
By moc.loa@2xbuclaC

Published on Mar 17, 2004


The following is a work of fiction, fantasies designed to excite the flesh as well as the mind. I appreciate comments and suggestions.

It was a beautiful spring day as JD and I drove up the coast of Oregon. Our destination was a little known haven called the Retreat. It sounded like Fantasy Island for me. A secluded lodge that guys can go and be themselves, who they aren't or whoever they want to be. JD is a sexologist and was invited to do a series of lectures on male sexuality and provide personal and/or group counseling sessions. I was going with him a) for the ride, b) JD occasionally uses me as an `example' and c) I was planning on doing some personal research on my favorite subject - male masturbation.

I'm a jack-off junkie. Not that I don't like sex, I've tasted my share of stiff cock and won't pass up a good hot fuck but I love to beat off. And nothing gets me hotter than watching other guys pleasuring themselves. The variety of techniques, posture and position, the facial expressions, the moaning and groaning, the cries, the whimpers and then at that high point, the climax, man-juice oozing, shooting, spraying. Everyone strokes differently, reacts to the pleasure in different ways; dribble, spurt, spray cum differently. Like snowflakes, no two are the same.

I found a website with over 1200 euphemisms for the act.' Some of my favorites are: arm-wrestling the purple-headed storm- trooper, committing mass spermicide, giving your employee a raise, spending quality time with yourself and testicular tensile strength test. I also did a search on dictionary terms and found: "Masturbation: The stroking of genitals for sexual pleasure, usually to orgasm." I questioned the concept of usually.'. Reading further I found the definition of orgasm; sexual climax: the climax of sexual excitement, consisting of intense muscle tightening around the genital area experienced as a pleasurable wave of tingling sensations through parts of the body. All this lead me to the question of "Why bother pumping the python' if you don't juice the moose'?"

"I mean the entire point of jacking off is to cum., isn't it?" I asked JD as we zipped along Highway 101.

"Yes and no," He said. "Haven't you ever `squeezed the flesh Twinkie' without getting the cream?'

"Only when I'm interrupted." I told him.

"Even then it's doubtful, knowing you. Men do it when their bored not necessarily to climax." JD answered. "And speaking of boredom, why don't we take a look at some of those video clips I'm going to use.

I turned on the laptop and began searching through the files of clips. I clicked on the file and the scene opened with a naked man, butch, beefy and furry lying on a couch watching a porno movie. He was stroking a fat, 8 inch hard-on with one hand while tugging a pair of golf ball sized balls.

`Now that guy is definitely planning on launching the rocket and evicting the testicular squatters." I couldn't help myself.

"Yes," he replied dryly. "He's `qualifying in the testicular time trials' and enough of the trite sayings."

I shut up and watched him stroke the thick pole from base to head, first leisurely as he watched the video. It amuses me to see videos of guys watching porn, I always try to see if there's someone in what their watching to see if their watching another a world within a world within a world. The display was having the expected effect on me and it wasn't long before I had a hand inside my pants, wrapped around my `flesh-twinkie.' The guy on the screen picked up the pace; he was pumping his fat sausage all the while bucking to and fro. I turned up the volume, hearing a guy's climax is just as arousing to me as watching it happen.

He lay back; eyes shut and after a few rapid pumps, yowled as the first milky rope of cock-cream shot wetly on his upper chest. He continued to pump the spraying boner coating his furry belly with frothy nectar. By the time he'd finished cumming, my pants were unzipped, hand wrapped around my dick.

"So," JD started. "Are you horny or just bored?"

"Both." I replied noticing he'd slipped down his sweats and his hard-on was bouncing freely. I unbuttoned my shirt and slid my pants around my ankles before I searched for another clip. The next showed a very handsome man lying naked stroking a short but thick veiny dick with a fleshy foreskin. There was a naked brute on his left flicking at the stiff nipple while another on the right sucked the distended point as all three jacked.

"Hold it for a sec." JD told me as he reached into his pocket, spit into his ever-present suction cups and attached them to his bared nipples. "Go ahead."

JD had a tough time driving but was able to steal more than a few glances as the man's cock belched bullets of white cream, pooling in his belly-button, then in turn his two partners followed suit unloading onto his chest. The swollen nips were covered in rich cock-snot.

"Tell me more about the Retreat, what can I expect." I asked as I stared at the road, lost in thought as I stroked myself.

"I've told you," JD replied testily. "It's a combination sanctuary, hideaway and sex club. They don't advertise because they don't need to. They get enough business by word of mouth. Men go there to be someone they can't be at home, to do things they only fantasize about, or just be around others that can. Buck, the owner, told me not to expect the twinks, the pretty boys. It's just regular guys and everything from vanilla to raunch. Some need help and encouragement to do what they really want, which is what I'll be doing. And your going because.well you have a certain way about you and can lend a hand, so to speak."

"You mean, not only am I a dedicated voyeur but also a totally unabashed exhibitionist and the hand I DON'T lend is typically around my perpetually hard."

The sound of a blaring horn drowned out my voice. Driving parallel was a semi and from the smile on the drivers face he was enjoying seeing me take a turn at the self-serve pump! I waved my crank at him which brought another load honk.

"JD, stop at the next rest stop, I need to take a leak." Before JD could think of an inappropriate but accurate response I leaned over and swallowed his root to the base and slurped my way back up. The blaring horn was longer this time.

I buttoned and zipped up as I watched the semi pull in behind us at the rest stop. Barely waiting for JD to park the car, I jumped out and made my way to the truck parking area. The driver was waiting as I slipped into the cab, pants around his ankles and 6 1/2 sold inches topped by a swollen mushroom head already oozing syrupy nectar. I grabbed the shaved sac pulling his rod upright and lowered my head toward his groin. My lips encircled the fleshy circumference tasting the salty-sweet drops of dick-drool. I felt his hand on the back of my head coaxing my down further. I feasted on his rigid wand all the while rolling his heavy nuts in my hand. I pulled on the sweaty sac gently as I sucked him.

"Oh yeah, buddy. Play with my nuts, gets me hot." His voice was deep, gravely.

I slipped my thumb and forefinger around his ball bag and tugged sharply, pressing a finger down toward his hole. He groaned, jumped, his dick-head bumping the back of my throat. His legs spread further apart. I quickly released his prick and swooped down to his weighty balls, swallowing both in my mouth just as I gripped the spit-shined dong in my hand.

"Chew on those balls, fuck yeah. Won't be long, gonna cum. Unngh, lick my hot nuts, fucking yeah. Gotta shoot, make me cum, man, oh yeah.."

His cock throbbed, hot and solid as he pumped in my fist. I struggled to keep the shrinking sack in my mouth when the strangled cry started and his cock exploded. His balls slipped out of my mouth and I watched three, four thick streams erupt from his puffy piss-slit. His breathes evened out. I leaned toward him as I got up, giving his right nipple a quick bite, then with a smile and a whispered thanks I was gone.

JD wasn't in the car when I got back. Figuring he got lucky I waited patiently for him, taking a short stroll around the park- like setting of the rest stop. I watched as a man, looking flushed and embarrassed come out of the restroom and hurriedly usher his wife and children back toward their car.

"Here, "JD came up, handed me a damp rumpled bundle. "For your collection."

Back in the car, I unfolded a pair of Jockey's. Sniffing the sizeable damp spot, I had to ask him, "Yours or his?"

"His of course." JD mumbled as he headed back on our way.

It was an hour later that we pulled off the highway and went inland and found the unmarked driveway leading to the Retreat. I was expecting something grander, more austere. The entrance was a plain building virtually swallowed by trees. There was a small, simple sign indicating it was the `Retreat' but there was no indication of what lay beyond, no cars parked anywhere in site.

Just inside the door was a small, simple room with no inner doors. On a small table sat a phone and a note to dial 1 for `Management' which JD did. The right end wall eventually slid open to reveal a richly paneled office. The man that stepped forward looked like a lumberjack, 6'2", dark curly hair, strong ruddy facial features, tight t-shirt revealing a barrel chest with long wisps of salt & pepper hair peaking out the top. The enticing bulge in the tight sweat-shorts .

"JD Granger, "he said walking toward us hand extended. "And you must be Hank Morgan. Glad to have you both here. I'm Buck Cranston, your host. Please come in, have a seat. If you'll give me your car keys, I'll see that your things are taken to your rooms. "

I couldn't help staring at the firm mounded globes of his ass under his sweats as he left the room. I noticed JD was doing the same. He returned a few minutes later.

"Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to have you here. I've read some of your publications, JD, and believe you can help some of our guests. I've also heard of your seminars from friends, and am more than certain that Mr. Morgan will add his own brand of assistance." He spoke directly to me.

"Please," I asked, "call me Hank."

"I thought you'd like to take a few days to take in the Retreat, experience it, understand it, enjoy it before you get down to work." Buck added, "Hank will, I'm sure, do as he sees fit as always. Gentlemen, please."

JD went through the indicated door and I followed. The pressure of a hand on my left ass-cheek was unmistakable. Yes, I thought, I will do as I always see fit, so I stopped. Buck stumbled, only briefly, but enough time for him to thrust his ample basket into my butt more than once. I decided I was going to like it here.

The hallway we entered was a stark contrast to the foyer. Soft lights illuminated the simple unaffected style. Nothing was too ornate, too outrageous, very warm and comfortable. We stood before a large picture window looking into a vast courtyard of shrubbery and trees.

"This building has two wings. To the left is the great room, and down the hall three lower upper rooms. To the right is the gym, and again, three lower, three upper rooms all looking tino the courtyard. Out along the perimeter are 5 cabins, to the far left is the barracks and on the right the kitchens/diner. Everything here is designed both for privacy as well as openness, whichever our guests prefer." We followed as he talked. This is the gym, fully equipped with everything you would need." Buck explained as he opened the door."

The intoxicating scent of male sweat filled the room we entered. There was the standard equipment, free weight equipment, treadmill, a rower which was in use by a blond, wearing a pair of loose shorts that couldn't contain his inflated member. We soon heard soft moaning, that increased in volume and depth. The distinct sound of someone close to orgasm. As we turned into the short hallway that led to the locker room we were greeted by the sight a naked man straddling the bench, the rounded orbs of his fleshy ass bouncing frantically up and down on a thick dildo. We followed Buck past the man until we were a few feet in front of him near the showers. He made no effort to ignore the man stroking his raging prick, now visibly leaking as he hammered the swollen shaft. I could feel my meat swell and saw the protruding lump in Buck's shorts expand. After a few moments, with a short gasp, the cock exploded, spewing it's thick streams of milk onto the bench. With a quick wink in our direction, he leaned over to lap up his spent ejaculate.

"One thing we stress to all our guests, "Buck stated as we followed him back into the hallway. "It's okay to watch but don't touch unless invited. Many visitors prefer the solitary pleasures and do not mind the viewers but don't welcome others into their space." He stopped briefly at the end of the hallway at the third room, it's door ajar. A husky man lay naked on the bed, shaved from bald head to legs. Strong fingers gripped his knobby stalk, hairless balls flopping between his legs as he jacked-off. Buck moved on saying, "An open door IS an invitation here."

Our rooms were on the second floor. We entered the first where my belongings were already waiting for me. The d^Âcor was very comfortable, the furnishings simple; bed, dresser, TV, desk. There were doors leading to a small balcony overlooking the courtyard. I could now see the hot tub that was hidden from downstairs.

"Another feature of the Retreat, "he explained as he turned on the TV, "is the vast library of on-demand movies." He picked up the remote, the on-screen menu revealed multiple categories including Solo, Muscle, Bears, etc. Something for every taste. "Since you will be working here I've given you access to one of the lesser known features - these have been programmed to the in- house cameras so you can get a better understanding of our clientele. This is channel 1." We saw the gym, now deserted, displayed on the screen. He touched the remote a few more times, shifting through guestrooms, also empty, until the room directly below mine. The shaved fellow was no longer alone. He was joined by the blond from the gym, now perched atop the prone man's face clearing enjoying a deep ass-bath.

"Fascinating, "I said absentmindedly playing with my bulging crotch. "I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here."

"I hope you do." Buck replied, hand covering my growing erection. Touching the remote again, he added, "This is the barracks. We only have a few guests until Friday, then it will be full. It's our more popular accommodations."

Again we followed Buck into the hallway. There was a small sitting area between the wings, just above the office. There was an athletic young man lying on the sofa watching a video, his hands roaming over his firm muscles, stopping to tweak his tits. I eyed the pulsing mound of his white jockeys, the growing timber pushing rhythmically against of the tight fabric. I had to unzip my pants to release the painful throbber from the confines of my jock.

"C'mon. You're incorrigible." JD said, pulling me away.

"Remember," Buck said to him, "it's acceptable and encouraged here." He slipped off his shorts to reveal a very well packed jock, the material covered with multiple cum/piss stained that made my mouth water. He lifted one side and a fat heart- shaped cut cock-helmeted poked out. "You can leave your clothes here and come back for them later, house rules are no stealing. Although underwear and jock straps have a tendency to `disappear' so be careful."

I slipped out of my shoes and my pants. Leaning over to put my shoes back on, Buck stepped close to my face. I smelled the pungent essence of his groin and my tongue shot out to flick the slit. He pushed and I sucked on the bulbous head. My hand held onto one ass-cheek, feeling the soft downy fuzz covering his butt. I pulled back the jock and swallowed his thick meat.

"Hank understands the Retreat." I could hear Buck telling JD as I slobbered up and down his shaft. "This is what it's all about, having the urges and seeing them through without reprisal, inhibition, restraint. Men stay here because of the abundant availability of the pleasures of the flesh and the ability to participate with other like-minds. There are few limits here, no judgements." He pulled away from my mouth. "We can finish that later." He stroked a pearl of pre-cum from my cock onto his finger, tasting it with a smile.

I now had the pleasure of following his naked butt framed by the jockstrap as we went down the stairs and into the courtyard. The lush smells of the pines swarmed around me; the grounds filled with ferns and flowers.

"This is one of the popular areas, later in the evening." Buck told us as we were led to the hot-tub, large enough for 8-10 people atop a richly-wooded deck. A voice broke the peaceful silence, loud, harsh: "Lick my big-fucking cop dick, cocksucker. Let me feel those lips slurping around cock. Oh baby, slip that tongue down my piss-slit, sip out that oily cock-slime. Fucking yeah, you like sucking cop-meat, don't you."

We all turned in the direction, toward a group of shrubbery where a man stood in full uniform, from the police helmet to black shiny shoes. The man kneeling before him was in a suit and tie.

"Do you see a lot of role-playing? " JD asked drowning out the cop's moaning.

"Yes," replied Buck. "Quite a bit, we have a small selection of outfits for our guests use however most bring their own. There are several rooms below the barracks set up for a variety of scenarios; the dungeon, the garage complete with car, the classroom." The policeman's tirade grew louder. "Actually, that man is a state trooper. Not all the guests spend the night, we have a day-use program that locals enjoy, as well as visitors staying on the coast."

Two men came walking towards us. The first, mid-thirties, was short and stocky with a buzz cut. He was introduced as Jackson, the General Manager. His demeanor definitely military. Blair was much younger, tall and gangly with a goofy grin. He was their jack-of-all trades, their Mr. Fix-It. Buck showed us where the cabins were located then excused himself, leaving JD and I to explore the grounds.

We walked along the path under the canopy of trees and found the first of the rustic cabins were located. We slowly peeked in through the open door, it didn't seem to be occupied. The room had a very homey feel, the sofa and chair frames in unfinished cane and the pine bed and night table off in an alcove. The bath was equally natural with a simple claw-tub shower and matching sink stand. It also included a small kitchenette, with a small range, refrigerator and coffee maker. We continued along the path, until we reached the fourth cabin.

Sitting on the front porch was a handsome man clothed only in leather vest and chaps with one muscular leg propped atop the railing. He lazily pulled the handle on the vacuum pump and smiled at JD who was staring, transfixed, as the man's already bloated purple organ blossomed and throbbed against the pump tube. I watched as JD moved forward, pulling roughly on the chain of the man's tit-clamps, fingers running through the thin patch of dark hair in the center of the man's chest. The man pumped again and I could his shudder as JD stroked down his torso to his groin. Leaving them to their fun, I moved on.

I found the building with the kitchens provided for the guests, and the attached diner noting the times they served meals. The next smaller building was locked. Retracing my steps back toward the other side of the property I stopped briefly to watch as the guy feasted on JD's slab, noisily slurping on the turgid cock while JD played with the man's gapping butt-hole. I turned to move on and noticed another man leaning against a tree intently watching them. With an occasional drag off the cigarette dangling from his lips, he unbuttoned his shirt and ran a hand lovingly through the forest of short hairs covering his chest, pulling on first the left, then right silver rings of his pierced nipples. His other hand stroked the paunch of his belly down under his jeans. JD knelt between his partners spread legs to chew on the fleshy ball-bag, the man against the tree had his pants around his ankles palming a plump, semi-stiff club. Instinctively I cupped the growing bulge in my jock. I viewed the scene for a few more minutes before moving on.

The Barracks was an appropriate name. One large room with two rows of ten beds along each side. Only one bed was occupied, someone napping. At the end of the building was the bathroom, a row of sinks across from several stalls, a vast urinal trough big enough for someone to sit in (not a surprise), and an open tiled area with 6 shower heads. I found the stairs down to find the rooms that Buck had been describing to us. The dim hallway had three doors on the left, two on the right. I tried the first, it was the dungeon complete with everything expected, the sling, the racks, chains, paddles. The next was the classroom with a simple desk for the `teacher', blackboard and several student desks. The last door on that side opened to what could only be described as an executive's office. An image of someone in a three-piece suit fucking his willing employee spread across his desk...

Across the hall I found the garage with an old Ford convertible with it's hood up, awaiting the mechanics. Tools lay everywhere and the place reeked of oil and grease. The final room was stark, a large screen TV at the far wall, the floor covered with bare mattresses and pillows - all suitably stained with what must have been dozens and dozens of spunk loads.

My mind reeled with the fantasies those rooms evoked. I envisioned throngs of naked men; hot, sweaty and horny all thrashing around the floor of the orgy room, the sighs and moans as swollen cocks were stroked, sucked and pounded into tight butts with screams of pleasure. The athletic young man we'd seen earlier sitting in the convertible, his prick tenting his tighty- whities while a mechanic stands next to the door, overalls unzipped and cupped under his tight balls jerking his massive meat which is soon swallowed by the eager young man.

The ache in my balls spread as I made my way back toward the main building, my stiff flesh arrow leading the way. JD and his partner were still at it, the man now using the pump on JD's engorged bone - they had attracted a small crowd; a large bearish man with a pawish hand wrapped around a short but thick hog, a muscular hunk, well-defined pecs covered by a tight tank top, stroking a long, thin battering ram with nose buried in his jock- strap; a tall, dark-skinned bald guy stood with sweat dripping down his powerful chest as the man who'd been watching them earlier was now on his knees sucking loudly on the head of his thickly veined monster. I felt the first slimy droplets of pre- jizz trickle down my shaft.

The bear was getting close, chest heaving, growling aloud. Encircling his tufted nuts his turgid pistol quivered, muscle-man reached down and cupped the head as it began to discharge then wrapped his custard-coated hand back on his own dick and continued jerking.

Just then Buck came up the path followed by two men that must have been twins, both tall, black wavy hair and thick mustaches, matching t-shirts and chinos. They stopped to watch the action, smiles on their faces. Buck pointed out the cabin next door to them however they were in no apparent hurry to see their accommodations. Almost simultaneously, they unzipped and slide their pants down as watched they group. I couldn't help but chuckle - at least their boxers weren't the same color.

Next: Chapter 2

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