Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Mar 9, 2002


Date: Friday, March 7, 2002 From: Leila Benson Subject: "The Rest of My Life" (Part # 17)

Lesbian/Beginning; (F/f) Part # 17 "Camping with Molly"

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Which of course, is turning you on! The very first story I wrote was published some months ago. It was called "Joan and I " That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters or parts. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. While it focuses on Lesbian relationships, there are some graphic (F/m) parts. What can I say, it's my life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further. Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, her friend and mother of Cindy, who she baby sits for, and other friends and lovers.

Leila Benson

Part # 17

I woke up to my shoulder being touched. There was little Ben standing there. "Mommy said when your ready you should come downstairs." Go tell Mommy I'll be right down, Ok?" He padded off, and I heard him go downstairs. I walked out into the hall and yelled down the stairwell. "Hi! Good morning! I'm going to take a quick shower. Be right down." Hannah yelled back up. " I put your clothes in the bathroom. They're hanging behind the door!" I showered, changed and came downstairs.

Hannah's beauty made me catch my breath. That she and I had made love the previous night was almost a dreamlike memory that was quickly displaced by the depth and intimacy of her good morning kiss, which almost stunned me and left me slightly dizzy. "God, Hannah if you do that again, I'll never leave." Hannah laughed. "Is that a promise? By the way, Mark called while you were in the shower. The road is going to be opened after lunch. He wants you to stay here; you'll just leave the Station Wagon. They'll pick you up and take you home directly from here. I'll leave about the same time. So we have the morning together, and it's a lovely morning to. Nick's Mom and Dad are picking up Ben. Their taking him for the day, so we'll have some time to just relax."

Almost as though on cue, we heard a honk and the slamming of a car door. Ben came running into the kitchen all excited, yelling, "Grandpa and Grandma!"

He's leading into the kitchen, a nice looking middle aged couple. They are smiling at Ben's enthusiastic greeting. They give Hannah a big hug and kiss. I'm introduced as the Bogart's babysitter filling in here. No other questions are asked. Arrangements are made for Ben to be dropped at home at six o'clock. Nick's folk's sweep out with Ben in tow, as fast as they had arrived.

I have a cup of coffee and some cereal, thank Hannah for washing my clothes. I'm still feeling somewhat dazed from the nights memory, and Hannah's good morning kiss and the fast moving plans. We move out to the screened in porch. It is a gorgeous day. The storm has scrubbed everything clean. It's crystal clear, with a gentle breeze and bright sunlight. It's a perfect early September day.

We sit down on the cushioned rattan chairs with our coffee. I feel a little calmer. Hannah reaches out and holds my hand.

"Molly, can I ask you a question? If it seems to personal, tell me. I promise if you don't, it's fine. I admit I'm very interested in what happened this summer. It's obviously had a wonderful effect on you. Allison remarked on it, and of course I saw it also."

As she was asking, I was already thinking about what if anything I would say. The moment I decided I would tell her the story I relaxed. Now it was just a matter of where to begin.

"I guess I would love to tell you. I know that just like Allison I can trust both of you completely. In many ways talking about it, I think will make it even more real and sort some of it out. I guess I simply should start at the beginning. Last spring I had my first real sexual experience, but this is about this summer, so I'll just tell you about that. I was really looking forward to Camp. By the way it's called " Camp Penosket". I know this is hard to believe, but my Mom went there too when she was about my age.

I had gone there since I was eight, and I loved the place. I especially loved the Art's Program. The camp is, I think, well known for it, at least that's what I've been told. When I was fourteen I was asked if I wanted to help out in the Art Room. This doesn't mean that you're a Counselor in Training, you have to be sixteen for that, but it was a way of seeing if you might be one when you were older. Anyway, I loved the job. That year I met Lila for the first time. She was the Assistant Arts counselor. She was eighteen then, and frankly, I had what I think they call a "crush on her". I think it happened the moment I saw her on the first day of camp. I didn't even know she was a counselor of mine. She had long dark, very curly hair and strong features. I especially loved her full, wide sensuous mouth. She was of average height, yet she walked with such a stride and with her shoulders thrown back that she appeared taller. My description of her of course is with some years of recollection. At that moment of time, I simply found her beautiful.

That summer I sort of had my apprenticeship in the Arts room and followed Lila around like a puppy. It was a terrific summer. I learned a lot about being an Art Councilor and Lila became a friend. I don't want to give the impresion that she especially favored me or anything, because that's not the way it was. She was friendly to everyone. She kind of made me feel special, but I think she was pretty even handed in the way she treated all of us. Everyone loved her. I was heartbroken when the following year Lila did not come back. The girl who took her place was very nice, but I was crushed that Lila had not returned.

I actually dreamed about Lila. I can't say that they were really sexual dreams, nothing like that. Just a lot of hugging and being in special places with her. Always alone of course. This past spring I was asked if I wanted to be a Councilor in Training. It was no surprise that I was asked, but even so, I was very pleased and so were Mom and Dad. I think it was in May I had to go to an orientation meeting at the Camp office in the city. My Dad drove me in and dropped me off. After a sort of general meeting of the new Counselors in training, we went to various rooms where the programs and groups you were assigned to were meeting. What a surprise when I found out that Lila was the new Head Art Councilor. She of course knew I was her assistant, and seemed very happy that I was. She seemed even more alluring to me. I was going to share a double room on one side of the big Art Room with a girl by the name of Tammy. I knew her from other summers, but not that well. She was the new Councilor in Training in the Pottery and Ceramics section.

She seemed like a nice girl. She was my age of course, and rather small. She looked younger than sixteen, yet she was in many ways more developed physically than I was. I admit I was rather taken by her full breasts and butt. Her face, kind of setoff by her very blonde short hair and deep blue eyes were very child like.

Lila was in charge of half of the program, which consisted of all the drawing, painting and sculpture and Arlene did the Pottery and Ceramic section. Oh yes Arlene. She was much older than Lila. I would say she was in her early thirties. She was a professional Potter the rest of the year. I knew since I started at the camp many years before. I guess we all knew she was a lesbian. She always wore very "boylike" clothing. Her brown hair was extremely short. Her hands were always kind of dirty and rough from working with the clay and the kiln. She was a very gentle and in many ways the kindest of people. She always gave everyone such a warm greeting, and was always ready to listen to everyone's "troubles" that she seemed connected to us all

That was our cast of characters. Arlene was supposed to share a room at the other end of the big Art Hall with Lila, but it turned out that Arlene slept elsewhere. Only later did I find out with who.

Just a few words about where everything was, or I should say the geography of where we worked and lived. The Art Center was a big rectangle with an L off of one end. The big room was the one we worked in. Our room, I mean for Tammy and myself, was on one end. We used bathrooms that the camper's used who were in the Art Hall. We were supposed to use a shower room that was attached to an eight bunk camper building across the way. As I told you, Arlene and Lila shared, I guess you could call it a small suite at the other end of the building. You entered it and you were in a small office living room, with a small fridge and hot plate. On one side was a full bathroom with a shower. The other door led to the bedroom, which had two beds. It wasn't very big, but there was enough room for a side table between the beds, a small table and chair and a bureau. There was a closet also with sliding doors. Compared to our small room, they lived in a palace. The counselor for the last few years had sort of decorated it with art posters and bright fabrics at the window. It was very nice.

The first few days were without the kids. It was spent preparing the room and the materials. We worked like dogs. Lila and Arlene were great bosses. They worked as hard or harder than we did. The few days past quickly. I barely had time to think of anything, let alone my feelings about Lila. I think I fell asleep as my head hit the pillow for the last four nights. This day was slightly more relaxed. It was clear we were really ready for the kids, who were arriving tomorrow, but would start their Art Program the following day.

Lila and Arlene invited Tammy and I to have dessert in their room after supper. They wanted to thank us for the hard work. Lila looked great. Her hair was wet from a shower and she was in a long denim skirt and blouse. Almost dressed up for a camp setting. Arlene wearing her usual Carpenter's jeans and a tee shirt, but she looked clean and showered. We sat down in the bedroom while Arlene left to get the dessert. She came back with a bottle of champagne and a packaged cake. Arlene announced. "Only the very best Spanish Champagne for our trusty crew."

We were both thrilled. It was so sweet, and the champagne! I had never, except maybe a few sips, ever had my own glass of Champagne before." This Champagne is our secret girls." Arlene told us. "To the best CITs yet, with our thanks." We clinked our glasses all around and proceeded to eat the cake, chat away and of course finish the Champagne. At one point, Arlene gave us all kisses and left, wishing us a good night indicating that she actually was sleeping elsewhere. In a few minutes we gave Lila a kind of tipsy thanks and a hug good night and went to our room.

I guess I was kind of excited from the evenings little party and was not quite ready to get to sleep. I put on my nightgown and after the usual before bed brushing and washing I sat down on the end of the bed and waited for Mandy. I realized I had always up to then, been asleep or the lights were out when she had gotten in bed. Tonight she came in wearing her nightgown. I was knocked out. It was a Baby Doll! It barely covered her butt, and it was obvious that she had taken off her panties.

I must admit I was staring and she of course noticed. I quickly told her how much I liked her nightgown. She seemed very pleased by my noticing it, and thanked me. That encouraged me to add how what a great shape she had and that I felt a little jealous. She laughed and told me that she had developed breasts when she was eleven and often thought they were a pain, but she had gotten used to them and rather enjoyed showing them off a little now. I was certainly glad I had broken the ice. I told her about how late I had been to develop and that even now I didn't have very much. She seemed very interested, but I didn't really know where to take the conversation.

Out of the blue, she asked me if my nipples were sensitive? I told her they were very sensitive especially in the week before my period. She agreed that hers were also, but they just became even more so then. I asked her if I could ask her a personal question. I told her if she said yes that I would tell her something personal first. She agreed readily, shaking her head with enthusiasm.

"Ok" I said. "Here goes. I masturbate quite a bit. Your talking about your breasts sort of reminded me that I like to pull my nipple when I do it.

Anyway, I guess my question is, are you still a virgin? I'll admit right away that I am."

Even before I finished the question, Mandy was nodding yes. "I've done some really heavy petting I guess but I never went all the way. So were both in the same place, and I have to admit that I get myself off a lot, believe me. Sometimes in school, I'll even go to the john, just to do it, you know, to relieve myself. So were even. Hey, I love sharing these things with you Molly." I told her that I agreed, and slipped under the covers.

"Should I put out the light?" I asked her. She agreed and I turned it off. "Good night Mandy. I just want to say one other thing. You know I've never shared a room before, so if you want to get yourself off you can just do it and not worry about me hearing and I'll feel better about doing it myself. Is that ok with you? Is that a deal?"

"Boy Molly, that is so considerate, really very sweet. Thank you. I agree completely." "Ok" I said. "A deal is a deal. Let's go to sleep now. Sweet dreams Mandy. Remember anytime you want." "Goodnight Molly. I won't forget believe me."

That conversation set the mood for the whole summer. Was I glad we had it! In a short while I heard Mandy's bed creaking a little and heard her breathing change to a little pant. I of course knew she was doing it, and knowing that got me worked up and I started. We both from what I could hear came at about the same time. I whispered, "goodnight." So did she.

Next: Chapter 18

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