. I pushed my finger in further. "Please leave him alone!"one of his horrified sons implored. "It's ok" he tried to say assuringly to his sons but there was such obvious discomfort in his voice it didn't sound assuring at all. I suddenly yanked my finger out causing my macho step dad to gasp audibly. I told him to stand up and face me. He did have a priceless expression. He was blushing profusely head to toe. He was sweating with drips running down his face. "Well, I think i need to teach you a lesson", I said. "I'm going to spank you now and we are all going outside into the yard for that." Now he looked scared. "Listen," he said, trying to regain some composure, "I cant go outside like this. It was different with you. Im a grown man, You cant embarrass a man like this in public!"

I told him not to tell me what I couldn't do. I then ordered him to march outside. It was great watching his sexy muscular ass pumping as he walked; his heavy dick slapping his thighs. He must of felt so weird walking naked through the living room feeling the carpet under his bear feet and his dick swinging while we were all watching. "Go upstairs!", he told his sons in a firm voice, obviously not wishing them to see anymore of this. "No", I interrupted "you are all coming out to watch. I want this to be an example to all of you of what will happen if you cross me".

As he fumbled at the door lock, he started blabbering about how I didn't need to do this. How he promised to never spank me again and he would even give me a raise on my allowance. That just made me angrier. Obviously he didn't quite yet understand what our new positions were. "Get out there!" I ordered, and he opened the door onto the sunny afternoon.

To be continued (suggestions welcomed)

Next: Chapter 2

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