Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 22, 2020


Return to Flatbush – Part 15

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Part 15

The downstairs vestibule door slammed shut and the elevator rumbled down to the ground floor. Moments later Asa heard it go past his floor, upstairs to Adam's apartment. Being the Kvetch (complainer) that he was, his nosey disposition took over. He went out into the hallway and listened at the bottom of the stairs. Sure enough, as if there were any doubt, the three of them were talking and going inside.

Asa went back to his living room and sat down. He was not disturbed or jealous. He was not in their league any longer, and they had the right to experiment just the way he and Bernie did when they were their age.

Competition is that way, and a little variety is good for the soul. The uppity men, who wanted only one person was rare in Brooklyn and more so in San Francisco, where `one night stands' ruled the day. Of course, one had to keep looking until they got it right.

Asa was doing the same thing as Adam, but on an extremely limited basis. He thought about Clayton and it seemed to balance everything out. Asa had no right to criticize, and did not do it.

"Welcome to Selma's whorehouse." He said aloud as he did so many times when he was alone, plunking down in his favorite chair to relax.

Selma was a madam who ran a neighborhood brothel when Asa was in grade school. He used to watch the hunky-married men go there and he drooled with envy. He also watched the heavy set, creepy people and felt sorry for the women who had to lie under them. It was childish, yucky thinking that way, but Asa liked looking back to yesterday.

Practically everything to Asa was a memory. Some he cherished and some he wished never happened. The brothel no longer existed.

Asa grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went downstairs. There were a few empty benches in the park across the street, so he took a magazine lying on the vestibule floor, and headed to the park.

A lot had happened that day but it was still afternoon. Bernie had left, Adam, Andrew, and Johnny were upstairs being nasty, and he was looking at People magazine, sitting on a bench surrounded by strangers.

His phone buzzed. He got a test message.

"Asa - how's everything? Clayton

Asa stared at the message. "I'll be damn." He said typing back a reply

"Not bad, I am still upright," He wrote

"Maybe you should be horizontal," wrote Clayton

"I need help doing that," he replied

"I know a good teacher," said Clayton

"Where would I find such a teacher?" wrote Asa

"Right behind you" said Clayton touching his shoulder.

Clayton sat down beside Asa and squeezed his arm.

"Oy vey, you look marvelous," said Asa

"Is that a good thing?" said Clayton smiling

"Don't be a schmuck, don't you know what `marvelous' means?

"Don't you know what joking means?" Clayton shot back flashing a hot looking smile. His beard and mustache framed his mouth like a gold mine in the making.

"You probably wondered why I haven't contacted you sooner," said Clayton

"I hadn't noticed." Replied Asa

"You lie like a rug. You want me - I know you do. When I tapped the number you gave me into my phone, I reversed the three and the nine, so I was fucked. I remembered that Adam from the Morse Bakery lived in your building, so I showed him the number and he corrected it for me. I did not say why I wanted your number, and he didn't ask.

"How do you know Adam?" asked Asa

I worked at the Corner Market, for a month, and he would shop there when the Morse Bakery was next door. I would drool over his body and dream of fucking him. For a white person he is hotter than a black man with a super butt on steroids. That is what I remember." Said Clayton

"That is what a lot of people remember. Adam is a special young man." Remarked Asa

"Tell me about Adam," asked Clayton

"It's much too complicated."

"Try me, I'm fairly bright."

"Perhaps another time," said Asa

"Good enough, you are special yourself," said Clayton

"Nah, I'm not good for much any longer,"

"Of course you are. I am talking about the best blowjob that I ever came across, so don't knock what you have." Replied Clayton

"You want your dick sucked, huh?" said Asa

"That is what the text was for. Do you want me?" he asked

Asa stood up. "Well come on," he said to Clayton. "I have some work to do."

"Yes daddy." Replied Clayton grinning

Inside the apartment, the first thing Clayton wanted to do was to use the bathroom

"I have to piss like a race horse," he said. "Give me a minute and disappeared into the bathroom.

Asa went into the living room and sat in his overstuffed chair. He thought of sitting on the sofa but it looked too whorish, although he thought they would end up there anyway.

When Clayton returned he was wearing only a white towel wrapped around his waist. His chest looked solid like stone and his biceps resembled small grapefruits, the front of the towel tented. He was definitely ready for anything. Clayton's cock was like cannon ready to shoot ammo wherever Asa wanted it.

When he saw Asa sitting in the overstuffed chair he climbed on top of him and forced Asa's head under the towel.

His cock stabbed Asa's face, with his chin resting under his balls. He smelled like pancake batter and melted butter. Asa gulped like a pig slurping slop. There is no other way to describe it. He ran his tongue around his crotch licking thighs, his cock and chewing on course black pubic hair.

Asa. Would you lick my butt the same way you did the last time? He asked. "I just washed so everything is clean."

Without waiting for an answer, he slid Asa out of the chair to the floor, being careful not to hurt him. Clayton grabbed a sofa pillow for his head and made Asa comfortable.

The next few minutes were about Clayton squatting over Asa's face rimmed by a very talented tongue, and it was exhilarating. Clayton kept leaking precum from his engorged cock. He was so hot Asa could tell he had been saving cum for some time. He had enough experience to recognize that, and it excited him.

As he leaked, he collected drops on his fingers until they were sticky. He lifted off Asa's face and lay down beside him on the floor. Clayton put his arm around him drawing his body close to his chest. He held him like a boyfriend and it was quite beautiful in a strange sort of way.

Clayton brought his sticky finger to Asa's mouth.

"Eat it daddy," he said to Asa

"So now, I am your daddy?" mumbled Asa impressed but still confused.

Clayton did not answer.

"Good enough," said Asa

Asa's heart was beating so fast with excitement, that he hoped he was not having an attack. He wasn't, but he was delirious with greed. He gobbled everything that Clayton put in his mouth. Then he went back to his chest and armpits scrubbing his flesh with his tongue.

"When Clayton called him `daddy,' it lit a spark that he had never felt before. The man was in his fifties calling him daddy and he loved it. Absolutely loved it. He now had his own private turn on and Clayton had given it to him.

Asa had thought that up to now he was a disposable used up old fool. However, Clayton had brought the rose back to his existence and did it sexually. There really is no substitute for the human touch.

"C'mon," said Clayton, carefully pulling Asa to his feet.

Where are we going?"

"You and I are going to sit in a hot tub with shooting jets of massaging water. I am going to hold you so you can fuss over me." He ended by saying `daddy' once more.

Asa offered no resistance almost knocking him over getting to the bathroom.

"Do you want me to get you off first?" said Asa

"Let's wait; I'll be here for a while, if that is okay with you."

"Sure – sure," Asa responded finding it difficult to talk, His mind was back in the saddle again and he couldn't believe it was happening. Good lord, it was easy.

Suddenly realism set in like a clock striking midnight. For Asa to get into the tub with Clayton, that meant removing his clothes. It was something he was not happy doing with the lights on.

"I am going to leave on my tee shirt and my boxers. They are white and you will never notice that I am not naked," said Asa

"I will notice – take them off." "Nope, that is not going to happen. Being next to your hard bronze body, I will look like a shriveled up old prune and I am not going to do it." Said Asa

"You are not going to look like a prune," said Clayton. Wrong color, you will look like a wrinkled marshmallow, but who cares."

"I care; it is embarrassing trying to be desirable looking, when you come across looking like yesterday's doggy bag dinner." Admitted Asa

They got in the tub and splashed around but it was not what Clayton had hoped for. He wanted to finger Asa's hole under the water and get creative doing wild things, but it did not work out that way.

Asa stroked Clayton's hard dick under water and he used both hands. The man was a torpedo stud.

"Can I put this inside you?" he asked, tossing in the word, `daddy' once more."

"I can't take that thing. It is too big. The only part of ass that I like is licking it. Sorry, I know I'm a slut, but we don't all play the same way."

"I know," said Clayton showing no emotion whatsoever.

They got out of the tub and Asa sat on the toilet seat and sucked a week's supply of cum out of Clayton. It was hot, but routine. Any `zip pa dee do dah,' was missing.

Asa missed the chocolate body scent that the hot water had removed. Clayton was too clean if there is such a thing as being too clean. As far as Asa was concerned, no flavor equaled no fun.

Clayton didn't care one way or the other. He wanted to fuck but settled for a blowjob. All was good, but not great like it was the first time they romped together. That routinely happens to people, so it was no big deal. The man was still awesome.

After getting dressed, they sat in the living room drinking beer that Asa had chilling on ice. They were friendly to one another but avoided talking about sex.

A tap came to the door. Asa had locked it, so he had to get up and answer it. It was Adam, and Andrew was with him.

"Hey – hey grandpa, we stopped to apologize for avoiding you earlier when Johnny was sitting with us downstairs. Bernie was with you and Adam thought he would run his mouth causing a scene," explained Andrew.

"Oh, you have company," said Adam looking at Clayton with a `whoa' pause in his voice.

"Did he call you, `grandpa?" said Clayton

"Yes he did, it's a diversion that we play. This is Adam and Andrew, my fictitious grandsons and I am their make-believe grandfather." Admitted Asa

"Cool," said Clayton, very cool. I like that."

"It works for us," chimed in Andrew, fixated on Clayton's husky thighs.

"I know you," said Clayton to Adam. "Well, I don't really know you but I know who you are. I used to work in produce at the Corner Market. You would come in from time to time and I would watch how you walked and moved. That had to be three or four years ago" said Clayton.

"He hears that a lot," interrupted Andrew "Adam's got a great ass."

"Did I say something, I shouldn't?" asked Clayton

"Hold on – hold on, interrupted Asa, "Can we talk? He said imitating Joan Rivers.

"Sure," said Adam

"Of course," agreed Clayton

"We are gay men here. A strange mixture perhaps, but we are all in the same boat looking for something. Am I right or am I wrong?"

"Where are you going with this?" asked Andrew

"You want I should stop and keep quiet," replied Asa.

"Nope, I bet you want us naked," said Andrew smiling

"No, I am not saying that. I just got out of the hot tub with this hot man, and my gorgeous grandsons just had a threesome with an Italian bartender. Oy vey we are simply a mess." Confessed Asa.

"You claimed that I was gorgeous," said Andrew

"Asa said, I was the gorgeous one," mumbled Adam

"Asa told me I was gorgeous and called me a black prince." Added Clayton

Asa began laughing and the three of them joined in howling like fools at the moon. They knew instantly how silly they were being, but it felt good to laugh at themselves.

Adam went to Asa's frig and brought back four beers to pass around. It had been a crazy day filled with obstacles. Now, although a bit weird, the day was ending on a positive note.

They clinked bottles together and took swigs of beer, gulping and wiping their mouths with the back of their hands.

"I did that beautifully, didn't I?" Asa once again said to them.

"Here – here, I'll drink to that. Of course, Asa is what makes this different," mumbled Clayton putting his arm around Adam and Andrew.

The big three had become the four amigos and the days ahead were bound to be interesting.

Things develop this way along Flatbush Avenue. One never knows which day holds a big surprise.

Next: Chapter 16

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