
By moc.loa@2xbuclaC

Published on Mar 21, 2004


The following is a work of fiction, fantasies designed to excite the flesh as well as the mind. I appreciate comments and suggestions.

It was hot, the steamy funk of sweat, lube, horny men and spent sperm. The twin had obviously interrupted a fuck to tease his brother, on his return he went straight to where Eric was on all fours waiting with his ass spread. The twin entered him and pumped as if he'd never left. Max and JD shared a long, double dildo jacking off as they watched the screen. The video was of some sex club, 25+ guys in various forms of sex. The current scene showed a short, stocky man on the floor in turn sucking the five men standing around him, all waving their stiff beef at him. Bryan, prone on the floor, a young man with a goatee I hadn't seen before between his legs chewing his nuts. Dennis above him, bouncing up and down on face enjoying an energetic rim job as he slapped his dick repeatedly on Bryan's chest.

I ran my fingers down the crack of Buck's ass before dropping to my knees and pulling the globes apart. Starting at the small triangle of hair just above, ran my tongue down the hairy cleft. I had one quick glance of the rosy ringed- hole before I attacked it with my mouth. I swirled my tongue around and around loosening the tight sphincter, finally able to get the tip of my tongue in the gap. He purred in pleasure as I ate him out. The grunting, moaning, slurping, fucking sounds all around me excited me. I sucked bathed his ass while I played with his shaft now sticky with dripping jizz. He soon rolled over and pushed my face onto his cock. I swallowed his meat repeatedly, guzzling the fat column. I chewed on the hairs covering his belly, around his navel and up his chest leaving trails of spit. He pulled me up.

"Ready?" he asked me. I kissed him in reply, our arms circling each other. The world around us was lost. We made out like school-kids for another fifteen minutes before he finally got up.

Leaning up against a wall I watched him go to the corner cabinet for some lube. Instinctively spreading my legs, I surveyed the group as he loosened me up. The twin had left again; Dennis was now joined by a guy wearing a baseball cap, t-shirt and jockstrap. His swollen staff hammering Eric. The trio had switched places, the goateed guy lay prone, Bryan getting the rim job while Dennis mouthed the guy's boner. Max and JD were 69'ing. Buck sat back next to me, finger still in my butt while greasing himself. The returning twin saw he'd lost his place so turned his attention to Max's upturned and willing ass.

"Ready to ride, Cowboy?" Buck asked plainly. Without an answer, I swung my legs around and started a slow descent.

"You're so fucking big." I winced as the head pierced my anal ring.

After I slid a few more inches, he stated. "You're tight."

"Will you last?" I asked him, a few more inches of his monster filled me.

"Long as you need," plunging all the way into my chute.

"Give me a minute," I breathed and tried to adjust to his thickness. I'm tight but usually don't have this much problem taking it up the ass. He let me set the pace, keeping still as I slowly rose feeling his fat cock stretching my insides, half the shaft still buried I sank back down. I repeated it again and again until the pain ebbed. My cock raked against Buck's chest, tickled in the forest of hair. A voice shouting "fuckin A, gonna cum" and the strangled scream as he shot, not sure if it was live or video. The ache stopped and turned to pleasure. I began to bounce enjoying the sensation, stopping occasionally to let him pump rapidly in and out. He rolled me over, his cock buried in my hole, and with my ankles resting on his shoulder he began to fuck, really pound into me.

Through half closed eyes, I watched Bryan and Dennis stroke themselves over the edge, the juicy white loads raining on the kid who bucked and moaned, thick streams of rich-cream spraying from his shooting pistol. The second twin, now released, battering his brother's ass, hard and fast, as they kissed. Daniel on his knees with Mike and Eric jerking off, slapping his face with their slick erections.

Buck slowed, then pulled out, sitting back. "Need a rest." His chest heaved. I lay back closing my eyes, glad for the break. I felt a tongue flick my cock-knob, I looked down to see Buck's hot mouth swallow my raging bone. Beyond him, Max and JD had been watching us fuck, judging by the look on his face, JD was nearing orgasm.

"Break," I squirmed away from Buck. "Need a break."

We sat back and watched. JD gripped his balls and tickled the bloated knob, Max moved behind him and grabbed the distended nipples. "Nghh yeah," he screamed and a streak blasted through his piss-slit, arcing high in the air, second tug on his `nads sent another creamy spurt flying, again and again until he was spent. From the other side of the room we heard the chanting "Here it cums, here it cums, here it cummmmm." The twins even stopped fucking to watch Eric cum, globs of thick juice streaming onto Daniel's upturned face. Max hurried over and added to the custardy river. Mike slapped the face with his dick until he drained his balls, adding his load to Daniel's drenched face.

"Wish it were me," I nuzzled against Buck.

"That one of your fantasies?" He asked. I nodded in reply. "I'll arrange it before you leave. How many guys do you want?

"How many can you get? " I replied, smiling, mounting him once more. I bounced and pounded, pulling almost off him with my ass muscles gripping the rim of his fleshy cock- head, letting him plunge me back down to the hairy root. We rolled around, humping all the while. Then I was splayed, strong hands on my hips pulling and pushing me back and forth onto his raging fuck-meat. It was when he had me up against the wall, supporting my weight in his hands as I had my legs wrapped around his hips that I noticed all eyes in the room were on us. He followed my gaze, gently lowering me. "Let's get out of here and go somewhere quiet." He said.

I could tell as we walked through the Barracks I would not have an easy time walking tomorrow - it was going to hurt. Buck led me around the back down a little used trail that led to his cottage. We quickly entered getting out of the night air. I followed him into the large bedroom, anxious to get back to what we'd been doing. He dimmed the lights, crawled into the large bed, hands behind his head.

"Ride me." He said simply.

"Buck," I told him as I eased back down onto his dick. I rode him slowly. "I don't think I can last too much longer. I need to shoot."

"Good," He replied. "So do I." He pulled down to his face then started humping.

We fucked for only 10 minutes before the pace became frantic. We were both drenched in sweat, the room reeked of sex.

"Do, it baby, make me cum, make me cum." He pleaded. I bounced madly, faster until I could feel his prick grow, stretching me to the limit. "That's it, oh yeah." I started first; the initial jet sent rapid ass-contractions around his cock bringing his orgasm. He pulled me to him, mouth covering mouth, pumping his copious load up my ass while my dick belched continuously trapped between us.

It took a while to come down from the high, I hadn't been hammered like that in a long time. We both slowly recovered, bodies finally relaxing, breathing back under control when I rolled off him. I felt the oozing wetness drip from my stretched hole.

"Damn," He said. "How much ammo does that pistol of yours have? It looks like three men shot-off."

"JD warned you. Let me get towel, sorry the sheets are pretty wet." I replied. He wouldn't let me get up, just leaned down and licked a long streak of cock-slime off my chest. "Mmmm," he murmured scooping up a generous gob and brought it to my mouth. We tongue wrestled, nestling into the bed. I'm not sure which of us fell asleep first.

I slept late into the morning; he was gone when I woke up. And as expected it was a little difficult to walk. I sat in the enclosed side porch, having a quite smoke with my coffee when he walked up the path.

"'Mornin sunshine!" He said cheerfully to me, giving me a quick peck on the forehead.

"Why so cheery?" I asked - I'm not my best in the morning until my second cup of coffee.

"I had the sweetest piece of ass last night, that's why." He replied taking a sip of my coffee.

"I know, which you won't be getting again until it stops hurting, THAT could take a week." I said sarcastically.

"Remind me to kiss is later and make it feel better. "He said. "Right now you're a little ripe."

I sniffed at myself, oh yeah; ripe was a nice way of putting it, stale sweat and spunk. "Don't tell me you woke up smelling like a rose?" I asked as I leaned over to give him a quick kiss, which turned into a long wet kiss. His hand roamed through my chest hair, matted with dried sperm. Finger brushing lightly across my tits, down my belly, my flaccid dick rose to meet his hand.

"Does that thing ever stay soft?" He asked as he knelt taking the growing meat in his mouth. Obviously I didn't smell that bad. I enjoyed his leisurely spit-bath. Too soon he was standing up. "I need to run into Newport for a few things, won't be back until later this afternoon. There are fresh towels in the bathroom, and your clothes. Relax and enjoy, you'll need it, there's a dozen guests checking in today." He finished with a wink and strode off.

It was half an hour later, showered and dressed; I wandered up the path and entered the diner. I nodded to the few occupants and ordered myself a big breakfast. JD arrived the same time as the food.

"So," he asked with a knowing smirk. "How are you feeling this morning?

"Fuck you." I replied and started eating.

"You two put on quite a show, even the twins couldn't top it though they tried. It astounds me how easily you get a reputation without even trying." I glared at him. "Jackson even heard about it, wants to know how to get a piece of your ass. And don't be coy, that's why you joined me on this trip - for the sex." He had me there.

"I heard there are a lot of guests coming in today, anyone leaving?" I asked.

"The twins are here for a week, Daniel was supposed to leave but Mike convinced him to stay another night, apparently another budding romance."

"Another?" I snapped.

Ignoring me, he went on. "The man in Cabin 1 but his son goes back to school today."

"His son?" I asked. "That's really his son? I thought."

"Don't look so shocked. It's not the first time it's happened. He did ask to meet with me, guilt apparently. Bryan and Dennis are both staying. I think the rest are gone or going."

I went back to my room for a fresh change of clothes after breakfast, then to the great room to work on an article I was supposed to have finished by the end of the week. My editor warning me the last time not to be late. I had a quick bit for lunch then went back to work. With no one to disturb me I finished the final draft by 3:00 pm.

I went back to my room the long way, down the hall to the right past the three lower rooms (all empty) upstairs where, Bingo!, the door to the third room was open. A very tanned muscular man stood posing in front of the mirror wearing a posing strap. JD was going to love this guy, shaved chest, beefy pecs topped by extra large nipple pumps. He pulled one off roughly to reveal a nip the size of a mini-cock. He twisted the bulging nub making the hidden meat under his strap jump. He pulled off the other with a loud sigh, his uncut 7 inches popped out. Turning to check out his fleshy ass, he saw me watching. He approached with a toothy smile, hand extended. "Tony." He said simply, shook my hand and went back to the mirror.

Back in my room I changed into a loose pair of shorts and went for a walk. It was a warm afternoon, no one was in the hottub but I did find Buck and Jackson near the cabins.

"Hey," I smiled at them.

"You look hot." Buck said.

"Thanks." I said brightly. A small snicker from Jackson.

"I meant you look flushed." Buck said. He leaned to whisper in my ear "you always look HOT" and snaked his tongue along my neck.

"I heard there was some steamy action in the orgy room last night." Jackson said, smiling for the first time I'd seen.

"JD told me." I said to Jackson. "No one gets near my ass." Buck slapped my butt loudly as I started to walk away. I turned around and glared at him, for a moment. "I told you this morning, not again until the pain stops."

"Next week?" He asked.

"Um," I hesitated. I moved up close to him, grabbed his groin feeling his soft log. I whispered in his ear, "Tonight, same time, same place. If you're up for it."

"How's the left nut?" He asked as I walked down the path.

"It's okay now," I said grabbing it for emphasis. "But I'll fix that!"

Dennis was sitting on the porch of his cabin, in t- shirt and boxers. I waved hello as Bryan stepped out naked, leaned on the railing and aimed his piss-hose at Dennis and took a leak. He aimed the arcing strong jet low, in Dennis' crotch, up the chest soaking his t-shirt - tits straining the now wet fabric, up to the open mouth - slashing across his shaved head.

"Cocktail time." Bryan yelled at me, causing Dennis to choke with laughter.

Moving on, one of the twins lay naked in front of their cabin soaking up the late afternoon sun. A man in his 40's, with an average build sat on the porch of the cabin next door, stroking an equally average sized dick. Another naked man came out the door, slim with a slightly angular cock brought him cocktails - in glasses, with booze.

"Hey," I said walking up to the twin."

"Hank, you guys were goddamn hot last night. When do we get to see a repeat performance?" He asked, grabbing my tented shorts.

"Maybe tonight, we'll see. " I told him. "Look, I need to ask, which one of you was in the dungeon last night?"

"We both were." He answered. I gave him my best `smart- ass' look. "Last night was the best sex we've had, ever. We both came like maniacs. Promise you'll let us watch, all the way, just us four and I'll tell you - he doesn't like me to tell, he likes to confuse people. Thinks he's too butch."

"No problem, just the four of us." I told him, jeez, how hot would that be?

"I'll show you the secret. Here, up by the hair-line." He pointed to his left temple. Unless you were looking for it, you wouldn't notice the small mole. "I'm Loren." He stopped. "Luke's got a hot tail, I love rimming his ass.almost as much as fucking it." He finished with a wink. "Let me know when we can get together. And no telling Luciano."

"No telling Luciano what?" Luke said coming out the door with two beers. He nodded toward me. "Hey Hank, great time last night, huh? So what isn't he supposed to tell me?"

"What a big dick you got." Loren said grabbing his brother's dangling meat, slurping the luscious, skin covered knob. "Let me know when we can party." He said to me just before he was grabbed by his brother, the two wrestling on the grass. I noted the two men next door watching with keen interest.

There were two guys in the Barracks, 69'ing loudly. A young man, stroking a stiff woody on the bed next to them. I headed to the head for a leak. Mid-piss, two strong arms circled me.

"Hey hot-stuff." Buck cooed.

"We're getting a reputation." I told him as I nestled in his arms. His crotch hardening against my ass.

"YOU have the reputation. "He answered. "I don't bring people here by a whim. JD recommended you, I talked to people. I knew you'd be good for Retreat."

"So I have a reputation as a slut? Every night you get to fuck me instead of a room charge?" I asked. I told him about my conversation with Loren.

"Case in point." He said nipping my ear. "You exude sexuality..and sex. The best sex they've ever had! That's exactly what I want for the Retreat. Come on, let's have a drink." I followed him down to his cottage. He continued," You understand the joy, the release, the relaxation free, open sex brings. I want men to come away with the feeling that this was one of the greatest experiences of their lives, they best sex they've ever had. And, if it means I have to screw you again with the brothers watching, that's a small price to pay." I jabbed him in the side. "And I don't get to fuck you every night to pay for your room. You'll get fucked every night because WE want to."

Back at his place he fixed himself a scotch rocks, a vodka tonic for me. He looked at me. "Do you believe in love at first sight? He asked.

"Why Mr. Cranston," I mimicked in my best Southern accent. "Whatever are you talking about?"

"Geoff," He responded flatly. "I fell in love with him the second I laid eyes on him. Physically, the two of you couldn't be more dissimilar, spiritually you're closer than the twins." I didn't know what to make of that. Thankfully, his cell phone rang. "Hang on." he said into the phone then turning to me.

"Look, Buck, if this uncomfortable for you." I started.

"Not in the least," He said, giving me a long, wet kiss. "Go enjoy yourself, I need to take care of a few things with Jackson."

I headed back up the path when I heard him call to me, "Hank, with you it took two seconds." By the time the comment sunk in, he was pacing, talking animatedly on the phone. Damn, I thought. Sex I understand, love never found its way into my life.

I had a quick dinner, noting the young man I'd seen earlier in the Barracks sitting with a blond in his early 30's, tight jeans with a hefty bulge that he frequently rubbed. Another new arrival sat quietly in the corner reading, wearing only a sweatshirt, jockeys and tennis shoes. JD came in with Tony the titman.

I stopped for a quick soak, Daddy already in the tub as well as Mike who was feasting on Daniels' very stiff rod while jabbing several fingers in his hole. Another new guest joined us; short cropped hair, broad hairy chest with a plump, mushroom capped dick dangling below his paunch. He watched the suck-job, hand obviously in his crotch. Daddy moved over, closer to the man apparently offering some assistance under the water. After a few minutes, the man stood, his organ grown to full staff and sat on the edge of the tub, Daddy followed suit, hands soon jacking each other's swollen meat.

I shut the door of my room, not wanting to be disturbed. I watched porn for awhile, a collection of cum- shots, to get me horny. It wasn't long before I was stiff with my cock starting to drool and I switched over the Retreat's cameras. I found a handsome husky guy in his room, bouncing and bucking loudly on his bed as he stroked his prick fucking himself with a fat dildo. In his room, the blond guy I'd seen at dinner in the tight jeans sitting on the bed with his dinner partner, both jacking off eyes glued to the TV. In the tub, JD was energetically chewing Tony's nips watched by the couple from Cabin 4. Daddy and his partner had retreated to his cabin, my boner twitched, his big, furry ass bouncing as he face-fucked the man lying beneath him.

I stroked the tingling skin of my hardness seeing the two men were now on their sides, Daddy's hairy cock sliding in the man's mouth as his equally bulky pole was slathered. Next I found Bryan and Dennis in a similar position in the cabin next door. I panned through the Barracks; the orgy room was getting busy and decided it was time for a walk. I walked to the other wing and found one of the door's open, the guy with the dildo was joined by the two I'd earlier seen watching porn. The guy with his jeans now around his ankles, stroking his dick, urging the other man on loudly. "Fuck that hairy ass man, pound that thing all the way in. Pumping your fat dick, want to watch you cock blow it's creamy juice." The man on the bed bucked wildly, enjoying the nasty talk. "I'm working up a hot load, maybe I'll ram my big piss-hose up your sore asshole. Then Lefty here can get his pretty face down there and tongue lick my spunk from your hairy chute. You like that, don't you Lefty? You want to suck my hot, sweet cream-load from his hole?" Lefty liked the idea so much he started to shoot, his cum oozing in long streams.

In the room below I found JD in Tony's room. The two sitting on the bed, legs twined, balls to balls, cock to cock working on each other's tits. I knew JD would be occupied the rest of the night. The man in the sweatshirt was in the tub, clothes piled on the ground, reading. No doubt he'd be taking to JD soon. He seemed to ignore the elegant black man across from him noisily sucking his partner's balls while stroking a classically shaped 6 1/2 inch prick. His partner, a striking black haired man that floated atop the water.

I met the twins coming up the path from their cabin, the three of us heading toward the Barracks.

"Tonight?" One of them asked.

"No, probably not tonight." I replied to him. "Maybe a preview."

"So what's on your play list?" I asked them as we walked past the long row of beds. I noted the man that was 69'ing earlier was on his bed idly play with his 10 inch schlong which drew the attention of everyone that walked through.

"Depends," Loren said, "where's the preview?"

"What preview?" I heard Buck ask. He and Jackson were at the entrance to the bathroom, Blair fixing one of the johns.

"They're expecting a repeat of last night's performance." I said dryly.

"Will they get it?" He asked while releasing the evident stalk from under my sweats and stroking it. "How's the left nut?"

"I told them they might get a preview. Stress on might. It takes two to tango. "I said questioningly to Buck.

"Tell me when you're ready to ride, Cowboy. I'll be ready."

"Tell me where and I'll be there." Jackson said with a leer.

"Kiss my ass." I replied.

"Gladly." He answered, cupping the meaty bulge in his crotch.

"You're all perverts." I headed down toward the stairs. I turned "When you're ready, Buck, meet me in the garage and you can take me for a ride. Pun intended!a" The entire group laughed.

Next: Chapter 4

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