Retail Therapy

By Steam Train

Published on Dec 4, 2012



Retail Therapy By Steam Train (

The inspiration for this story comes from the sadly incomplete story, Never Play Poker with Girls' by Jaech Reiter and Benjamin County from Last Boy Standing' by Nialos Leaning.

"What's the matter darling", Mark Grant asked his wife Jenny.

"Oh, the usual problems with the boys. Sometimes I almost wish we had only had daughters!"

"Who and what was it this time?" Mark asked, as he lovingly caressed his wife in bed.

"Where do I start...

"What, more than one of them?" Mark asked in exasperation.

"Yes, Travis, Nick and Harry!" Jenny Grant replied.

"Oh dear!" Mark Grant exclaimed.

"First, Travis snuck off directly to the mall with his friends Corey and Kane after school despite your rules about coming home first and asking permission. Then when he came home, I had words with him for sneaking off and he argued back with me, because he feels that at fifteen years of age and a ninth grade high schooler he should have more freedom than you or I allow!

Nick was tormenting Michele from the moment both got in from school and then threw a temper tantrum at what was cooked for dinner. To help out, Larissa and Michele had cooked dinner and Nick just set out to ridicule everything they did!

And to top it off I had a phone call today from Harry's home room teacher about his constant clowning around in his sixth grade class, his sassy backtalk and his failure to do assignments."

Mark Grant just shook his head in disbelief. He had only had a serious talk to all three of his sons two days ago.

"I don't know what has gotten into those boys lately, despite the three year age difference, sit is as though they are all going through the turmoils of puberty at the same time!"

"Well even if they are all suffering from puberty; that is no excuse for their behaviour and disrespect." Jenny Grant asserted. "Mind you Mark, I wouldn't have a clue how far into puberty Travis is at fifteen years of age or if Nick at thirteen or Henry at twelve have even started yet? Do you know something I don't Mark?

"No, how would I know, all three are so modest I have not seen them naked for years and just like you, I don't get access into their bedrooms or the bathroom while any of them are naked" Mark replied.

"I am beginning to wish we lived over in Benjamin County with its ability to turn most male juvenile behavior problems around using their special blend of firm discipline, and humiliation."

Mark Grant knew exactly what his wife Jenny was referring too. Benjamin County was the adjoining county on the other side of Britten County. Many years ago to help quell mounting Juvenile crime and behavior issues, Benjamin County had established their now famous ordinance, 17- 769, which stated that all boys ages 3 to 15 must remain naked at all times while within County Limits. Three day passes could be obtained once a month by parents or guardians of non-residents like the Grants if the parents so desired, and medical exceptions could be made in rare situations but otherwise the law was firm for all boys.

"Well we don't have to live there; you could take the three boys over to Edwardsville with you whilst you and the girls do some retail therapy one weekend. Benjamin County might be just the thing to bring the boys back into line."

"Oh what a wicked thought Mark, the boys are so modest they would almost die of embarrassment just being forced to strip naked! Mind you making them suffer some teasing from their sisters instead of the other way around, and the resultant humiliation and shame would do the boys a lot of good."

"Yes the more I think about it the more I think we should plan a trip to Edwardsville, based on their current behaviour", Mark Grant replied.

"I can imagine the three boys being very obedient once they have finished stripping naked and are forced to be totally naked for a few hours."

"Especially having to face you and their sisters and as added humiliation and embarrassment maybe even a friend of Larissa and Michele's. If you drove and I didn't come there would be room in the van for our five kids plus two others."

A good idea darling and I am sure you are very saddened in having to miss out on a day at the shops" Jenny sarcastically replied.

Mark just gave a sheepish grin.

Jenny was however on a roll, "Yes, if the boys were exposed like that, apart from the initial pointing, staring and giggling that would happen from the girls, I can imagine the boys will hate the fact that for day in and day out for months after the visit they will know that I, their sisters and the girls closest friends know precisely the stage of their development or lack thereof down there, hopefully putting the fear of god into them about further stripping's if they continue to misbehave. It may even help in curing them of their bad attitude and behaviour towards females!"

"You're not wrong darling" Mark replied, "perhaps some of our problems have come from treating the boys, especially Travis, as if he is all grown up. I know he says he is, but a visit to Benjamin County will soon prove whether he really is as grown up as he claims to be!"

"True" Jenny replied to her husband. "For all of his 15 years Travis still looks more like a thirteen year old with that young face and slim build, though his voice has been broken for some time. You never know darling he may take after you and not start puberty till nearly sixteen and in 11thgrade.

Mark blushed noticeably at his wife's comment.

Jenny noticed and smiling said, "Oh Mark that's so cute your still embarrassed about your late development all these years on."

"I've gotten over the late development" Mark affirmed. "I was thinking about how you found out I was a late developer, way back when we were in the 10thgrade together. Maybe if that hadn't happened I would have been more strict on our kids and spanked them when they misbehaved and we wouldn't have the issues we have now, but I have never been able to bring myself to spank the kids after the humiliation I suffered that day when you and the others who were there, found out not just that I was a late developer, but also that at fifteen, I was also still spanked by my dad!"

Jenny too thought back too that eventful Saturday a month or so before the summer holidays at the end of 10thgrade all those years ago.

Back then Mark's best friend was his fellow classmate Paul Brody. Jenny's best friend was Hollie Chambers. Paul and Hollie had been going steady since 7thgrade and Jenny knew both had been sexually active with each other since 8thgrade. Because Paul hung around with Mark so much it was inevitable that Jenny had become friends with Mark when she was around the two boys so much with her friend Hollie.

Unlike Paul and Hollie, things had never progressed very far between Jenny and Mark. Mark was only too happy to have her company and to kiss and cuddle but the moment Jenny's hands started to roam towards anywhere a bit exciting on Marks body, Mark said no!

Jenny respected his wish, after all she expected a boy to take no, as no as well! However through 9thand then most of 10thgrade Jenny continued to have all her advances rejected. She was beginning to think Mark was secretly gay or didn't really like her when that fateful Saturday that turned their relationship wholly around had occurred.

Paul, Hollie and Jenny had come over to Mark's place fairly early that Saturday morning. His parents were already out shopping and Mark was working in the yard raking leaves when they arrived. He looked extra sexy in just his shorts and joggers, the glint of mild perspiration giving his hairless chest a slight sheen. Jenny had seen Mark's hairless chest on many occasions but what lay under those shorts was still a complete mystery to her.

She had thought nothing of Marks hairless chest or arm pits as the much taller and mature looking Paul was identically hairless in the same places. She knew however from gossiping with Hollie that down below Paul had a thick bush of pubic hair and that he had had pubes since Hollie got to know him really well back in the seventh grade, though back then it was a much smaller thinner patch than Hollie described these days!

Mark stopped working when they arrived and all four went inside and talked and listened to music and were still doing so when Mark's parents arrived home from shopping.

It was obvious from the moment he walked in the house that Mr Grant was angry. All these years on, Jenny suspected that Mark's fate was made worse that day because Mr and Mrs Grant had had a small tiff at the shops and when Mr Grant discovered that Mark had not done the job he had been set of raking the lawn and then mowing it, his fate had been sealed!

Mr Grant seemed to totally ignore the fact that Paul, Hollie and herself were sitting on the couch along with Mark as he grabbed Mark and hauled him to his feet whilst berating him for not doing his chores.

Without warning or asking the other three to leave Mr Grant had then attacked the front of Mark's shorts, undoing the cord that secured the shorts tight around Mark's waist.

Paul and Hollie had amusement written all over their faces as they saw what was happening to Mark but Jenny was horrified for her boyfriend.

"Dad what are you doing" Mark had exclaimed the moment his father had started undoing the cord.

"The usual bare bottom spanking you always get when you stuff up son, what did you think?" Mr Grant angrily replied.

"No, no, don't, please..." begged Mark, as the cord of his shorts came undone. "My friends are here, not in front of them!"

"Some added humiliation along with the pain of a spanking may help you remember to do as you are told next time.'

Mark started to struggle for his life, trying to break clear of his dads grip, but that grip was too tight.

Soon Mr Grant had dragged Mark's shorts down and off, revealing his plain black boxers.

"No, no, for God's sake dad!" yelled Mark with absolute fear and humiliation in his voice. "Not in front of everyone!"

Mr Grant got a hold of the front of Mark's boxers and he pulled them out and down. Jenny remembered the shock gasps and surprised looks on her friend's faces and the terrified humiliated look on Mark's face as his stubby, thin, hairless uncircumcised penis came into view.

The silence was for a while only broken by Mark's wailing and sobbing, and Hollie's giggling.

Paul elbowed Hollie to make her stop giggling as Mr Clark bent Mark over and extracted his belt from his own trousers and laid into the lily white bottom that was presented as the target area!

Jenny's thoughts returned to the present and she said to Mark, "You know, Travis and Nick share the same body build and looks that you had when you were their ages, maybe they do take after you!. Harry on the other hand has that taller, stockier build of my brothers Rob and Tom, both of whom I remember being well into puberty soon after they turned twelve.

With a renewed blush of embarrassment Mark commented to his wife, "It would be quite ironic if Harry at twelve turned out to be more into puberty than Nick at thirteen and perhaps even Travis if he has inherited my family traits and looks!"

"Well Mark, his behavior lately suggests he is still a boy, despite all his claims!" Jenny replied.

"If you went to Benjamin County shopping, which girls would you take along with Larissa and Michelle?" Mark asked.

"I had planned on taking Larissa's friend Ellen Ramond, and Michelle's friend Jasmin Bathalong with the girls to Stanton next weekend to go to the Outlet Malls, but as Stanton is still in Britten County, that would not achieve anything as far as the boys go. However there is an Outlet Mall in Edwardsville in Benjamin County which will give us girls our much needed retail therapy and I could drag the boys along too like you suggested to teach them a much needed lesson."

"I don't think it would be a good idea to tell the boys in advance that they are going to Benjamin County" Mark suggested.

"I agree, if they found out we would never get them there without major traumas. I will insist the boys have to accompany us to Stanton so I can buy clothes for them, which will stop them making other plans. However I will have to tell the girls and swear them to secrecy as I need to get permission from Ellen and Jasmin's parents for the change in plans, their parents were fine with Stanton but now it is Benjamin County I had better double check, however I am sure both girls have mentioned they have been there shopping in the past."

Even telling the three boys they were going shopping next Saturday with their sisters and their friends Ellen and Jasmin in Stanton had caused major arguments but eventually the three boys had resigned themselves to a boring days shopping.

Fourteen year old Larissa and Nick's thirteen year old twin sister Michele were anything but bored with the secret news that instead of Stanton they were actually going shopping in Edwardsville. In fact Larissa, Michele, Ellen and Jasmin were extremely excited when they found out that Mrs Grant planned not to get exemptions for her sons. All four girls could barely wait for Saturday to come around; the days ticking down to Saturday seemed to take forever to expire.

Jenny Grant was still not quite sure how she felt about the Benjamin County ordinance. Any misbehavior whilst in Benjamin County and the full force of the ordinance would come crashing down on her children, both male and female. Perhaps if they were misbehaving they deserved it, but still the fact that it would apply equally to her own children, had made her wary and was why she had only taken her eldest daughter Larissa and none of the boys to Edwardsville in the past. Both her daughters were always well behaved and so neither would run much of a risk of finding themselves naked but the boys were another matter, and even though in the past she would have gotten them exemptions, they still ran a higher risk of running afoul of the Benjamin County rules and finding themselves stripped naked and public property than the girls!

This Saturday would be Michele's first visit to Benjamin County but Jenny Grant was sure she would handle seeing not just her brothers naked but all the other local boys under sixteen naked as well. When she took Larissa last year, nothing bad had happened. If anything it took some of the mystery out of boys for the then thirteen year old Larissa. So now Michele was also thirteen, Jenny was fairly comfortable in taking a group of four girls with her this year. Ellen and Jasmin's mothers had been all for it when she had contacted them.

During lunch at the middle school on Wednesday Nick was sitting with his friend Drew Pierce and a group of Drew's seventh grade classmates when the topic turned to shopping, shopping for sports equipment to be precise!

Drew's other friends, were not really Nick's friends, just class acquaintances. They were more the upper class jock sort. Brad Ellis had a dad who was a doctor; Trent Newton's dad was a bank manager, and Kent's dad was the local juvenile judge. Drew's dad was a local minister of religion.

Kent's older brother Kane was in Travis' ninth grade at high school and Nick's brother was good friends with him. Kane and Kent often acted very immature for their age and both were bordering on being arrogant bully sorts. Nick did not particularly like either of the Wilson boys very much, but Drew got on ok with Kent and Nick's brother Travis was often hanging out with Kane and his other best friend Corey Sloan at their house, so Nick had learnt to tolerate both Wilson brothers!

Kent was discussing a trip to Edwardsville as it was the only place around he said where you could get fitted batter's gloves and fitted field gloves for baseball.

When Nick asked Kent about having to get naked he laughed and said, "My dad is just the opposite of the Benjamin County juvenile judge, every time I have gone in the past with mom for baseball gear, dad makes my mom get me a visitor's pass that says I can keep my clothes on. It's great walking about with clothes on whilst all the local boys and some girls have to go starkers! "

"I am sure my mom and dad would be like that too" said Brad, They have said in the past when I asked to go, that I could once I was a teenager, and when I asked just after I turned 13, they said they would take me when the opportunity arrived, so I had first-hand experience of what happened in Benjamin County."

"Maybe a new bat will also help your batting average, Brad!" Kent teased. Brad's thought began to wondered what Brad's parents meant by `first-hand experience' and if that really meant that Brad would be allowed a visitors pass but before he could think that thought through, Trent interrupted his thoughts!

"Look who's talking Kent," laughed Trent.

"Yeah ok, but a new bat might just help! Anyway, what about you Trent, you in for the trip as well?"

"I don't think so, I don't need any sports gear and I don't want to go there as my mom and dad probably wouldn't want me to get a visitors pass on the grounds that it would be very educational for me to see how justice and order and all that crap is served up in Benjamin County. They have said a number of times that if we went to Benjamin County they thought it would be beneficial for me to be naked like all the local boys. They keep saying I am getting `too big for my boots' and threatening to take me to Benjamin County."

"Man that would suck" Kent snickered. "Means everyone would see that bald little pecker of yours".

"Yeah well how would you know Kent what I got, you have never seen me naked! Let me tell you, I don't want to put you or the locals to shame by showing off the long hairy hose I got" Trent retorted.

That bought laughs from all the boys, though Kent also blushed a little at the comment.

"You can count me out as well," Drew said. "Even though my dad's a minister he's into this whole taking back control crap and if I went to Edwardsville he would almost certainly make me strip down like the local guys."

All eyes turned to Nick who then explained that he was being dragged off shopping to Stanton with his family on Saturday!

Nick was glad for the excuse as he would have been very embarrassed to go to Edwardsville. He had not been seen naked by anyone for over four years and was equally embarrassed to think of seeing other boys and girls naked, even if he was clothed. He was pretty sure his parents would agree to an exemption but was glad he did not have to put it to the test to find out!

As the bell went to end the lunch break Nick noticed Kent smirking as he walked off, looked back at Brad, Trent and Drew who seemed unaware of the attention. Momentarily Nick wondered what had caused that look, but the though soon passed as soon as lessons resumed.

What Kent was scheming up was to have his mom invite Brad, Trent and Drew to go shopping to Edwardsville with them on Saturday. In his secret plans Kent was hoping that Brad would not get the visitors pass he was expecting, as he had had similar thoughts to Nick about Brad's parents comment and that Trent and Drew's parents would likewise insist that they be naked like they both feared. Kent knew his mums Lexus SUV would seat up to eight people at a squeeze so it could take Brad, Trent, Drew and his brother Kane's best friends Corey and Travis along with brother Kane and himself with their mum driving.

That evening Kent set about getting his brothers support in inviting all their friends along. Kane was only too pleased to support the project once Kent set out his hopes that they would get to see at least some of his friends naked and that maybe there was even a chance Corey or Travis might suffer a similar fate, an idea that really took Kane's fancy!

Doris Wilson sighed as she looked at the telephone, just taking her two sons and no one else to Edwardsville was a major chore. Once she had been able to control them to some extent but as they had grown older they had become harder and harder to control and both boys had become expert at manipulating her through their father. Kane Wilson Senior had quickly agreed to his sons requests to take friends to Edwardsville and left it to his wife to organize.

With another sigh she picked up the phone and rang Drew Pierce's home. The resulting conversation had greatly surprised her. The Reverent and Mrs. Pierce it seems had been suffering similar behavior problems as she had been experiencing and confessed they had wanted to take Drew to Benjamin County for some time so he could experience first-hand that county's unique approach to juvenile discipline. They were only too pleased for her to take Drew as long as he received no visitors exemption and was kept naked the whole time he was there.

When Doris Wilson objected that it would be unfair on Drew to keep him naked as her sons would be dressed as their father insisted she get a visitor exemption, the Rev. Pierce suggested that in his professional opinion as she was the adult in control on that day, that, she should not get her boys a visitor's exemption. He was sure, knowing Kane and Kent from church that they would learn a lot if she took back control and kept them naked like the Rev. Pierce required for Drew.

She said to Rev. Pierce that she would think it over but did not commit her sons to nudity. The idea did appeal however and deep down she knew her husband despite an anticipated initial reaction when he found out, would eventually not object too much, as long as it meant she was better able to deal with the boys behavior releasing him from any responsibility.

Her surprise grew even more and Rev. Pierces idea became firmer and firmer as her desired course of action after she had spoken to Brad Ellis's dad and Trent Newton's mom, both of whom desired that their sons experience their time in Edwardsville naked as means of taming their teenage angst and were glad when they heard that the Rev. Pierce also wanted his son to experience the same. By the time she had finished with Mrs. Newton, Doris Wilson was openly stating that her two boys would be naked just like the other boys!

Corey Sloan's parents were the first ones that she had rung that were hesitant about their son not getting a visitors exemption, but eventually they agreed that Corey's behavior needed changing and that it would not be right if he was the only one not naked. Once they made that decision they soon became enthusiastic about the benefits a day's nude time would bring their son.

The final icing on the cake was when Mrs. Wilson rang the Grant residence to see if Travis could come with them to Edwardsville, only to discover that all three Grant boys were going to Edwardsville and would be naked like the rest. Doris Wilson promised to keep that information secret, and decided she would do the same for her boys. Easier if they though their visit was as usual with a visitors exemption, she decided.

A smile broke out across her face as she imagined their reaction when they got to Edwardsville and her sons were confronted with the reality they too would have to strip naked. Her smile momentarily broadened even more before she suppressed the wicked thought that had just entered her head!

What did her two boys look like naked?

She had no idea at all really, as it had been years since she had seen then without clothes, though she remembered that only last week she had noticed with interest that neither Kane nor Kent had any visible signs of body hair on their legs, chest or under their arms when they had both been wearing only long board shorts around the house on a very hot day. She had immediately felt guilty thinking of her sons like that and this was what had made her suppress her smile!

Friday at middle school Kent had delighted in his friends Drew, Brad and Ellis' embarrassment as they complained bitterly that his mom had rung up their parents and invited them all along to Edwardsville and that they were all to be kept naked and not allowed visitors exemptions. Kent of course pleaded innocence of any knowledge of what had come to pass.

Over at the high school Corey was equally upset at Kane for inviting him along as he bitterly informed Kane his parents had decided some nude time in Benjamin County would do him the world of good! Kane struggled to keep a straight face at the thought of his friend having to walk around naked next to him who would still be fully clothed. The only dampener was that Trent Grant was not coming with them, still he had pretended innocence to his mom about Trent's other shopping trip in the hope he might wrangle him attending too.

By the time Mrs. Grant had loaded Larissa, Michele, Ellen and Jasmin along with Travis Nick and Harry into the family van and set out on the journey that Saturday morning the four girls were giddy drunk with excitement and anticipation, whilst the three boys were sitting glumly already bored with the idea of spending a whole day shopping in Stanton.

It didn't take long for Harry and Nick to begin tormenting each other as they sat next to each other in the back seat whilst Travis who occupied the third seat tried to ignore them and continued his teenage sulking.

When Harry's hand accidently connected with the back of Ellen's head on the way to its designated target of Nick, Mrs Grant had to pull over and warn her boys to behave otherwise they would be punished. Travis pleaded non-involvement but Mrs Grant said he was at fault too for not supervising his younger brother's behaviour in the back seat. This only added to Travis's bad mood and it was at this point whilst they were pulled over that he noticed that they were not on the road to Stanton.

Once they were underway again Mrs. Grant broke the news to the boys of their real destination.

There was initial silence before Nick stated he didn't want to have to walk around Edwardsville and have to look at naked juveniles. Harry muttered agreement but Travis seemed interested in the prospect until Mrs Grant dropped the bomb shell that due to their recent behavior she would not be seeking exemption letters for the three boys.

"What? No way! You're joking right about us getting naked" Travis answered back, with Nick and Henry nodding in agreement.

Ellen and Jasminimmediately began taunting the boys about what it was going to be like when they got to Benjamin County and they would have to get completely nude for the entire time they were there.

"That will do girls, and to answer your question Travis, I am not joking." Mrs. Grant replied.

"And we'll be able to shop for such a long time, wont we mom?" Michelle asked tauntingly, knowing she was on safer ground if she didn't directly torment her brothers.

"Yes, dear, I'm sure we will." Her mom smiled when answering.

"And you boys better be good while we're there, I've been to Benjamin County before and seen what happens to boys who don't do what they're supposed too in Benjamin County" Larissa contributed.

"That's enough talk about those things, Larissa, I am sure the boys know the consequences of misbehaving in Benjamin County and besides those rules apply equally to misbehaving girls" Mrs. Grant replied.

Slowly the reality was setting in for Travis, Nick and Harry that they may soon to be made to strip naked in public!

"But it would be so cool, if one of your brothers, or even better, all of them, got in trouble when we were in Benjamin County, and they had to go before the judge, and . . . " Jasmin started to say to Larissa.

"OK, I said that's enough girls. No more teasing the boys or talking about Benjamin County till we cross the county line, otherwise I'll make sure everyone of you are stripped naked when we cross into the county, boys and girls, understood?"

The boys momentarily broke out of their doom and misery and even looked slightly hopeful as the girls giggled in embarrassment, but to the boys' disappointment all four girls quieted down quickly, preventing their mother form taking further action.

When the moment arrived and the family van crossed the Benjamin County line, the three boys were deathly silent and looking quite pale in complexion. It was Michele who at that moment asked her mom, "Don't they have to get naked right now?"

"No darling, not till they get out of the van. It will be a lot easier for the boys to undress in the car park once we get to Edwardsville."

If the four girls were previously giddy drunk with excitement and anticipation, they were now ballisticly so! To the four girls it felt like it took all their will power just to control their breathing and the sexual excitement that was almost overflowing out of each one of them!

Finally to the great relief of the girls and the utter trepidation of the three boys Mrs. Grant parked the van in the parking lot of the outlet mall.

Being in the back seat, the three boys were the last to vacate the van. Larissa had quickly alighted from the front seat and Michele, Ellen and Jasmin were not much slower in vacating the middle seat. Travis Nick and Harry however took a much longer time to emerge from the van.

"Right, time to get out of your clothes," Mrs. Grant ordered as Harry, the last of her three sons stepped out of the family van. "As you know, it's against the law for boys under sixteen to wear clothes in this county."

Travis was quick to point to a series of signs posted at the parking lot exit. The first read, "Welcome to Edwardsville" this was followed by one stating, "Little boys shouldn't be so modest", next came a warning sign, "Child indecent inexposure laws strictly enforced." Then there was an official notice declaring, "Benjamin County Ordinance 17 - 769, Boys ages 3 to 15, Nude at all times" followed by an explanation of options available to `out of county' boys aged between 3 and 15.

The first option was that if the boy or his parents or guardians did not wish him to be nude then the local police would write the boy a warning exemption for technically breaking the ordinance and then escort the still fully clothed boy and everyone accompanying him back to the county border. The second option allowed out of county parents and guardians to exempt their sons. The sign depicted a bright pink cardboard tag with attached neck string and an arrow pointing down to a container of blank forms. The notice went on to state that the exemption tags could be used up to a maximum of three days in any calendar month. If a blank form was taken then a period of half hour was allowed to get them processed at the nearest validation station. The notice then listed where the validation stations were located. The list was quite comprehensive and included police stations, courthouses and visitor centers plus various large shopping malls and some schools and sporting facilities within the county.

"Mom you and the girls have had your fun, just let us get a pink exemption tag from the stand and go and get it validated" Travis asserted. He had convinced himself since crossing the county line that his mom was calling their bluff, after all his friend Kane was a regular visitor to Edwardsville and Travis knew Mrs. Wilson always got Kane and his brother Kent exemption tags.

For a moment Nick and Harry looked to their mom, a slight ray of hope flicking across their faces as they heard Travis's comment. Standing nervously on the parking lot, Travis Nick and Harrycringed, as their mom announced in a firm voice that she had no intention of relenting and that they were to immediately disrobe.

"Mom you know this is so fuc... er, er... stupid. You can't make us get naked in the middle of town, it's too humiliating and embarrassing. So please stop teasing us about it," Travis pleaded whist taking up a defiant body posture on behalf of his two brothers and himself.

"Young man, first you watch your mouth," responded Mrs. Grant." You nearly said a word you know I won't tolerate. Second being humiliated and embarrassed is the whole idea of the Benjamin County ordinance. Maybe after today your naked humiliation and embarrassment will leave such an impact on you that your behavior to females and your overall general behavior will improve markedly out of fear of a repeat visit!"

"Sorry, mom for the language" Travis halfheartedly replied, still angry at his mother's trickery. "But really mom it's bullshit that making the three of us get naked will change our behavior."

"It's not bullshit Travis, studies have proven that it is effective and don't use `bullshit' either please. Now I want the three of you start undressing totally right now please."

Nick looked at Travis then to Harry. Travis still looked defiant, but Harry just shrugged his shoulders and with a resigned look pointed out to his two brothers the two police officers standing across the other side of the car park who had taken their attention off a group of juveniles to focus their attention on them.

Travis and Nick however found themselves focusing on the group of juveniles. Among the crowd they counted five boys. All were naked but all wore footwear and two had sun hats on their heads but apart from that all five were totally bare chested and bare bottomed. Two of the boys looked to be close to 14 or 15 years of age, one was 12 or 13 and the other two 10 or 11 years of age. Four of the five boys were flaccid, but one of the 12 to 13 year olds was fully erect and being busily masturbated by a girl who looked to be of similar age as the boy. He was wearing a green wrist band that everyone knew allowed public access to his body as a form of punishment. When the four girls noticed where the boys were looking they all began wildly giggling whilst the boys stood there aghast, mouths gaping wide open.

"Guys those police officers are watching us closely" Harry reiterated bringing Travis and Nick back to matters at hand. When their eyes glanced back to their brother they were startled to see that Harry had slipped off his joggers and sock and was about to take off his t shirt. A quick glance back at the police officers who looked ready to come over and Travis and Nick also began undressing, their faces reddening by the second as the girls giggled at their growing humiliation and embarrassment.

Harry was the first naked. Mrs. Grant looked at her newly naked son and noted in her mind that at 12 years and 2 months Harry was far better developed already than his father had been at sixteen. Nick and Travis also both took casual looks at their brother's dick and balls as they came into view. Travis was impressed and so was Nick but seeing his younger brother naked for the first time in years only worsened Nick's embarrassment. Nick realized immediately that Harry's balls were almost as big as his and hung down almost as much as his, Harry's penis was as thick and manly already as was his own proud specimen, but it was the small thin semi-circle of black already curling hairs at the base of Harry's dick that surprised him and held his attention, so much so that his missed the slight sneer on his brother's face when his own hairless groin was exposed soon afterwards!

Travis was not much bigger than either of his brothers in the size of his genitals; all three had nothing to be ashamed of in that department. Travis however had a small but thick bush of pubes immediately above his penis but his ball sack still looked hairless.

The girls were beside themselves taking in the totally naked bodies of the three Grant boys.

Despite their well-developed penis and balls, the three boys were blushing profusely knowing their mother and the girls were staring at what had been till just now their most private of parts. For Nick it was particularly bad as his younger brother had been revealed to have had pubes before him. His status with his younger brother had just taken a notable turn for the worst he felt!

"Why does Harry's dick look different to Nick and Travis?" Michele innocently asked out loud.

"Oh Harry's uncircumcised" Mrs. Grant replied, "Unlike his brothers. Travis and Nick take after their dad who is circumcised and thought that they should be too, but when Harry came along I persuaded your dad to leave him natural and uncut as my brothers had been."

"I didn't know that," Harry said quietly.

"But, don't worry boys" Mrs. Grant continued, "Being circumcised doesn't make any difference apart from looks whatsoever, and despite your age differences you three look like you are already fairly evenly matched where it counts, except I guess, Nick, for your, uhhh, ... still hairless state."

The girls giggled and Nick blushed profusely as his lack of those all-important symbols of male maturity was highlighted by his mother.

As if oblivious to her sons suffering, but perhaps seizing the opportunity to get one back at her troublesome middle son Mrs. Grant continued "I would have thought you would have your pubes before Harry."

Nick flushed so hot between his ears from humiliation and embarrassment that he couldn't form any words to deny his mom's musings.

The three boys found their first naked walk into the shopping mall a living nightmare. Their prominent tan lines exposed them to the locals as out of towners, and this was complimented by their profusely blushing faces and bodies.

Noticing the three boys parading their newly naked bodies the local boys and girls and even some adults often broke into smiles and some of the kids into giggles and outright laughter.

All three boys were petrified they would bump into kids they knew from home who would be dressed having been allowed exemptions. Thankfully they met no one they knew inside the shopping mall as they made their way to the first point of call, a coffee shop.

Nick was sort of glad to get out of the main public area and was thinking that at least his nakedness would be hidden for a while as he sat at a table having a milkshake.

His slight relief was soon shattered when his two brothers and he followed their mom into the coffee shop only to see their friends Drew, Brad, Trent, Kent, Corey and Kane all in there.

Larissa, Michele, Ellen and Jasmin burst out laughing as they took in the sight of the other six boys who were equally as naked as Travis, Nick and Harry!

Mrs. Wilson made all the boys in her charge stand to greet Mrs. Grant and her group, forcing the profusely blushing and embarrassed Drew, Brad, Trent, Kent, Corey and Kane to stand naked before the ogling girls and the stunned Grant brothers.

Trent had not been exaggerating when he boasted of having a long hairy hose. Still juvenile in thickness, it none the less hung down long and slender over a dropped ball sack. There was a small but thick bush much like the older Travis' adding to Trent's teenage look and some noticeable long scraggy hairs on his hanging ball sack as well!

Drew's body looked like it couldn't decide if it would blush from total embarrassment or be drained of all color from the horror of the situation. Drew didn't have much to show for a seventh grader, only being at the very beginnings of puberty. His balls were noticeable in a still smooth sack of stretched skin, bulging out away from his body, but not yet dropping, and his small penis though fully erect looked to be no more 2 1/2 inches and that perhaps was being generous. There was no sign of any pubic hair.

Auburn haired seventh grader Brad, had an impressive thick pubic bush and a plump reddish brown dick, contrasting sharply with his otherwise pale groin. The head of the dick looked quite large and thick compared to Trent's and Drew's, as did the pecan sized nuts hanging loosely behind in a noticeably hairy sac. When he raised his hands momentarily Brad revealed that he even had a few underarm hairs that were slightly darker than the pubic hairs, but lighter than the hair on his head.

The last seventh grader standing naked was Kent. He was blushing even more profusely if that was possible than his fellow seventh graders. He had been to Benjamin County on numerous occasions and on all those trips had lauded his clothed state over the totally naked locals. Now the extreme tan lines revealed his newly naked state and highlighted his totally pre-pubescent body. His tiny thin penis which surmounted a tight little boy ball sack would have been hard to see if it had not been for the fact that it was sticking up and out with a full three inch boner. There was no sign of any pubic hair on his groin.

Travis's ninth grade classmate Corey was well into puberty. His chest was still smooth and hairless but there were the beginnings of a happy trail forming from his thick pubic bush up to his belly button. Corey was uncut; his foreskin like Harry's still covering the knob of his thick manly cock.

Kane like his brother was a late developer. Hestood arespectful height for his age of around 5 feet 7 inches and he appeared in weight to be well within the norms for his age, but where it really mattered he was as bald as a newborn baby and in genital size not much bigger than his younger brother Kent.

As Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Grant settled down for a long chat over coffee the girls made sure they sat in between the naked boys, smiling and giggling at each other as the boys sat sulking and humiliated at their new naked status.

Kent and Kane were coping the death stares of most of the boys for bringing on this situation, whilst the two Wilson boys were lamenting their fallen status and contemplating what the future held both at home now their mom knew they were both still pre-pubescent little boys and at school where their status amongst their peers had been shattered with the revelations of their late development!

All nine naked boys were very quiet compared to the girls as they took their time drinking their milk shakes or sodas not at all looking forward to the day ahead shopping naked in Edwardsville.

Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Wilson noticed the boys quitter subdued demeanor and were pleased already with their decision to bring their own boys toe Benjamin county and unbeknown to the boys were already enthusiastically planning the next retail therapy shopping excursion for a months' time!


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