Reunion with Marcus

Published on Aug 29, 2006



Tommy now called himself Thomas. After all high school was five years ago. College too had come and gone too, at least the undergraduate years plus a year. He still had to finish work for his Masters Degree but basically he felt grown up, adult and for the first tme since being a teenager felt like he had a handle on his life.

There was love of course. He hadn't fallen in love with anyone. Crushes and sex was a different thing.

His freshmen year in college ended with a drunken night of both. His roommate and he released all the repressed attraction they apparently had had all year long. And in the morning they laughed at themselves for wasting the year. But Conroy was moving to Europe to continue his education in Italy. And Tommy or Thomas had to return to the campus to find other friends and a new roommate.

But the most important thing was both had finally experienced what they both had fantasized about. That last month on campus was filled with sex and more partying. In fact their activities were well known and they met others like them. Guys they didn't know were gay. Athletes, computer geeks, fraternity brothers and even guys who lived in the nearby town.

But that was years ago and despite an occasional letter from Conroy, Thomas had sought his physical interaction with others.

Each summer Tommy did return home to work in his father's computer store. Unlike many of his friends he liked the summer job. Not only because it was computers and his family but many of his old friends would come in to see him or even to do business.

One was Marcus. Marcus had been Tommy's protector when he was a kid in elementary school. Tommy was a thin short boy and Marcus alot larger though the same age. Their friendship continued into high school when both were about the same size and bullies weren't an issue. The compared their bodies changing from boys into horny males with pubic hair and boners. Marcus went to Tommy's wrestyling meets and Tommy went to all of Marcus waterpolo matches. They shared their first taste of alcohol. And they double dated in those years too.

Marcus went to the Naval Academy while Tommy went to the University. That first summer Marcus appeared in the store in his uniform and Tommy realized the attraction he had had was something more then just friendship. Marcus couldn't stay long but they talked of life, high school memories and war.

Laying on the side of the river in the next town they talked, really talked.

"I have something to tell you" Marcus began "uh but you can't tell anyone. I mean if they find out, I'll be out of the Academy so quick it wouldn't be funny"

"Me first, I gotta tell you something too" Tommy said "me and Conroy, you know my roommate we uh "

"Hey if you're going to tell me you're gay, don't bother I know" Marcus said.

Tommy was stunned. "How er I mean how did you know?"

"Well the fact you got a raging hard on right now is one clue" Marcus said looking at Tommy's wet speedos which were tented.

"Hell you've had a boner since I got here" he added.

"Shit" Tommy said "I guess, I mean"

"Man I thought so in school. But we're all horny in high school so I figured but you know didn't want to say anything" Marcus continued. He turned on his side and propped his head on his elbow.

"Yea me too. I mean I didn't know until Conroy and me well you know" Tommy said afraid to look at Marcus. He figured his friend of the past years wouldn't understand and infact would leave.

"Hey I gotta go" Marcus said. Tommy felt his stomach clench, His fears were true.

"Just got to take a leak man, i'll be right back" Marcus said.

Tommy watched him walk towards the portajohns. His back was muscular as ever, his wet legs were thick and dark. His butt filled out the speedos he wore as they did in high school.

Tommy had seen him in his underwear even naked now and then over the years. But each time he went to Marcus waterpolo matches there was something exciting about seeing him glowing wet in his speedos when he got out of the pool with his teammates. Tommy had masturbated several times with that image in his head. Now he knew he'd do the same when he got home.

"OK my turn" Marcus said when he returned.

"Hey let's go to the house and barbque, drink beer and watch satellite, the folks are gone" Tommy interupted.

They showered, walked around in their towels.

"Christ does your boner ever go away?" Marcus said making a reach for the obvious growth under Tommy's towel. He jumped. "Hey relax, it's only me" Marcus said.

It was nice for both of them as they shared their hunger, anecdotes and hamburgers.

"So today you were goign to tell me something" Tommy said.

"Well I gotta go back tomorrow" Marcus said

"I knew that man" Tommy said.

"No I mean I have to tell you something before I do. Not sure when I'll have the chance again" Marcus said as he put his hand on Tommy's bare thigh and squeezed it.

"OK, go for it, I'm sure it's not as exciting as my news" Tommy said.

"Well let's see" Marcus moved to the floor between Tommy's spread legs. He reached and found the zipper on Tommy's shorts and lowered it.

"What the fuck are you doin, I mean you don't have to just because I said" Tommy stammered.

"Shut the fuck up" Marcus said and then pulled Tommy's half hard penis out from within his shorts. His tongue and lips then moved all over it until the cock became rock hard.

"Oh shit" Tommy said as he felt his best friends lips grib his cock and begin to give him a blowjob that until then he had only fantasized about.

"Lift up" Marcus said in a husky voice. Tommy was in a trance but lifted his hips as Marcus pulled the shorts off his hips and down his legs. He returned to licking and sucking and making Tommy moan.

So many thoughts went through Tommy's mind. Was Marcus just doing this because of Tommy's revelation? Would he push Tommy away if he reciprocated. How very much he wanted to reciprocate.

Did that night in high school during a sleepover when both masturbated in the dark hearing each other's moaning start things?

Marcus was in the Navy would he be kicked out for what he was doing?

"Come on, let's go upstairs" Marcus stood pulling his shirt off then his own shorts. His penis was hard and curved. Tommy had seen it before and wondered what it would feel like if he reached out to touch it.

Now he did. It was hard in his hand and made him more excited then the feeling of Marcus lips.

"I thoguht you were" Tommy said watching Marcus butt now naked move ahead of him to the stairs.

How many times the two of them had hung out in his bedroom. Marcus had slept over many weekends there. They had wrestled in thier underwear laughing at the boners that were obvious in their jockey shorts.

Now they were there again, naked and erect.

"Hey maybe we " Tommy began but Marcus hand on his lips told him to stop talking. And then his lips replaced his hand.

Time disappeared. Sounds from the outside were dorwned out by the heaving breathing, the grunts and the sighs pent up by years of fantasies, fears and frustration .

The orgasms weren't as important as their unleashed desires for each other. The kisses on the neck, the fingers tracing the muscles long admired and the parts of their bodies kept previously private.

They shared whatever physical desires they had with the emotional needs they needed to express.

There was no limits and no spoken concerns. Each tasted the other, thaking turns to make the other's bodies respond. They fit each other entering with animalistic needs and measure each other's physical responses to things that neither presumed the other knew about.

"Sun's coming up" Marcus said as he kissed Tommy's nipple. "Fuck" Tommy sighed knowing that meant time had resumed.

"We should have done this a long time ago" Marcus said.

"Naw" Tommy said "This was the right time. If we did it in school, we'd be just two horny teenagers"

"What are we now?" Marcus said wondering himself.

"Not sure but I know we're both gay, was that what you were going to tell me?" Tommy said.

"Naw I was going to say it's ok you are." Marcus said. There was silence. And before Tommy could deal with his fears that Marcus wasn't gay so much as just exprssing his special attraction to him as a friend or more then just a friend, Marcus added.

"I'm not sure it's ok if I am. I mean I really want this Navy thing, I do" Marcus said.

"You do look good in that uniform" Tommy said as he bent over to kiss Marcus belly, his pubic hair then his thick soft cock.

Marcus let him. He remembered the time Tommy had examined his newly grown pubic hair. He had returned from summer camp and was anxious to show Tommy what had appeared over the summer.

The boy touched the growth and pulled on it, He even touched Marcus hair covered nutsac. He knew it felt good to have him touch him there.

"And I have to go back to campus too" Tommy said.

"To Conroy?" Marcus said.

Tommy was surprised at the way Marcus said it. Was he jealous? That was a new feeling and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.

"Naw we were just uh fooling around. He's off to Europe"

"And what were we doing?" Marcus said.

"Uh not sure" Tommy knew what he wanted to say but if he scared Marcus it might end their friendship. And if nothing else happened, he wanted that more then anything.

"I think we made love" Marcus said and then kissed Tommy pushing his tongue deep inside and accepting Tommy's.

Slowly time and outside noises inserted themselves into the magic sensations of their bodies pressed together.

"The folks are back" Tommy said.

"Shit my clothes are downstairs" Marcus said.

"I'll get em" Tommy pulled on a robe to go to the living room. He didn't ahve to walk far sinc eboth his and Marcus discarded clothing was folded neatly and placed outside his unlocked bedroom door.

Tommy knew that sooner or later he'd talk to his parents about his discovery. But it wasn't time yet and hopefully it wouldn't be.

"I knew Marcus was here" Tommy's mother said as they appeared in the kitchen "sit down I made omelettes"

And as they had done dozens of tmes before over the years Marcus and Tommy ate breakfast, laughing and talking to Tommy's mother and when he appeared his father.

They talked about how touch the Naval Academy was, about what Marcus plans to go to pilot school were and what he planned to do in life.

Then it was time interupting again as Marcus and Tommy walked to the car. Looking around as if hoping they weren't in an observing world, both boys wanted to kiss long and deep and hope their newly revealed passion would squelch the tears that most certainly would appear.

They had done this before when Marcus left right after high school. Hugged and patted each other on the butts, an action reserved only for the closest of friends in the hetrosexual world.

They hugged again, whispered things like "take care of yourself" in each other's ears and once again patted each other on the butt, this time out of memory for the feelings and sensations they had shared the night before.

"Hey Tommy" Marcus waved his finger calling Tommy close to the car in which he now sat. "Come here"

Tommy moved close and Marcus grabbed the back of his head pulling his lips to his. They kissed hoping Tommy's parents weren't watching let alone some secret spy for the Navy Academy.

"Might be awhile, but we'll get together again"

That was years ago and Tommy had become Thomas. His tassle had been turned again and a year acting as a Professors Assistant made him feel grown up. The freshmen seemed so young to him.

The men he had spent impassioned times with had helped him grow more emotionally and sensually as well.

He began to pack. His weeks at home was nice but he had a plane to catch to the UK. A year studying there would conclude his Masters work. And Conroy would show him around the country.

Thomas timed his departure based on the news from Marcus or Lt. Marcus as he was now addressed. A year in pilot school would take him to the four years of Navy service ahead.

The knock came and Tommy tripped getting to the front door.

A tall, uniformed man stood there. In his hand was a letter of some sort. Thomas stopped and stared at the stranger.

"Thomas Miller?" the man asked.

"Oh fuck" Thomas muttered believing Marcus had been in some horrible accident.

"I'm Lt. Tucker, a friend of Marcus? He asked me to let you know he'll be coming in tonight instead. I was on my way to see my folks in Towson and promised I'd stop by"

Thomas entire body relaxed making him realize how tense he had been for a few minutes perhaps how much in love he was as well.

"We're going to Aunt Ednas, make sure Marcus knows we said hi" His mother said as his parents left the house "and honey, close the blinds before you two uh " she said kissing Tommy on the cheek.

"She knew" he said to himself out loud as Thomas heated some leftovers.

This time there was no knock. A tall uniformed man just appeared like a spirit out of the surreal world of desire.

Tommy sat there staring. He wasn't sure what to do.

"Wow you do look great in an uniform" he said.

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