Return to Tybee

By Mark McElroy

Published on Feb 2, 2021


Hello my friends, in my first story to (Adult*Friends), I told you about going to Tybee Island and meeting a Hot "divorced" Marine Daddy. His family had to leave because his "Ex" had other plans. We spent the entire week together. I certainly had quite a lot to tell my Daddy when I got home. *********** This story will contain vivid descriptions of Gay Sex between consenting Adults. If these things offend you? Then why are you reading Gay Erotica?

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I must have been exhausted from driving to Columbus from Tuscaloosa, and then to Tybee Island spending a wonderful day and night with my Godfather and then meeting Geoff, who had to be reminded that not to judge a person by what he sees.

After we had all enjoyed a good orgasm I passed out. I woke up a couple of times to use the toilet and saw through the double french doors Tank and Geoff spooning in Tank's King size bed.

I felt a presence laying down beside me and before my foggy brain could register the familiar scent of Grey Flannel cologne, I felt soft lips on mine. Laying my arm on the body kissing me, I suddenly remembered the last time I smelled that cologne my eyes flew open in surprise.

Staring back in my eyes were the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Black hair cut in the Army style, the brightest smile, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I thought I would never here from you again, how did you know I was going to be here"?

Conor wiped my tear away and "said I don't want to see another tear while you're here understand"?

Nodding my head yes "I said you didn't answer my question sexy man"!!

"Didn't Tank in there tell you that he had a surprise for you"? "Well I guess you're probably asking how do I know Tank? "Well when you left Savannah last year I just couldn't get you out of my mind, so I went back to Camp Lejeune and secured a Inter-Service Transfer, so I joined the Army and they Posted me here"!!

"But how did you meet Tank, and how much does he know about us, and why are you grinning like a jackass"?

"Tank is my Squad leader and he of course has a picture of you on his desk. He also has one of you and him and your Da. I was terrified that you might have told him about us but he saw right through me and decided to tell me about all the things you, your Dadand he got up too"!!!

"Oh God you must think I'm a slut, but I really couldn't help myself, I've had this itch since about age 13 years old. I really gave my Dad no choice when it came to my virginity"!!

I began pushing him back and worked my way down his gorgeous Daddy bod. I thought if his son inherited Southworth looks and body, men and women wouldn't be able to keep their hands off him.

After I had both nipples erect and throbbing, I moved further south and found 10" thick uncut inches standing straight up.

My tongue licked the pre away and I gently pulled the foreskin back and put the pink/purple fat plum shaped head in my mouth. I sucked, nibbled and tongued his frenulum. This made his pre pour like a steady trickle.

He started rubbing my head and moaning as I took his entire length down my throat. As I held it there and breathed through my nose I began to swallow. This caused my mouth and throat muscles to massage every inch.

Connor suddenly had a craving for boy pussy, so I straddled his shoulders putting my pussy right in his face. I was swallowing his shaft when I felt the flat of his tongue start at my nuts and drag up along my crack, over and over before he began eating my hole by pushing his tongue into me.

Connor kept pushing spit up in me, when he said " do I have to ask whose cum I'm tasting"? I was trying not giggle when I felt a slap on my ass.

"I know you're a horny power bottom. Now get on your back cuz I have a need to breed"!!

I moved off him and lay down on my back, I pointed to the bottle of AnalEaze and he slathered a good amount on his 10"x7" inches. He skinned his hood back and pressed his head just passed my outer ring make me sigh in growing satisfaction. He began kissing me, telling me how much he has missed me, and that the wonderful week we spent together was what motivated him to become reassigned to the Army.

He moved from kissing my neck down my chest to my nipples. I knew my nipples was hardwired to my cock, because I pulsed out several dollops of sweet pre. He pushed my legs towards my head so he was actually pounding my p-spot, when he saw my pre he licked it up and said "sweet as honey"!! Connor continued to thrust into my hole making me moan.

Suddenly his body stiffened and he thrust one last time completely buried inside me. I was able to count how many shots he gave me each time I felt his cock pulse.

We began making out again and he pulled out of me with a wet sucking sound. Knee walking up to my mouth he pointed his still hard 10" inches at me saying in a husky voice "clean me up baby"!!

After I finished cleaning his delicious tasting shaft making sure I tongued off every drop of ass juice and cum. We started to lay back and relax when we heard very loud clapping and wolf whistles.

Both of us look at the double french doors and Tank was standing there with his arm around Geoff.

Connor sat straight up and said "Geoff what the fuck, I thought you were hetero dude"?? Laughing Geoff glanced at me and then at Tank and said "well last night Bubba put me in my place and I realized I was a being a jerk and denying who I really am"!!

"Bubba put me on my ass last night and turned and gave the sweetest piece of ass I have ever had"!!

"When sexy boy there fell asleep last night Tank said he was having a surprise wake up, so we went to Tank's room and he taught me it takes a real man to bottom for another man, ain't that right Bubba"??

I blushed and turned and kissed Connor on the lips saying " I have no idea what he's talking about baby"!!

"Uhh huh I knew there was a strange flavor to that cum load, because I have tasted Tanks and his like mine tastes like pineapple"!! Grinning like a hyena Geoff asked "and what does mine taste"??

"Your cum tastes like peaches, do ya eat a lot of peaches"? Geoff had walked over and sat at the foot of the bed and Tank had pulled the cover back and spooned up behind me, he began kissing my shoulder and neck. "Baby you gonna give me some sugar, after all I did arrange one of your surprises"??

"Okay my curiosity is piqued what's my other surprise"??

"I'm sorry I cannot tell you but if you give me a little sugar I'll take us out for breakfast and then we'll go to Ft. Stew and Geoff can go to Hunter and pack a small over night bag"!!

I turned to my back and put a pout that would soften the hardest diamond, running my long fingers through his chest hair saying "please Uncle Tank tell me what the surprise is"? Please

"I'm sorry baby but I am sworn to secrecy, but I will tell you where I am taking us to Breakfast"!!

Sighing with frustration"I finally said fine don't tell me, Soo where are we going for Breakfast"??

"Maple Street Biscuit factory"!! "The Best Damn breakfast in all of Savannah"!! So we doubled up in the two showers and surprisingly we actually showered. Geoff was standing in my room with a towel waiting for me, "Uhh do you think I could could borrow a pair of dress shorts and a polo till I get back to Hunter Bubba"??

I looked him over and thought of the perfect outfit for him. I had five polo shirts with dress shorts.

I matched a lavender polo with a purple pair of Ralph Lauren pleated cuffed dress bermuda shorts. I handed him a black belt with a pair of black docksides.

I was wearing a peach colored polo, with a pair Eagle hunter green dress bermuda's.

Both Tank and Connor were dressed in tight blue jeans and tight fitting Army emblazoned t-shirts with Cowboy boots. They're pectorals and bicep guns popping. Looking at them I was hit with the feeling of homesickness. I was really missing my Dad. Sure the sex with these guys is phenomenal, but I am really just missing my Dad. After all I had left Tuscaloosa to spend Spring Break with him. I snapped out of it when Tank enfolded me in his arms, he whispered "I know what you're thinking and you know if he could've been here he would have"!!

Smiling"I said Tank you're not playing fair, you're my Godfather you know me too well"!! Connor and I followed Geoff and Tank to the Mable Street Biscuit factory. Tank had said it was the best damn breakfast and it was, except they had no idea what Tomato gravy was. The cook came out and I explained how it was made and he made up a bowl full just for our table. I later heard that Paula Deen introduced her version of the gravy.

I gave Connor my keys and he and I followed Geoff and Tank to Hunter. It was a small Post compared to Ft Stewart, we met Geoff's First Sgt Hammer, a nice enough fellow who the men seemed to respect. He informed Geoff that he was issuing 3 day passes so the Irish soldiers could celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Savannah. Also instructing him to have a good time but stay out of trouble. We went to Geoff's barracks and he packed a suit case and we returned to Savannah and Tank stopped long enough to make Reservations at Dock Sides Seafood, I waited at the car with Connor so I didn't hear that he requested a Table for 5.

We pulled into the parking lot of the Sand Dollar Inn and I thought I saw a familiar Chevy Pickup but I must have imagined it. I opened my door and laying on my King Size bed was my Daddy!!

************ To be continued in Chapter 4. Please remember to Donate to Nifty.

Next: Chapter 4

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