Reunion With Al

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 10, 2005


Reunion with Al, Part 4 By

I'd run into Al after not having seen him for decades. We had been enjoying stroking each other's hard pricks, and the touch of his warm fingers on mine was always heavenly. Likewise, I enjoyed feeling his foreskin gliding smoothly over the firmness beneath, until he exploded in a hot shattering orgasm.

Last time I'd been to his house, I'd found his two younger brothers with him, and we'd enjoyed hot four-way sex, masturbating each other's pricks to the inevitable explosions.

The older one, Tom, had a long tight foreskin that he could not slide back over the big mushroom shaped head, while the younger brother, Tim, had been circumcised at birth, something he'd always regretted because his older brothers got so much enjoyment from their natural male anatomies.

It had been several weeks since I'd seen the brothers, and we were all eager to make up for lost time. We'd planned a couple of things to do, and now I was impatient to catch up with them.

When I arrived that Saturday afternoon, all three brothers were naked, and they watched avidly as I stripped out of my clothes. They'd started without me, and all three were rock-hard and very, very wet. Al's purple mushroom peeped halfway out of his partly retracted hood, while Tom's was still fully covered, the way mine is when I'm fully hard. Tim's dry, leathery mushroom tip was fully exposed, as his foreskin had been removed at birth, leaving a thick brown scar ring behind the head. Tim envied our intact foreskins, and playing with them would unfailingly get him fully aroused and dripping, even without anyone touching his prick.

"I don't know about you guys, but my bladder's gonna burst if I don't pee," Al announced. "I'm gonna go into the bathroom, and if any want to join me, come on in." He led the way, and we followed. I wasn't fully hard yet, and their pricks had softened slightly from the distraction. Al stepped to the sink and turned on the water, carefully adjusting its temperature.

"I need some hot water to get me started because I'm still pretty hard," he said as he drew his foreskin back behind his rim and cupped his other hand under the water, pouring a handful over his exposed glans. After several hands full, a small stream began at his meatus.

"I can see the lips of his slit spreading now that he's started," commented Tim, who stood directly behind Al, looking over his shoulder. The stream became fuller, and soon Al was actively draining himself, aiming down at the drain. When he was finished, he slipped his foreskin forward over his now flaccid glans and stepped back to let Tim take his turn. Al reached around Tim and scooped up the water, pouring it over Tim's big exposed mushroom.

"Aaaaahhhhh, that feels nice. I can feel it starting now," he said as a thin yellow stream poured from his slit.

"The lips of your slit spread just like mine," Al said. We're built alike, you know." He was right. The three brothers all had large mushroom shaped tips, with rims rising above the neck of the shaft. The only differences were that Tim's foreskin had been completely removed at birth and Tom's hood covered the head completely, even with erection. Al's slid back easily, and covered only half the head when he was hard.

"I'm done, guys," said Tim as he milked his penis and stepped back from the sink. Tom took his place, pouring water over the front end of his penis. He held the foreskin back as far as he could, enough to form a dime-sized opening at the end.

"The hot water's working on me, even though the head's mostly covered," Tom remarked. "It feels good where it's touching the tip." His stream began, following Al's and Tim's down the drain.

"Now that he can uncover the opening, he doesn't spray any more when he pees," Al said.

"I used to have to sit down to pee all the time," Tom answered. When I was a kid, the opening in my skin was so tight that my skin would swell up like a balloon every time I peed."

"I sometimes pinch the end shut if I pee in the shower," I said. That makes my foreskin balloon out too."

"Okay, I'm finished," Tom said. "Your turn," he said, nodding at me. I skinned back to lock my hood behind my rim and poured hot water over my bare glans, the sensation hitting me like a powerful diuretic, and my stream started with a thick gush. The nerve endings in my helmet tingled at the hot water ran over them, and my stream tickled inside as it coursed towards the end of my prick. When I was finished, I milked my prick and pulled my foreskin fully forward to form a nipple beyond the glans. We returned to the bedroom, where I sat next to Tim because I knew he was fascinated by my foreskin.

Tim reached for my penis as I sat on the bed next to him, twisting the long nipple of foreskin protruding beyond my glans, and I began to feel my penis swelling.

"I just love playing with your skin," he said. "It's so long, as long as Tom's, and it slides so easily." His fingers began easing my hood back over the head, baring my puffed up slit. "Your slit gets all pouty when you get hard," he continued. "Now it looks like a teardrop." As he spoke I reached for Tom's hardness, testing the skin for tightness.

"Did my friend mail you the tubes?" I asked. I'd arranged for a friend of mine who had had the same tight foreskin problem to send him the tubes he'd used to stretch the opening.

"Yeah, I got them a few days after you said he'd do it, and I started with the smallest one first. I coated it with Vaseline and pushed it into my skin. I held it in place with tape, and a few days later I switched to a larger tube."

"Then it's really working," I said. "It worked fine for Fred, and it took only a couple of months to stretch his foreskin so he could get it back."

"It's been a little trouble to pee," Tom answered. "Each time I have to take the tape off and put it back on when I'm finished. With the first tube, I had to take it out first because it was too narrow to pee. This one's okay, though. The stream goes right through without spraying."

"I can see your opening's stretched, though," I said as I drew his foreskin back gently to bare his slit. The orifice was about the diameter of a dime, and showed some of the red glans around his meatus.

"Right, Jack, it's looser now. I'm using a ½" tube and in a few days I'll use a ¾" one." He winced as I touched my fingertip to the end of his glans. "My tip's very sensitive, Jack. That almost hurt."

"That sensitivity will fade as you get older," I said. "I know mine and Al's were super-sensitive when we were younger, but now our tips aren't as tender anymore. You'll be glad your tip's sensitive when you get older."

"I've got a buddy, Joe, he's about 55," Al contributed. "He was cut when he was born, and his tip's not very sensitive now. He has trouble getting' it up."

"Some cut guys are like that," I said. "They get impotent earlier than natural guys because they lose a lot of sensitivity. Even if they can get it up, they have trouble coming later in life."

"I hope that doesn't happen to me," Tim said. "I heard of stretching the skin to cover the head. A friend told me there are some sites on the Internet that have directions on how to do it to stretch the skin."

"I've seen a couple of those sites," Al said. "Stretching works to stretch the skin both for cut guys and guys like me."

"What do you need to stretch for, Al?" Tim asked. "You weren't cut."

"Uncut guys sometimes stretch too, if nature didn't give them as much skin as they'd like. I'd like to have as much skin as Jack and Tom, enough to cover the head all they way even when I get hard." Tom grasped Al's foreskin as he was speaking and stretched it out to cover the head completely.

"That's what you'd like, isn't it?" he asked as he held Al's foreskin over the turgid mushroom.

"Yeah, like that, and maybe a little more," Al replied. "Then maybe I could dock Tim's cock."

"Can you try to dock me this time?" Tim asked me. "You've got enough skin, and it's not tight like Tom's."

"We can try," I said as I rolled over so that we were facing each other. Tim adjusted his position so that the tip of his prick touched mine.

"That's nice, two cocks kissing," Tom observed as my glans slid smoothly against Tim's. Tim grasped my foreskin and tried to bring it forward to cover his bare glans. It slid halfway along his bulky mushroom, and then stopped.

"I don't want to pull any harder because it might hurt," Tim said to me. "Does that feel comfortable for you?"

"That's fine, but it would hurt if you pulled any harder. My foreskin stretched only so far."

"Oh, I was hoping so much that you'd dock me this time," he said with a note of disappointment.

"Maybe I can," I replied. "Docking's been over-rated. Most uncut guys haven't got enough foreskin to dock another guy, especially if the other guy's got as big a head as yours is."

"I think Tom could dock me if his skin wasn't so tight," Tim said.

"Maybe I can still do it," I said. "The problem is my helmet's swollen now, and that doesn't leave much room for your mushroom inside there. If my prick were soft I could probably take you."

"Then we have to get it soft," Tim replied with perfect logic as he scooted down so that his lips were inches from my prick. I felt his tongue probing inside my foreskin, tickling my slit, working in circles under the long hood. I lay down on my back to give him full access as he cupped my balls. His other hand stabilized my prick as his lips closed around my foreskin.

"Tim knows how to give a super blow job to an uncut cock," Al laughed. "He sure had enough practice doing Tom and me." Tim paused and removed his mouth to speak:

"I just love that smell and taste. Your cock's even tastier than my brothers' cocks." Now he engulfed my prick again, pushing my foreskin back with his lips as his tongue swirled around my helmet. Tim probed the deep groove behind my rim, teasing the nerve endings that rarely saw the light of day. I felt my excitement building under his relentless stimulation.

"Let me hold him'" Al said as he pushed his brother's hand away from my hard shaft and closed his fingers around it tightly. "I want to feel how hard he gets while you're sucking him." "I'll feel him when he starts to shoot," Tom said as he slipped his hand under Tim's, which was still cupping my balls, and pressed his fingertips into the tender flesh behind them.

"He won't last long," said Al. "Look at how his veins are already standing out on his cock." His fingers squeezed tighter, compressing my veins and increasing the swelling in my prick. Meanwhile, Tim's lips were working on my corona, compressing the nerve endings lightly as they added friction to my rim.

"I'm gettin' that tickle in the rim," I said. "I don't think I'll be able to hold off much longer."

"Just try to relax, Jack," Tom said. "The longer you can relax, the hotter you'll be when you cream."

"We won't let you relax," laughed Al as he squeezed my shaft even harder. "I bet Tim can feel your big helmet swelling even now." Tim moaned affirmatively as he continued to work avidly on my prick. Now Al began stroking my skin up and down, bumping against Tim's lips, and the tickle in my glans intensified, spreading all over the head, and I felt my eyes closing.

"My tip's hot, very hot," I whispered as the sensations mounted. Tim's lips were now moving up and down on my swollen helmet, keeping time with Al's strokes on my foreskin. The tickle changed to a hot tingle, and I knew I was on the brink. I felt Tim's fingers shift their grip, stretching my tight scrotum.

Suddenly I felt the gentle scrape of Tim's teeth on the overheated nerve endings of my helmet, and my legs began trembling. I was sliding inexorably over the edge.

"He's gonna cream now," Al said. "His shaft's real hard. Look at his stomach muscles." His voice was l ost to me as my awareness of the outside world faded and the hot sensations in my prick dominated my consciousness.

My world exploded as the hot sparks of sensation in my glans shot down my shaft to the root, and a hard contraction expelled the first jet into my urethra. The hot fluid burned its way up my shaft to explode into Tim's mouth as I cried out loudly and helplessly. The joyful agony overwhelmed me as my prick throbbed with the pulses of my orgasm, and I felt myself shooting again, the hot lava rushing up to my tingling, throbbing tip, blowing through my slit as Tim's teeth scraped me again.

My hips bucked as my cock-root contracted again, sending another hot jet hurtling up my shaft. I felt the burning fluid round the curve in my urethra with a sharp tickling feeling as it gushed through my helmet to pour into Tim's eager mouth. I cried out again between grunts as the hot sensations filled my body, and I was floating in the free-fall of my orgasm, mindless of time and space, wracked with sensations, conscious only of the intensity of my climax.

Another jet seared its way up my tube, and I felt my helmet throb hard as the gush of fluid pushed through it, slamming the lips of my slit open as it erupted. The next few jets were rapidly weakening, although the tickling sensations were still intense, and finally they slowed to a steady dribble as I came down off the high of my orgasm. I hadn't been aware of it, but now I realized that my tip had become super-sensitive, and I cried out again. Tim immediately removed his mouth.

"We all got caught up in it," he said. "His tip's really hot, and it must be very sensitive." I heard his words clearly, despite the daze that inevitably follows orgasm.

"I'll bet it is," said Al as he stopped pumping my foreskin, just holding my shaft lightly to keep it pointing at the ceiling. "Get a mouthful, Tim?" he asked.

"He shot right back into my tonsils," said Tim. "I almost drowned in his cream. Man, it tastes good, and I love that chlorine odor."

"His tip's still pretty dark and swollen," added Tom. "I felt every pulse down there. Each time he shot, I felt it in my fingertips."

"His helmet was really throbbing against my tongue," Tim said. "He's quite a mouthful."

"Now that helmet's gonna shrink," said Al. "Now there just might be enough room inside his skin for you." I opened my eyes, eager to get on with docking Tim, and I shook off the effects of the daze quickly.

"Now I'll dock you," I said as I shifted position so that my prick was opposite Tim's erection. My foreskin was still back, locked behind my rim, and I moved my hips so that the front dome of my glans kissed Tim's bare head.

"My prick's shrinking," I added as I grasped my foreskin and slid it forward to cover my waning helmet. "I think I can fit you in now." Tim's hot hard glans slid against mine, lubricated by his copious seepage and the residue of my ejaculation that was still drooling from my slit. Now I had half his glans covered, and he pushed his hips forward, eager to feel my foreskin engulf his swollen mushroom. Now my foreskin locked behind his rim, held firmly in place with my fingers.

"There, I've got it," I said as I pushed my long thick foreskin up to cover his rim. I felt his hardness inside my foreskin as he began to thrust lightly, trying to push his swollen head deeper into me. His hips bucked harder as he became caught up in his excitement.

"He's gonna blow any second," observed Al. "Tim's so hot from doing you that now that he feels your skin around his head he won't be able to hold back at all." Tim's face was red and only inches from mine, and I felt his labored breath against my cheek. His legs began to tremble as he thrust. His eyes closed, and I felt his rock-hard glans begin to throb. My fist was tight around my foreskin, holding his glans inside it, and I felt the pulses in my fingers as Tim began to discharge. He cried out in helpless joy as his first jet exploded inside me. The hot fluid shot deep into my foreskin, swirling around its contours, bathing me in its heat as Tim's tip continued to hammer against mine.

The sheer force of his orgasm surprised me, because his prick throbbed again and another long jet flooded my foreskin, filling the groove behind my rim. I was barely over my orgasm, and now I was feeling the searing heat of his as his swollen mushroom gushed again, sending another jet that distended my foreskin as much as when I held the tip shut while peeing in the shower. Al pushed a folded towel under our joined pricks as Tim continued to grunt and groan in sheer joy.

"His juice is leaking from your skin," Tom said. "He came real fast."

"He was really excited," Al said. "First he sucked Jack's cock, and now he's got his tip inside Jack's skin." Tim's prick continued to gush inside my distended foreskin, and I let go to allow our pricks to separate. As soon as Tim's swollen glans was clear of my hood, I closed my fingers around it and began the rapid twisting motion I knew would intensify and prolong his orgasm.

"His tip's not as sensitive as ours," I explained. "I can use direct hand action and it won't bother him." I felt Tim's hot hard mushroom hammering against my fingers as I spoke, and knew he wasn't finished coming.

"That's the main thing he doesn't like about being circumcised," Al said. "He says he doesn't get as much out of sex as us natural guys, and I don't blame him. He's always slower to come." Tim's dark purple tip spit several jets of cream against my stomach, and Al wiped them with a corner of the towel. Tim's eyes were still closed, and his howls of agonized ecstasy filled the room.

"I can feel him tapering off now," I said as Tim's big glans throbbed less intensely against my fingers and tip. His cries were softer as well, and I knew it would soon be over for him.

"I think that's it," I said as Tim's mushroom became still between my encircling fingers, and his jets turned into a white drool that still oozed from his long slit. I stopped stroking him, and we waited for him to recover. After a couple of minutes he opened his eyes and said:

"Wow! That was hot! That was intense! Docking with you was such a turn-on that I blew my load right away." His breathing was back to normal and the color had left his face. I noticed that both Al's and Tom's pricks were leaking clear fluid profusely, Al's dripping from the end of his glans onto the sheet and Tim's juice seeping from the end of his tight foreskin.

"Now we have to take care of your brothers," I told Tim. "You want to do Al while I work on Tom?"

"Okay, Jack, I'm really familiar with Al's cock. I've done him a lot of times, and I know what he likes." We got up to let them lie side by side on the bed, and I sat next to Tom while Tim sat next to Al. He began stroking his brother's hard prick with a practiced stroke, urgently sliding the foreskin up and down the distended bulb.

"I'm going to do you differently from last time, Tom," I said. "Last time I twisted your hood, but that was when it was really tight. Now the opening's relaxed a little, and I think I can get my little finger in there to stroke your tip directly."

"My tip's real sensitive," he said. "I might not be able to stand it." I grasped Tom's prick with my left hand to hold it upright and steady it, while I stretched the foreskin back as far as I could without hurting him.

`Just relax, Tom. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm holding your prick right now with the skin stretched back, with just enough tension to stretch the nerve endings and make it feel good. The opening's wide enough to stick my little finger in, and I'm going to do that now. Just relax and let things happen naturally." I touched the tip of his glans with my little finger, tracing small circles around the slit, and feeling Tom shudder in response. His tip throbbed with excitement as my little finger circled the blunt front end of his mushroom.

"That's hot, but I think my cock-tip's still too sensitive," he moaned.

"That's okay, just let me do it, and try to relax." I pushed my fingertip in farther, caressing the broad upper surface of his big hard mushroom, and hearing him gasp at the intensity of the sensations. As my fingertip caressed his super-sensitive nerve endings I heard his gasps change to a steady "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah." His eyes were already closing, and I knew he was withdrawing into himself, totally absorbed by the sensations.

"I'm surprised you could get your finger inside," Al said. His skin's so tight, and that big head's really stretching it." "He's leaking so much lube that it made my finger slide in easier than I'd thought," I replied. "His tip's so sensitive that I thought he'd jump up to the ceiling when you stuck your finger in," said Tim. "I think the heavy coat of lube's softening the sensations for him," I said. "I'm sure he'd feel it more if his tip was dry. Then it would be irritating, not erotic."

"Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah," Tom went, as I probed for the rim of his cock-head. My finger was stretching the tight hood, adding to his sensations, and his body became very tense.

"I know you can't help it because it's so intense, but if you can relax your muscles it'll last longer." I worked my finger down under his glans as I spoke, to caress his thick gee-string, the hot spot that might make him come within seconds. Tim was still stroking Al, but both had been watching me work on Tom. Al reached over to clasp Tom's hand in his, vicarious sharing the moment.

I found the triangular groove under Tom's mushroom head and felt the thick gee-string that was his hot spot. I strummed it side to side several times, quickly, to flood Tom with sensations, and now his entire body stiffened as he felt the orgasm rushing in on him. His cries became louder, and I knew his mind was on "HOLD" because his awareness of the world outside had faded completely.

Tom's shaft throbbed hard against my fist, and his glans hammered against my little finger that was triggering his orgasm. A flood of white cream shot through the opening in his foreskin, shooting two feet into the air before falling back on my hands, his prick, and his stomach. He howled in agonized joy as the sensations wracked his body, and I felt another powerful throb fill his straining prick as a second powerful jet slammed through the lips of his slit to arc into the air.

Al and Tim stared, fascinated, at their brother's wild climax, riveted by the quick succession of jets spewing from the end of his prick. I knew that any second Tom would become super-sensitized, and I removed my little finger from his foreskin, but still held his foreskin back to keep tension on its many nerve endings. We saw thw front dome of Tom's mushroom, hard and darker purple as it continued to squirt. Tom's prick throbbed again, and another gush poured from his slit, but with less force than before. He gushed again before his ejaculations changed to a steady drool that filled his foreskin and dribbled over the edge of the fleshy ring onto my fingers.

Tom stayed flat on the bed a long time, eyes still closed, as his breathing returned to normal and his body sank into the daze that follows orgasm. His penis lost its hardness, and as it softened I saw that his foreskin, which I was still holding back, slid to expose the front half of his mushroom. His slit still oozed liquid, but now it was the clear fluid devoid of sperm that was the residue of his orgasm.

Al's breathing became heavier now, as his excitement mounted, stimulated by the sight of his brother's massive climax. Tim's fist flew over his straining prick, stretching the foreskin back to expose the deep groove behind the head and then bringing it up to engulf it almost completely.

"His tip's turned dark purple," I commented to Tim.

"Yeah, I can feel his shaft's nice and hard too. The tip's swollen like he's ready to come." Tim stroked harder as he spoke, and I knew Al's ejaculations were only seconds away. His eyes closed and his body tensed on the bed, caught up in the rush of sensations. Experienced masturbator that he was, he still couldn't resist the flood of sensations Tim was pouring into his turgid prick, and his tip steadily seeped lubricant to ease the sliding of his foreskin. The overflow spilled onto Tim's encircling fingers, and he lost his grip on the foreskin, which slid back to bare the swollen mushroom.

The contact of Tim's fingers on his bare glans triggered Al's orgasm, and he howled loudly as his first jet flew into the air. His left hand, still clasping Tom's, almost crushed it as his entire body tightened up.

"He's coming hard," Tim cried out as another hot jet spewed from his brother's straining tip. Al's hips bucked and a second later he shot again, crying helplessly at the fury of the orgasm that wracked his body. Tom's eyes opened at this point and he watched his brother shooting his sperm as he'd done a couple of minutes before. Tim's fist twisted around the hard, throbbing glans, bringing forth another torrent of sperm and making Al howl again.

"TOO MUCH!" Al screamed, and Tim stopped stroking him, now holding him only by the shaft and keeping his fingers clear of the super-sensitive tip. Al's face was red and twisted in the hot agony of orgasm, and his breathing was labored between his cries of joy. We all watched Al's climax dwindle, a few weak jets barely spurting from the swollen tip, before the ejaculations changed to a steady dribble of clear juice.

Many minutes later, when we'd all recovered, Al was the first to speak:

"We'd better change the sheets. They're all covered with cream. Maybe we could all use a shower too." We got up and Al got a couple of bed sheets from the closet. We quickly stripped the sodden sheet off the bed and with four of us working, the new bedding was in place within a minute.

"Can we all fit in that shower?" Tim asked as we trooped into the bathroom. Al's answer was to wave us into the bathtub, and then he slid the doors closed. It was a tight fit, and we stood tightly against each other as Al adjusted the water. We faced inward, and the water sprayed against the front of our bodies, rinsing the sweat and secretions of sex from us.

"Hey! My skin's halfway back!" Tom exclaimed when he looked down. "I felt the hot water on my tip, and I never felt that before."

"It stretched a little while you were coming," I answered. I saw a steady yellow stream flowing from Tom's prick as his sphincter relaxed from the hot water. Tim joined him a moment later, his tip already exposed to the hot spray.

Al's foreskin had stayed back behind his rim, and soon the hot water made him pee reflexively as well. My foreskin was still forward from having docked Tim, and now I pulled it back to rinse Tim's cream off my helmet. The hot water had its effect, and a couple of seconds later I watched my thick yellow stream join the others swirling around the drain.

I suddenly felt Tim's fingers around my prick, pulling my foreskin down to cover the head and then pinching the end. My foreskin immediately ballooned from the urine, and then Tim let go to allow my flow to drain.

"Your skin swelled so much I couldn't see the shape of the head anymore," he said. "Your skin's really stretchy."

"Tom's skin also stretched a bit today," I pointed out to him. "Maybe it's the gradual stretching he's been doing with the tubes, and maybe today, when his mushroom head swelled that might have helped a little too."

"I think it did," said Tom as he soaped himself. "My head was so hard and swollen I thought it was gonna burst."

"I felt how hard it was," I said. "Hard and smooth, like a marble."

"I could see the shape of it through the skin," said Al. "That looked so hot and sexy."

"I felt the shape of your head in my mouth," Tim said to me. "I really like that helmet shape. That flaring rim looks so sexy. I can see it through your skin even when you're soft."

We soaped ourselves, rinsed our bodies under the hot spray, and then Al turned off the water and we got out of the cramped shower.

"I don't know about you guys," Tom said, "but after that I'm ready for a nap."

"Me, too," echoed Tim. "That hot come really drained me."

"You can say that again," added Al. "This morning really took the starch out of me." We went into the bedroom and curled up against each other for a deep and restful sleep.

End Of Part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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