Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 30, 2020


Return to Flatbush - Part 17

It was evident that Asa was experiencing, the downside to everyday living. When he mentioned, over the telephone, how he was feeling, to his old pal Bernie. All he got for a reaction was nothing. They no longer saw situations the same way.

"Thank you for the excellent conversation," said Asa "my cat would have been a better listener."

"You don't have a cat," said Bernie

"Stop complicating matters, I know, I don't have a cat."

"Then why did you say, "my cat," when there is no cat?"

"I am making a point here, but you wouldn't get it," said Asa

Bernie knew it was time to keep quiet because this back and forth nonsense would keep going causing their monthly argument.

"I have to be hanging now," said Bernie. "Let me know when you graduate from 7th grade and I will attend the reception,"

"I would Bernie, but only adults are allowed." Replied Asa, not to be out done, before hanging up the phone.

It was Monday and Asa was in one of his thinking moods. On Wednesday, Andrew was having his 27th birthday and everybody stopped mentioning it, which Asa thought was odd.

Adam tapped on his door and walked in carrying Asa's morning paper.

"Thanks," said Asa "You saved me a trip downstairs."

"Sure," replied Adam

"Are you set for Wednesdays" asked Asa.

"That is what I would like to talk about," replied Adam

"Coffee?" asked Asa

"Sure, thanks grandpa," replied Adam.

Asa would almost melt whenever Adam called him grandpa. He loved hearing it and especially coming from Adam

"We already went to Fire Island and returned Sunday. I was fortunate to get tickets to the Fire Island Dance Festival. Andrew has always wanted to go there and this time we made it happen," Said Adam

"Oy, The best dancing on the planet, of course that is my opinion along with the applause from a million people. The dancers are the best youth of Broadway and New York City, in modern dance and the best in ballet. It is light, not dull or stuffy and the choreography is top of the line. There is a gay twist to the dancing with movements and touching. But professional all the way," exclaimed Asa. "But you know all that, so why am I talking?" commented Asa.

"Maybe because you like to talk and tell me what I already know, so talk, I am your best listener," said Adam laughing

"You are my best everything," replied Asa

"I know grandpa, stupid is not allowed in your house – I know – I know," continued Adam

"Okay, now pay attention. There may be a quiz afterwards."

"A naked quiz?" asked Adam

"Good grief, another comedian and so early you are starting, however I can handle naked"

"It is either me or nobody and nobody showed up, so talk," said Adam

My favorite dancing of all times on stage is the presentation by Al Blackstone called - "Not for me," - "All By Myself in the Morning." Sung by Bobby Darrin and performed by half naked most gorgeous and talented people ever assembled against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. It makes me verklempt, just thinking about it. I'm tellin you Adam it is delicious. You can still watch it on youtube. It is perfect, every movement is priceless." Concluded Asa

"You never told me that before," said Adam

"I forgot," whispered Asa.

"How can you forget something that good?" asked Adam

"I forget a lot of things. I am not doing a commercial here, I am only talking. So many questions, don't be asking."

Adam stood behind Asa seated at the kitchen table. He ran his hands down the front of his shirt kissing him on his neck. "Crabby old Jew," he mumbled

"Hah – pushy young Jew" Asa replied – but drop dead sexy"

"Is `drop dead" part of the quiz" replied Adam giggling

"Oy, stop being another Bernie, you will get there soon enough."

"Sorry Asa," admitted Adam

"Good enough, now what about Wednesday? Are you giving Andrew something you don't have to smile to work through?" asked Asa.

"Yes, we are going to dinner in Manhattan. Andrew wants to go back to the same Italian restaurant in Little Italy where he first met you. Maybe, where you first met him, would be a better way of saying it. I already have reservations for three and you are coming with us." Said Adam

"No, you don't need me tagging along. Make that reservation for two. You go and have a nice dinner, then go to a gay club and shake up a storm. Dance a little, drink a little, and grab a little butt – just be sure it is Andrew who comes back home with you." advised Asa

"We never shake up a storm or wiggle around. It's cool to be that way, but it is not us." Admitted Adam "so come - we want a table for three."

"I am not sitting in a club where twenty two year olds are dancing, rubbing crotches and waving like Judy Garland' said Asa

"Who is Judy Garland?"

"Have you heard of Liza Minelli?" asked Asa

"Of course, who doesn't love Liza?" "Then you know Garland. The point being, I do not want to go to those places. Time has passed me by. It's an old tired story." Said Asa being exasperated from the whole conversation.

"Okay, no more talking about Wednesday, at least for now," said Adam


"I already said, `okay,' stated Adam.

"Schmuck," mumbled Asa


"I said, "good luck,"

"Of course you did," agreed Adam rolling his eyes.

Adam took Asa's hand and placed it on his knee. Then he moved his hand to his crotch where plump juicy plums rested in Adam's underwear.

The conversation stopped. They had become so familiar with one another that words were no longer necessary. A down zipper, a stare of the eye or the touch of the hand meant something.

Adam took off his pants and pulled his chair in front of asa. They were facing each other with their knees touching. Adam in such a rush tore his shirt getting it above his head and off his body. He raised his arm and leaned into asa. His armpit covered his mouth like a muffin.

Asa grabbed his arm holding it firm and lifting it above Adam's head. His lips moved through the sweaty black course hair. Adam was concerned in the past that he would not taste fresh. Now, however after Asa has licked for years on his body, gamey or clean – they just went for it and Asa gobbled the human resources like nectar. Here was the man who gave him strength – this was Adam Wexler.

Asa had learned to chew a bit on Adam's pit hair and suck anything moist into his mouth. His tongue moved like a powder puff under Adam's arm and it felt exciting to both of them. Once Asa became used to doing that, he loved the closeness it brought to him from Adam.

There were not a lot of touchy-feely moves like there were sometimes, when they got together. Adam was looking for a blowjob and there was no hiding that. He stopped to see asa for that very thing, but it got side tract talking about Fire Island.

Adam lifted his plump round balls and Asa immediately held them sniffing and licking them. He sucked them into his mouth and in no time flat, Adam was crotch drenched from the old man's drooling mouth.

Adam liked being wet and next came his cock as it went between Asa's lips searching for a place to unload it cargo of crotch honey.

It was something that lifted the spirit of Asa's buried soul. He had been sucking dick for years, even before Adam was born, but only Adam could hit it out of the park time after time, after time. Something cool like that deserves a little praise?

Asa understood that at this stage, there was no expecting anything better or anything yummier than Adam. There was no answer for thinking that way, he just knew it.

Adam without even trying had his grandfather, make believe or not, 100% in lockdown. There was absolutely nothing, they wouldn't do for one another, Perhaps, bringing Asa to a gay club would be the exception and it was silly.

Adam continued sliding his destroyer between Asa's lips getting a pussy-mouth fuck. Asa closed tightly around his cock with his lips. Adam would thank him with falling breath coming from his throat. Asa was not just sucking; he was giving a massage with his mouth. This was routine chemistry like a true story.

Adam was no rookie even tho he was young; and Asa was far from being `washed up.' they dissolved together like sugar in water.

As much as Adam tried to be still, there were times he just wanted to talk and often yell out. Sometimes it was a grand announcement. Other times it was a command for Asa to do something dirty. Either way, it was hot.

The fact that nobody became offended at whatever was said during sexual passion is the mature way to do it. Nasty passion can be insulting, but incredibly delicious. Adam would say it was compulsive behavior. Asa would remind him that it takes practice and he had plenty of it. All considered, it made them contented people.

When Adam held Asa's chin with his left hand, that meant something was on its way. With his right hand Adam guided a load of warm custard cum into Asa's waiting mouth. Like a Robin feeding her young, it played out really well.

Adam's body was his best feature and there was no doubting it. There were times when somebody different would use him like a champion whore, because they wanted to fuck.

Clayton for example, comes to mind. Bernie was another one. Clayton drilled him one time, into the sheets with never having a serious thought other than getting off.

Similar to Selma's whorehouse client's years ago, Clayton would wash his crotch with warm water in the bathroom, then mumbled a few words and leave, giving no thought to what just happened.

It was business as usual for Clayton, however no cash exchanged hands like it did in Selma's time.

Asa's thoughts returned to present day reality as Adam came from the bathroom drying between his legs with a hand towel.

Impressive blowjob, you have no idea how good I feel," said Adam. Nevertheless, I do have to get going grandpa.

"I know, so go." Mumbled asa, kissing him on the cheek.

Asa poured the last of the coffee into his cup. He was alone once more and Adam was no longer there.

"I will have another bagel," said Asa aloud picking up the white bakery bag. It was empty, the bagels were gone.

"Empty, who cares. I exist for times like these. I will have toast with cream cheese.

It is such a simple thing, just think about it. Even with no bagels, there is something good about every day... I will have the toast, it's all the same to me.

Next: Chapter 18

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