Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Feb 25, 2002


From: Leila Benson Subject: The Rest Of My Life (Part - 7) Lesbian/Beginning; (F/f) Part # 7 "A Get Together"

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Which of course, is turning you on! The very first story I wrote was published some months ago. It was called "Joan and I " That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters or parts. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. While it focuses on Lesbian relationships, there are some graphic (F/m) parts. What can I say, it's my life! I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further. Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, the friend and mother she baby sits for, and other friends and lovers. Leila Benson

Part 7

I guess the thing that I found so odd, was the intense sexual interaction that was taking place at night and the calm carefree days of sailing, swimming and the usual summer pursuits. Driving into the Village for Ice Cream Cones and Beer or simply lying around then putting meals together. Don't misunderstand, much of my waking moments were awash in sexual thoughts. Not always very intense, but often lurking just beneath the surface. The mood was terrific. We were having loads of fun and I had never seen Mark so relaxed and amusing. He was very quick witted and had a funny comment about a lot of things. He also could be completely serious when he felt it was necessary. Allison also had this knack of being lighthearted unless you needed a more serious focus of her attention, then she was intensely there for you. I found these combinations of characteristics in both of them immensely appealing. All of that, combined with both a natural grace and warmth, to say nothing of a powerful sexual attraction, had me in complete awe. I guess in many ways I was in love with both of them and their sweet daughter. Lin was of a different order. I certainly didn't know her really. She was cooler to me. I don't mean cold, only by comparison to Allison, who was always giving me reassuring touches, Lin was more distant. Actually as I think of this, Lin was acting in a completely appropriate way with me. Of course, she had just really met me and she could not have been any nicer. Lin was simply and naturally more reserved. The day was spent getting ready for a barbecue. Allison's stepbrother Gordon was driving up to stay overnight. Lin was going to take the other bed in my guestroom and Gordon was taking her room. Hannah and Nick Myers and their boy Ben were coming over from the other side of the lake. I knew them somewhat because Cindy was a friend of Ben's and I had met Hannah at the Bogards any number of times. Allison reminded me that I had met Nick when he was going out with Mark to play tennis and once he and his wife had driven me home after a babysitting job. They were both about the Bogard's age. Hannah was a small slender woman with short dark curly hair and large eyes and rather full lips. She was dark complexioned. When I first met her, I thought she might be African American. I remember asking Allison if she was. Allison told me she was a Moroccan Jew. I remember thinking how exotic that was. Nick was in some ways almost like her brother. He also was rather dark. I now realize that I found them very interesting to look at. I think it was their dark luminous eyes. Their boy Ben was like a miniature of his father. The Myers arrived just after lunch as we were putting the dishes away and getting ready for the barbecue. Gordon drove up a few minutes later. He was twenty-six, three years younger than Allison was. He was a tall slender guy, very pleasant to look at with a kind of lopsided smile. He reminded me a little of a very young Jimmy Stewart. The afternoon went quickly with all the food preparation and jumping in and out of the water and in general taking care of Cindy and Ben. In many ways it was easier with the two of them, rather than being with Cindy alone. It was late in the afternoon before I even had a chance to have a few words with Allison. She asked me what I had thought of last night? I told her that she could not have been more right, and that I had found the whole experience sort of amazing. I confided in her that I was somewhat concerned about my pre- occupation with sexual feelings. I reassured her that I liked the feelings, but they seemed to be so forward in my mind much of the time. This was happening ever since the spring and was continuing with each new experience. Allison was very reassuring, She reminded me that the past five or so months had indeed been filled with a great sexual awakening and that I was a teenager with a normal high hormonal flow and it was perfectly typical feeling. She pointed out that my experiences were certainly a lot better for my development than simply lying around giving myself little orgasms with my fingers. We both laughed at that idea and I felt a lot calmer. She asked me," if Lin had tucked me in ok? " I told her that in my state I think I needed a lot of tucking in. I was even taken aback by my own boldness. Allison smiled and gave me a big hug. She asked me what I thought of the Myers and Gordon. I told her what I thought, that Hannah and Nick were a very appealing couple. Allison agreed. She said she wanted to tell me something. We sat down on the front veranda. "In the interest of being as straight as I can with you about the sexual nature of our relationships, I want to simply clear something up." Allison had my complete attention. " The three of us have had a pretty intense week or so, if you include Lin it would be four. I don't want to give you any impresion that we live a promiscuous sexual life, because we don't. We have, or at least I have, relationships with people we care a great deal about and all of those people are here now, and that would include the Myers. I've known her almost as long as I've known Lin. So, this is a long-term friendship. Of course Nick came into the picture later." I asked her if she had said anything to them about my involvement. She assured me she hadn't, and as she said before, never would without my permission. "Look Molly if your interested in them, and want me to break the ice for you, I would be happy to. If you want to think about it, that's just fine, just let me know." I told her that I was immediately drawn to them and I would let her handle it. Allison gave me a warm smile held both my hands and told me. "I think you made a great decision. These are special people." In the same spirit, I told her that her stepbrother was wonderful to look at. She told me that Lin and Gordon were sometime lovers and I might have to do some bed switching that night. I must say that I had a twinge of jealousy about that idea, and the thought of the Myers knowing about me was thrilling.

Next: Chapter 8

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