Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 16, 2020



Part 2

It was nothing out of the ordinary for Adam, Andrew and Asa to break bread together.

After sharing that glorious morning romp with Andrew sitting naked on Asa 's kitchen counter, dinner was just another chore for Asa. However, he went along with Adam 's invitation and ate with them upstairs at the round table in the bay window. It was a warm feeling to be included and he did not want to lose a speck of their affection.

Over the last three years, dining together would happen often. Sometimes they would have lunch or dinner upstairs and sometime downstairs in Asa 's apartment. It worked, so it was all good.

Breakfast was quite a different thing. The boys kept crazy schedules leaving early in the morning, and Asa did not know what was going on. Furthermore, he didn 't care to know. It was none of his business.

He was nosy to a certain degree, but `coming and going ' was not his job, or his responsibility. There was no need to keep tract of them. They were paying tenants, and responsible for their own well-being. Nevertheless, he worried about them and watched over them like a mother hen, being careful not to let Adam or Andrew discover how protective he had really become.

He thought about last evening. The conversation was completely void of sex. He had just a few hours earlier drained Andrew dry and sucked the life out of him. Andrew catered to Asa 's every warped desire, benefiting big time for himself.

When it came to Adam, he was a more impressive source for fantastic sex. Yet nobody talked about it unless they were doing it.

Say anything, do anything, get down and dirty with barely any limits, was Adam 's idea of great sex. It was then, when words flew around like snowflakes.

On Flatbush Avenue, there was not any in between. It was either one thing or the other. This did not bother Asa in the least. He wanted them for friends, of course; but cock ruled his mind like it had all his life. He did not want boyfriends. He was over the hill and not interested in that. He wanted sex on demand, without looking for it, and men he could use for stud service, and he had it.

He delighted in sleeping. Getting up around 10:00 am was his morning routine. It did not always work out that way, but nothing is ever as good as you hope it to be.

The following morning, after a delightful, but boring dinner, with Adam and his red headed stud, Asa slept until 10:30 am.

Asa rested in bed thinking as he always did. He found that he could discover pleasant situations and relive worthwhile moment all in his head just by thinking. He always managed a bit of sarcasm along with the pleasantries.

"Whoever does get exactly what they want? " thought Asa still lying in bed with his hand between his knees... I remember the moments of sexual lust competing with the need for a wicked piss. Good grief, what a foolish way to make yourself comfortable. "

Reality is a challenge when one has to stay competitive. He challenged himself to a game that is not entirely normal. There are just too many people wanting the same thing. I qualify for dirty old man status. I am fortunate to get what I want. Stop and think for a moment, his brain was telling him.

The more he thought about Adam, the more aroused he was becoming. His days of sharing testerone were lunacy, but that is what Adam was for.

Adam had the most luscious balls heavy with plum nectar, as Asa called it, that one could find on Flatbush. It is fortunate for me., " he reminded himself. "

"Adam is kosher on a plate. I need him. He comes in such volume, gorgeous I am telling – just gorgeous. Yes –yes, I need him " he said talking to an empty room.

"You are enjoying this, aren 't you? " he asked himself, kicking back the covers and finally getting out of bed.

He stood next to the bed reaching for his robe and farted.

"Oy, some of us make our own luck that is what makes this different. " He convinced himself slipping on a pair of old man slippers.

"Sluts wise up quicker and I 'm having a hell of a time; call it destiny " He scratched his ass and farted once more.

Following his morning routine, he stepped carefully into his shower taking advantage of the grab bars as not to slip and fall. This was a quick rinse off to wake up and have the hot water massage is aching back and stiff knees.

Asa used his walk-in tub for soaking, but that was not every day, the shower was quicker. He had nothing special to do, but he liked doing things quickly.

Licking Adam 's butt may have been the exception. There he would not stop unless he became tired or bored, which seldom happened. The more he thought about Adam the naughtier his thinking became.

Asa was a man who forgot very little and remembered practically everything.

With all, there was to think about, he always thought about Adam 's body. It meant the world to him. Of course it did. There was no way he could forget one speck of Adam 's flesh.

He dressed putting on clean clothes and especially clean underwear. He was a queer boy scout – `always prepared ' for the inevitable should anything happen.

He prepared a simple breakfast of cereal, fruit and coffee. He carried the food on a plastic tray into the living room to sit down and eat. You guessed it. He headed straight to his favorite recliner and made himself comfortable.

Among Asa 's many quirks, he had another, when it came to soup and cereal.

As long as he was alone, with nobody watching, he would slurp anything containing milk or liquid. He did that as a little boy with his mother correcting him constantly. In public or with people at the table, he did not do it. Alone was a different story.

When he was sixteen years old, he was eating soup that way, when his cousin David, also sixteen, said to him, "Slurp on this, " and grabbed his crotch.

Asa took him into the bathroom and sucked his cock, while David sat on the edge of the bathtub.

Bernie liked telling people (gay people), about all the young Jewish cock that Asa drained in Brooklyn.

David told his friends that he had a gay cousin and for $1.00, they could get a blowjob and watch his cousin Asa swallow their jizz.

David made 23 dollars that summer. Asa made nothing, but swallowed a boatload of kosher cum. He slurped forever and a day.

Asa finished the cereal and took sips of coffee still very hot. His morning paper was in the hallway. Every morning one of the boys would pick it up from the downstairs vestibule and leave it by Asa 's door, saving him the trip downstairs.

He thought about getting the newspaper, but that was all he did. He only thought about it. He tapped his fingers on the arm of the overstuff chair as if he had a decision to make. He squeezed his crotch by pushing his knees together and he wanted something. He wanted something alright. He wanted Adam.

He carried his cell phone with him all the time. It had an emergency call button that he could push should he fall or for any emergency. He loved that feature, He was alone but never truly alone. The phone went everyplace with him, especially to the bathroom.

He looked at the phone. He looked at text, and then put it back into his pocket. He continued tapping his fingers like it was a big deal. His fingers moved like tapping out a message on a drum.

That did it – it absolutely did it. The phone came out of his pocket and he called Adam. He was not wasting effort on sending a text. He wanted to talk directly to him.

Adam answered on the first ring.

"Good morning, Morris bakery. Adam Wexler speaking "

"Good morning, Adam Wexler. "

"Grandpa – hi there, do you want to order something from the bakery? Tell me what you can use and I will bring it home with me tonight. If you need bread for lunch, I will run it over to you now, " said Adam

Asa suddenly felt like a fool interrupting Adam because he wanted sex. It was meshuggeneh and something a fairy queen would do. He came to his senses quickly and was speechless.

"Grandpa? " said Adam

"I made a mistake Adam, I don 't want anything, and I will talk to you later. "

"Wait – hold on. You don 't make mistakes and I don 't think you want any bread. " Said Adam

"I could use some rye, if you feel like bringing. " replied Asa.

"Okay, " said Adam

"Okay, " replied Asa and clicked off the phone.

Asa went back into the kitchen and peeled himself an apple. He sat at the kitchen table munching on apple slices spreading them with cream cheese. He was feeling better now and was glad he didn 't make a fool of himself talking dirty to Adam.

He poured more coffee and returned to the living room. This time he sat in the bay window watching people milling around the entrance to Clancy Park.

It was a cloudy day. Gloomy weather is depressing in its own right. It seemed like the day, for Asa, was getting off to a poor start. He was a sensitive man under that surface of toughness. Sometimes he liked being a little crazy, it was much better than being disagreeable and tough.

Folks who knew him liked him. He was caring and certainly generous with people he felt close to. Adam and Andrew were all he had left in the world to love.

A yellow taxi stopped in front of the house and Adam hopped out of the cab caring white bakery bags.

Asa knew instinctively what he was doing. He would be at Asa 's door any minute.

"Oh, dear God " thought Asa. "The man is a prince – a fuckin prince. He can read me like a book. "

Asa was going down to meet him, but when he opened his door, Adam was already standing there.

"Delivery for Asa Kline, " said Adam with a smile on his face.

"And who ordered this? " said Asa

"You did grandpa. "

Adam walked pass Asa going straight to the kitchen, and set the bags down on the counter.

Adam looked amazing to Asa. His crotch was designed for better living. His cock was artwork, but it was his big balls and hot, very hot, melon butt that made Asa drool. Spotless or sweaty he smelled and tasted like cream pie.

Adam loved, absolutely loved, his ass played with, squeezed and licked. Best of all he wanted cock or a toy inside him making him harder than normal and his load bigger than ever. Asa understood this and he trembled with anticipation of what might happen in the next few minutes.

Asa was nervous, but had no reason to be. He had done this with Adam scores of times. Every time however, Asa trembled with excitement as if it was their very first. He couldn 't explain it – he just lived it.

"I 've got to pee. " Said Asa

"Want me to hold it for you grandpa, " said Adam

"Don 't be a putz. You want I should have a heart attack standing up. I can manage. " Said Asa

Asa went into the bathroom and Adam went into the bedroom.

When Asa came back out, he looked for Adam and found him in his bedroom lying on top of the bed naked.

He was stretched out like a sacrifice to the gods. His legs were spread open with his hard cock at full attention. Adam had his arms to his side and motioned to Asa to come to him.

Asa sat next to him on the bed and touched his body gently at first and then much harder. Adam rolled on to his stomach putting his butt in full view of Asa 's hand, soon to be replaced with his face.

"Are you hungry grandpa? " he asked

"Of course " replied Asa

"Play with my ass grandpa. Lick it and make love to your grandson, " Adam mumbled

When either of them including Andrew would talk this way and use words such as grandpa and grandson the contest was on with no rules of politeness. It was never planned that way, it just happened and they accepted it as their special playtime.

Asa still fully clothed but wearing no shoes, cuddled next to Adam and began licking his back squeezing his butt cheeks at the same time.

"Touch me grandpa, touch me all over. You know what I want, don 't you? " He asked

`I know – I know, " replied Asa.

"Adam raised up and straddled Asa 's head resting on a pillow. He lowered his butt over his mouth and opened wider his legs. His big nuts rested on Asa 's face.

"My balls are full grandpa, just the way you like `em. Will you take it all when the milk is pumped out of there? I want to nourish you gramps. " Mumbled Adam not caring what he said to Asa.

"Don 't ask – do it, " begged Asa

"Gramps, my ass, eat it, " commanded Adam

Asa lunged into his crack with full force trying to get inside his body. Adam helped him by lying on his back with his legs up over his own head. He held his legs by his ankles and his butt was fully exposed moist and warm with its inviting taste. This was Adam Wexler, not some pick up from a gay bar. For Asa nothing was better than this.

Asa got as much of his mouth into Adam 's hole as he could manage. He ravished his butt wildly; even his nose was trying to get inside. Asa lick him using different degrees of pressure with his tongue.

"Eat me Asa, err grandpa, it feels so good; "damn, " Adam mumbled pushing his butt harder against Asa 's face.

Andrew is not very good at doing this. You are hotter and better. Please don 't tell him, just know that my ass belongs to you. Said Adam

"It always did. I know that, " said Asa.

"I want to cum, " said Adam

"I want to drink, " replied Asa

Adam got off the bed and stood on the floor. Asa slid next to him with his head, still on the bed, but under Adam 's crotch. He was so in love with Adam 's big balls. They fascinated him to where he would dream about sucking them in his sleep.

Asa licked Adam 's cock but didn 't get the chance to suck it very much. Adam wanted to masturbate and pump out cock honey so he could direct it into Asa 's mouth.

"Adam was getting close "

"Would you rather sit up? Asked Adam. I don 't want you to choke. I drop big loads, you know I do. "

"Maybe I should sit up. Is that okay with you? "

"Of course grandpa. Just take my juice, that 's all I 'm saying. I don 't want you to choke on cum "

"I won 't choke. I know how to swallow. "Said Asa

Adam lifted Asa 's body upright on the bed resting his head against the wall. Asa was worshipping Adam silently with his eyes.

A few more strokes and he told Asa to open his mouth. Adam hadn 't shot off yet, but was wet from leaking. He put his cock in Asa 's mouth and let everything go. His balls worked overtime pushing up the nourishment that Asa longed for every time he looked at Adams crotch.

Spurt after spurt kept oozing onto Asa 's tongue. Asa would moan taking everything Adam could give him. Still more would come and Asa slurped like the good old days sucking off the boys in Brooklyn.

"Is it good? Grandpa? You swallowed everything, " remarked Adam

"A gift from God you are Adam. `Good ' does not cover it, I need a better word. "

"How about `gorgeous ' replied Adam laughing. That 's a good Jewish word

"Ov vey, `gorgeous ' it is, " agreed Asa.

"Okay grandpa, no more playing today. I have to get back to work before I get fired."

"Fired? Who 's gonna fire you? You own the store. " Said Asa

"We own the store grandpa. " Replied Adam

"Okay – okay, we own it. Who cares? " mumbled Asa. "You are better than any damn store, "

"Yeah, we know that, but let 's not tell Andrew, I don 't want to spoil him. " said Adam laughing.

"Such a Jew you are, " said Asa

"Of course, look who taught me, " agreed Adam

"Go –go, make some money, said Asa jokingly.

A half hour later, he was alone and Adam was back at work.

Asa looked at the white bags from the bakery; one was a loaf of Jewish rye. The other contained `rugelach ' a Jewish pastry that has cream cheese dough filled with sour cream and rolled into a cylinder.

Asa slid a rugelach out from the bag and took a big bite.

"Oy, that man knows how to bake. This is delicious "

"No wonder Adam taste special. Andrew is no competition, what does he know anyway? "

"Andrew is hot, but he is Irish. Oy vey. I 'm not complaining. The red hair is gorgeous...

Think of Nifty – I did

Next: Chapter 3

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