Revenge on Drunken Father

By Andrew Davidson

Published on Apr 28, 2012



I heard the door slam. I began to quiver as I leaned up against the wall, hoping that I'd somehow vanish through it and be able to hide from Doak. Doak was my dad, but I didn't call him `dad'. He wasn't really my dad, more like my sperm donor. My mom had died about 3 years ago and since then, I've been in his abusive care.

I'm only 17 and I'm not that strong. Doak, on the other hand, is a grown man, and while he isn't particularly muscular either, he's still stronger than me and I could swear that he gets off on hurting me. Some nights it's just a slap, but most of the time he didn't hold back. I was glad when he was completely trashed, because he tended to pass right out without making a stop at my room.

Some people might ask, "Why don't you leave? Call CPS." there's a reason I don't. I have a younger brother who went straight into the foster care system once my mom died. I visit him sometimes and he tells me how bad it is, moving from place to place and always being treated as an outsider, even by the most loving families. I didn't want to be in the same situation. At least where I was now, I had friends.

I didn't know it, but my life was about to change drastically in the middle of my junior year in high school. Word got around that we were receiving some foreign exchange students for the spring semester, and that they would arrive after Christmas break. Sure enough, come January, there were five new students. One in particular stuck out to me, though. Andrei was from Kiev in the Ukraine, and though he was nice, he was a very serious looking person. He was also 17, but he was built very stocky-like, with a small layer of fat covering his otherwise muscular frame.

He often wore tanktops to school, with very expensive looking jeans and shoes with huge tongues. He never wore socks, which made me bet his feet smelt pretty bad during the day, especially after he got done working out with the other jocks in Weightlifting.

We were paired together in Chemistry class to work on a project. Since I was the only kid living at my house, and Andrei's host family had other teenagers living there, we decided it'd be best to go to my house to do the research. I warned Andrei, though, that he had to leave the house by 8:00pm, although I didn't tell him why. I didn't want anyone to know about my father. It'd be embarrassing.

One night while we were studying, Andrei asked about a bruise on my upper arm. I told him it was nothing, but he didn't accept that for an answer. "Tell me.. what it is." he told me through his thick accent. Even with his poor pronunciation, he emitted an air of dominance. I told him that my dad had overreacted one night over something dumb and hit me, and that it wasn't a big deal.

"I won't help a father to beat his kid.. is wrong." he replied.

"Please, Andrei. There's no need to get involved. It's not that bad." I pleaded.

"I stay here past 8 o'clock, then let's see who is bigger.. your father or I." he ignored my pleas and stated his intentions. A nervous explosion ripped through me and I asked him again to leave.

"I don't want you to get involved. It's bad enough that I get hurt." I said, although my resolve was diminishing.

"You have fear that I get hurt by your father, he who's that weak and attacks his child?" Andrei let out a deep laugh and took off his tank top. "Alan, I don't fear your weak father.. look at me." he said as he flexed his chest. His big pecs bounced into form and became rock hard. He spread his arms out then curled them to his shoulders, letting me view his display of power finally up close. He then grabbed the bottoms of his gym shorts and lifted them up, showing me how thick his thighs were.

"Do you think I should fear?" he smirked.

"Wow.." was all I could say. The routine slamming of the door resonated through the house, and like clockwork, fear pierced my moment of awe. "Please, he's home. Don't let him hurt me." I begged, feeling pathetic that I had to ask this Ukrainian stud to protect me.

"Haha, YOU will not be hurt.." he laughed, placing emphasis on the `you'.

My dad burst through the room, yelling, "Who the fuck is laughing?" his expression of anger changed completely once he saw Andrei, still shirtless, standing in the middle of my room. Andrei smirked at my dad, who turned around and bolted for the door.

As Andrei took off running after him, I saw his massive calves flexing with each step he took. His powerful legs propelled him across the room, and it was more like he was gliding than running. He caught my dad easily and chokeslammed him to the ground.

"You cannot run.. your punishment begins now." Andrei said calmly. "Now, I did not shower for some days now. Forgive me, it is maybe smelly there.." as he took off his gym shorts, leaving him in nothing but a jock strap and his filthy black socks. He grabbed my dad's head and encased it between his meaty thighs.

"Watch my legs.." he told me as the ripples in his legs became more apparent with him flexing them.

"Please let me go!" my dad's drunken voice sounded muffled as he was talking into Andrei's dirty jockstrap. "It hurts so much!" he barely managed to scream as Andrei continued to squeeze his head. Andrei didn't seem to be getting tired at all, but my dad looked like his eyes might pop out of their sockets with how hard Andrei was screaming.

"Okey, now you will get up, then we shall box.." Andrei instructed as he released his scissorhold on my dad and helped him to his feet. "This is your chance, you might put me down like a dog." Andrei laughed. "In fact, I let you hit first.. isn't it fair?"

My dad just looked at him like he was crazy. He had just been forced to inhale the smell of Andrei's dirty jock while having his head crushed between the Ukrainian's thighs. "Come, or do you wish that I hit you first?" Andrei asked as he flexed his biceps for my dad to see.

My dad got closer to Andrei and threw a hard punch that I was so familiar with to Andrei's face. It hit dead on Andrei's jaw, but Andrei didn't stagger like I always did. In fact, he continued laughing. "That did not hurt.. not even a bit. Are you certain, that you tried? Here, I show you how man hits." Andrei drew back his first, and leaned into his punch, putting all 220 lbs of muscle into the hit. My dad went flying across the living room, with some of his broken teeth trailing behind him.

"That is how man hits. But it is not done with." Andrei smiled as he walked over to where my dad was laying, blood running out of his mouth. "Next, I show you the power in my legs. You tasted them earlier, yes? But now you will feel not just pressure, but pain too."

"Please.. no more pain." my dad begged with broken teeth teetering dangerously in his mouth.

"I recall, Alan there was hurt many times by you, yes? But you stopped not. yes? I won't stop either. It is fair that way." Andrei smiled as he slowly approached the trembling man. "Now stand, you pathetic drunk." Andrei commanded in his deep voice.

My dad scrambled to his feet, his eyes darting to the door and back. "In English, I believe they call it `roundhouse kick'. Stand still, now." Andrei casually instructed as if he were teaching a dance class. Before either my dad or me had seen what was coming, Andrei had thrown a very swift and powerful kick to my dad's chest. My dad went flying once more against a wall and it didn't look like he was going to be able to move much more.

"Now, it's time to humiliate you more, yes? Here. I have smelly feets too." Andrei removed his dirty socks to reveal his filthy soles. "Disgusting, yes? Come and sniff, faggot." Andrei laughed as my dad twitched in pain. But he forced himself to crawl over to Andrei, fearing the consequences of disobeying. I could hear him sniffing Andrei's feet, and his response was a very repulsed look. They did appear to be very sweaty and smelly.

"I don't want that you can escape at all.. no, no escape for you. What do I do? Ah, yes.. very simplistic. Remember the power that I punched you with?" Andrei smirked. I doubted my father would ever forget such strength. "Extend your legs, faggot." Andrei commanded.

My father stretched out his legs weakly, and Andrei shocked me even more with his next action. He repeatedly punched my father in the thighs until they were a disturbing black and blue color. My father would not be able to walk, much less barely move his legs after that.

"Tell me, faggot.. is my fists damaged? Do they seem hurt?" Andrei asked as he held up his fists to my dad's face.

"No.. they don't." he muttered weakly.

"Do you know the reason? For I am a fighter. I crushed you, like a fly. No escape for you. Next I will humiliate further."

Andrei shocked the hell out of me with his next move. He walked over to the coffee table and squated over it. I watched, mesmerized and unable to look away, as the loud sound of him squeezing thick pieces of shit out of his muscular ass reverberated throughout the room.

"Come here and sniff, like a dog." Andrei commanded. My dad looked like a paraplegic, using his arms to scoot along the floor as his legs were basically dead. He looked repulsed as the turds were thicker than his wrist, but Andrei followed through with his order. He forced my dad's nose into the shit and kept it there until my dad nearly threw up.

"You are not man.. you are dog. Weak, puny dog." Andrei laughed. I felt turned on and disgusted at the same time. But a strange sense of relief washed over me as I watched my dad be completely dominated and humiliated by a teenager. Cruel justice, it was.

"Alan, you want to see dad here become fucked like he is woman?" Andrei asked. I knew his question was rhetorical. He was about to dominate my dad's asshole whether he liked it or not. Andrei easily ripped off the pants my dad was wearing and began to massage his cock.

"I would command a blowjob, but I do not want broken teeth to cut my tool.." Andrei laughed again at his own destruction. Blood was still dripping out of my dad's mouth, which was now covered with Ukrainian teen shit.

His immense uncut cock began to swell up. Several prominent veins snaked their way down his shaft to his base. He penetrated my dad's tight hole without warning, and I'll never forget the blood curdling scream my dad let out.

"It hurts?" Andrei asked. "Well, maybe I could be a bit gentle." Andrei laughed.

"But no, you never was gentle to Alan. Why do you deserve it? Nah, you don't." Andrei let his large cock slam completely inside my dad, who was in tears by now.

"No.. No.. I'm sorry." he cried out, but Andrei simply laughed and ignored him.

"Women beg.. are you woman?" Andrei said loudly as he continued to hammer my dad's asshole into pieces.

"Please.." was all I could hear my dad murmur before he lost his voice from screaming so loudly. Andrei fucked my dad for what seemed like forever until he began to shake violently. "Take my seed!" he growled loudly and pulled out quickly before cumming all over my dad. It was everywhere! It covered his ass, his back, his legs, and his hair. My father collapsed onto the coffee table which Andrei had been fucking him over, his face meshed into Andrei's pile of shit.

"Hm, I don't think funtime is over." Andrei laughed. "Look how small your dad's nipples is.. so tiny. Pitiful American. Pitiful drunk." he exclaimed as he massaged his own, big and thick nipples.

"Some more crushing, yes?" Andrei grinned as he stood over my dad, who was hunched over the coffee table. Andrei stood with his legs on either side of my dad's ribcage area and brought his thighs together. I watched in amazement as his huge thighs flexed with power until a distinct `cracking' noise could be heard throughout the room.

"What? Already? What a weak man.." Andrei mocked, referring to my dad's broken ribs.

Andrei released his grip on my dad, causing my dad to droop to the floor.

Andrei walked back to where I was standing and had been watching and asked, "So, your dad.. not very scary now, yes? Cannot walk, hardly breathe.. barely talk.. no pride. I think is funny. He won't hurt you now, huh? So weak. But wait, if he hurts you once more.. well, I stay in America until June, don't I? Hope he won't forget my power for long time to come.." Andrei finished his pounding by throwing up his arms in double rear bicep pose as he walked towards my door.

"Oh yes, Alan. I am here tomorrow too for homework, and then I will too remain past 8. That's okay with you, yes? I thought so. Good night." with that, I watched his powerful hams flex as he walked to his car, and my eyes averted to my powerless father lying in the floor, barely conscious.

"My turn." I said as I approached my once abusive father.

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