Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Mar 10, 2002


Date: Saturday, March 9, 2002 From: Leila Benson Subject: "The Rest of My Life" (Part # 18) Lesbian/Beginning; (F/f) Part # 18 "Next Morning"

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Which of course, is turning you on! The very first story I wrote was published some months ago. It was called "Joan and I " That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters or parts. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. While it focuses on Lesbian relationships, there are some graphic (F/m) parts. What can I say, it's my life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further. Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, her friend and mother of Cindy, who she baby sits for, and other friends and lovers. Leila Benson

Part # 18

The following morning, it was as if nothing had happened. In actual fact, not a great deal had.

The kids came piling into the Art Center and I hardly had time to catch my breath. It was wonderful watching Lila with the kids. She was so relaxed and skillful, and for me what I loved about her was her sense of humor. Every Art session was filled with good work and laughter. It gave everything a warm glow. I wasn't the only one who loved Lila.

We cleaned up after the kids and got the room ready for the following day. That turned out to be the routine. Tammy told me she was going to visit a friend of hers after supper. Lila overheard Tammy plans and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her. She also told me that we could use the shower in her rooms if we wanted. We just had to knock on the outside door if it was closed. We both agreed that this was a lot better than the big camper's shower across the way.

After supper at the CIT table, I wandered back to my room, where I read for a short while. I had of course been thinking about Lila's offer to "hang out" with her, and the use of their shower. I looked out of our room to the other end of the Art Room to Lila's rooms. The door was open and I could her music playing. I guessed Lila was there. There's no question about it; the simple thought of going to Lila's room, when I knew she in all probability would be alone and also showering there had gotten me excited. They were complicated feelings, they weren't just sexual, even though I certainly had some of that, no, there was also a lot of shyness about being alone with someone I cared a great deal about. Well, I just screwed up my courage got undressed, put on my bathrobe, grabbed a towel and headed to Lila's. She heard me coming from her room and called out to me. "Hi, be careful of the hot water. It can drop off to freezing then scald you. Get ready to jump. Dry off and come on in after. Ok?" I told her. "Great I'd love too". I took my shower without any freezing or scalding. As I was drying off, my little buzz of shyness mixed with desire returned. I just sort of pushed it down and finished drying myself. I wrapped the towel around my head and taped lightly on the door jam. I actually couldn't see Lila. All I saw was Arlene's empty bed.

"Come in Molly." I entered to see Lila propped up in her bed. She had been reading, and the room was lit by the overhead fixture and a small pin up light on the wall above her head. She had obviously gotten ready for bed. She was wearing just a big white T-shirt, which must have once belonged to a very big guy, because it came down to her knees. She motioned me to sit on Arlene's bed and put her book on the side table. "Sit down and relax. You look squeaky clean. I love the smell of your shampoo." I sat down. "Thanks. What were you reading?" I asked trying to appear relaxed. It was terribly exciting for me, seeing Lila lying there in her T-shirt, which was so light that she appeared naked behind the sheer fabric. I was fighting to stay calm. "Oh it's called, "The Eternal Triangle". It's about famous love triangles in literature. You know like Venus, Adonis and Mars. I must say, some of the parts are pretty hot. I didn't realize it was such an erotic book. If you want, I'll let you borrow it when I finish.

" I must say I was very pleased that Lila would let me borrow a "hot book" of hers. I didn't know what to say in reply, except, "Thanks. Maybe I will." Lila got up and walked over to the other side of the room and took a towel from a hook and walked over to me. I was trying not to stare at her beautiful body through the sheer fabric. I could feel my face flush. I hated when that happened! It was such a giveaway.

"Come I'll dry your hair for you. You don't have to wear that towel." She unwrapped the towel from my head and dropped it on the floor. "Lower your head." I bent my head down and Lila began to rub my hair with the dry towel. She bent over and sniffed my hair. "I do love that smell. You must show me what brand it is." My head was by now almost even with her lower stomach and when she started to dry the back of my head, at the nape of my neck, my forehead was touching her public hair through the fabric of the T-shirt. She gave my hair a last rough toweling. She put the towel down and began to move her finger tips through my hair. "How is that?" She asked quietly. "I'm giving you a reward for being such a great CIT and also for being such a lovely young woman." I didn't know what to say. I simply said. "Thanks. I love what you're doing." I had my eyes closed and I was pressing my head against her. It had to end, and it did. She bent down and kissed the top of my head. She moved back to her bed and lay back down. I was sitting on the edge of Arlene's bed in a kind of stupor. Her massaging my head was both terrifically relaxing and exciting all at the same time.

I snapped out of my trance when Lila said. "Make yourself comfortable, Arlene's not coming back tonight at all. She's sleeping at Stephanie's." Of course, Stephanie! I had seen Arlene with Stephanie before. They seemed very tight. Now it hit me that they were lovers. Stephanie was the Photography Counselor. I knew her from a few classes I had taken with her. She was very nice. I had always liked her. I lay back on the bed.

There was a nice breeze coming in the window. The window faced away from the Camper's cabins so it was very quiet. Lila broke the silence by asking me if I had a boy friend? I told her that I didn't yet. I wasn't certain why I added "yet". So I told her that I hoped to, but I found most of the guys of my age or even a little older kind of clumsy, or I guess a better word was immature. She asked me straight out if I had ever slept with a guy. I knew she meant, if I was still a virgin? I told her I hadn't, although a lot of my friends had. She asked me if I was interested. I replied quickly. "Very much". The conversation was taking a very interesting direction, which was a lot better than simply being kind of shy and excited at the same time. "Yes" I told her, "I have to admit, I think about sex a lot".

She smiled at me, "I hope so, when I was sixteen, I think it was by far my main preoccupation. As a mater of fact, I lost my virginity right here in this very room when I was a CIT. It was with a very sweet guy who I still see once in awhile. He was as inexperienced as I was. It was a kind of awkward and actually getting laid was a kind of anticlimactic ending to the whole event. It certainly is true that nobody is born knowing exactly what and how to go about it. I think if I had a chance to do it again, I'd try to find a guy or girl that had some real experience. Don't misunderstand me, it does get better and better."

I agreed she was no doubt right about an experienced guy. I had also noticed her use of the word "girl" with "guy". I screwed up my courage to ask her about that, but I couldn't figure out how, when she continued, almost reading my mind. "I just want you to know Molly that I'm Bi-Sexual. You know what that means don't you?" I told her I thought it meant that she was attracted to both guys and girls.

"Exactly" she said. Again, silence. After what seemed like an eternity, Lila reached over and simply took my hand. She was now sitting on the edge of her bed facing me. I was immensely aware of her hand; it's heat, and the slight pressure she exerted holding my hand. We were silent. I broke the spell by reaching over to place my other hand on hers. I then simply told her that I had been attracted to her since we first met over four years before.

"Well Molly I was aware of that. Maybe not in the beginning, but a few summers later. I also was drawn to you. So now we were even." She held my hand tighter and I returned the pressure.

She continued. "As a mater of fact I've been hoping and I guess in some ways thinking about being alone with you since I saw you again in May at the Camp Counselors meeting. I just didn't quite know how to go about it. Can I sit on your bed?" Please, I'd love you too." I answered in a weak voice. I drew her hand and moved Lila towards me so that my actions would be more direct than my shaky voice.

She moved and sat on the edge of the cot, reached up with her free hand and touched my face. This small gesture was so important to me; it's very hard to explain it was like her drying my hair and my leaning into her, only more so, because this was so direct, this was an intimate touch. I needed to encourage her further, so I simply said, "yes". She then bent down and kissed me. I met her lips with my own and in a flash knew what I had to do. I simply opened my mouth to hers. I was rewarded by her tongue, which moved into my open mouth. I met it and we circled and sucked at each other's tongues. She slowly drew back.

Somehow, I felt I needed to encourage her. I told her that I had dreamt of doing that with her for three years. She responded to me by again kissing me deeply and strongly. It was not easy doing this kind of necking on the somewhat narrow bed sitting side by side, so Lila drew back and asked, "do you want me to move the other cot next to each other?"

"Sure, lets do it." I agreed. We quickly rose, pulled Lila's cot over. Lila turned around and removed the little clip-on light and reattached it to the leg of the bed so it was hidden. She walked over to the doorway, closed the door, snapped the lock, and switched off the light. She stepped over to the clip-on and draped a red T-shirt on the shade. The room was transformed in an instant. It was enveloped in a dim rosy hue. It looked extremely romantic.

I was somewhat concerned about Tammy returning and finding me gone and Lila's door closed. Lila anticipated my small worry by assuring me that Tammy was over at the CIT lounge with her friend Arne. He was her old boyfriend from last summer. Lila was certain she would return at the last minute of the eleven PM curfew because Tammy had told her at supper that she was going to be out late. I must admit, I was relieved.

Lila was sitting cross-legged on her cot as she told me this. She reached over to me and gently pushed me back on the cot. It was such a relief to lie back. I realized how tense I must have been. I closed my eyes. Lila's finger began to play around the edge of my lips. Then she would focus on the corner of my mouth. I opened my mouth slightly and she moved her finger inside. I licked and sucked her finger. She moved it in and out and played with my tongue. I found all of this wildly exciting, but had no idea where this could go. Lila took her hand away from my mouth and placed it behind my neck. She bent down and kissed me with strong deep kisses, which I returned. By now, I was holding Lila so tightly that I don't think she could have moved if she wanted to.

Lila slowly moved to loosen herself from my grip. I realized that we were both panting for breath and I was perspiring from all the effort. My heart was racing. Lila was looking down at me with a questioning look.

"Is anything wrong Lila?" I asked. "Oh no Molly, nothing at all. I love the way you kiss. It's so open and warm, and you taste delicious too." She said with a little laugh. I told her, "You're the one who is teaching me. I adore the way you play with my mouth. It's so exciting. I've never done anything like that before. God Lila I've never been so turned on. I never understood that you could kiss like that with someone. I guess I knew about or heard about it, but to do it, God!"

She was looking down at me with this sweet expression. "Well it makes me pretty hot also. I'll bet my heart is racing as fast as yours is. She took my hand and placed it just above her breast. I could actually feel her heart race. "Listen Molly; I just want to say one thing. If we "make out", I want you to know that one of the important things you can learn, is to say what feels good and what you want. Believe me when I tell you it's so important. Maybe the most important thing you can share. It's also a big turn on to ask for and to hear your lover tell you what makes them feel great. Do you understand?"

I nodded. Trying to get in the spirit of what Lila had just said, I told her that I could hardly keep my eyes off her breasts beneath the thin top she was wearing, that I wanted to see them and touch them. By way of an answer, she quickly removed her T-shirt. Seeing her breasts with her nipples very erect was extremely exciting. That I asked her to expose herself made it even more so. Lila took my hand and placed my fingers on her nipples. I could actually feel them grow at my touch. "Yes Molly, I want you to touch them. I want you to pull them and gently squeeze them and I would love you to suck them. You see how asking is good?" I began to stroke her breasts and nipples as I imagined what her fingers would feel like on mine. She was encouraging me with simple words like, "yes, like that, more, harder, good."

I bent down and looked closely at her. Her nipples were darker than mine. They were very erect. She had distinct little goose bumps, I guess you would call them, all around her large aureole. I reached underneath her breast and moved it to my waiting mouth. I placed the entire aureole and nipple in my mouth. I didn't suck on it as much as move my tongue all around it. I could feel the bumps on her aureole and the aliveness of her nipple responded to my mouth. Lila was holding the back of my head to her breast tightly. She was saying. "Yes that's good, oh so good." I was encouraged. I moved to her other breast. She asked me to pinch her nipple while I licked the other breast. I did what she wanted. I was rewarded by her continuing to murmur, "so good, so good."

After a few minutes, Lila slowly pulled me back from her breast and we kissed again deeply. "God Molly, you're so sensual, you really know how to give pleasure. What a great lover you're going to be." I was very pleased by her compliment. "Well it's your turn now. Remember tell me what you want. I'd love to hear you tell me. Promise?" I told her I would.

"I will, you'll see." She reached over and brushed my lips with her fingers. I licked them as they went by. "Lie back and get comfortable. Let me loosen your robe I want to see you." She reached down and undid the tie on my bathrobe and pulled it apart. I helped her by raising myself slightly so I could pull my arms out of my sleeves. I loved the feeling of being naked to her. Having her just over me and looking at me. I wasn't the least embarrassed. I was positively turned on by it. She asked me if I wanted her to touch me.

"Please, I want you too, very much." She gently placed the palm of her warm hand on my nipple, and slowly made light circles with her hand. It was wonderful. I could feel my already hardened nipples become even more erect. She did the same thing to my other breast. Then she wet her finger in my mouth, then circled the tip of my nipple and then moved to my aureole. I was beside myself; it was such an exquisite feeling. I found I was arching my breasts to her hand and fingers. I just kept hearing myself murmuring, "Oh Lila, so good, so good."

I didn't want her to stop. I guess I felt if I kept saying something, it would encourage her to keep on doing it. She did stop to ask me if I wanted her to "go down on me?" I wasn't exactly sure what that was, but I readily agreed by saying, "Yes I want you to very much."

She moved herself to the foot of the cot and moved my leg apart so she could sit between my legs. She told me to move up a little to make room, which I quickly did. She then leaned forward and held me around my naked waist and put her cheek on my belly. She turned and began to lightly kiss and lick it. She even put her tongue in my belly button. That was great! She began to move slowly down. I now knew where she was going and was eagerly waiting for her to arrive.

I was by now holding the side of her head and was almost pushing her down there.

Lila would not rush though. She moved her arms so she could touch me again with her hands. She moved to my thighs and began to stroke them as she continued to kiss and lick me just above my pussy, in the little pubic hair I had. By stroking my thigh's she had opened me up completely. My heart was beating a mile a minute. My throat was dry from panting through my open mouth.

I was desperate. I couldn't stand it a moment more, and told her. "Lila, please I'm begging you I need you to do it." I wasn't certain what "do it" was. All I knew was that I wanted desperately for her to bring me relief. Lila responded by pulling the pillow from her side of the cot.

"Lift your ass" I did, and she thrust the pillow under it. She was now on her knees between my legs. She reached down and grasped the cheeks of my ass as she lowered her face towards my by now open pussy. For a second I could feel the heat of her breath on my inflamed genitals. Then I felt her stiffened wet tongue moving along my outer lips. Along one side then across to the other. She then began to work her way along my inner lips. She would come up to where they became part of the covering of my clit; she would lick and nibble me there then move her tongue in and out of my vaginal opening. I was thrusting myself into her busy mouth, but I needed more. I grabbed the hair on the side of her head and pulled her tight into me. By now, all I could hear was Lila sucking for air and my own whimpering.

Lila then sucked my whole clitoral hood into her mouth and began to touch my clit with the tip of her tongue. I was going to scream. I let go of Lila's hair and put the sleeve of my bathrobe in my mouth. I started to cum. I knew I couldn't stop it. A deep convulsion swept out from my pussy. One after the other, deep intense peaks of pleasure. Again and again, wave after wave. By now I was openly weeping I was so happy. I gently moved Lila from my soaking self. I was having small little shudders, like after waves inside me and in the muscles of my upper thighs.

"You ok?" She asked. I pulled my self together somewhat. " More than ok Lila. It's just a kind of reaction to being so incredibly happy. I can't believe I could have felt anything like that." For whatever reason I didn't want to confide in her about those few times with my friend Joan. I felt I wanted her to believe she was my first. It was a small white lie, but I just wanted it to be like that.

By now, she was lying next to me on the cot. I moved my butt against the wall to make as much room for her as I could. "That was a wonderful orgasm. That wasn't your first I'm sure. Right?" She asked. "No, not my first but the best I've ever had. I can give myself little ones, but nothing like that, nothing."

I felt emboldened by the intimacy of our actions and her question, so I asked her if she masturbated much. "Yes often. Especially if I'm not having regular sex, and even then I'll sometimes bring myself off if I feel too horny. You know what horny means?"

I quickly answered. "Of course I do. I was horny when I walked in here from the shower, and even more so when you dried my hair, then when you massaged my scalp and just leaning my head against you. Just seeing you in your T-shirt began to turn me on. Believe me I've never felt as strongly horny before. Even after what just happened. Simply talking about it is getting me excited again. Maybe I'm not normal."

I meant it. I was getting worked up again. Just Lila next to me on the cot seemed to do it. Lila looked at me and told me very seriously, "Molly, I want you to understand that what your feeling is not only normal but your particularly blessed with a sensual nature. What I mean by that, is you are simply very sexy. You're able to have strong sexual feelings and you seem to be able to express them in the most loving way. What you need is to simply know more about how to go about it. I would love to teach you. Would you like me to?" I was thrilled she had asked me. "Of course I would. My God, that would be incredible. Even what you just did to me was something I'll never forget." My heart was pounding again, but I felt reassured that it was not only "normal" but also desirable. I felt great!

We were lying naked on our sides face to face. Both of us were holding our heads up with our hands and elbows. We both simultaneously moved to kiss. It was a long relaxed exploration of the possibilities of giving and receiving pleasure through your lips and tongue. It lacked the intensity of the earlier kiss. This had a languid quality. In many ways, it was even more deeply sexual. Lila had moved her leg over my outer thigh and I could feel her public hair on my skin. I could feel the wetness between her legs. It dawned on me that Lila had not had an orgasm. I asked her what she wanted me to do? She said she wanted me to go down on her just like she had done me, only she would also do me at the same time. I knew immediately what she meant. I had seen it in the "Amateur 18 Video". She asked me to turn around, which I quickly did. In a moment, my cheek was resting on Lila's inner thigh. I felt Lila gently kiss my own thigh at about the same place. I looked down slightly and I was inches away from Lila's pussy. She had very little hair compared to Joan, but somewhat more than mine. I loved the way it was formed. It was very different than mine. Her inner lips kind of flowed down from the covering of her clitoris. They were like the pedals of a flower. They were also slightly ruffled. Her outer lips had just a little reddish hair and were kind of plump. With her legs somewhat opened I could see into her vagina a little. It was moist looking and very pink. Looking up a little was her little ass hole. It was very sweet looking, with just a little pucker around it. It was the same color as her inner lips and now that I think of it, her nipples and aureole. Just as I was carefully looking, I felt Lila's finger just around the opening of my vagina.

It was not as intense as when her mouth was near my clit, but I loved the sensation as her finger circled around the opening. I could smell Lila's moisture. It was a sort of combination of odors. It wasn't that much different as when I wet my fingers in myself or in Joan's pussy. Maybe a little richer. I certainly associated the smell with sex and just smelling her made me even more excited.

I moved just a little so my tongue would reach her. I began to lick those beautiful pedals. I concentrated on the inner side of her lips. I was using just the tip of my tongue. I followed the skin to where it formed the hood of her clit, went up to the top, then down the other side. Lila was encouraging me by simply whispering, "yes that's good. That's the way." I was so concentrated on doing what I was doing, that I was almost startled when Lila's finger entered my vagina just a little bit. She began to quickly move it in and out. It felt great! It was now a much more intense feeling.

I reciprocated by nibbling along her lips. When I came to her vagina, I put the tip of my tongue in her opening and moved it around. She loved it, because she almost yelled, "Oh that's great!" I by now of course was lying on my back. Lila's knees were to my side and I felt no weight. My hands had reached around her and were holding on to the cheeks of her ass. I could feel the nipples of her breast on my belly. The effort had made us both sweat so our bodies had a sheen of perspiration. It felt as though our skin was lubricated for this wonderful touching and feeling.

For the first time, I began to use my fingers. I pulled her cheeks even wider apart and pulled back a little. I could clearly see the very tip of her clitoris just peeking out from its hiding place. I moved my finger to her vagina and thrust it in. She moaned and thrust herself on to my finger. I plunged in and out. She was by now extremely wet, and so was my face. I moved another finger inside her. She was bucking so hard and moaning so much I sensed she was near to cuming.

I moved up slightly and while I continued to thrust into her, I began to suck on her clit and tongue it. In but a moment she began to cum. I realized she had stopped moving her finger inside me and had now raised herself up and was rocking on my face and fingers. She kept yelling, "Oh God, oh God!' I was grateful our window faced the woods and Tammy was out. I kept up my movements, in fact I was going faster and faster. I could actually feel her vagina contract around my fingers. I loved the feeling. I moved my thumb to her clitoris. I continued to lick and suck her. I alternated by rubbing her clit with my thumb. I could now feel shudders through her whole body. Her thighs were quivering on my cheeks and ears. I felt enveloped by her orgasm.

She had taken her fingers away from me. She was sitting up straight and was pulling her nipples as she continued to cum. At last, she seemed to be spent. Her contractions lessened and she collapsed back on to my thighs. I slowed my fingers until they were not moving at all. My fingers, hand and face were soaked in her juices. I licked the wetness of my lips. She tasted both sweet and salty with an interesting metallic undertone. I loved it!

"Oh Molly." I heard her murmur. "That was so good, it was beyond belief. God, thank you. I just need to rest a moment. You comfortable? Want me to move?" I assured her I was just fine. I gave her clit a little kiss, and she shuddered a little. "Molly, I promise I'll get you off again in a minute. I just need to come down a little and enjoy the after glow. Ok?"

I answered by kissing both of the cheeks of her butt. She laughed a little and answered back by kissing my thigh. After a little while Lila moved around to where she was sitting between my legs. "Molly I have to ask you something. I hope you don't mind. You told me that you were a virgin. I went in all the way in. I don't get it. What happened?" I looked at her very seriously and told her, " I didn't tell the whole truth. I did have a lover. His name was Mason Pearson, and he came from England." There was a long pause as Lila took this in, then she whooped with glee as she got the joke.

I continued, acting very serious. " It was his first time too. We didn't mean to go all the way. It was so good, so wonderful I couldn't stop myself, I mean ourselves. It hurt but it was worth it. And what's more he wasn't a teenager. He belonged to my grandmother. So, there you have my secret. " By now we were both giggling like kids. "Do you still see Mason?" Lila asked, trying hard to act serious, and failing.

"At least once a week sometimes more. He does live in my Mom's bathroom or on the top of her dresser so I have to remember where he is."

Lila bent down and kissed my belly. We came down to the realization that we were lying naked next to each other. She looked up and said, "You tell me how you like to cum and I'll do it any way you want. Promise not to be shy ok?" I nodded my agreement. "I loved what you were doing with your fingers inside me. I'd love you to play around near my clit, only try not to touch it until I begin to cum, otherwise I'll just cum to fast in a way that's never really fully satisfying. Is that ok?

"Of course it's ok my darling." She bent over and gave me a deep kiss. I could feel her still erect nipples touch my own. I was immediately back in the mood. She moved to my thighs and stroked them to fully open my legs. With few preliminaries, she moved her finger inside me. I held her wrist and began to move her finger at the speed I needed. She put another finger in me. She was not only moving them back and forth; she was moving them around inside me. It was heaven. I knew I was very wet from before and how lubricated I felt. She was going faster and faster. It would not take long now. I loved looking at her face, which was so concentrated on giving me pleasure. She moved her other hand to my nipple and began to pull it at the same speed. That did it. I started to go. I almost yelled. "Now!" She moved her thumb to my clit and began to circle and rub it as I started to spasm. Then it happened. Bam! A big cum. Not like the earlier one. This was very different. A big peak, from my toes to the top of my head. I almost lifted from the cot.

Then it was over. I had to stop Lila's hand. It passed very quickly. It was completely satisfying. Just fast and different.

We were both wiped out. I was sopping wet from perspiration and our combined juices. I was also getting slightly chilled. Lila was holding on to my legs. She slowly let go. All I could say was a weak, "thank you", which I kept on repeating like a parrot. I was so spent that's all I could think of. Just simple gratitude. She crawled up to be at my side, and kissed me gently on my eyes and forehead and then my mouth. I hugged her tight and smelled her deeply. I wanted to have her inside me in some way. I realized that she was on the crack of the cots and could not stay there. I made room for her as best I could. We hugged again.

I must have dozed off. I woke to find myself covered in a light blanket. It was dark, but a light was on in the office and the door was slightly ajar. I found my bathrobe. I put it on, and found Lila at the small office desk. "What time is it?" I asked. "Oh, you were only asleep for little while. It's about ten thirty. Do you want to grab another shower?" "Not a bad idea." I answered. I walked over to be behind her and gave her a hug. She turned and kissed me. "Molly, you're terrific. You are such a sensitive and giving lover. Boy do I wish I were like that when I was your age. It's amazing. I'm dying to teach you everything I know. Would you like that?"

I quickly replied with enthusiasm. "Would I? Of course. This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. It's like a dream come true." I knew I was gushing, but I absolutely believed what I was saying and still do. When can we begin?" Lila smiled at me. "Well thanks for your enthusiasm. We just need to be discrete. You know what I mean?" I nodded my head in agreement. "You know, we can't show anyone that we have an intimate relationship. So, no loving gestures. Just let me take the lead. Even if we're alone. I'll know better if we might be interrupted. It might be a little hard, but I promise it will be worth it. Is there anything that you can think of? If anything occurs to you, you can always ask me when were alone ok?"

"Yes" I agreed. "I do understand, it even adds a little more excitement I think. Ok, I'll take a quick shower." I turned, walked a few steps to the shower stall, removed and hung up my robe. As I was bending over to turn and adjust the water, I felt Lila behind me. I turned and she enveloped me in her arms, hugging and kissing me. She stepped back. "I didn't want you to think I felt in any way less excited by our relationship because of my little speech. You understand?" I thanked her for being so considerate. She actually had brought tears to my eyes by her incredible sensitivity. I could smell and taste myself on her mouth. I was thrilled.

The water was now exactly right and I jumped into the shower. I gave myself a long delicious wash. When I got out Lila was waiting with a fresh towel. I dried myself, kissed Lila goodnight. Walked to my room and was grateful to find Mandy still out. I lay down on my bed, turned on my side and that was it.

The next thing I knew, my shoulder was being shaken. From way off, I thought I heard a voice calling me. "Molly, Molly, it's late. Wake up. Come on. Let's go." I slowly came too. It was like surfacing from a warm lovely reverie. It was though I had dreamt the entire previous evening. Knowing that it had been real enveloped me in a loving glow.

"I'm up. Sorry. I'll be ready in a few minutes. I showered last night. Twice actually." Tammy looked at me in an odd way when I said "twice". "I'll just wash my face and brush my teeth. I jumped out of bed. Tammy was sort of hovering next to me. She seemed to want something. "You ok Tammy? You want to say something to me? She beckoned me to sit down on the edge of the bed. "Yes, I do want to tell you something. I've been dying for you to wake up. Now we have hardly anytime alone." She looked like she was about to burst. "Will you promise to keep it to ourselves?"

"Of course I will. Believe me, if you tell me anything in confidence. That's it, you can trust me I promise you. Of course that goes both ways, right?"

"Ok, that's a promise. I'll just tell you quickly. I don't want to wait. I'm not a virgin anymore." I felt as though I could have read her mind. I just knew that's what her secret was. I thought it would be a good idea to sort of play along and be as excited as she was. I was kind of interested, but after last night, it was a little hard to pretend I was a complete novice. I made the effort.

"How was it? I don't want to ask who it was, unless you want to tell me. I'm more interested and excited about how it was. "Well?" She could hardly contain herself. "I'm just going to say quickly that it started off very exciting, then not so great and then it got better. I'm still a little sore, but I know it's going to get a lot better. I don't mean not being sore. I mean getting better at it, you know at screwing. I think you kind of need practice. I guess it's like anything. We both thought it would come naturally, but it was kind of clumsy in the beginning. I can't wait to try it again!"

By way of congratulating her, I reached across and gave her a big hug. "I'm so happy for you. I can't wait till we talk after Lunch." We have an hour break after lunch to do personal chores, before the next session begins. She seemed extremely pleased by my interest. "Great! I can hardly wait. Let's meet back here right away after we eat." With that, she set off for the dining room. I washed, dressed and followed her.

The morning session went quickly. Lila was her usual friendly self. Mandy was running around in great humor and I was still in an after glow from last night. You could only conclude that sex sure was a great thing. We both decided to take a few yogurts and some fruit back to our room. That way we would have more time.

Mandy was positively high from anticipation, from what I guess was her wanting to tell me all about her experience. I had mixed feelings about hearing it. I admit I was very curious, but at the same time feeling slightly shy or perhaps embarrassed a little. I suppose it was a new experience. Nobody had ever shared such an intimate experience with me. Of course with Joan, we both had the experience!

We both jumped on our cots. I was eating my usual Vanilla Yogurt and Mandy with Yogurt giving her upper lip a white mustache began. "I won't tell who the guy is. Oh, that's ridiculous, you're going to either guess or find out, and any way this between the two of us, right?" I nodded my agreement with utmost seriousness.

"Well anyway, Bobby and I have done some pretty heavy messing around. He's put his finger's inside me and has made me cum a few times, and I've jerked him off too. This has happened in the last few days. We meet in Arne Hershsteins room. He's a friend of Bobbies from College although he's three years older. You know Arne he's the boys Senior Drama Counselor?" I answered, "I don't know him but I know who he is.

"Well anyway," Mandy continued, " he's a cool guy and a real good friend. I think he could get into trouble if they found out he did this for us. He gave us his room for three hours. Isn't that great, three hours? We locked the door, and hung a blanket on the window. We started to neck like crazy. I must say that all day that's all I thought about. What he would do and how he would do it and his hands were all over me. He was so worked up it was crazy. Then in a flash we both realized we didn't have to rush. We had all this time and nobody was going to bother us. So, we sort of relaxed a little. He wanted to undress me. That was sort of hard, although I wanted him to very much. I guess I felt a little shy. Anyway he did. When he had taken my bra off he just looked at my breasts like he had never seen breasts before. I thought to myself, I bet he hadn't before, at least not like this. He asked if he could touch them. Can you imagine, he asked. I was dying for him to touch them. I told him I wanted him to, and that he could touch me anywhere he wanted. By then, we were both sitting on the edge of the cot. He reached over and touched my nipples. Molly, I almost fainted it felt so good. He was so sweet, so tender. I asked him if he would like to taste them? He bent over and began to suck on one and then the other. I have to tell you that this was a first for me and I almost came right then and there. Each time he sucked and licked, I would hear myself suck in air. I just couldn't help myself it was that good. Have you ever had that done to you?"

I shook my head no. "No, I'm sorry to say." "Well Molly, it was great! I hope it happens to you soon. Anyway we started to kiss again and he was taking his pants off and I was helping him. I could see he had an erection because it was standing up from his shorts. Then it was time I guess for him to be embarrassed, because he slipped under the blankets wearing his shorts. By then, all I had on were my panties to. He held the blanket for me to get under and I did. Thank God, it had gotten cooler out. With the air from the window blocked, it still felt good under the blanket. We really held on to each other very tightly. He had his leg between mine and was moving it back and forth. I was getting extremely excited, believe me.

I could feel his penis right against my stomach. We had never had a place like this and as much time. I was dying for him to touch me between my legs, you know where? So I just moved him away a little and took my panties off. I could tell he was slipping his shorts off too. The moment we came back together, I felt his cock right next to my pussy. I was going nuts and so was he. I just grabbed his hand and brought it to my pussy and sort of showed him what I wanted him to do. He was very good he began to play with me. He was a little rough, but I managed to kind of slow him down and make him be gentler. I just kind of opened my legs and let him stick his fingers in me. I also wanted him to suck my nipples, so I just pulled his head to my breast. He knew right away what to do. He was great! He was so sweet, trying to please me, and believe me I was so excited I could hardly figure out what I wanted him to do first.

I did know I wanted him to go inside me. I wasn't worried about birth control, or anything like that. I'd been taking the pill for over a year, and I knew he hadn't been with a girl before. I mean like inside a girl. He was a virgin too. Anyway, I simply told him I wanted him to try to go inside. I just through the covers off and lay back and opened myself to him. I kind of knew it was not going to be easy. His penis was sure ready, that I can tell you. He was so worried that if I touched him he would cum and that he would not make me happy. Wasn't he really considerate? So any way I just sort of guided him in me. I can tell you I was sure was wet. The beginning was terrific, because just the head of his penis was in me, but I knew it would have to go in all the way, so I just pushed his ass towards me and told him to go in. He did and it was painful, not awful or anything like that, but I could feel the pressure of the tip of his cock trying to get in, then he was inside me, in a flash. It hurt, definitely, but it was so incredible having him inside that both feelings were going on at the same moment. Then he started to kind of move in and out, that was painful, but that didn't last long because he started to cum. I could feel his semen spurt deep into me. That was unbelievable. At that point, he was thrusting himself deep inside me. He just could not stop himself. I understood that. It was I guess kind of, like when I get myself off, once it begins I have to bring myself to the end. Anyway he was plunging into me, and it wasn't feeling great at this point, but I could tell he was going to stop in a little while, and he did. I was also feeling a stinging from his semen, but it wasn't awful or anything. Now he just had like little tiny cums, and then it was over. Boy was I feeling sore. I know it sounds odd, but I was also still feeling very horny. Sore and excited at the same time. He was so sweet. He was worried that he had hurt me. He also kept thanking me. I was telling him how good it was, and that it hadn't hurt that much.

We both began to see if there was any blood, but there was just a tiny bit on the outside of my pussy, and a little on his penis, and that was it. I was sure relieved, because we had forgotten to put anything on the bed. He was so grateful he kept kissing me and comforting me. Finally, I told him I wanted to have an orgasm, and I brought his fingers to my pussy. He was so good. He just did me while I guided his fingers to the right places. I have to say I came like crazy, then I felt the soreness again. It wasn't that bad really and today I can hardly feel it at all. I washed myself out when I came home last night, and that made it even better. I was dying to tell you, but of course, you were asleep. Actually, I'm kind of glad that I waited. I think it's more together in my head today than it would have been if I told you last night. God Molly, I think I'm going to love it!

Her story had definitely had its effect. I was very happy for her, and I told her so. I gave her a big hug. I was also turned on by her experience. We finished up our lunch and we started the afternoon session. Things went along just fine, and the afternoon session was soon over. I asked Mandy if she was seeing Bobby after supper. She said that they were going to take a little break. She was going to meet him for a few minutes before supper and that was going to be it. She wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with her? I said I'd love too.

There was a movie being shown on the big screen video they had in the Canteen. We thought we'd try that. We didn't stay to the end. It was terrible, and the kids were making a racket. Mandy and I agreed that we had enough kids for the day. We headed back to our room. We met Lila on the way back. She said she had a big bag of fresh cherries and asked us if we wanted some. So, we all walked back together. We sat around Lila's for awhile. It didn't feel at all strange to be sitting on the same bunk that Lila and I had shared so wonderfully last night.

We gorged on the cherries, said our goodnights and headed back to our room. We both got undressed quickly.

Mandy was not wearing her Baby Doll Nightgown. It's funny, but I was sort of relieved that she wasn't. I was feeling then, that I was in a kind of perpetual state of sexual desire. It was in some ways kind of wearing me out. If I knew then what I know now, I guess I would have simply gone with the flow and enjoyed the trip even more. I'm not complaining, it just would have been easier I think.

We both washed up and brushed our teeth then got into bed. We both were reading something or other. I just couldn't concentrate so I put my magazine down, looked over at Mandy to find her looking over at me.

" I just can't concentrate." " I can't either Mandy. I must tell you that your experience keeps going through my mind. No one has ever shared anything like that with me before. I want you to know that I feel kind of, I'm not even sure what the word is. I guess maybe honored that you would confide in me. I just thought that was so terrific. Just like the other night about bringing ourselves off. I think intimacy is a good thing. Don't you?"

She nodded her head. "Absolutely. Molly, when we first met I knew you were someone who I could be straight with. It felt so good telling you about my experience. It really helped me see it, and I guess feel it. It actually made it even more real."

Well for Mandy to use the word "real" when I was still turned on from her description was kind of funny, so I decided to tell her. "You may not believe it Mandy, but I have to tell you that ever since you told me about last night I've actually been kind of excited. You know what I mean, really turned on. I keep picturing both of you making out, and then I sort of put myself in your position, and that's even more of a turn on. I was waiting for tonight to lie here and think about it, and get myself off. I think that's why I can't concentrate on a magazine. Don't get me wrong, I'm so very happy you felt comfortable enough to want to share something as personal as that with me."

She was looking at me with such a lovely open face. I could see that she really understood what I was saying.

"Well Molly, I'm the one to thank you for being such a great friend. I think I'm still in a kind of sexual haze from last night. I was going to put myself to sleep with a little orgasm, so I wouldn't have to obsess about Bobby all night. Do you want to help each other out?" I was thrilled to hear her invitation. I agreed immediately. "I'd love to try. These beds are a little narrow. Maybe we should put them together?" We both got up at the same time. We both hugged each other in a completely spontaneous expression of our mutual need.

We made quick work of sliding the cots together. I turned my light off, and we both jumped into bed. We loosened the blankets so we could reach each other. We then just kind of held on to each other. I think we were both unsure how to start. I finally said. "Why don't I tell you how I get myself off, and then you tell me. Then we can try it on each other. It's fine with me if you want to try something else too, and I promise to tell you if I like something and if I don't. Is that ok?"

"Exactly what I was thinking of." She exclaimed. "Alright, go ahead. I'm all worked up just thinking about it." I could tell from the throaty sound of her voice that she really was quite turned on just by the idea. I began. "Well I usually try to think of someone. It has to be someone I know. Nobody like a Movie Star. I used to think of a guy who was a Senior called Chris. I didn't really know him but I sure did want too. A friend of my Brothers was a big fantasy partner of mine for a long time." I thought I would throw in a girl to see her reaction. "This spring it was a girl called Iris who I thought a lot about. I even broke my cherry with the handle of my Mom's hairbrush, thinking about doing it with her."

The reaction was immediate. "No kidding you broke it with a hair brush. God I used to use my Mom's Vibrator, but I was afraid of going in that far. I found it in the bottom of her makeup case. I somehow knew right away what it was. I didn't use it that much though, because it was to strong a sensation. Have you ever tried one?" I admitted I hadn't, though I told her I was very curious. We both laughed. I think we were a both a little tense.

"Well I sometimes think about a girl. If this is true confessions. I've thought about you a few times." It was my turn to be stunned. "No kidding I'm really flattered, I mean that. Have you ever tried it before? I haven't." I lied. "But I've always wanted to try it." I pulled her to me, and we held each other very tight. I could feel the heat from her body. I loved the feel of her breasts pressed against mine. I felt her leg deliberately move between my legs and against my pussy. I encouraged her by opening my legs and giving her complete access. She was now moving her knee and upper leg along my pussy. I reached down and held her knee.

"You're going to make me cum to soon. As much as I love what you're doing." "Ok, I'll stop I was just getting so worked up myself. All right, you tell me how you do it and what you like. Then I'll really try to please you. Ok?" I nodded. We moved away from each other but we still held hands. "Well" I said, "I like to play around my opening. I usually get my finger either wet from inside me, or I wet my finger with my mouth. I play all around near my clit, but I try not to touch it until right at the end. Sometimes I'll put my finger inside and move it at the same speed I'm moving around my clit. I love to sometimes pull my nipple at the same time. If it's close to my period, my nipples may be too tender, and then I have to be gentler with them. If I start to cum to quickly, sometimes I can stop myself, or at least give myself just a little orgasm if I press my clit. Do you do that? I sort of discovered that a few months ago. Then I can still have a bigger cum."

I asked her if she wanted me to show her or did she want to tell me what she did. She told me that she didn't know about pressing her clit, but maybe we could try that if we got too excited. "Well why don't we just get undressed so we can see what we each have. Ok?" We both started to take off what little clothing we had. Mandy was a lot more developed than I was. As I said earlier, she was shorter than I was, with rather large breasts, though they were very uplifted. They had very distinct nipples and a small aureole. Very different than my small pear like breasts with it's nipples and aureole almost as though they were one. She also had a very distinct butt. Not at all fat. She had short Blonde hair and she had a surprising amount of light blonde pubic hair. I was still fascinated by her kind of child like face with those deep blue eyes and her sexy body.

We were lying down opposite each other. Mandy had her back was against the wall, with her pillow behind. I was now sort of sitting facing her with my legs tucked back. She was looking at me intently through half closed eyes. I could see the color rise in her very fair skin. She kept wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue. I realized that Mandy had become very turned on. "Should I go first?" She asked. "Sure, go ahead. You show me what you like, and how you do it. Don't be shy. I love the way you look."

I said to encourage her. I could see directly in to her pussy. She had plump full lips. She had opened her legs slightly, and you could clearly see the deeper pink of her moist vaginal opening. Her clit was well hidden by her also thick clitoral hood. She wet two of her fingers in her mouth, moved them to her pussy, and began to slowly circle around her clit and upper lips. With her other hand she was kind of plucking at her nipple. She kept moving her tongue in and out and she was biting her lower lip. In a short time, she was breathing heavily. I placed my fingers on hers. They were now very wet from her own moisture. In a moment I got her rhythm and took over massaging her pussy. Her fingers were now on mine. I reached up and began to stroke her other nipple. She now was sort of moaning and softly saying my name and encouraging me.

"Yes Molly, yes Molly. Like that. Yes like that. Yes Molly keep doing that. Yes. Oh God. Oh God." With her fingers on mine, she was increasing my speed. Her breathing was now labored and I could barely understand what she was saying. I knew she was about to cum. In a flash she moved her other hand, and put a finger part of the way inside herself. She then started to cum. I continued to move my fingers all around as fast as I could. Without even thinking about it, I quickly bent down and took her in my mouth and continued to manipulate her with my tongue. By now she was thrashing around and was pushing the back of my head down on to her thrusting pussy. She now was kind of sobbing. "Oh please. Oh please. Don't stop. Don't stop." Over and over again. She was pushing me so hard into herself that I could hardly breath. I could feel her spasms directly through my face. They slowly began to lessen. It then occurred to me what had happened. I could clearly taste and smell Mandy. It was a perfectly nice and recognizable. Something like my own, only a little different. Mandy was no longer holding my head. I slowly raised myself. Mandy's eyes were closed. Her mouth was open as she was taking deep long breaths. Her flushed body was covered in sheen of perspiration. Her fingers were still at her pussy and breast. They were still. I could see little muscle vibrations on her upper thighs and hear her deep sighs of satisfaction. Finally she spoke. "Oh my God Molly, that was incredible! I can't believe how great that was. I feel like I'm up in the clouds. I don't think I want to come down. That was the most incredible orgasm I've ever had. Don't laugh, but I think Bobby needs lessons from you. Unbelievable, really. I'm still cuming a little. Look at my thighs. My God Molly, I have to come back to earth."

I must admit I was very pleased with how much of a treat I had given her. I had absolutely no idea that I could be that effective. Remember, other than that fooling around with Joan and Lila, I was making it up as I went along. I adored the idea of giving that much pleasure. I think I loved the idea of controlling someone's sexual response. At least I thought that may be just one of the many reasons I love sex. I think that having an idea of what might lie ahead for me, after I give such pleasure is another thing. In any case, it was going to be my turn as soon as Mandy recovered a little.

At this point, I was extremely excited. I could hardly contain myself from bringing myself off, even without waiting on Mandy. That's how much of a state I was in.

I was sitting cross-legged beside Mandy, who was on her side in a kind of fetal position with her eyes closed. She was now breathing regularly, and it occurred to me that maybe she was fast asleep and had forgotten me. I was about to cover her up, when she sort of mumbled. "I just need a few more minutes. I haven't forgotten you, don't worry. I promise you. I'm just getting myself back to this world."

I bent over and began to stroke her forehead. "Molly, you're to good to me. I love that. " Without even quite knowing what I was doing a bent down and kissed her. She immediately turned towards me, and returned the kiss. She reached up and pulled me down on top of her. We were now kissing very hungrily. She was the one, who stopped it, when she moved my head from her face. I was slightly unsettled by my own hunger, but Mandy seemed unfazed. "Here, you just get comfortable. It's your turn. I love the way your nipples and aureoles are kind of one. It looks so sexy, and your nipples are so big, Can I taste them? Can I?"

Without waiting for me to answer, she bent down and began to suck on them. Not very hard, but with just the right pressure. How could she know? Without the slightest preliminaries she reached down between my legs and began to stroke me. I immediately opened my legs to invite her in. She accepted, by inserting her finger inside me. I almost came right then and their. She began to move her finger at the same speed she was sucking my nipple.

She moved her wet finger up to my clit and began to rub it very fast. Not hard, but with real care. Around and around she went. I was in frenzy. She moved to my other nipple, which allowed her to play with the nipple she had just left. She began to pull on it at the same time. I had these incredible sensations in three places. I was now consciously trying to hold myself back from cuming. I just didn't want this to end, yet I simply couldn't help myself from grabbing her hand and moving her fingers even faster over my by now sopping wet clit. She understood right away and began to manipulate my whole pussy very fast. She was going inside me and then quickly up to my clit. Back and forth she went. Then she was teasing my pedals.

I simply couldn't hold myself back anymore. It hit me. A powerful force started in my toes. My feet became rigid; a giant spasm of cuming made my whole torso almost jump from the cot. She didn't stop. I think she went even faster. I was almost hysterical. I think I was kind of yelling all sorts of obscenities. I know I kept telling her not to stop. She was terrific, she just kept on going until I actually couldn't stand any more, and grabbed her hand and held her fingers inside me. I could feel another set of orgasms contract on her fingers, which I was holding on tight and deep inside my vagina. Wave after wave. They finally lessened, then stopped, and I pulled her fingers from inside me. It was a feeling of both loss and relief to have her out of me.

She was gently kissing the side of my breast. I don't think I could have stood her touching my nipples at that point. I felt as though my whole body was in an incredibly sensitized state and I needed to come down from where I was.

Mandy completely understood. She also began to stroke my forehead like I had hers. It was just what I needed. I just barely managed to say, "that was wonderful. Thank you." I know I was not quite telling her the truth about my complete lack of experience, but I just couldn't let go of the idea that it seemed better to sort of pretend that I was a total novice. It just felt sexier. I'm certain that Mandy loved the idea of being my teacher, so now I had both Lila and Mandy.

Mandy was very considerate. I think she adored the idea of thinking that she had initiated my awakening. She actually tucked me in, and kissed me goodnight. She seemed thrilled that she had a roommate who seemed, could, and would fill in if Bobby were absent or for whatever reason, not available. I admit I was not at all adverse to the Idea, and Camp was off to a most amazing start.

The following day was uneventful, except Mandy, was very friendly when our paths crossed. That evening, Mandy was going out with Bobby, and I knew Lila was going somewhere. I just hung around the CIT Lounge for awhile and turned in.

The following morning, I woke Mandy up. I told her in the nicest way possible, that she didn't have to feel that she had to tell me everything she and Bobby did with each other.

If it was me, who was in her position, I might think it was some kind of obligation. I thought they should have some privacy in their intimate relationship. She seemed relieved. I also told her I would love to hear anything that she felt she wanted to tell me, but she didn't have to feel as though she "had to". She gave me a hug and told me that I was the most sensitive friend she ever had. I was pleased that I told her.

During the day, Lila wanted to know if I was free the following night. I of course was and told her so. She told me, "I invited Arne over. I want you to meet him. He's a great guy. Arne is my closest male friend here. I think you two should meet. Mandy and Bobby will be at his room, and Arlene is taking some of her group on an overnighter, so we'll have the place to ourselves. I think Arne may be that older guy I talked about with you. Let me know what you think. Just remember; don't feel at all pressured by what I think. It's what you want, ok?" I nodded my agreement.

"I've seen Arne, but I haven't met him. I've watched him in the dinning room and the lounge. He seems very nice. I know the kids like him a lot, because they talk about him. You can learn a lot listening to the kids, believe me. By the way, they adore you, and I think their right."

Lila laughed, and she actually blushed. I think she was very pleased to hear that the kids liked her so much.

I had noticed Arne. He was a tall slender guy. In his early twenties, in some ways he could have been Lila's brother. He had short curly dark hair and eyes. I think his eyes were one of his best features. He had her strong features, and a kind of lopsided warm smile. I loved the way he looked, and admittedly would occasionally have some fantasies about him. Sometimes watching Arne and Lila, but most of the time thinking about my being with him. It's not as though he was number one in my fantasy life, but he was certainly there, so meeting with him and Lila certainly was an exciting prospect.

Before supper the next night, Lila told me not to eat dessert. "Arne is bringing his special Brownies. I'm supplying the cold Milk. Let's say about an hour after supper, ok?" I raced through my supper and headed to my room. Mandy was just finishing getting dressed. I guessed she had missed supper. "Don't wait up for me. Bobby and I are going to watch the movie in the lounge and then hang out. See you in the morning." She bounced out in high spirits. I raced for the camper's shower, and happily found it unused.

I gave myself a nice long shower, usually impossible with the kids around. I returned to my room and got dressed in my cleanest shorts and blouse. I was in a very high state. I was stuck on whether I should wear a bra. It was a week or so before my period, and my nipples were very sensitive. If they rubbed against my blouse, I think it might be unbearable. I decided on a bra. I hadn't worn a blouse since school.

When I was finished, it hit me that I was extremely nervous. I kind of knew that this could be a big night, but I had tried to put it out of my mind, but now that I had a few minutes before going to Lila's it hit me very hard. It felt, I guess, like I think stage fright might feel. I buttoned my blouse with shaky fingers, tucked it in my shorts and sat down on my cot to compose myself.

I heard voices and laughter coming from Lila's side. I looked over to my alarm clock, and saw that it was time. I quickly brushed my hair, put on a little lipstick, and walked over to the other side. The door to the suite was partially closed. I knocked gently. "Molly?". "Yes it's me." "Come on in." I walked in. "Close the door behind you, ok.

Molly, meet Arne. Arne, Molly. I don't think you two have actually met." Arne extended his large beautifully shaped hand to me. I grasped it, and we shook. It felt oddly formal and warm at the same time. I guess it was the force of has grasp, and lingering of his hand in mine before he let go. Arne had been moving a small side table out from the wall. He picked it up and asked Lila where she wanted it. She told him to take it inside and put it between the cots, which he did. Lila went to the small refrigerator and took out a half-gallon milk container.

"Here's half of our dessert. Arne brought the brownies. Can you get them? They're on the desk. I just need to tell you these are Hash Brownie's. Do you know what that means?" I did know what that was, even though I had never seen them, and certainly never eaten one.

"Gee Lila, I do know what they are. I'm not ten years old. I haven't tried it before, but I've always been interested."

"Well I want you to know that you don't have to try it. I was thinking that it might be fun for you, but it's your choice. Let me just tell you a little about what you might feel. First of all, you might feel nothing particular at all. Maybe your heart might beat a little faster, or it might make you pleasantly lightheaded. I find it heightens my mood. If I'm happy, it makes me even happier. I try not to eat them it if I'm in a bad mood. You can have a real downer. It also, can really increase your awareness of everything. It can make you very sensitive. Now this is the best part. It's great for sex; at least it is for me. It seems to increase my excitement, and everyone I know who's tried it seems to agree. Anyway, it doesn't happen right away. It's not like smoking it. It needs to be digested, so it's a nice slow process. You sort of slowly slide into it. You come out of it slowly too. The effects can last a while, so it's nice to do it with friends. I thought you might find it interesting. I'll watch to make sure you don't take too much. I'll kind of be your guide, ok?"

I was absolutely thrilled she had asked me to try it. I simply told her.

"Thanks Lila, I'd love to try it." With that said, she asked me to take the plate of Brownies into the bedroom. Arne had placed the table between the two beds. I put the plate down on the table and Lila followed with the milk and three glasses. Lila reached over and put the pinup light on and beckoned me to turn the overhead light off, which I did. She picked up a light cotton blanket and draped it over the window. It was light enough so that you could see it slightly bellow out in the light breeze. Altogether, it seemed very comfortable in her little bedroom.

She gestured for me to sit on Arlene's bed. She sat down on her bed next to Arne, who was leaning back at the head of the bed. Lila told me to take Arlene's pillow and relax. I put it behind me and leaned against the wall.

"Shall we have some dessert?" Lila asked. "Sure. I'd love to try. Did you make these from scratch Arne?" I asked. "Yes, absolutely. I didn't use a mix. I used a recipe that was passed down to me by my older sister. I think there pretty good. The flavor changes somewhat with the different hash you use. This hash I think has a very nice taste.

There are four brownies. One for each of us. Everybody has a different reaction. I might take some of the fourth, because I have more body weight. Molly, you should start with about three-quarters. You too Lila. You two are about the same weight."

I reached over and picked up the Brownie. Lila poured the milk. I bit into it. It did have a slightly odd taste. Perfectly ok, just different. As I picked up the glass of milk so did they. Each one took a big bite of the Brownie and made a toast with the glass. We clinked and I washed the Brownie down. It was perfectly delicious. I must admit that I was pretty apprehensive. I certainly knew that something was going to happen. Exactly what was unclear. I know that I was finding both Lila and Arne particularly attractive. Lila was wearing a pretty jumper of light denim and a short sleeve cotton jersey pullover. She had no shoes or she had kicked them off. Arne had on khaki cotton canvas shorts, with big pockets and old green polo shirt. He also had no shoes. I was aware of how tanned his legs were, but the hair on the lower part of his legs was bleached from the sun. His feet were as shapely as his hands.

There was small talk between Lila and Arne, which I barely heard. I was much to concerned about waiting for any effect. I ate my brownie and sipped my milk at the same pace as they did. In a short while we had finished. Lila reached across and held my hand.

"You know Molly, you don't have to say a thing. You can simply relax and just be here. Whatever you want is just fine with us. You don't have to do or say a thing." Arne nodded in agreement. "The key is to enjoy. Just let it flow. I know it's not so easy the first time. No one is born knowing how it will feel. Try to relax. Take some nice deep breaths. Just let it happen." "Ok" I said. I'll just try to unwind and as you say, let it happen."

I moved my pillow so I could rest on my side and watch them. The simple act of lying down on my side was already much better. I could see how tense I had been. Lila reached down and opened a draw in the little bedside table. From the draw, She removed a few sticks of incense and some CDs. She looked them over, showed them to Arne, who picked one. Lila turned on the little Boom Box Hi Fi on the floor and slipped the CD in.

Almost immediately, the room was filled with a lovely sweet jazz sound. It was mostly clarinet. It was exactly the right mood. I was impressed that they could pick music that so fit the feeling. Arne put the incense in a small empty vase, and lit it. The room became filled wit a delightful spicy odor. Exactly right, not to sweet. It also was perfect.

I guess the best way to describe my state was a kind of mellow, watchful excitement. The rather frightened feeling had really disappeared. I was rather enjoying the music and watching Lila and Arne. By now, Lila's head was in Arne's lap and he was stroking her hair with his long hands. I was enjoying watching him do it. He was doing it with such care and devotion that I was actually moved in a funny way by watching it. Lila had what I can only describe as the most relaxed expression, with a rapt concentration on her obvious enjoyment of Arne's sensitive fingers. I admit that I was a little envious of the attention Lila was getting, yet I did enjoy watching her pleasure.

I knew I was losing track of the time, because I was very involved in the way the clarinet and guitar were interacting on the record. It was so lovely that I was almost moved to tears. Then it occurred to me that I was feeling kind of flushed also, with a powerful sense of well being overwhelming me. Now I understood! This was it. I was feeling the effects of the Brownie. I loved the way I felt, and I was overcome by a powerful feeling of gratitude and love for the both of them for so sensitively introducing me to this great feeling.

I kind of snapped out of my reveries to see that Arne and Lila were kissing. Arne was kissing Lila's lips then her eyes and forehead, then back to her lips. From where I was siting, I could see their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Arne reached up and turned the light out.

For a moment, I was very disappointed. It was if I was being shut out. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that light was coming in from a transom over the closed door, and sent enough light for me to clearly see what was happening. This was even a lot more "romantic" than the other light, so I was pleased.

Lila was taking down the straps of her jumper. Arne began to touch the very tips of her breasts, which clearly showed through the light cotton of her jersey pullover. With one hand he was gently fingering her nipple and with the other hand was playing with her lips. She would stick her tongue out a little and he would touch it, then he would go around her mouth. He also would put his finger in her mouth, and she would suck on hit hungrily.

I was completely entranced watching them. I don't mind telling you that it was certainly having its effect. I was becoming quite aroused. I liked the feeling a lot. It was as though I was participating in some way. I know it sounds odd, but I loved watching them and pretending it was happening to me.

After a while Lila started to take off her top, with Arne helping. It was off in a moment. Lila's nipples, from all of the fondling were extremely erect. Arne bent down and kissed each one. I almost cried out, I was so caught up with what he was doing that I hadn't realized that I had been playing with my own nipples.

Lila was holding Arne's head to her breasts, and kept murmuring, "that's good, that's good Arne, that's so good." He stopped for a moment to kiss her on the lips again, and began to pull her jumper down. She was helping him, so it only took a moment. Lila kicked it off, and it landed in my lap. Arne was sitting up on his knee's pulling his polo shirt off. Lila was opening the belt of his shorts.

Lila by now was only was wearing her panties. In a moment, Arne and Lila had removed his khaki shorts and he was in his briefs. He had an erection. I could clearly see that. I wasn't at all sure if they could see me, or for that mater were even aware of my presence. The one thing I was certain of, was how turned on I was.

The fact that they were aware of me became apparent, when Lila looked over at me and asked me if I was all right.

"Very, very alright." I replied. The spell was broken. Arne reached over and ate some of the fourth Brownie.

"Are you stoned, do you think?" Lila asked me. "I think I am. I don't think a lot. I just feel very mellow, if you know what I mean. Watching you two making out is sort of exciting, embarrassing and I guess I also feel a little jealous, all wrapped up together. If you know what I mean."

Arne was looking directly at me. "But you are feeling ok?" I assured him I was. He seemed relieved. "Are you comfortable?" Lila wanted to know. "Don't worry about me." I answered, " I'm fine. It's just that this is all so new to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy I'm here. I think I just need a hug."

I couldn't believe that I said I needed a hug. It was definitely the Hash. Lila immediately got up, came over and took me in her arms. She held me very tight. I could feel her erect nipples on my own breasts, even through my blouse. I loved her smell. She moved back slightly and kissed me deeply. I opened my mouth to her. I hungrily explored her mouth with my tongue. She did the same. She finally moved to the side of my head and whispered in my ear.

"Be patient, and you shall have a wonderful reward." She quickly kissed me again, then moved back to her bed. I was breathing heavily from both my excitement and I think the effects of the hash. I was very concentrated on both of them. How could I not be?

They were now lying down next to each other. Arne's back was against the wall and he had Lila in his arms. One of his legs was between Lila's. They were holding each other and occasionally kissing. I could see Arne's hands on Lila's ass. He seemed to be pressing her into himself. Lila was responding by moving herself in time to Arne's pressure. They did this for a while. I was getting increasingly caught up in their lovemaking. I realized that I was moving my pelvis in rhythm to Lila's. It was incredible!

I had a terrific urge to touch myself, which I tried to overcome by rubbing my thigh's together. That helped a little, but it wasn't easy. Arne's fingers were at the waistband of Lila's panties. He was pulling them down. Lila began to help him. She lifted her butt, and off they came. Lila then turned on her back. I could see Arne removing his briefs.

He did have an erection! This was the first real penis that I had seen, other than my brothers when he was a little boy. I think it was large, at least it was as big or bigger than anything I had seen in that Video. But this was real!

Lila turned just a little and reached over and began to handle it. She was very gentle. I could see that Arne's eyes were shut. Lila was holding the shaft in one hand and very gently stroking the head.

I had to sort of sit up and lean over a little to see all this, but I was fascinated and didn't want to miss a thing. I was surprised when Lila turned to me and asked me if I wanted to see better.

"Yes I would like to." Lila patted the mattress at the foot of her bed, pulled her legs up, and made a little space for me to sit down. I quickly moved over. Lila was on her side now and was holding Arne's cock. "Come look closer. Isn't it beautiful? See the way the veins move around it. See he's been circumcised. His whole head is showing. I love the way it looks. See how hard it is. Would you like to touch it? Arne is that ok?" "I'd love her to." He answered. His eyes were still closed. I nodded that I would.

"Here, give me your hand. You see the head is just like the softest velvet. Isn't it lovely?" She held my fingers and very gently brushed the head of his cock, then around the rim. It was exactly as she said, the softest thing I had ever touched. She drew her hand away, and I continued on my own.

While I was touching Arne. Lila was using her fingers to play with her engorged nipple in exactly the same motion I was using on Arne. By now, I was extremely aroused. Touching Arne and looking at Lila play with herself through half closed eyes while she was sort of licking her lips, was almost more than I could bare.

I looked over just a little to see that Arne's fingers were playing with the inner lips of Lila's pussy. It was clear that she was very wet. She reached down and held on to Arne's hand and began to move his fingers into her vagina. At that point, it was clear to me that I was extremely affected by the hash. My heart was racing of course, but my senses felt so heightened, I knew it just had to be the Brownie. Knowing that it was from the Brownie was in a way calming. It made me both more relaxed and less anxious knowing where all of these powerful feeling were coming from. It wasn't just feelings though; it was the incredible sensitivity to touch and sound that was also so amazing. Touching Arne's velvety penis head and putting my fingers around the shaft and actually feeling his pulse race in my fingers, was like nothing I could have imagined. Combine my looking at Lila's beautiful naked body and her obvious sexual excitement and to say nothing of my own. Over all of these sensations, was the incredible music and perfume of the lightly burning incense. It was almost too much for me.

I told Lila that I needed to go back to the other bed. I assured her I was feeling wonderful, but I was in a slightly overloaded state and thought I might just be watching for a little while. She said she understood. "You know," She said. "If you want you can slip out of what you're wearing. You can do anything that makes you feel comfortable. You can take part or not. It's completely up to you. You shouldn't feel any pressure. All I want is for you to have the most pleasure you can, and take everything a step at a time. You understand? We simply want you to relax and flow with your feelings. Ok, my darling?"

She reached over and squeezed my hand. I told her I was in a great mood, and that I understood exactly what she was saying. Lila turned away from me. She bent down and took Arne's penis in her mouth. Not the whole thing, just the head. She was holding it in one hand and licking and sucking it. Arne had his eyes closed and was just making encouraging sounds. I looked over and saw that Arne had his fingers in and around Lila's pussy. I could see that Lila was kind of moving her butt, as though she could increase Arne's movements.

By now, I was almost beside myself. My excitement had almost passed the pleasurable state. I felt as though my whole body was screaming for some tactile sensation. Yet, I was worried about touching myself for some odd reason. Considering what Lila and I had been involved with the other night and the fact that, she had obviously arranged this entire evening with great care; it seemed strange that I was feeling so inhibited. As I was mulling over these thoughts, my shyness seemed to evaporate.

I had been "so inside" myself for the last few minutes; I hadn't paid that much attention to Arne and Lila. As I refocused, I was simply able to watch their lovemaking with a new feeling of involvement. It felt great to be aroused by the sight of the two of them touching and tasting each other. It was a beautiful sight. I loved the contrast of Lila's smooth pink body, next to the long angular darker Arne. That contrast was wonderful to see in there intertwined legs. Her soft almost white skin, smooth and slightly pink and shiny, next to his, slightly bony, darker complexioned, with sweet little rings of hair on his legs, dark on his thighs and bleached blonde on his ankles.

I began to remove my tennis shorts. It was clear that I was very wet. I could actually smell myself as I removed my shorts. I was so sensitive at that point that even the coolness of the air on my wet pussy was startling. I began to unbutton my blouse. I was watching them intently. Lila's back was to me and Arne was now mostly hidden behind her. I could see Arne's hand around her butt and between her legs. Her leg was apart; being held that way by Arne's knee. I could see his finger's playing along her swollen labia. It was clear how wet she was. From where I was sitting, I could see that by having her legs apart and with Arne's prying fingers, her vagina was clearly wide open. I could see the wetness of the very pink interior. Her upper thighs were covered in her juices.

I finished unbuttoning my blouse, and carefully slipped out of it. It was as though I was in some kind of time warp. It felt like simply taking my blouse off, had taken an hour as I carefully watched Arne's fingers play with Lila's swollen labia. Listened to Lila's murmuring and The Marvin Gaye CD. Smelling my own juices and the spicy incense. Most of all at this point was my incredible sexual excitement. I was even afraid of touching my own skin.

The friction of removing my blouse and shorts was in itself powerfully erotic. I was desperate to relieve myself, but I was afraid that if I touched myself in any of my usual sensitive places, I would explode into an orgasm that would overwhelm me. I knew this was the hash giving me this feeling, but I was still afraid to try. I glanced down to my breasts held in my bra. My nipples and my entire aureole were so swollen; they seemed twice their normal size.

As I was pondering and feeling all this, I heard Lila telling Arne urgently to, "wait, wait, you have to wait. I don't want to cum yet." I looked over to see Arne remove his hand and knee, and Lila turned to face me. Both are now holding themselves up on their elbows, with their attention on me. I can only see Arne's face and upper body, but Lila is fully facing me. I'm almost overwhelmed by the sight of her flushed, obviously aroused body.

Everything about her seems swollen with desire. Her lips are puffy. Her nipples are a dark pink, obviously engorged, as are her beautiful pussy lips, which are so swollen that they have drawn back to show the deeper pink of her vaginal opening. Her entire body is flushed, especially her upper torso. It's as though her upper body is blushing.

She is looking directly at me. I don't avert my eyes. I love the idea of looking directly at her and telling her with my own eyes, how much I need them to include me. "You see we haven't forgotten you Molly. Come here I want to hold you."

I got up and stepped over to her. She reached around me with her arms and moved her face on to my wet panties. I could feel her nose on my pussy, and her hands on my butt pushing me tight against her. She was deeply breathing in my aroma. I was so excited by what she was doing; I reached behind her head and held her to me. Looking past Lila, I could see Arne's very erect penis beside Lila's butt. Arne was looking at me with a tender soft smile, which I found very reassuring.

Lila moved back, and looked up at me. "Let's take these off," she said, as she peeled my panties down. I kicked them away from my feet. "Bend down, ok? I want to free those sweet things." I kneeled down with my back to her. She quickly unsnapped my bra. I let my bra drop to the floor. The relief of having my breasts free was startling. It was wonderful! Lila reached around and simply took both of her palms and brushed my nipples upward. The sensation was so powerful, I actually cried out. I grabbed her hands and immediately put them back on my breasts. All I could manage to say was, "more". I leaned back against her. She put her arms around my naked waist and kissed the small of my back. It sent chills coursing throughout my body. She loosened herself, and I turned around.

She looked up at me and said, "I know you've never been entered. Would you like to see how it's done?" She looked over at Arne. "Is that alright with you? I'd love for you to be the one to show her." Arne agreed. "Of course I would. Is that cool for you Molly?" Now I was confused. Did they mean he was going to go inside me? Maybe she meant that they would show me by letting me watch them. I simply answered. "I would love that."

Now it was up to them to point the way. All I knew was that I was a bundle of sexual longing. What I needed was relief.

"Let's put the cots together." Lila exclaimed. Here we go again, I thought. Arne slipped off the cot and removed the little table and put it to the side. He picked up the Brownies half, broke it in two, and put the pieces in Lila's and my mouth. I swallowed it hungrily. Finished it up by draining the milk that was left in my glass. It tasted divine. I helped them arrange the cots. All of this took little time. I loved watching Arne's long angular frame. He was extremely natural and graceful in his movements. He had lost just a little of his erection. In some ways, it looked even more desirable because it was still large and beautifully shaped, but it now hung down partly in a lovely graceful arc.

I was still standing at the foot of Arlene's bed when Arne took Lila's hand and indicated that she should lie down. He patted Arlene's bed for me to climb back in, which I did. Lila reached over and grabbed a pillow from my bed. She held it next to herself. Arne got in next to her and I sat cross-legged watching the whole thing. Arne bent down and began to kiss Lila. She hungrily returned the kisses. I could actually see Arne's cock rise. It was incredible. I had never seen that happen before.

He was feeling her breasts all over. First one then the other. She moved his head from her lips and placed it at her breast. Arne was sucking and licking each one. They were very enlarged again. The wetness from Arne's saliva made them even more delectable and I wanted to share in teasing them. Arne's hand was now again playing with Lila's pussy. Her legs were thrown apart to give him as much access as she could.

He was moving his fingers inside her and then to her clitoral hood and labia. Lila was almost humping his fingers she was so excited. She actually finally grabbed his hand and stopped him. I was tentatively, but gently pulling on my own erect nipple. I was still afraid to fully touch myself, for fear of going right into an orgasm. I was so aroused, just pulling on my nipple seemed as much as I could handle just now. Lila pulled the pillow under her ass. She opened her legs wide. She was completely open and wet. Arne moved over so he was between her legs. He was on his knees. His penis was almost sticking upward. I could actually see it pulse with his heartbeat. I felt an overpowering mixed feeling of arousal like hardly anything I had ever felt before. This was combined with my powerful disappointment that it was not I lying there about to be entered. That followed by some relief that it was not I. Talk about mixed feelings!

Lila reached down and guided his cock to her vagina. She wet the tip inside her. She moved it along her labia. I was transfixed. I don't think I was breathing. Arne reached down and placed his penis at the entrance to her vagina, then he slowly moved it into her. He moved very slowly until I could not see anything. He was inside her, and her legs were wrapped around his lower back. They had completely stopped moving. I could hear their heavy breathing, but they never moved at all.

I was mystified. Slowly Arne began to raise himself. I could see his cock come out of Lila's vagina. By now, I was so close that I may have been a foot away. His penis was wet from being inside her and actually had streaks of mucus covering it. The veins on his cock seemed in bold relief. His cock head was a livid purple pink. Arne sat back on his haunches. Lila opened her eyes and looked up at me with a slight sweet smile. She nodded her head at me as though say "yes". She began to roll over and slide to my side of the doubled cots. She was now almost siting next to me. I could smell the combined juices of our flowing pussies. It was a heady scent.

Arne was still sitting quietly on his heels. "It's your turn," Lila said in a very quiet voice. She patted the place she had just left. "Do you want too? I'll help. Ok?" I was almost overcome with excited anticipation. I answered by taking Arne's outstretched hand and moving to the warm place that Lila had just left. The pillow was still in place. I felt as though I was lying down in the exact impression of her body. Which I was!

Lying down was heavenly. All the tension in my body changed to sexual energy. I never felt more sexually alive and open to anything. Both Arne and Lila were stroking my inner thighs. It was wonderful. With their other hands, they were playing over my mouth and nipples. Then they began to take their fingers and run them where my thigh met my outer labia. It was a heavenly place. I was stretching myself as open as I could. I wanted them to touch me inside but they began to stroke my swollen little pedals. I could feel one of them just go to my vaginal opening and place some moisture on their fingertip, then lubricate the hood of my clit and my labia. In a short time, I was completely wet all over.

Lila bent over and stuck her tongue in my mouth. I sucked at her hungrily. She withdrew and moved to my ear.

She whispered. "Are you ready?" I answered. "Oh yes please, please." In but a moment, Lila scampered up to be by my head. She gently put my head on her lap. Arne had not moved. He then began to touch me again. He was wetting his fingers in me. It was exquisite. I was a little afraid he would make me cum. Just as that thought crossed my mind. I felt Lila's hands and fingers making circles around my aureole and nipples. Another incredible sensation.

I looked down to see Arne wetting his cock with the juices from my inflamed pussy. I knew instinctively what was going to happen, and opened my legs as wide as I could. Arne placed his cock head at my vagina. Then he began to enter. I was surprised at how easily it began to slide in. Somehow, I thought it would be more difficult, but it was apparent that they were made for each other. I loved the feeling of being filled up This was a lot better than a hair- brush. I could feel the heat of his cock deep within me. Without even being aware of it, I thrust myself up at him to try to get him to go in even further.

He rewarded me with a return thrust, and then he began moving back and forth. For a moment, I thought he might remove it from inside me, but he only just came out to where the head was just buried within my inner lips. Lila was playing with my nipples. She was keeping time to Arne's movements. She then, would reach down and hold my legs wide apart. She held them wide open. The feeling was so intense when she did this. I couldn't' do that myself. It was too hard to hold my legs like that. I found. I kept trying to wrap my legs around Arne's ass. Which also was terrific. While Lila held my legs apart Arne was moving in and out of me, then moving the head of his very wet penis to my clit, where he rubbed it about before he would plunge back inside me. He did this a few times, and the feeling was beyond anything I could have imagined. I could tell from his breathing that he was getting close to cuming, and God knows, I knew that I was on the very edge with him.

I was moving my pelvis to meet him. I was completely unconscious of what I was doing. My body was on it's own. Arne began to move even faster and I knew this was it. I even reached down to touch myself, and that was it. Lila bent down and whispered in my ear, "give it up, give it up. " She pulled my nipple and that was the moment of starting to cum.

I felt Arne give one giant thrust, then I could actually feel his semen squirt up at my womb. It was beyond belief. Then he did it again with a giant shutter of his whole body. I was having one incredible orgasm after another. I could actually feel my vagina contact each time around his penis. It felt sublime. So complete. Arne was still pumping, but he was slowing down. So was I.

I realized that Lila was no longer holding me. From the corner of my eye, I could see that she was leaning against the wall. One leg was raised and the other was lying just over my head. Her hand was moving rapidly at her own pussy, while she pulled at her nipple. Her mouth was contorted. She was right in the midst of her own orgasm. I could actually feel Arne's and Lila's and my own shutters through the mattress and the touching of our skin.

I felt we had become one. I seemed to be suspended in a series of small after waves of desire. I was coming down very slowly from the shattering orgasm. I also felt I was in a cloud of smells. First, Lila's and my own internal juices, kind of rich ocean beach like odor. Then the slightly ammonia smell of Arne's semen, which was leaking out of my vagina, with droplets cooling on my lower stomach and in my pubic hair. Lila had sort of collapsed around my head. Arne was now lying right next to me, looking completely spent. Strangely, even though I had just had the most incredible cum of my life, I did not feel completely satiated. I still felt a slight buzz of sexual desire, like a hot glowing ember. I just had a terrific urge to bring myself off some more. I reached down to my soaked pussy and began in my old way to masturbate.

I heard Lila say very quietly. " You want me to help you? You up to doing me?" I told her, "sure, I just need a little more." She moved down to my pussy, while she straddled me. Arne moved close to the wall to make room. Her pussy was right in my face. I began to lick and suck her. My nose was against her clit. She was doing the same. Then she inserted her finger in me, and With out warning I started to cum again. Not a giant cum, but a very satisfying culmination.

I think my tongue was shooting all over Lila as I came and she certainly could feel my convulsion, because she began to orgasm also. My mouth was filled with her delicious juices. I adored it, and her.

She sort of collapsed at that point. I just continued to kiss her inner thighs as a way of thanking her for her extroidenary generosity. We stayed still for a while. Then we slowly untangled ourselves. I leaned over and kissed Arne and Lila and deeply thanked them for the most precious gift I had ever received. They were both so sweet and complimentary of the way that I had responded. We started to laugh at how we were each of us trying to out do the other in our lavish praise. It was only a way of trying to communicate how much I appreciated what they had done for me.

I think we were all somewhat overcome by the moment. The powerful sexual release, combined with the lingering effects of the hash, finally did us all in. I crawled back into the other bed, pulled the blanket up and that was the last thing I remember.

It was dark when I felt a gentle pressure on my shoulder. Lila was murmuring, "I'm so sorry darling. You have to go to your room. Arlene will be here in a few hours. I think it's better if Mandy finds you in your bed in the morning. Ok my darling? Here, you can use my robe. I've put your things together." I completely understood. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed. I could taste myself on her lips. I climbed out of the bed and sleepily made my way to my room. Mandy was sound asleep. I slipped under the covers and that was it.

Some how I woke up before Mandy. I made my way to the shower. She was getting up when I returned. She never said a word about whether she noticed my not being in bed when she returned. We continued what we called our "taking care of each other" for the rest of the summer. Of course, Lila and I continued our relationship, with Arne an occasional participant. They both were exceptionally loving teachers. The end of the summer came rather quickly. It was something of a letdown to find myself back at home. Of course, it was great seeing my folks and my brother, yet I had to face the fact that I was at loose ends and feeling somewhat depressed after such an amazing spring and summer. I guess you might call it an awakening, and the more I thought of it that way, and of all the possibilities that were now before me, the happier I felt...

I now understood that the rest of my life had begun.

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